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on JMV today / Peyton Manning rumors (merge)


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Just now, #12. said:

It would certainly energize the fan base - a complete culture change, and that's we need.  



Yes a culture change could definitely rejuvenize the whole team. I think the team culture has gone stale after the 2nd straight of missing the Playoffs. I really thought we would beat Houston and win the Division but it didn't happen. When we lost to Houston in Indy everybody on the team seem to take it stride which I thought was odd. As a fan I was *.

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20 hours ago, LockeDown said:

Peyton was a coach/coordinator/QB on the field.  He studied tape more than the staff.  You can't tell me he had zero input on draft day either.  He remembers obscure plays 3'years ago on a Tuesday.  He is waaaay smarter than Elway.  Elway got by on talent.  Peyton got by on his brains.  Irsay could hire co-GMs, Manning and some vet to help him.  He would pick it up quicker than anyone.  Polian said Manning would be a tremendous GM.  

Peyton is "waaay smarter than Elway"??  Yeah, I'm betting not.  They guy has has a degree in economics from Stanford.  

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9 hours ago, DougDew said:

Not that I want Manning, but John Elway has shown that its possible to get plucked from stardom and put into GMing and being successful.

Not entirely true.  Even though he didn't have NFL front office experience, he was given an opportunity in the Arena League with the Colorado Crush and, as he himself states, earned his "MBA in football".  He also was co-owner of restaurants as well and learned a lot about business from that end.  So he wasn't a TOTAL newb when it came to leadership, contracts, finances, etc.

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22 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

I agree.......no one ever said Luck would be Peyton Manning..

No one ever said that Eli Manning would be Peyton Manning..


Luck was a cant miss prospect and he hasn't misse..no open I ever heard seriously suggested Luck would

put up wins and numbers like Mannind did for a deacade

...but contrarians (ones who need to have an 'against the grain opinion' to show they have an 'edge' to them) claimed that was said......so they could be the only ones 'bold' enough to "tell the truth",





So were you in a coma when they said that Luck is the next Peyton Manning up till the 2012 draft because I heard that a lot especially from the local guys. I also saw the "Suck for Luck" campaign around here.  Yet people are backtracking acting as if people didn't say this before he was drafted.


Look there was nothing wrong with the Colts moving on from Manning I just don't agree that the Colts got the better end of the deal when Manning went on to win elsewhere and the Colts are at a crossroads. 


Luck is very good but I don't see him as the next Peyton I'm not sure we'll see anyone like Peyton in a very long long time. At the very least nobody should question that he was the better pick than RG3

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5 hours ago, #12. said:

One thing is certain:  If you thought it was difficult criticizing Grigson at times on this forum, imagine attempting to criticize Peyton, God himself, after his first bad decision.  Hater, troll, communist.  lol  



Which is why I don't buy this why would Manning put himself in this position for Irsay to possible fire him yet again?  Or vice versa I just don't see it. Its like Elway with Denver he's practically unfireable even though I think he lucked out on a lot of his GM decisions up to this point.


I think Peyton has higher aspirations than to be a "GM" he could possibly be a part owner with the Titans where he won't have to worry about possibly being fired.


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5 minutes ago, CF4L said:



So were you in a coma when they said that Luck is the next Peyton Manning up till the 2012 draft because I heard that a lot especially from the local guys. I also saw the "Suck for Luck" campaign around here.  Yet people are backtracking acting as if people didn't say this before he was drafted.


Look there was nothing wrong with the Colts moving on from Manning I just don't agree that the Colts got the better end of the deal when Manning went on to win elsewhere and the Colts are at a crossroads. 


Luck is very good but I don't see him as the next Peyton I'm not sure we'll see anyone like Peyton in a very long long time. At the very least nobody should question that he was the better pick than RG3

Won't be another,  Luck is Elway..not a bad problem to have 

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18 minutes ago, CF4L said:



So were you in a coma when they said that Luck is the next Peyton Manning up till the 2012 draft because I heard that a lot especially from the local guys. I also saw the "Suck for Luck" campaign around here.  Yet people are backtracking acting as if people didn't say this before he was drafted.


Look there was nothing wrong with the Colts moving on from Manning I just don't agree that the Colts got the better end of the deal when Manning went on to win elsewhere and the Colts are at a crossroads. 


Luck is very good but I don't see him as the next Peyton I'm not sure we'll see anyone like Peyton in a very long long time. At the very least nobody should question that he was the better pick than RG3

There will never be another Peyton so who cares. You act like we made the wrong move when we let him go and Drafted Luck. We 100% made the right move. Luck is much younger and he is Good, Luck is very capable of winning the SB if we build a Defense. We had to rebuild and get under the Salary Cap, only way to do that was cut ties with Peyton and cut ties other Vet players. With the Roster we had Peyton wouldn't of won a SB and our Salary Cap would've been awful, we did him a favor actually. Also, and I have debated with you on this months ago, Peyton has no bitterness toward Irsay or the city of Indy. Not sure why you continually think that? You are the one that sounds bitter to me that we let Peyton go IMO. If he did have a problem with Irsay, he would've never came back here for a retirement presser or the 2006 Championship reunion.

