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Werner is called..... The Natural....


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Having been posting here for nearly a year, I think I'm pretty much on record as being wildly crazy about the Colts.com staff...


Can't say enough good things about Craig Kelly and Kevin Bowen and the rest of the staff!   Top shelf.    And you can't say that about media relations of many pro teams.  I've dealt with enough to know.   They're not all great.


That said....    (and it's only my opinion)


I really wish they had not done what they've done with this story.   It's the lead story on Colts.com....


Right on the picture, it calls Werner,  The Natural.


I appreciate it's close to a quote from Pagano,  but it's another thing to take it and run with it and plaster it on the website.    All it does is raise expectations.   A lot.   And maybe Werner will measure up to all of them and my concerns will be for nothing....


But looking great in a rookie mini-camp is one thing.    Looking great once he lines up against the first string offense is quite another.    Werner could go from Natural to Neutral in no time flat.




I'd rather fly under the radar until the regular season.   I don't want a big neon arrow pointing to Werner this early.


Again,  I admit I maybe making something out of nothing here....   (not the first time I've done that) but when I saw the picture and headline this morning,  my first thought was.....   uh-oh,  I wish they hadn't done that....


Just my two cents,  and I admit it may not be worth that much......

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Is it wrong for a team to be excited about their 1st round pick?

The expectations are supposed to be high when you're a 1st round pick. No one takes a 1st rounder and not expect an immediate impact from. them. (Unless you're the 49ers who don't have many holes)

This is just harmless hype that's all. I really believe Werner will be something special here

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Having been posting here for nearly a year, I think I'm pretty much on record as being wildly crazy about the Colts.com staff...


Can't say enough good things about Craig Kelly and Kevin Bowen and the rest of the staff!   Top shelf.    And you can't say that about media relations of many pro teams.  I've dealt with enough to know.   They're not all great.


That said....    (and it's only my opinion)


I really wish they had not done what they've done with this story.   It's the lead story on Colts.com....


Right on the picture, it calls Werner,  The Natural.


I appreciate it's close to a quote from Pagano,  but it's another thing to take it and run with it and plaster it on the website.    All it does is raise expectations.   A lot.   And maybe Werner will measure up to all of them and my concerns will be for nothing....


But looking great in a rookie mini-camp is one thing.    Looking great once he lines up against the first string offense is quite another.    Werner could go from Natural to Neutral in no time flat.




I'd rather fly under the radar until the regular season.   I don't want a big neon arrow pointing to Werner this early.


Again,  I admit I maybe making something out of nothing here....   (not the first time I've done that) but when I saw the picture and headline this morning,  my first thought was.....   uh-oh,  I wish they hadn't done that....


Just my two cents,  and I admit it may not be worth that much......

I get what you are saying, but you are right - it is something out of nothing.  Its the media driven culture we live in and not really additive to the intense pressure to perform that is present from the moment they put on the uniform.  People forget what was written yesterday by tomorrow anyway.

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I get what you are saying, but you are right - it is something out of nothing.  Its the media driven culture we live in and not really additive to the intense pressure to perform that is present from the moment they put on the uniform.  People forget what was written yesterday by tomorrow anyway.


True.  Besides, if this is the worst pressure the kid faces then he's on easy street.  He's going to be a young millionaire playing in front of some of the best fans in the NFL.  Time to man up and earn it.

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I also expect great things from Werner. He's a hard worker, and because he hails from a different country, he probably feels very privileged to be where he is at. I doubt he will squander this opportunity. Plus, he was like the #2 rated defensive end in the draft. Everyone else was taking o-linemen or DT's.

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The Natural, huh? Let's hope he doesn't get shot by a crazy woman causing him to retire until his mid-40s when he then makes his triumphant return to the sport and then he sacks 65 year old Tom Brady (yes, he's still playing) so hard that he explodes in a beautiful light show kind of way, this happens in slow motion while inspirational music plays in the background.


Yes, that sounds about right.

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Having been posting here for nearly a year, I think I'm pretty much on record as being wildly crazy about the Colts.com staff...


Can't say enough good things about Craig Kelly and Kevin Bowen and the rest of the staff!   Top shelf.    And you can't say that about media relations of many pro teams.  I've dealt with enough to know.   They're not all great.


That said....    (and it's only my opinion)


I really wish they had not done what they've done with this story.   It's the lead story on Colts.com....


Right on the picture, it calls Werner,  The Natural.


I appreciate it's close to a quote from Pagano,  but it's another thing to take it and run with it and plaster it on the website.    All it does is raise expectations.   A lot.   And maybe Werner will measure up to all of them and my concerns will be for nothing....


But looking great in a rookie mini-camp is one thing.    Looking great once he lines up against the first string offense is quite another.    Werner could go from Natural to Neutral in no time flat.




I'd rather fly under the radar until the regular season.   I don't want a big neon arrow pointing to Werner this early.


