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Per Alex Marvez Pagano will be back as HC in 2017 (merge)


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Just now, Restored said:


Money will become a real issue for Irsay when fans stop going to games next year. 

Yep, even most casual fans, as much as they lack football knowledge, can understand that Pagano was the one responsible for losing these games and the team looking so unprepared. This is a case where the casual and hardcore fans agree, and I hope this team does even worse this year just so Irsay pays for his actions. He basically spit in all our faces by keeping Pagano. There are plenty of coaching candidates from the college and pro level. This is worse case scenario, mediocrity. Where you don't make the playoffs, and you don't get a high draft pick to get elite talent.

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Well, now that we know for sure he's our coach going forward, I can talk about how much I disliked his "the Jags game went exactly how we drew it up" quote.

I know he's a master of cliche media speak, but he's talked about the slow starts a lot before. He's even gone as far as saying that it's who this team is. Of course, they fixed the slow starts but ran into the problem of no showing 2nd halfs. There's a really alarming trend that this team consistently looks just plain bad for either most of the 1st or 2nd half. Here he is talking about 60 minutes of good football, but most weeks we can barely put up 30.

Some of it is on the players sure, but it seems like Chuck can either do one thing. Gameplan a good beginning or adjust for a good second half. We rarely see both.

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4 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

face it, this is offical


the local news said they have word from irsay, and pagano is coming back.  he also said there was no need for a press conference due to him already being under contract


that makes sense too, why hold a conference just so every one can blast the decision

There is nothing to face.  The situation has always been the same - Irsay will stay the course unless he can get the coach he wants...today it looks like he couldn't get the guys he wanted so he'll keep the guys he has. But we don't know anything today we didn't know yesterday.


Reporters are trying not to be last...so they are dancing around confirmations that seem like news.  All the local guys know is that Irsay isn't planning to say anything today.  That is not news...but they have to say something in the news business.



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I feel that maybe those in Denmark don't understand the game very well then....


Trust me I am as annoyed as anyone about Pagano, but I guess Irsay thinks he needs one more shot. 


Personal is the major problem....especially on defense.  We lack any good LB's which is something that must happen.  IF we start getting pressure on the QB then the DB's will look a lot better.....The Colts pass rush improved this year slightly from last year, but some fresh faces need to be brought in to rush the QB definitely.


In regards to Philbin....two things, 1. It is near impossible to make wholesale changes to the way a line plays in one year without some headaches.  2.  The line improved as the season went on.  Moving forward I think Castanzo, Mewhort, Kelly, Haeg are all solid.  RT is the big issue which we can take care of.  I expect the line to do much better in year two of Philbin. 


Mathis is a locker room guy, but he was spent this year, the strip sack to end his career was fitting, but that is about all he had this season. To put it into perspective, I am a huge Kevin Garnett fan....KG was a great vocal leader, but he two was hurting his team the last couple of years because he was older and didn't have it anymore.... Mathis was in the same boat (I for one hopes he comes back and helps coach pass rush, which he has mentioned)


AND FINALLY your right LUCK AIN'T BAD...HE'S ACTUALLY PRETTY DAMN GOOD!  I am so tired of people saying he's just okay.  The man just got pressured on 44% of his dropbacks this year, highest in the league, and still had a 31TD to 13INT ratio, which is darn good.  If Philbin's line improves like I suspect next year then I believe Luck will have a shot to be in the MVP running next year! IMO! 


In my opinion, if we can find two guys who can rush the passer, and find a RT.....which I know is a big if...then we have a chance to be a very, verrrry tough team to beat next year.



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3 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

To those saying we just need time for this reboot to work, haven't the last 5 years of bad coaching from Pagano shown you he has reached his peak and he won't improve?


Umm, the clock was reset a year ago.

I could have seen this go either way, but figured they'd both stay. Especially Grigson.

A vast turnover in coaches, and the improvement of the OL kept Pagano here. JMO

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2 minutes ago, ztboiler said:

There is nothing to face.  The situation has always been the same - Irsay will stay the course unless he can get the coach he wants...today it looks like he couldn't get the guys he wanted so he'll keep the guys he has. But we don't know anything today we didn't know yesterday.


