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My Man-Crush for Grigson takes a Small Hit....


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I maybe totally misreading this....   or making too much of it....


But I watched the Grigson-Pagano 25 minute press conference from Friday....  I think many of you did too, the website says it's been viewed nearly 5,000 times.


Anyway,  something Grigson said made me frown up my face like I was sucking on a lemon....


At about the 12:25 mark of the press conference he's asked for his view of Free Agency overall, how other teams did....


And Grigson basically says....   "Irsay asked me the same question, and what I told him was.... "I have no idea what's going on in Free Agency with other teams.   I've been totally focused on the Colts.  I haven't had a chance to look at anything...."


Again, I want to stress, that maybe I'm reading too much into the quote...


But, if I were Irsay, or Grigson's best friend, I'd tell him, that would not be the answer I wanted to hear.   Because what goes on in FA potentially impacts what you may, or may not do.   Who's available?   What are players being signed for, both dollars and years?    And so on.


And Grigson basically said he didn't know.    Had no clue.


It's not hard to assign an intern to keep going back and forth between NFL.com and ESPN.com or any other website for the very latest.   And to keep a look on certain twitter accounts as well.  Then, have the intern write-up a 1-page sheet for Grigson every 2-3 hours.   Give him the latest news.    That's what I would've preferred.


Anyway....   if you want to hear the quote...   it's around the 12:25 mark....   it's not long....



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It's just his way of saying that his entire life revolves around the Colts and no one else at the moment. He might as well just say that he doesn't pay attention to one of his children's school project or his wife.

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It's just his way of saying that his entire life revolves around the Colts and no one else at the moment.

Agree I would rather he be so focused on the players he's looking at for he colts he has no clue what other teams and players are doing.

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You definitely read wayy too much into it. That meant 2 things

A. He's focussed on making us better & doesn't care about others

B. He had his targets set. They said we got everyone we wanted.

So, that means he was "prepared" in a sense for FA which I can respect. If he's happy with our signings, then that means his mission was accomplished

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I think he means it in the best way possible.  Of course, he does hear about signings like Reggie Bush or Wes Welker or Greg Jennings.  With that amount of media coverage those signings got, there is no way he didn't hear about them.  What I think he meant was that he doesn't let that dictate what he does.  He goes after who the Colts need, not after a big name who is attracting a lot of attention.

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These people are so secretive that it's hard to know what he meant. As a gm, you have to know what's going on around the league. He was probably just trying to avoid going into detail abouf other teams. He knew Nnamdi was going to be cut.

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C'mon now......Grigs knows exactly what has gone on in Free Agency. He may watch some signing with a higher sense of interest than others. I think he probably knows most of what is going on in the NFL. Heck, he probably knows how much Gavin hates all of our signings.

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I don't think it means a thing.....he probably could have said it better but in the middle of a "free agency frenzy" like this past week, there's as much lying and smoke-screening as there is leading up to the draft....and with a lot less order and limitations to it once the opening bell rings, except for everyone's cap space.


I just wonder how Jimmy Haslam really feels after Browns GM Mike Lombardi absolutely slammed the panic button thinking they had to win some kind of bidding war with us for Paul Kruger?


Because that may have been a case of Cleveland over reacting to...dare I say it....Grigson and Pagano playing some poker?


You can REALLY wind up chasing your tail if you're overly concerned over what 31 other teams might be doing....and it doesn't look like Grigson plays that game.

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I wouldn't read anything into it.  I think Grigson is doing exactly what his primary job is.  Make HIS team better.  Clearly by all the moves he's made he's been busy and I don't think he's done.  The Colts will worry about other teams once the season starts.  That's Pagano's job to figure out how to beat them.  Grigson's job is to give him the best tools he can to do that. 

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I think what no one has brought up is this, IRSAY himself asked Grigson how he thought Grigson did...Testing him? perhaps not only on who he brings in but his response to that question, Better reponse in my opinion would "Irsay hired me to take this team back up to the top of its game again and I will bring in any and every player we feel as a franchise that can improve this team even the slightest bit, you always want to bring in the best players for your team, paying attention to what other teams wheelings and dealings is just as essential as building your own team". Or something along those lines 

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I maybe totally misreading this.... or making too much of it....

But I watched the Grigson-Pagano 25 minute press conference from Friday.... I think many of you did too, the website says it's been viewed nearly 5,000 times.

Anyway, something Grigson said made me frown up my face like I was sucking on a lemon....

At about the 12:25 mark of the press conference he's asked for his view of Free Agency overall, how other teams did....

