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Brady suspended four games, Pats fined and docked two draft picks (Mega Merge)


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He keeps whining that the Pats weren't warned that they were being investigated for cheating :rollseyes:

Well, it's his job and since Tom Brady started out on this path, I guess that's his story and he's stickin to it!

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Boy, Brady's lawyer is quite the blowhard isn't he?  He's out there so the press isn't asking "Why isn't Tom having a press conference himself?"  


Tom has never once said, "I am not guilty of this charge."  I simply cannot imagine any player who is not guilty not saying it clearly, without weasel words and as many times as a microphone is near their mouths.  

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Yes, did not see the draft picks at all. No one did.


But it is what it is. Brady will appeal and on to defend our title in Sept.

You do realise that by appealing only the length of the punishment he's implicitly agreeing he's guilty. You get that right?

Simple, admit and apologise or go to court. Stop with this posturing through agents and family members and put your money where your mouth is.

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I'm mostly fine with this. I would have liked to have seen the initial suspension to be around six games so if it is reduced on appeal it would have been more along the lines of three or four. That 2017 4th round pick seems kind of arbitrary. 

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Does this mean Kraft won't be getting his apology then?


He got it-


"Mr. Kraft.  We're sorry... that the Patriots refused to cooperate when we asked to interview Mr. McNally a second time.  We're sorry Tom Brady refused to surrender electronic communications despite being offered the highest safeguards for personal privacy.  Therefore, we are so very, very sorry to levy a million dollar fine to the Pats, take a 2016 round 1 pick and 2017 round 4, and suspend your QB for the first four games in 2015.  Again, we're sorry."

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I like the taking away of the draft pick.  Brady was the one caught red-handed, but the team surely fostered an environment in which cheating was tolerated (or even encouraged) as long as you didn't get caught.  It still kills me when some dingbat writer calls Kraft "classy".  He continued to employ his cheating coach (also caught red-handed) after Spy-gate in the hopes of cheating his way to another SB, and dollars to donuts he'll keep his cheating QB.  Such class!

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That seems like common sense, but I don't know. The Bountygate deal made zero sense at the end of the day.


I think that was a way more complicated issue as to who was guilty and just what were they guilty of. This one we have Brady being guilty and he and the Pats not fully co operating. 

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  It still kills me when some dingbat writer calls Kraft "classy". 



Forget that...this is the same man that went overboard with the Myra exploits during 2011, then turns around and hooks up with a girl young enough to be his grand daughter. 

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HAHAHAHAHAHA Hey Pats fans, now you at least know how it feels when the NFL goes after you like that!


Too bad Brady wasn't suspended an entire season like Sean Payton was, but losing picks is equal.

Brady deserved more.  I believe the investigation into the bounty stuff resulted in the conclusion that Payton was unaware of it.  Brady was aware and involved here

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lol- you noticed ;)   that was my first comment on the whole thing. I was just waiting for the report. It is what it is ;)


Yeah.. I noticed. Actually a few NE posters were totally reasonable about it while some were pretty bullheaded to say the least.

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  • Have to hand it to Roger as the whole suspension is fishy. Brady's 1st game back is vs the Colts.  The ratings as well as the ticket prices for that game will go through the roof.


The NFL schedule came out way before this report/punishment did.  It's coincidence.

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This one is different.  PED use gets 4 games.  Competitive advantage.  Those aren't reduced...   Brady- competitive advantage. 4 games.  Where's the impetus to reduce it?


Just the issue that an arbitrator can say the punishment was too severe for the crime. They can also make a case that there wasn't enough evidence against Brady and make a case that they really did comply with the league. I'm not saying I agree everything should be reduced , just giving my opinion of what comes down now.

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Kraft, Belichick and Brady could also be in the bidding war...to keep the two quiet.


Yes, might soon see Jastremski and 'Deflator' looking sround in Jaguar dealerships...


In the meantime, Les Airington has been rehired to handle ball boy duties for the Pats.  Pats calling it a unfortunate firing- "we fired the wrong ball boy". But like the NFL, we had to get this one right!


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I think that was a way more complicated issue as to who was guilty and just what were they guilty of. This one we have Brady being guilty and he and the Pats not fully co operating. 


Definitely more parties involved and more moving parts. But at the end of the day, the appeal ruling didn't dispute that the players had done exactly what the NFL said they had done.


I affirm Commissioner Goodell's factual findings as to the four players. I conclude that Hargrove, Smith and Vilma -- but not Fujita -- engaged in 'conduct detrimental to the integrity of, and public confidence in, the game of professional football.' However, for the reasons set forth in this decision, I now vacate all discipline to be imposed upon these players. Although I vacate all suspensions, I fully considered but ultimately rejected reducing the suspensions to fines of varying degrees for Hargrove, Smith and Vilma. My affirmation of Commissioner Goodell's findings could certainly justify the issuance of fines. However ... this entire case has been contaminated by the coaches and others in the Saints organization




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  • Have to hand it to Roger as the whole suspension is fishy. Brady's 1st game back is vs the Colts.  The ratings as well as the ticket prices for that game will go through the roof.



That is great it will be a playoff atmosphere watching the Colts deflate the Patriots on sunday night football with the whole nation tuned in & IMO lots of people not Colts fans cheering the Colts , Open the roof its gonna get loud .

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Patriots employees John Jastremski and James McNally have been indefinitely suspended without pay by the club, effective on May 6th.


May 11, 2015


I don't get this. Why did the Pats suspend the two stooges if the Wells report was wrong?

