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The Colts are NOW ranked dead last in the league on defense!


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Overall in total defense. Dead last in yds per game, ranked 23rd against the run (Ingram's 10yds per carry didn't help any) and ranked 28th against the pass....

We turned the ball over...left them on the field a lot...

....Brady and Brees back-to-back.....I don't think we're the worst in the NFL..but I am biased

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Relax. The Saints were ranked last too going into this game, and our defense is slowly improving. 



This team can get better. Stats never tell whole stories. If you went by stats today, then the Saints defense is truly god awful, despite how well they played most of the day. 



Don't give up on them just yet, believe me, my team has some of the worst stats for defense, and they're having better games. It can come together for the Colts. 

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Too many excuses!!! Like I said before if they can get some stops on a consistant basis and generate some heat on opposing qbs then maybe they can get off the field like a normal defense instead of everyone blaming the offense. I bet Greg Manusky is loving life in Indy. Forget the fact that he's been fired for running lackluster defenses at ALL his stops as dc but now he oversees a defense ranked DEAD LAST out of 32 teams yet gets a pass for some reason and bare in mind 3 of the games were against the pitiful AFC south!! Are you kidding me?!

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It's not their fault.  Defense has actually played pretty good, despite the bad situations the offense put them in.

id say it's not ALL their fault. The offense is a train wreck and they are being asked to do way too much as a result but the defense has some clear issues. The secondary has been a mash unit all year and add in the zone defense they still won't get out of no matter how clear it is these guys aren't built for that and you have a bad secondary. The pass rush outside of Mathis is none existent. Heck even today you have the Saints pinned on the three needing a stop to get the ball back and they give up a 50 yard pass. Make no mistake, while Its not all their fault they aren't blameless,
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yeah it really is that bad, or almost that bad.  its splitting hairs to argue over the pecking orders of the worst units in the league.


they currently have no identity though.  pass coverage is bad, run defense is below average, pass rush is bad.

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When the Defense is out there for 3/4 of the game, because the offense can't score in the first half, it's hard to really fault them. 



That said,  


Greg Toilet is a horrible CB, and Vontae isn't playing up to his standards lately (except for the tow tapping INT which was beautiful) 


Mike Adams being out isn't helping. 


The only OLB's we have are Mathis and Walden. Cole isn't doing much of anything. Werner is garbage. Newsome was a healthy scratch yesterday.......ummmmm??? 


Continuing to play zone is the dumbest thing we could possibly do. Yet, we keep doing it. 


Dropping DE's into coverage over and over.......dumb. 


DQ is playing out of his mind against the run. He's not good against the pass. Stop dropping him into coverage!!! 


The Langford & the Stanford boys are doing their job, but they can't make all the plays. 

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id say it's not ALL their fault. The offense is a train wreck and they are being asked to do way too much as a result but the defense has some clear issues. The secondary has been a mash unit all year and add in the zone defense they still won't get out of no matter how clear it is these guys aren't built for that and you have a bad secondary. The pass rush outside of Mathis is none existent. Heck even today you have the Saints pinned on the three needing a stop to get the ball back and they give up a 50 yard pass. Make no mistake, while Its not all their fault they aren't blameless,


Yeah I agree, but their job would be a lot of easier if they didn't have to spend so much time on the field.  My verdict on the defensive backs isn't out yet due to the non-existent pass rush.  It's hard for any team defend the pass if they don't have a pass rush.  

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This is what happens when you don't have a pass rush that scares anybody. Grigson has had four years to build a defense with a decent pass rush, and he has spectacularly failed. Grigs seems to think that it's better to draft a backup WR in the first round, than draft a pass rusher

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Too many excuses!!! 


so easy to say from the comfort of your couch.  Let's try being a little bit realistic.  No defense, not even the '85 Bears, are going to look good when they're on the field as much as the Colts defense was on Sunday.  


Why do you think the mantra has always been, run the ball and stop the run.  That keeps your defense fresh and the opposing defense gassed, which makes the game much easier to win.

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I love the attitude of Colts fans. Through this Manning/Luck era, they have been conditioned to expect absolutely nothing from this defense. Perfection is expected from the QB and offense while the defense can be last in the league and still be praised. Hopefully, the next GM and coach can finally change that attitude.