And Grigson basically says.... "Irsay asked me the same question, and what I told him was.... "I have no idea what's going on in Free Agency with other teams. I've been totally focused on the Colts. I haven't had a chance to look at anything...."

Again, I want to stress, that maybe I'm reading too much into the quote...

But, if I were Irsay, or Grigson's best friend, I'd tell him, that would not be the answer I wanted to hear. Because what goes on in FA potentially impacts what you may, or may not do. Who's available? What are players being signed for, both dollars and years? And so on.

And Grigson basically said he didn't know. Had no clue.

It's not hard to assign an intern to keep going back and forth between NFL.com and ESPN.com or any other website for the very latest. And to keep a look on certain twitter accounts as well. Then, have the intern write-up a 1-page sheet for Grigson every 2-3 hours. Give him the latest news. That's what I would've preferred.

Anyway.... if you want to hear the quote... it's around the 12:25 mark.... it's not long....


It does give you pause & raise a few concerns when a GM adopts a "bunker" mentality while still claiming to "look at the Big Picture." It's the difference between micro managing & macro managing or looking through a microscope vs a lunar telescope. Pagano is a good counter measure to Grigson. He knows what he wants: girth, leverage, footwork, run the ball, stop the run, dominate at the line of scrimmage, & keep your head up & look at who you are about to collide with & use your shoulder not your head.

I guess every franchise adopts a bunker mentality. This is what works for our club. This is what we do. Forget everybody else. This is how our bread is buttered. I always say this about Grigson. He's an exceptional scout & talent evaluator. He just has a cloak & dagger approach to the GM position that drives me nuts. It like a mechanic who makes you car purr but he never tells you what wrong or how he fixed it. I like knowing what exactly what was done & why. I'm not challenging you. I just wanna know how the issue got resolved. What were the thought processes involved? Take me under the hood & behind that curtain Grigs. I wanna learn baby. What's the secret man?

Al Davis "turning in his grave over the Tuck Rule" made me laugh. Do they strip NE of it's 1st championship title? Just Kidding!!! haha Nice article NCF! Thanks for the link & question my friend. :thmup:

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He's just deflecting the question, I have no clue aka "I don't care who's signing who"

Ah yes, deflection is a beautiful thing & so is answering a question with another question. It's a Roman Gladiator sport in politics. Why didn't you obtain player x in free agency? Reply: Why weren't you watching countless hours of tape beside me to arrive at the same conclusion? Who do you think we should have selected? I tell ya what. You meet at the airport at Gate Y & on my next college visit you can tag along & take notes alright. Thank you.

Not directed at cjMcgirt23 specifically. Just how I would have handled any 2nd guesses about my free agency selections if I were in Ryan Grigson's GM shoes that's all.

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I found it curious also and it really stood out to me; however, I think it was just a bullcrap answer to avoid the question. The warzone would certainly be tracking activity and reporting and discussing things as the progress through FA. If not, that is a scary thing to consider from an competitive intelligence standpoint.

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I maybe totally misreading this.... or making too much of it....

But I watched the Grigson-Pagano 25 minute press conference from Friday.... I think many of you did too, the website says it's been viewed nearly 5,000 times.

Anyway, something Grigson said made me frown up my face like I was sucking on a lemon....

At about the 12:25 mark of the press conference he's asked for his view of Free Agency overall, how other teams did....

And Grigson basically says.... "Irsay asked me the same question, and what I told him was.... "I have no idea what's going on in Free Agency with other teams. I've been totally focused on the Colts. I haven't had a chance to look at anything...."

Again, I want to stress, that maybe I'm reading too much into the quote...

But, if I were Irsay, or Grigson's best friend, I'd tell him, that would not be the answer I wanted to hear. Because what goes on in FA potentially impacts what you may, or may not do. Who's available? What are players being signed for, both dollars and years? And so on.

And Grigson basically said he didn't know. Had no clue.

It's not hard to assign an intern to keep going back and forth between NFL.com and ESPN.com or any other website for the very latest. And to keep a look on certain twitter accounts as well. Then, have the intern write-up a 1-page sheet for Grigson every 2-3 hours. Give him the latest news. That's what I would've preferred.

Anyway.... if you want to hear the quote... it's around the 12:25 mark.... it's not long....


i don't buy it. He has to know to some extent what is going on.

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Lets not read too deep into the comment.  It could mean lets talk about what we have and not what the other team has.  Yes he could have worded it differently but lets not not get rattled.

I interpreted it the same way as you. I am 100% sure that Grigs actually knows what's gone down. I would affirm that he was just trying to emphasize the importance of focusing on our own club. 

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