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On 12/28/2016 at 8:10 PM, Superman said:

All these people complaining about how 'GRIGSON IS GOING TO WASTE LUCK'S PRIME!!!' but want to hire someone with zero front office experience and let him learn on the job???


Very objective...

Strength in numbers was usually a good thing until the internet came about.


If we hire a guy with zero experience with Andrew Luck entering his prime, i think its such a great offense to warrant following another team, or at least denouncing the Colts. I dont care if it is Peyton Manning. It is the type of rumor the belies all logic and sound business principles.  But then again, I wont believe this rumor unless it actually happens.

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38 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

There will never be another Peyton so who cares. You act like we made the wrong move when we let him go and Drafted Luck. We 100% made the right move. Luck is much younger and he is Good, Luck is very capable of winning the SB if we build a Defense. We had to rebuild and get under the Salary Cap, only way to do that was cut ties with Peyton and cut ties other Vet players. With the Roster we had Peyton wouldn't of won a SB and our Salary Cap would've been awful, we did him a favor actually. Also, and I have debated with you on this months ago, Peyton has no bitterness toward Irsay or the city of Indy. Not sure why you continually think that? You are the one that sounds bitter to me that we let Peyton go IMO. If he did have a problem with Irsay, he would've never came back here for a retirement presser or the 2006 Championship reunion.



I never said it was the wrong move I just find the revisionist history around here laughable when people act as if Irsay didn't say these things. Or that Manning did take offense to them before his return to Indy.  Or that people didn't agree with Irsay's comments. Or that people didn't already act as if Luck was going to revolutionize the position.  I think Peyton benefitted more than the Colts unless Andrew wins an SB and barring major changes I don't see that. I doubt Irsay thought that would happen when he made the move either.


That being said  of course Peyton isn't going to say anything bad publically about the Colts (or Broncos) that's not a good look doesn't mean he isn't human and has forgotten about all of this either.  He doesn't do anything that makes him look bad or bitter. Of course he was going to be a part of the 2006 reunion it wouldn't be one without him. Did you think he would skip that? 




I just think Peyton is way too savvy to want to come back here as a GM when he could be a part owner elsewhere and not have to worry about people wanting him fired etc.


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5 hours ago, #12. said:

It would certainly energize the fan base - a complete culture change, and that's we need.  



Yeah, and dont forget, we need a coach who screams. Lets hire Corey Taylor, the lead singer of Slipknot. He yells alot, well used to anyway. If we cant get him, maybe someone on here who types in all caps a lot.

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14 minutes ago, CF4L said:



I never said it was the wrong move I just find the revisionist history around here laughable when people act as if Irsay didn't say these things. Or that Manning did take offense to them before his return to Indy.  Or that people didn't agree with Irsay's comments. Or that people didn't already act as if Luck was going to revolutionize the position.  I think Peyton benefitted more than the Colts unless Andrew wins an SB and barring major changes I don't see that. I doubt Irsay thought that would happen when he made the move either.


That being said  of course Peyton isn't going to say anything bad publically about the Colts (or Broncos) that's not a good look doesn't mean he isn't human and has forgotten about all of this either.  He doesn't do anything that makes him look bad or bitter. Of course he was going to be a part of the 2006 reunion it wouldn't be one without him. Did you think he would skip that? 




I just think Peyton is way too savvy to want to come back here as a GM when he could be a part owner elsewhere and not have to worry about people wanting him fired etc.


We probably wont hire him anyway so I guess none of this matters. Irsay will probably keep Grigson and Pagano and most people in here will go bonkers.

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On 12/28/2016 at 7:40 PM, dgambill said:

Peyton Manning could

c. Buy the Colts from Irsay and be acting President and CEO. ( Iknow this won't happen but a guy can dream)


he doesnt have the money, google says his net worth is 200 mil, while the colts are worth well over a billion

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4 hours ago, LockeDown said:

Luck went there as well, and yet neither of them could/can do what Manning did mentally.  

There is a difference in "smart" and football smart.  Not saying Luck or Elway are dumb, they clearly aren't but what made Peyton Peyton was his preparation.  No one else ever prepared like he did other than maybe BB which is why those two had classic show downs.  Those two live for football, not many others are ever going to spend as much of their lives on football as they do.  

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Well, since we are speculating on this, how about this scenerio.   Peyton comes in as GM.  Bill Polian is hired as an advisor to help Peyton along for a year or so.  They are good friends.  And then bring in Gruden as headcoach, who is both a fan of Peyton (The Sheriff) and Luck. Gruden is not a guy that wants to have full control.  He was happy to get his GM in Tampa.

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On December 28, 2016 at 6:31 PM, BOTT said:

or maybe I loathe Grigson to the extent that I'm willing to accept anyone at this point lol

I love it when a forum regular on here cuts through all the noise & just solves the root of the problem. 