Again,  I admit I maybe making something out of nothing here....   (not the first time I've done that) but when I saw the picture and headline this morning,  my first thought was.....   uh-oh,  I wish they hadn't done that....


Just my two cents,  and I admit it may not be worth that much......

Yes the Colts are going to hype him. He is their #1 pick and also they want people to come out to camp and see him. Being a #1 pick the neon arrow as you call it is already pointing at him. Adding my two cents to your two cents we may may just have 3 cents together? lol

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Yes the Colts are going to hype him. He is their #1 pick and also they want people to come out to camp and see him. Being a #1 pick the neon arrow as you call it is already pointing at him. Adding my two cents to your two cents we may may just have 3 cents together? lol

Okay Okay wait

:flag: on the post wait wait wait

Now, I'm no math wizard by any means at all..... but isn't 2+2=4 ????

One of our math problems are wrong lmao

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I honestly dont see the big deal here? A team being excited about their 1st round pick is not crazy... Giving him a nickname is fine, and how much do you really want to fly under the radar...?


I love that we are not a media circus, but I also enjoy stuff like this and it is fine by me.

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It depends on what peoples expectations are with him being in a rotational role, If they are expectting double digit sacks especially in the teens as a rotational DE/OLB then you could very likely be diappointed this year but then again maybe he will completely assert himself as the dominant OLB/DE compared to Walden and thereby get tons of playing time and have more oppurtunities for those type of numbers, I think people are right for expecting him to beat out Walden and get a large majority of playing time but I also do have unreal expectations in regards to numbers

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I agree with NCF. Slapping on such a ridiculous and pretentious nickname is stupid. Let him earn it on the field of play.

I even said that on Colts.com.....


I feel this sets him up to fail....I said he needs to do his work on the field "Naturally."


I think my bigger problem is there are 3 of these The Natural segments....one was too much IMO.....and I am one of the major supporters of the articles.

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Is it wrong for a team to be excited about their 1st round pick?

The expectations are supposed to be high when you're a 1st round pick. No one takes a 1st rounder and not expect an immediate impact from. them. (Unless you're the 49ers who don't have many holes)

This is just harmless hype that's all. I really believe Werner will be something special here

No...3 articles calling him the Natural is way overboard....he has not played a down yet...was he a natural in rookie camp?  We need to wait and see...


You know me TK, I am as optimistic as the rest...I just feel this is a little much!!.  Young man has a lot to learn.....

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I even said that on Colts.com.....


I feel this sets him up to fail....I said he needs to do his work on the field "Naturally."


I think my bigger problem is there are 3 of these The Natural segments....one was too much IMO.....and I am one of the major supporters of the articles.

I think he can naturally earn his nickname Natural in his natural position on the natural field in LOS, naturally. :)

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Quite an interesting topic of conversation I'd say.

Several things to consider here:
Different types of personalities behave differently under the same stimulus.
How would X stimulus affect Werner's progression in the first year, and how would this affect his progression overall in his career. (Calling him a natural doesn't necessarily mean added pressure in his first year).
What is the beast of Werner's personality (does he A) thrive under pressure, or are B) higher than normal (based on him being a first round pick) expectations detrimental to his further development?
If B) He doesn't thrive under pressure, would this serve as beneficial to his future development in progressively overloading weak spots, increasing his mental toughness, or would it serve to put too much on his plate at one time, in which overall decline would be expected?

My thoughts:
1. Although expectations of a first round pick are generally high, he's still a late first rounder. As such, expectations are nowhere near the same as they were for Andrew Luck.


2. Generalizing on what to expect based on where a player is picked is severely flawed. Simply because a player has the talent to be picked high, does not mean he necessarily has the personality type to strive under immense pressure (or at least yet).


3. I can't say all that much about Werner, as I haven't met the guy or studied him intensely. I would say this about a few observations:
a) He moved to the US from Germany at a young age to pursue football.
b) This indicates not only tremendous maturity, but also an unusual degree of competitiveness and self-belief at a young age.
c) It is therefore conceivable that Werner has a personality type that would benefit from added pressure.


4. Even if he does have the personality type, where added pressure would be detrimental to his overall (current) ability, progressive overload in the mental aspect is, imo, equally important to that of the physical. As such, if a type B) personality is drafted for future need, he would have to undergo development to being able to thrive under high pressure (or at least remain neutral), as the goal is eventually to reach the Super Bowl (a very high pressure situation).


5. I believe Coach Pagano knows this kid better than I can analyze him with limited information behind my computer screen (d'uh).
a) Pagano seems to be a great assessor in my opinion, and is likely to take into account the type of personality under which (at least) his key players would benefit the most.
b) Praise from a mentor would in most cases be beneficial, especially when publically announced.
c) The players drafted have been progressing through high school and college on the mental aspect of the game, and as such legitimate praise would likely not be detrimental, unless this praise is "over the top", and the player would thus develop unreasonable expectations of himself.
d) Even if that were to happen, the detrimental aspects would most likely be not in terms of how well he'd be able to progress as a player, but more likely how he would handle it, if he were not to achieve the believed level of skill. In that case, it would be conceivable that the player didn't have the necessary skill to perform to the expected standards in the first place, in which case the mental health decline would be more hurtful to the player in an "after football-sense", rather than having hindered his development as a football player to realize his full potential.


