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Build The Monster

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You're right. Angerer is absolutely gunna be terrible. I'm heading to the tub now to slit my wrists with a spoon. How can I live with it all?

Come on Stryker, most fans want to be excited about their team, and want to believe it is heading in the right direction. How exactly is that silly?

I'm just saying don't chastise someone because they don't get all giddy over a slogan. We hear slogans all the time. They really pose no meaning. Everyone can enjoy it if they may, but don't jump on someone because they don't jump on the train.

I'm not saying Angerer is being terrible, but thinking our linebacker position is locked is silly. When don't have inside linebackers. We have middle linbackers. And DE being converted into outside linebackers. That's a big if.

The MIKE still exists in a 3-4 line up. If anything this will improve his play because he won't be doing 7 yard drops every other play for pass protection like he had to for the stupid tampa 2.

He likes dead center IIRC. The MIKE still can be there, but it's not the position he is use to.

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I'm just saying don't chastise someone because they don't get all giddy over a slogan. We hear slogans all the time. They really pose no meaning. Everyone can enjoy it if they may, but don't jump on someone because they don't jump on the train.

I agree, but it is nice to have a coach that is motivating and trying to fire up his team with emotion - something that has been lacking...

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He likes dead center IIRC. The MIKE still can be there, but it's not the position he is use to.

Its a little different but I think it will to his benefit because it will allow him to do what he is good at, making lots of stuffing tackles.

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I'm just saying don't chastise someone because they don't get all giddy over a slogan. We hear slogans all the time. They really pose no meaning. Everyone can enjoy it if they may, but don't jump on someone because they don't jump on the train.

I'm not saying Angerer is being terrible, but thinking our linebacker position is locked is silly. When don't have inside linebackers. We have middle linbackers. And DE being converted into outside linebackers. That's a big if.

Fair enough. I agree with you about the slogans and shirts, but not about Angerer. I think I've said this before, but I'm generally inclined to put more faith in the worst NFL talent evaluator than the best forum poster, so until he gets cut, I'll trust that he has something to offer and a place on this new team.

Stop being the razor blade in my halloween candy, man... :)

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It is just a way for the team to build a common unity objective. I, for one, am looking forward for a change in everything from the Special Teams to the offense and defense. Our defense has been a league wide joke for some time and any improvement will be welcomed.

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Fair enough. I agree with you about the slogans and shirts, but not about Angerer. I think I've said this before, but I'm generally inclined to put more faith in the worst NFL talent evaluator than the best forum poster, so until he gets cut, I'll trust that he has something to offer and a place on this new team.

Stop being the razor blade in my halloween candy, man... :)

Needs to be a voice of question. What would be the fun if there wasn't? haha

I agree, but it is nice to have a coach that is motivating and trying to fire up his team with emotion - something that has been lacking...

Well maybe with Jim, but I think Tony's poise made for the motivational speeches. I think it's harder to let a person down with so much respect the team held for him rather than if you just get a motivation speech.

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Somebody on here woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Why are they getting so upset about a slogan on the back of a shirt?

Personally I'm glad that Pagano is doing anything and everything to bring what is an unfamiliar group of guys together.

What good is getting a face full of Colts every week if they aren't built into a Monster worth fearing?

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I really think people are going to be suprised by how much better our D will be. Colts fans including. Not only that but I think Luck is going to come in and play lights out!! he may struggle at times but I think his good play will be way more than his bad play!!

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Its better than "Such is Life" lol...if hear that slogan one more time I will shoot myself. I am excited for Luck because well he is going to be one of the few things to get excited over but if next year he throws 3 ints and we lose and he continues to say "Such is Life" I'm going to get real sick at my stomach. I would rather he say we are "Building the Monster". lol

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Coach Pagano is going to usher in a new era of Colts football... one dominated by aggressive defense, power, smack-talk, bulky bodies, and breaking opponents backs! Fear Pagano!

This is the attitude our fan base should have concerning this little slogan Pagano brought to the team. Like others have said, its just a way to get the players acclimated to the new coaching staff and kinda bring a sense of unity with so many new faces.

-Build The Monster

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I dont give a rip what it was intended for, it makes me feel good when I read it. I like the idea of our new identity having a toughness to it. For the record, that does NOT mean that I did not like the way the team felt before. Sometimes I move my couch to the other side of the room because I want to see something different. No, I dont need to see more wins. But I would like to see a different defense.

Like it n I'm down wit it. Think I'll add it to my sig........

