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If the Colts lose....early plea for sanity on here.


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Look, I am one of the biggest Colts fans around. But I'm also a realist.

There is a very good chance the Colts leave Buffalo on Sunday with a big L

I would hate it, but take a look at the issues

We are starting two rookies on the D line. We will be missing our 2nd best CB in Toler. Tyrod Taylor is a running QB and that's another X factor. We are on the road, against probably the top defense in the league outside of Seattle, with Rex Ryan in his debut game. The place will be insane. Oh and McCoy will be playing, as will "good" Percy Harvin (when he is happy early on he is a game changer....but then he falls off later in the season, becomes "bad" Percy, and becomes a locker room headache)

So I'm saying this. If the Colts lose, please PLEASE don't melt this board down with "fire everyone" threads. We lost our first two games last season and things turned out ok. In fact it might be a blessing in disguise with so much media focus on the Colts being a SB pick....

That said I think the Colts win. In a close one.

But again, it's one game. Remember that. Now let's go Colts!

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It is EXACTLY as you said! Even though I want the Colts to win I'm going to be a realist too. It the the first game of the regular season. Everyone is undefeated right now so I expect teams to fight tooth and nails in the first game to have a winning momentum to start the season. It going to be a very tough game for the Colts going into enemy territory. I know our Offense can keep up with anyone in the league but the Defense might have trouble containing Tyrod. If we win then we win. If we lose then oh well..move on. Less pressure for the Colts. It not about how you start but where you finish. Like Aaron Rodgers said last season " R-E-L-A-X"

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Its almost impossible to be a "realist" on this forum without being called a Negative Nacy. Or being called a fake fan. There's a few games this year we COULD actually lose including, the bills game, the dolphins, the steelers, and the Pats. And despite the qb situation, I think the Jets COULD beat us as well. I said this earlier this year in the off season, and I got HAMMERED on here.

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Look, I am one of the biggest Colts fans around. But I'm also a realist.

There is a very good chance the Colts leave Buffalo on Sunday with a big L

I would hate it, but take a look at the issues

We are starting two rookies on the D line. We will be missing our 2nd best CB in Toler. Tyrod Taylor is a running QB and that's another X factor. We are on the road, against probably the top defense in the league outside of Seattle, with Rex Ryan in his debut game. The place will be insane. Oh and McCoy will be playing, as will "good" Percy Harvin (when he is happy early on he is a game changer....but then he falls off later in the season, becomes "bad" Percy, and becomes a locker room headache)

So I'm saying this. If the Colts lose, please PLEASE don't melt this board down with "fire everyone" threads. We lost our first two games last season and things turned out ok. In fact it might be a blessing in disguise with so much media focus on the Colts being a SB pick....

That said I think the Colts win. In a close one.

But again, it's one game. Remember that. Now let's go Colts!

thank you so much for this thread. ... I been having a bad feeling about this game but I understand the situation as well but still at the end of the day I bleed blue!!
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Look, I am one of the biggest Colts fans around. But I'm also a realist.

There is a very good chance the Colts leave Buffalo on Sunday with a big L

I would hate it, but take a look at the issues

We are starting two rookies on the D line. We will be missing our 2nd best CB in Toler. Tyrod Taylor is a running QB and that's another X factor. We are on the road, against probably the top defense in the league outside of Seattle, with Rex Ryan in his debut game. The place will be insane. Oh and McCoy will be playing, as will "good" Percy Harvin (when he is happy early on he is a game changer....but then he falls off later in the season, becomes "bad" Percy, and becomes a locker room headache)

So I'm saying this. If the Colts lose, please PLEASE don't melt this board down with "fire everyone" threads. We lost our first two games last season and things turned out ok. In fact it might be a blessing in disguise with so much media focus on the Colts being a SB pick....

That said I think the Colts win. In a close one.

But again, it's one game. Remember that. Now let's go Colts!



Thanks for the attempt to hold the barricades.....  maybe, if we lose,  our fans will heed your advice and remain calm and orderly?!


Oh,  who am I kidding?!     If we lose,  all Heck will break loose!     I hope I'm wrong and you're right,  but fear the opposite........


If we lose,  I suspect I won't visit here on Sunday....  I might wait until Monday to see if calm has returned.....


     :peek:                                        :hide:                                           :giveup:

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Look, I am one of the biggest Colts fans around. But I'm also a realist.

There is a very good chance the Colts leave Buffalo on Sunday with a big L

I would hate it, but take a look at the issues

We are starting two rookies on the D line. We will be missing our 2nd best CB in Toler. Tyrod Taylor is a running QB and that's another X factor. We are on the road, against probably the top defense in the league outside of Seattle, with Rex Ryan in his debut game. The place will be insane. Oh and McCoy will be playing, as will "good" Percy Harvin (when he is happy early on he is a game changer....but then he falls off later in the season, becomes "bad" Percy, and becomes a locker room headache)

So I'm saying this. If the Colts lose, please PLEASE don't melt this board down with "fire everyone" threads. We lost our first two games last season and things turned out ok. In fact it might be a blessing in disguise with so much media focus on the Colts being a SB pick....

That said I think the Colts win. In a close one.

But again, it's one game. Remember that. Now let's go Colts!

Why would you start a thread like this? If the forums have too much negativity, just avoid it for a while. It's not life and death, it's football. Sometimes the other team wins........