6. A player with immense potential could of course also be hindered in the sense of having had too much put on his plate at the beginning of his career, leading to an enormous pitfall when not being able to achieve based on his unreasonable expectations in his early years (in the NFL). A type B) personality in this case could under these circumstances possibly never achieve his full potential, as the progressive overload (mentioned under 4) would serve to enhance a possible mental breakdown, under which circumstances confidence, new unreasonable expectations, selfesteem etc., could be worsened leading ot a decline in play and potential.


7. I don't have the time right now to provide an in-depth review of the situation (as my knowledge of Werner specifically is severely limited) and I'm currently studying for a massive exam.


8. We don't really have enough information about Werner's psyche to provide an in-depth assessment regardless, so it'll have to be guess work based on how we perceive (logically deduce) him from his history, interviews and other sources.
a) Players undergo psychological evaluations even before the draft, and with a high investment in Werner, I believe (especially in his case, being a key player), that coaches are very aware of his psychological make up.

9. Expectations from the outsiders (fans) are secondary to his insiders (coaches). Although we're all (or well, the vast majority of people) affected by what everyone else thinks of us, it is important to remember that the assessment of the ones closest to us have the most influence on our actions. (Parents, mentors (Pagano) etc. > Fans, media). Also, we'd have to take into account that this group of people specifically, doesn't necessarily have all the information needed to assess a situation fully, in which a sane, intelligent individual would shrug it off most of the time (which is also why the psychological testing is important for draftees). Either way, building unreasonable expectations publically, can lead to become detrimental, if these expectations are not fulfilled. I would however say it is unlikely to hinder his overall potential if this were to happen, as the thoughts mentioned before 9) would have a larger impact (although they are intertwined stimuli, although secondary in effect), especially if the coaches are aware (which they have to be, seeing as it's one of the fundamental aspects of coaching/mentoring).
a) The interconnectedness of the opinions of the "outsiders" vs. "insiders", is a very complex subject under psychology, and there are several contradictory opinions of this. As such, I do not believe the science of psychology have the means to properly assess the situation, as I believe the theory of the subject is incomplete to say the least. At the very least not with the information available on Bjorn Werner specifically.

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no. He is "the Natural Bjorn Killer" they just forgot the 2nd hvlf of the nickname on the article is all. typo.

That's actually what I was calling him and the song pops in my head every time I think of him! Lol

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I hope and pray the hype is true about this kid and he puts up "natural" like stats for us.


I may have had one too many beers last weekend and woke up to a confirmation email from NFL shop for his jersey, suddenly I'm much more interested in young Werner's future.


I also hope he doesn't change his #...

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It depends on what peoples expectations are with him being in a rotational role, If they are expectting double digit sacks especially in the teens as a rotational DE/OLB then you could very likely be diappointed this year but then again maybe he will completely assert himself as the dominant OLB/DE compared to Walden and thereby get tons of playing time and have more oppurtunities for those type of numbers, I think people are right for expecting him to beat out Walden and get a large majority of playing time but I also do have unreal expectations in regards to numbers


For the love of God, throw in a period every once in awhile.  I freaking ran out of breath trying to read that entire post.


Secondly, congrats on being on firmly located on both sides of the fence.

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Okay Okay wait

:flag: on the post wait wait wait

Now, I'm no math wizard by any means at all..... but isn't 2+2=4 ????

One of our math problems are wrong lmao

Yes 2 + 2 = 4 but here is an extreme one for you.

What does 2 + 1 + 1 = ?????

Mind blown!!!!!!!

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For the love of God, throw in a period every once in awhile.  I freaking ran out of breath trying to read that entire post.


Secondly, congrats on being on firmly located on both sides of the fence.

I was sitting with a good friend of mine the other day....no offense Gav....did not notice...OK I did but who cares?   :clap: (Beware of the JOkeR clap)



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He's such an athletic guy whether he ends up behind Erik (Walden) or behind Robert (Mathis), beating somebody out, starting, third-down pass rush. Ideally, if he plays special teams, 20-25 snaps on first and second down and then we get him into third-down situations, there's usually probably 12, 13 of those situations in a game and he's rushing the passer in those situations coming fresh off the bench than I think it's a plus for everybody and it'd be a great start to a great career for Bjoern."-Pagano

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He'll be fine, Werner's not the kind of player to let something like that go to his head. 


Besides, most outside fans didn't even like the pick because they didn't think he had OLB ability, so a random hype article here isn't going to make him any more of a target. And opposing D's will still have to be worried about Mathis first before they can target Werner.


Bottom line,even if he gets overhyped in the offseason, it's nothing a few well-times sacks won't solve.  :rock:

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