Okay, Grigson has made a few decent moves since he's been our GM I guess. Parry, Kelly, Davis. I'm with BOTT. Ryan's departure from INDY wouldn't bother me one bit. Will it happen? Not for another yr unfortunately. 

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2 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

There is a difference in "smart" and football smart.  Not saying Luck or Elway are dumb, they clearly aren't but what made Peyton Peyton was his preparation.  No one else ever prepared like he did other than maybe BB which is why those two had classic show downs.  Those two live for football, not many others are ever going to spend as much of their lives on football as they do.  

Right.  How can someone like that fail?  IF he wants to do it, he would commit to it in such a way that he would ultimately be successful.  His commercials are legendary.  His skits on SNL were the funniest.  His pizza franchises are successful.  His QB camps are tops.  His charity work, etc....That being said, he may want to spend his time rolling on the floor with his kids, and throwing the ball with them, in which case he wouldn't take the job and I wouldn't blame him.

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10 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Yes a culture change could definitely rejuvenize the whole team. I think the team culture has gone stale after the 2nd straight of missing the Playoffs. I really thought we would beat Houston and win the Division but it didn't happen. When we lost to Houston in Indy everybody on the team seem to take it stride which I thought was odd. As a fan I was *.

Taking the Houston loss in their stride? Now that is taking poetic licence a couple of stanzas too far. What do you base that on? Just a silly thing to say. Unless in the Polian era, folk jumped off bridges after a loss.....so apologies if I missed that.

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16 hours ago, BCoop said:

Ignoring the fact that there are actually fans advocating for someone to run an organization with absolutely zero experience, I am completely baffled by those that think it couldn't get any worse.


Has anyone watched the Browns play this year? Or the Rams? 49ers? It can absolutely get worse. Some people are so desperate to hate Pagano/Grigson that they lose all perspective. 



This is without a doubt the most misguided piece of garbage I have read on the forum in a very long time. So, if we cut loose Grigson we are destined to become the Browns? Just out of curiosity, hypothetically speaking, how swift will INDY's slide into irrelevancy be? haha


Yes, I realize this topic revolved around hiring Peyton Manning as the Colts future GM. I understand that. However, what you're really advocating for then is retaining Ryan right? Here's my problem with that strategy: Grigson's inability to protect our QB led to a lacerated kidney. It took him forever to figure out that all the WRs in the world won't mean a darn thing if Andrew Luck is injured or down for the count. Also, GMs bring in athletic talent. Any downgrade record wise is typically a product of coaching & teaching on the field usually. 


Have you ever considered the possibility that the longer we preserve this Pagano/Grigson duo the more our organization loses ground in the division in subsequent seasons? Hmmm...


What 'baffles' me is all the excuses some fans use to justify not rocking the boat. 

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On December 28, 2016 at 7:56 PM, oldunclemark said:

Exactly right..

I sometimes forget that Peyton isn't from Indianapolis.

He's from New Orleans and his wife, I beiieve is from Tennessee..

I think he still lives in Denver but he may be tired of moving his family around I would be,.


I dont think he's moving back to Indiana for any reason....and I'd be surprised if he wanted to work for Mr. Irsay again.


Like others have already correctly stated, there's no guarantee Peyton's interested in wanting to learn & put the time in to become a good to great GM. He's definitely got the intellect to became an exceptional GM, but for highly competitive people who are future HOF athletes, they tend to have difficulty being patient if a team they work for struggles early on or plays substandard ball. 


I do agree with you OUM that I just can't picture Peyton working for Jimmy after some of the unflattering things Irsay said regarding Manning's 'Star Wars' numbers & that he didn't think Peyton would ever win another SB in INDY. 


19 hours ago, Restored said:

I'd be all for it honestly. I think the link has been posted but here's the full quote from Bill Polian:


“I believe he could very quickly fill the role that John Elway fills with the Broncos,” Polian said. “The reason I say that is, during our 14 years together in Indianapolis, he would often discuss with me prospects coming out in the draft, SEC players he’d seen, players he’d seen in other parts of the country. He pays close attention to the rosters of the other players in the league, with specific attention to the AFC.


“He knew the strengths and weaknesses of every player on every defense in the AFC and many on offense, because he met them and got to know them at the Pro Bowl and soaked up information. He is a football nerd, as am I. He’s more than prepared to do that job.”


“All he would need would be a brief tutorial on the league rules and things like the general terms of trades and contract language — of which he’s also very familiar, because of his own contract,” Polian said. “He’s well-prepared to do that. He could step right from the playing field into a role like that, because he’s ready. I don’t know that he will, but if someone wanted him to do it, he would be ready immediately to do it.”


I forgot Bill said this. Thanks for the context Restored. High praise from a world class GM that carries considerable weight should Peyton want to pursue this line of work down the road. I just don't think he will given how young his children are, how much fatherhood suits him, & I wouldn't want to put in those long draft hours evaluating college players & breaking down tape at his age. Forget that foolishness. 

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