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I don't even care about the statistics and the rankings right now because most of it is directly related to the offense and all the turnovers and stalled drives.  I don't see massive improvement until this offense starts playing like they are supposed to be.

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I hate statistics.  They're worthless.  Stats are what people use to make a decision when they want/have to make a decision about something but they don't have enough information to make the decision.


We've played NE and NO, and Hoyer checked down against a zone defense when our DBs were banged up and we prepared for Mallett. 


And our O probably is close to the top of committing the most three and outs.

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I hate statistics.  They're worthless.  Stats are what people use to make a decision when the want/have to make a decision about something but they don't have enough information to make the decision.



I'm not even sure that's true...imo stats are largely (especially in this case) used by people to justify the decision they've already made.  

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And our O probably is close to the top of committing the most three and outs.


btw, only the Buffalo Bills and Jacksonville Jaguars have had more 3-and-outs than the Colts.





Colts also ranked #27 in total Time of possession



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When the Defense is out there for 3/4 of the game, because the offense can't score in the first half, it's hard to really fault them.

That said,

Greg Toilet is a horrible CB, and Vontae isn't playing up to his standards lately (except for the tow tapping INT which was beautiful)

Mike Adams being out isn't helping.

The only OLB's we have are Mathis and Walden. Cole isn't doing much of anything. Werner is garbage. Newsome was a healthy scratch yesterday.......ummmmm???

Continuing to play zone is the dumbest thing we could possibly do. Yet, we keep doing it.

Dropping DE's into coverage over and over.......dumb.

DQ is playing out of his mind against the run. He's not good against the pass. Stop dropping him into coverage!!!

The Langford & the Stanford boys are doing their job, but they can't make all the plays.

Yeah Newsome is not very good. At least not yet. Most of his sacks are either unblocked or come when the QB is already on the ground

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I love the attitude of Colts fans. Through this Manning/Luck era, they have been conditioned to expect absolutely nothing from this defense. Perfection is expected from the QB and offense while the defense can be last in the league and still be praised. Hopefully, the next GM and coach can finally change that attitude.

Colts fans made excuses for Manning his entire tenure. This criticism of Luck is something new.

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I love the attitude of Colts fans. Through this Manning/Luck era, they have been conditioned to expect absolutely nothing from this defense. Perfection is expected from the QB and offense while the defense can be last in the league and still be praised. Hopefully, the next GM and coach can finally change that attitude.




Don't look at the whole picture man I mean anything to keep your view as full proof as it can be. I didn't know expecting Luck to complete a pass is expecting perfection.  I also didn't know that the defense giving up 1... Let me repeat that again for you 1 long field touchdown, is unacceptable lol.  Never mind that they didn't let the Saints do anything in the second half... lol Colts fans are so extreme but never look at the details.  This is the best defense we've fielded in almost 10 years.  But its also one of the worst offenses we've fielded in the past 10 years so it washes out.  


Luck playing to potential and all of a sudden everyone will be praising this defense.  And the funniest thing?  I don't even endorse Manusky I agree his calls for zone is maddening, but he is soooooooooo far from the main problem right now.

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Colts fans made excuses for Manning his entire tenure. This criticism of Luck is something new.


lmao and you are the exact opposite of what my post was just talking about.  Everyone loves to see big names on defense because Manning had them, but no one bother to even look that the defenses Manning had to play with the last 7 years here had 0 depth and one dimensional with a flawed fundamental system.  But like I told the other guy don't let the facts get in the way of your story lol.

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so easy to say from the comfort of your couch.  Let's try being a little bit realistic.  No defense, not even the '85 Bears, are going to look good when they're on the field as much as the Colts defense was on Sunday.  


Why do you think the mantra has always been, run the ball and stop the run.  That keeps your defense fresh and the opposing defense gassed, which makes the game much easier to win.