Suspended until they work out a hefty severance package including an air tight NDA!


Only way the Pats can keep the whole truth from coming out.

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Yep. Goodell is a complete joke and hopefully this spells the end of him as I hoped it would. Brady will appeal and get the suspension reduced or potentially thrown out altogether. I am anxious to see how far he takes this with his rep on the line.


Next season will be fun defending our 4th Lombardi! :thmup:



Not to rub it in but I can answer your question .. I think. They will just do the appeal process. They are not going to butcher the NFL and bring them to their knees like you were saying in the last few days. No big court case. It's going to be an appeal to an arbitrator. The only way it goes to court is if Brady didn't do it. Problem with that is he did do it and it would take a whole bunch or perjury to probably still get laughed out of the courthouse.


So .. I'm going out on a limb and giving you a chance to rip me a new one if I'm wrong on this.

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NFL's statement mentions the Club's prior record, the unsatisfactory level of cooperation, and "not fully candid" testimony by Brady and the two stooges.


Hey....   it appears you've read the NFL's statement on the matter,  so I have a question for you...


In this entire statement by the NFL,  did they ever get around apologizing to Mr. Kraft,  his franchise and all the players involved?!?


Did THAT ever happen?    Could it be buried in the deep fine print?!?     Perhaps a tiny footnote?!?


Just askin..............

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Hey....   it appears you've read the NFL's statement on the matter,  so I have a question for you...


In this entire statement by the NFL,  did they ever get around apologizing to Mr. Kraft,  his franchise and all the players involved?!?


Did THAT ever happen?    Could it be buried in the deep fine print?!?     Perhaps a tiny footnote?!?


Just askin..............



Right from the beginning , the only person I expressed disdain for was Robert Kraft. I was not crazy about Brady as it was obvious he was lying but ehhh .. the guy did a really stupid thing and got pained into a corner. Did he do the right thing ... no but I get it. He figured he was committing a small infraction by making sure the balls were how he liked them. I can forgive it.


Kraft on the other hand , I truly think is an ingenuous , phony no good creep. How dare he make those bold statements demanding apologies , proclaiming total innocence and then not comply fully with the investigation. The man is a disgrace.

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The NFL schedule came out way before this report/punishment did.  It's coincidence.

Right, but Roger could have avoided the whole drama of the Brady return against the Colts as he knows the schedule. He wants the news and boffo ratings.

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Hey....   it appears you've read the NFL's statement on the matter,  so I have a question for you...


In this entire statement by the NFL,  did they ever get around apologizing to Mr. Kraft,  his franchise and all the players involved?!?


Did THAT ever happen?    Could it be buried in the deep fine print?!?     Perhaps a tiny footnote?!?


Just askin..............


It's buried in Robert Kraft's sanctimonious imagination.

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Right from the beginning , the only person I expressed disdain for was Robert Kraft. I was not crazy about Brady as it was obvious he was lying but ehhh .. the guy did a really stupid thing and got pained into a corner. Did he do the right thing ... no but I get it. He figured he was committing a small infraction by making sure the balls were how he liked them. I can forgive it.


Kraft on the other hand , I truly think is an ingenuous , phony no good creep. How dare he make those bold statements demanding apologies , proclaiming total innocence and then not comply fully with the investigation. The man is a disgrace.


I think our views are not too far off.....


I wasn't bothered much by the cheating....    I was MUCH MORE bothered by the cover-up.   That's what really bothered me.


I always thought Kraft was a good and decent man,  right up until this incident.    I think he's forever embarrassed himself and stained his reputation.     I think he made one arrogant mistake after another.   And to publicly attack the league -- the shield --   the week of the Super Bowl game and demand an apology,  was an unforgivable mistake to me.


The only people I feel sorry for in this whole mess are the two equipment guys,  McNally and Jastremski (sp?)....  they didn't have much choice in the matter.    If Tom Brady asks you to do something,  you do it.   


So, now they're suspended -- indefinitely -- without pay?!?    How are they supposed to make ends meet,  to pay their bills?


I think it's crappy.    Talk about being thrown under the bus?!?

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    • I agree here. There were legit football reasons for teams to not be in love with Mitchell based on his play and some of his indicators that a lot of people seem to value were not great.  I don't know how to parse what Destin is selling here. I'm not sure you can be certain those reports changed anything in team's evaluation of Mitchell. He's presenting anecdotal evidence that teams starting asking more about his diabetes after those reports. Again... not sure if this is factual or it just was more noticeable after those reports? Who knows...      Let me summarize my view in short -  I don't think the reports are made up. Someone told McGinn those things. There might be some truth to it. To me it looks very one sided. My whole contention here has been about that. Do you just print anything and everything someone tells you without asking for comment from your subject?   Just go and read the whole thing again,,, the diabetes part, the uncoachable, immaturity part, the combine part(this one we can actually see with our own eyes and I can absolutely tell you the characterization of what happened is preposterous). If a scout under me really had those opinions about what transpired in those drills, I personally would question every single thing he's telling me.     On the other examples of rumors/reports about other players(Caleb, Levis, Stroud) - absolutely, if you are going to disparage the character of any of those players the very least you must do is ask them for a comment. The fact that this practice of just throwing rocks and hiding hands and not even giving the opportunity of the target to respond, is prevalent in today's draft media, doesn't make it right.   Also, I still want to underline something here... there is obvious conflict of interest here that I still haven't seen anyone address.     
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