Reporters are trying not to be last...so they are dancing around confirmations that seem like news.  All the local guys know is that Irsay isn't planning to say anything today.  That is not news...but they have to say something in the news business.




Even if he couldn't get who he wanted, it was still dumb to go handing out 4 year extension like free tickets. 

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8 minutes ago, ztboiler said:

There is nothing to face.  The situation has always been the same - Irsay will stay the course unless he can get the coach he wants...today it looks like he couldn't get the guys he wanted so he'll keep the guys he has. But we don't know anything today we didn't know yesterday.


Reporters are trying not to be last...so they are dancing around confirmations that seem like news.  All the local guys know is that Irsay isn't planning to say anything today.  That is not news...but they have to say something in the news business.



If Irsay couldn't get who he wanted, with Andrew Luck as QB, then it just shows how much Pagano ruined the image of this team. This team should be bursting at the seems with people wanting to interview for the HC job. You couldn't get anyone you wanted Irsay? Maybe if you weren't locking yourself up in your house, scared to announce to fans who have caught up to the nonsense, that you're keeping that pile of crap as a coach, and you don't want to face the media about it. I don't believe saban ever got interviewed or even discussed being HC. That would of happened after the National Championship game.

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3 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Maybe it's you weren't locking yourself up in your house, scared to announce to fans who have caught up to the nonsense, that you're keeping that pile of crap as a coach, and you don't want to face the media about it.


Good heavens...

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Just now, Superman said:


Good heavens...

Superman, I'm sorry, but I'm upset. This is the first year I may not watch football. I figure out patterns in poker as a huge skill to exploit people's weaknesses and make money. Pagano isn't getting better, he'd always do things the same if he could change them. He won't change what he does, he's too bullheaded and stubborn. He got Irsay to extend him for 4 years, he has Andrew Luck to make him look good, so why should he. He's here for a paycheck, he certainly isn't here to win anything.

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31 minutes ago, buccolts said:


Good, then I suspect you'll be pleasantly surprised.

At least I hope so, as I know you do also.

If they disappoint, I suspect that's when they'll be gone, and you can still be happy.

It's a win, win, really.


Looking at the bright side I like it. 

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I'm not expecting any change for the 2017 team. They'll beat up on the bad teams, beat maybe 1 elite team, but have another 8-8 season. Their ceiling is probably 9-7.


Trust me, if the Jaguars next coach is good and our other division opponents have a good offseason, the Colts will miss the playoffs again.

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5 hours ago, krunk said:

When are yall gonna realize the guy needs better than substandard athletes to run his D? Of course you will suck with nothing but low scale free agents and draft busts like Chapman heading your defense.

I guess that excuses all of Chuckle's poor poor coaching decisions?  Give me a break.  My guess is that Irsay wasn't pleased with Pags (who would be), but didn't want to make a change unless he had a home run candidate so that we don't end up in the same situation once again.  Apparently he didn't get who he wanted.  Or who knows?  Maybe Irsay never had any plans at all of replacing Pagano this year, which is plausible.   We'll never know.  Either way, gear up for another year of fake punt disasters, bad timeouts, poor clock management, and terrible play calls.  Then people like you can lay the entire disaster at the feet of Grigson for not having enough talent.  By the way, I'm not a Grigs fan either, but to bury your head in the sand regarding Chuckle's poor coaching is ridiculous.  

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1 minute ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

All I want is for my home state franchises to not suck but they continue to keep doing the same stupid % :Cry:

You can come with me to the Casino every Sunday. I'll teach you Texas Hold em, and we'll win poker tourneys. We can feel like winners then.

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2 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

I'm not expecting any change for the 2017 team. They'll beat up on the bad teams, beat maybe 1 elite team, but have another 8-8 season. Their ceiling is probably 9-7.


Trust me, if the Jaguars next coach is good and our other division opponents have a good offseason, the Colts will miss the playoffs again.

I hope so!!!

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8 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Superman, I'm sorry, but I'm upset. This is the first year I may not watch football. I figure out patterns in poker as a huge skill to exploit people's weaknesses and make money. Pagano isn't getting better, he'd always do things the same if he could change them. He won't change what he does, he's too bullheaded and stubborn. He got Irsay to extend him for 4 years, he has Andrew Luck to make him look good, so why should he. He's here for a paycheck, he certainly isn't here to win anything.