First off the 85 Bears would get some STOPS on defense LIMITING their TIME on the field and the conversation would be what's wrong with the Saint's offense!!! Second of all YOUR couch is just as comfortable as mine! Now I've been watching former players say that 32nd ranked defense stinks and can't STOP anybody or get off the field which is what they get paid to do! You stated on another post that the defense is on the field too much because of the offense with all it's 3 and outs. Well our offense is a mess right now but the opposing team is also playing good defense AGAINST them by pressing wrs who are not getting separation and by exploiting the subpar o-line by overcrowding the box with the blitz against a team determined to hold the ball on slow developing deep passing routes. You say only the Bills and Jags have more 3 and outs than the Colts yet the Bills rank 11th overall in defense while the Jags rank 19th overall. Regardless of what you say I don't agree because I think Greg's vanilla scheme stinks! I certainly don't think an occasional FLASH here and there means that this defense is good or headed in the right direction. I dare to say if Wade Phillips had this same defense they would be middle of the pack.

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First off the 85 Bears would get some STOPS on defense LIMITING their TIME on the field 


Ah, I see the problem. Try watching the games and THEN post an opinion.  The Colts defense has gotten stops...quite a few actually.  If I remember correctly, there was only ONE SINGLE DRIVE last night that culminated in a Saint's score that did not come directly off of a Colts turnover that gave the Saints good to great field position.


Second of all YOUR couch is just as comfortable as mine! 



I'm not so sure about that...my couch is fairly comfortable but could be better.  Having said that, I'm not the one moronically calling out the defense for getting gassed and giving up points after being on the field way too long.  On my couch, I know the difference between REAL LIFE and playing MADDEN WITH FATIGUE TURNED OFF.


Now I've been watching former players say that 32nd ranked defense stinks and can't STOP anybody or get off the field which is what they get paid to do! 



Not every former player is qualified to be an analyst.  John Lynch made a fool of himself on the broadcast last night, as have each writer that has submitted an article talking about how the defense didn't show up until the 4th quarter.  The defense was playing well in the first half and, as was already pointed out, only gave up points AFTER GETTING A STOP but then being forced right back on the field after a turnover.  Oh and I'm going to nip this in the bud before you go there...they have not given up a score EVERY SINGLE TIME they've been forced back on the field because of a turnover.


You stated on another post that the defense is on the field too much because of the offense with all it's 3 and outs. Well our offense is a mess right now but the opposing team is also playing good defense AGAINST them by pressing wrs who are not getting separation and by exploiting the subpar o-line by overcrowding the box with the blitz against a team determined to hold the ball on slow developing deep passing routes.



I agree with pretty much everything you said about the offense.   That's really not relevant to the conversation though. 


You say only the Bills and Jags have more 3 and outs than the Colts yet the Bills rank 11th overall in defense while the Jags rank 19th overall. 



Both of those teams had the luxury of playing against the Colts' offense.  Give the Colts defense a game to play against the Colts offense and they'll shoot up a few spots on that list. lol  ok that was a joke.  More seriously, if you can't see the difference in talent level between the Bills' defense and the Colts defense then I feel bad for you.  Also, both the Jags and Bills, despite having more 3 and outs, are doing better in terms of time of possession, though admittedly not by much.  Still, there are more situational factors that are also going to come into play.  One that immediately comes to mind would be, have the Bills and Jags suffered as many injuries in the secondary as the Colts have?  


Bottom line, no the Colt defense is not great, but they're definitely improving, and no where near as bad as you're trying to make them out to be.

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First off the 85 Bears would get some STOPS on defense LIMITING their TIME on the field and the conversation would be what's wrong with the Saint's offense!!! Second of all YOUR couch is just as comfortable as mine! Now I've been watching former players say that 32nd ranked defense stinks and can't STOP anybody or get off the field which is what they get paid to do! You stated on another post that the defense is on the field too much because of the offense with all it's 3 and outs. Well our offense is a mess right now but the opposing team is also playing good defense AGAINST them by pressing wrs who are not getting separation and by exploiting the subpar o-line by overcrowding the box with the blitz against a team determined to hold the ball on slow developing deep passing routes. You say only the Bills and Jags have more 3 and outs than the Colts yet the Bills rank 11th overall in defense while the Jags rank 19th overall. Regardless of what you say I don't agree because I think Greg's vanilla scheme stinks! I certainly don't think an occasional FLASH here and there means that this defense is good or headed in the right direction. I dare to say if Wade Phillips had this same defense they would be middle of the pack.



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