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Like everybody I'm hoping for a win, and if it happens I will be pleasantly surprised because I've been saying to anyone who will listen since the schedule came out that I think this is one of the toughest games we have all year.  That said, I still like the Colts to win 12 games despite starting with a loss (like last year, in fact we started 0-2).  But I think we are in the minority.  I suspect most Colts fans believe this will be either a Colts walk-over or close Colts win.  I hope they are right but I just think it's a bad matchup for a team looking to acquaint so many new faces to the system.  On the bright side, I'd rather be playing this game in Sept. than in Dec.

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Go check out some Week 1 and 2 threads from last season...


Some of the Game Day threads should go into the forum equivalent of the National Archive. My particular favourite was the Texans comeback game. If we could only harness the speed at which some posters oscillate between "Fire Everyone Despair" and "Blue Tinted Homerism" we could solve the world's energy crisis instantly :P.

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Look, I am one of the biggest Colts fans around. But I'm also a realist.

There is a very good chance the Colts leave Buffalo on Sunday with a big L

I would hate it, but take a look at the issues

We are starting two rookies on the D line. We will be missing our 2nd best CB in Toler. Tyrod Taylor is a running QB and that's another X factor. We are on the road, against probably the top defense in the league outside of Seattle, with Rex Ryan in his debut game. The place will be insane. Oh and McCoy will be playing, as will "good" Percy Harvin (when he is happy early on he is a game changer....but then he falls off later in the season, becomes "bad" Percy, and becomes a locker room headache)

So I'm saying this. If the Colts lose, please PLEASE don't melt this board down with "fire everyone" threads. We lost our first two games last season and things turned out ok. In fact it might be a blessing in disguise with so much media focus on the Colts being a SB pick....

That said I think the Colts win. In a close one.

But again, it's one game. Remember that. Now let's go Colts!

Ha, ha, ha ha.

Yeah, that's not going to happen.

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Wouldn't shock me if Colts lost this opener. Understand the situation. We are rolling the dice defensively. Plus some key guys will be missing. The Offense may also need some time to gel as we have added some new pieces. Bills have a top notch defense and are tough at home. Still might need to vent depending on how we play. Helps me process losses. Hoping this whole thread proves irrelevant and I am pleasantly surprised on Sunday.

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Its almost impossible to be a "realist" on this forum without being called a Negative Nacy. Or being called a fake fan. There's a few games this year we COULD actually lose including, the bills game, the dolphins, the steelers, and the Pats. And despite the qb situation, I think the Jets COULD beat us as well. I said this earlier this year in the off season, and I got HAMMERED on here.

You don't think the Colts will go 16-0. You need to get off this board, there's no room for you here. You're not a true fan.

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Look, I am one of the biggest Colts fans around. But I'm also a realist.

There is a very good chance the Colts leave Buffalo on Sunday with a big L

I would hate it, but take a look at the issues

We are starting two rookies on the D line. We will be missing our 2nd best CB in Toler. Tyrod Taylor is a running QB and that's another X factor. We are on the road, against probably the top defense in the league outside of Seattle, with Rex Ryan in his debut game. The place will be insane. Oh and McCoy will be playing, as will "good" Percy Harvin (when he is happy early on he is a game changer....but then he falls off later in the season, becomes "bad" Percy, and becomes a locker room headache)

So I'm saying this. If the Colts lose, please PLEASE don't melt this board down with "fire everyone" threads. We lost our first two games last season and things turned out ok. In fact it might be a blessing in disguise with so much media focus on the Colts being a SB pick....

That said I think the Colts win. In a close one.

But again, it's one game. Remember that. Now let's go Colts!



Bite your tongue pessimist.



0% chance the Colts lose on Sunday, book it.

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First off...... I can appreciate what cmgww is saying.  I have seen first hand   :Nuke:  on this board on game days.


I learned long ago the meltdown process here on gameday, which is why if I'm not at the game, I usually prefer to just watch it in the privacy of my home with no internet contact.  

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We win by double digits or we aren't the team most of America think we are. I don't see us losing

this one.

What does most of America think you are?

In reality, if the Colts beat Buffalo by double digits, the Colts are probably better than what some pundits have stated. The Bills defense may be the best in the NFL this year, it will be very difficult for the Colts to beat them by more than 10 at Buffalo.

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What difference does it make how anyone reacts to the game.  If you don't like pessimism and "fire so and so" threads then don't read them. 


About the only thing worse than people over-reacting after one game both (fire everyone and those that claim the Colts are the greatest team ever) is people trying to tell everyone else how they should react.

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My main concerns are with the revamped D line and this being the first game. So I won't lose my mind if we don't win....but with this offense, if it performs as expected, I would be disappointed with a loss. That said, I won't be on here calling for everyone's job

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I'm asking nicely, coffeedrinker. It's a free country. But for a franchise that has been so successful, you'd think we were the Raiders if you get on this board after a loss. All I'm saying is to remember this is Game 1. On the road against a solid team. Again, asking, not telling anyone what to do

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I'm asking nicely, coffeedrinker. It's a free country. But for a franchise that has been so successful, you'd think we were the Raiders if you get on this board after a loss. All I'm saying is to remember this is Game 1. On the road against a solid team. Again, asking, not telling anyone what to do

I didn't think you were being malicious or mean about it.  I just don't understand why even bring it up?  Whether you think you are asking or telling it doesn't matter.. people will over-react one way or the other.


It's not a big deal either way, the purpose of the post is just not something I understand.  Didn't mean to cause you any grief.

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I'm not buying that Buffalo should win on Sunday.  And I'm not buying into its just one game stuff either.  4If Pagano fixed the defense like he said he would, then we go up there and take way the run and confuse an inexperienced QB into making mistakes. The key is to get up early and make them play from behind.


Mostly I worry about the OL and them being confused by Rex's trickery.

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