Disliking the situation and disagreeing with the decisions being made is reasonable. 


Lots of people are jumping off the deep end, including lots of personal insults. I know fan = fanatic, but goodness... 

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2 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

I'm not expecting any change for the 2017 team. They'll beat up on the bad teams, beat maybe 1 elite team, but have another 8-8 season. Their ceiling is probably 9-7.


Trust me, if the Jaguars next coach is good and our other division opponents have a good offseason, the Colts will miss the playoffs again.

The Jags will probably end up drafting Dalvin Cook. Our "victory" over them will end up being torture for the next 10 years as that single game made the AFC South the most competitive division in football. With Cook and a solid new coach, they could go 8-8 next year and make things interesting. We could get swept in the division next year.

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15 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

If Irsay couldn't get who he wanted, with Andrew Luck as QB, then it just shows how much Pagano ruined the image of this team. This team should be bursting at the seems with people wanting to interview for the HC job. You couldn't get anyone you wanted Irsay? Maybe if you weren't locking yourself up in your house, scared to announce to fans who have caught up to the nonsense, that you're keeping that pile of crap as a coach, and you don't want to face the media about it. I don't believe saban ever got interviewed or even discussed being HC. That would of happened after the National Championship game.

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.    You just come up with stuff in your head and think it's reality.  Plenty of coaches would love to come here.  Irsay believes in Pagano.   Giving him another year to prove it

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5 hours ago, krunk said:

No. Grigson made those mistakes early on as a Novice to the role. Now that reality has opened his eyes he has done better. I expect he will do another solid job with the draft this year. He has learned for the most part. Chuck ain't that bad either. You can only do so well playing with substandard part and holes all over the team. The results will naturally be up and down until you get the team balanced out. Hell Saban, Gruden, or Harbaugh would have problems with all the different parts of this team that need maintenance. That's hard to coach with a line that don't block and a defense that doesn't defend. I think it forces you into a bombs away mentality from the opening snap. Both of them certainly have room to improve though.


 I still firmly believe Irsay "mentored" Grigson into several of "his" early mistakes. He still feels Guilt!!
 Another draft like last season and 1-2 VG FA pickups, beyond re-signing Jack, and we should see the Results on the field.
  I Got them High Hopes! lol  Go Coooooooolts!  :cheer:

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1 minute ago, colts8718 said:

I will never root for our opponents but its hard to root for Pagano and Grigson

That is so true I got to find a new hobby because eight months is a long time to wait just to watch this team stink again. I can't root for Pagano and Grigson your so right. 

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2 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.    You just come up with stuff in your head and think it's reality.  Plenty of coaches would love to come here.  Irsay believes in Pagano.   Giving him another year to prove it


I don't know. I think he believes he owes them a lot of money and giving them another year is less money out of his pocket.

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4 hours ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Hate to say I told you so, but ya'll didn't listen.  This letdown you feel is your own fault.  I'll take your silence as "You were right, OPC."


Thanks guys.  I'm glad finally came to your senses.

I knew this back in October haha I guess 80% of people in here will have to quit following the team LOL - which wont happen. People I know personally said they will quit going games if Chuck remained Coach, - ok they wont trust me, they will still go. Every game will still sell out anyway like it has for 20 years. I am ok with this because I already knew this would happen. He wasn't firing anyone after 1 year of a 4 year deal. I can see it after next season if we go 8-8 again but not now. I would also say there were probably no better candidates at this time that wanted the job to defend Irsay.

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I am still confused on how people think Luck is just ok? He actually had solid numbers and other than being injured last year, has put up incredible numbers with little around him.  No run game so people game plan against him for the most part.  Yet he lead the league in TD's two years ago.  He had great stats this year as well and with our line starting to improve he will only be better.  Give us a better offensive scheme and the possibilities are endless.

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2 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.    You just come up with stuff in your head and think it's reality.  Plenty of coaches would love to come here.  Irsay believes in Pagano.   Giving him another year to prove it

He doesn't believe in Pagano, he doesn't want to lose money, and he's too embarrassed to admit his mistake. He's hoping a 3rd place schedule will make him and Pagano look good with his decision not to fire him. I have a better chance to prove I'm ready to be the coach next year than Pagano does, and that's none.

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