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You're right, but high school isn't the NFL. If it actually works (meaning that it was necessary in the first place), that's pretty sad.

these guys have never worked together alot of them are young and havent even started their first game in NFL, Pagano is simply trying to build a unit a comraddery, right now we have 60 plus players NOT a team they are working to become that team, thats what you have to remember alot of these guys will be starting their first NFL game, a locker room is a family and what does a good family do? they bond together to say I have your back. thats what is taking place that is the underlying message as for them needing to be motivated well fact is we have all needed to be motivated from time to time and that motivation works in different ways for everyone. you really think think every one of them players is thinking "Coach is crazy if he thinks were wearing that"? maybe they are the crazy ones if they arent buying into growing as a family and a team, ya just dont throw a bunch of players together especially young ones and expect them to jell just because 'well this is the play were gonna run guys now go out and do it" everything starts with attitude including work ethic which is what he is trying to instill as well, without the right attitude your just going through the motions which I think some of our players did last year some lacked that attitude yes I know alot of guys are gone now but it still all starts with attitude, Alot people that go to work every day go to work with the wrong attitude or just go through the motions, we dont need that, Pagano dont need that
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I opened this thread expecting everyone to pumped up that we are make a change on D. Why all the negativity?

Is it wrong to be excited that your team is trying to, and probably going to improve something that has been lackluster for years?

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i LOVE the attitude they are talking about.

It is 180 degrees from the "finesse" "do what we do" thing.

I especially like that Pagano said he wants to build a team that "kicks the crap" out of other teams. A Ray Lewis attitude.

We've been wanting this forever. We've had some players with that attitude (Sanders, session, etc) but never seemingly an overall atiitude.

We've got to be patient tho. Switching to a 3-4 and needing to "re-tool" the talent to fit the scheme won't be completed before this season.

However, I expect some interesting additions when teams make final cuts, and next year we'll be able to spend some money.

At this point, its just talk, but I REALLY like what I've seen so far


I'm accepting the loss, and staying positive in the fact that now I'll truly be EXCITED every week about at least 2 games..... EVERY week! Plus, Indy plays mostly early games and Denver plays mostly late games. PERFECT.

Hey, it ain't much(considering no Peyton in a horseshoe) but its all I got.

Keep the faith.

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So...what will we call our new improved defense??? I-70 Monsters? Someone help me out because I don't have a poetic/creative bone in my body.

Sorry not creative at all,but the idea of even having a ligitimate Def at all is exciting.The couldve,wouldve if Peyton had a D behind him is sick.Lets not let our new QB go thru the same wos as THE GREAT PEYTON MANNING.
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It's not like I'm actually upset about this, but your comments do strike at the underlying part that is probably what sub-consciously irritates me about the whole thing. When a baseball team has a manager who yells at everyone and kicks dirt on umpires, and the team loses, they invariably bring in a guy who never yells at anyone. And then when he loses, they invariable bring in a guy who yells at everyone and kicks dirt on umpires. It's all just a kneejerk reaction and complete garbage.

I'm OK with the fact that we are changing our style of defense, because it was built to compliment Peyton and he is no longer here. However to suggest that it is a "cultural" or attitude issue is just ridiculous. Do you think that Freeney, Mathis, Bethea and Sanders weren't aggressive? Would a well placed t-shirt have solved all the problems?

For the 1,000 time, our previous defense was put in place for a reason, and the team just finished the most successful stretch in their history with that defense in place. Twenty-one years without reaching 10 wins prior to that incredible run of success. It is clearly time for a change, but there was NOTHING wrong with the prior teams attitude. Printing a t-shirt isn't going to change anything anymore than kicking dirt on an umpire will. My complaining about it is admittedly silly, but not nearly so much as is celebrating it as a reflection of some long missing ingredient.

What you said there is mostly wrong.... do you see the patriots now? The colts had the silly defense they had because most of their money was invested in the offense.. that's what happens when you have a hall of famer at QB, you try to surround him with talent and keep that talent... as for the defense it was CONSTANTLY built with a rag tag bunch mixed with some hits but mostly misses.

Chuck was not brought in because he can yell it was because the colts needed BALANCE because they don't have a HOF at QB and jessey stressed defense... I can guarantee you the colts will have a much better defense than offense unless Luck shocks everybody and has an amazing year... this team will now be balanced and have better quality players with a guy who's defensive minded coach

His attitude and demeanor is a plus, and you can tell they are very smart if your team is in synch and you sure up the trenches its smooth sailing.

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