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Do you think this was a good year?

Trace Pyott

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I know the season isn’t over yet I’m just wondering what some of you think it will take for this year to be considered an over all positive year for the franchise?  Let’s say we win at worst one more game and miss out on the playoffs .....would you guys say this season was an over all success?  

   I figured we would have a rough year. I didn’t expect the colts to win more than 5 games and honestly I was grading this team on growth and how well luck looked coming back from injury and I gotta say I don’t know if I could be any happier with the growth of the young guys  and bright future this team should have. I really think If the season started today all over that we would be a top 4 or 5 team.  If Ballard has a draft that is  3/4 as good as last years and we spend a little money on free agents we may find ourselves at the top of the afc next year and in the super bowl in a few years.  I really like what we are building and I think this team is going to be a force to be reckoned with next year. So yah I would def say no matter what happens from here on out this has been a successful season and a fun year to be a colts fan. 

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"I didn't expect the Colts to win more than 5 games" - You. You pretty much answered your question, probably half the Forum's, and most of the media's = ESPN's, NFL Network, and USA Todays. Most had us at around 4 or 5 wins in reality and we are at 7 which = a Great season based on expectation right? I had us picked at 9-7 being super positive, so if we go 9-7 than to me that would be Great based on expectation. 8-8 was probable in my mind, so if we do end up 8-8 than that still sort of met my expectation. 

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12 minutes ago, coltsnation said:

Even if we lose out (which would really suck), most would consider this team to have overachieved.  If we make the playoffs even better.  I remember how low I was on this team after that HORRIBLE loss to the jets

Yep when were 1-5 people were really piling on us. The future is bright and Luck is healthy and playing Great. Even if we miss the Playoffs and finish 8-8 it won't be the end of the world. Next seasons expectations will be high though, as in 10-6 or 11-5.

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I'm a bit torn. I feel like we've done okay and have really enjoyed the emergence of Leonard, Smith and Nelson. Plus, Luck, Hilton and Ebron showing their chemistry.


I can't help feeling a little bit like we've got off lightly in terms of the schedule and it's therefore giving me a little pause about how much improvement to project from here.


Similarly I can't help feeling that a .500 year with a fit Andrew Luck is the very minimum we should expect.


Overall I'd say it's been a decent and enjoyable year but I'm not quite ready to get carried away on how much we will automatically move forward next year.

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Very happy.   The O-line seems fixed.   Luck is healthy.   Playmakers on defense.   

Maybe most importantly, the holes are exposed more than ever.   No question on what positions we need to address.   I think I picked 7-9 wins, so that is on schedule.

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This team could easily be 9-4, there's really only been one game where we KINDA got blown out (the Patriots game) but every other game we put in a fight down to the last play. I would consider almost every loss coming down to the last play being a very good year when even colts fans would think we would be bad.

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I like where we are at!  I don't think we've overachieved as I expected all along that we'd be about 10-6 or 9-7.  I think once the playoffs start anybody can make it to the Superbowl. When we made it to the AFC Championship a couple years ago our team wasn't even all that good talent wise and we made it that far.  I don't think we have to sit around waiting for 2 or 3 drafts later.  The team we have now in Ballards first year is built much better than that team at just about every level. 


I think we can compete with and beat anybody Right Now as long as we don't suffer any major injuries and we play sharp. Next years team will be even more talented and closer to being what we've been looking for. But again I'm not counting this years team out of anything.  I think we can do some damage if we get in the playoffs.

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9 minutes ago, CaptainColt12 said:

This team could easily be 9-4, there's really only been one game where we KINDA got blown out (the Patriots game) but every other game we put in a fight down to the last play. I would consider almost every loss coming down to the last play being a very good year when even colts fans would think we would be bad.

And that Patriot game we were really crippled by injuries.

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Looking forward, I have already seen and enjoyed enough to know where we are headed and that it is faster than most of us ever expected. I (along with all of my skeptical family members) are 100% bought in on Ballard/Reich. Luck has blown my mind this season. This defense has been unbelievable and seemingly improves each week. I don't care about wins, because we have been in every single game we have played this season. We have blown wins. We started 1-5 and have solid hopes for a playoff spot (is that not insane?). 


I'll be disappointed if we don't make the playoffs, and even more so if we don't finish strong in the win column

.. but I am ECSTATIC with this organization's growth this season. It's going to be a fun offseason, for sure. 


...And this season is far from over. would you want to play us in the playoffs? I wouldn't...

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Despite the record, I think this has been a good year. It's been a long time since I felt like this team had this much promise. Usually everything is over hyped during training camp and you see the product on the field and it's a dud. I think a majority of that was coaching and Ryan Grigson. We have some young playmakers on the team that are starting and actually making some plays. Before, our draft picks didn't seem to make any big plays and it was discouraging. I'm glad Andrew Luck is back and he looks even better than before. I like where this team is going. Something special for sure.

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Definitely a good year.  I did say I didn't care about the record at the beginning of the season.  I wanted to see this team grow, improve, and learn to compete.  Even early in the year when we didn't look so hot this team was still competing.  Many of the losses were pretty close.  Then they started to close out games and win.


I really didn't think this team would make the playoffs, but here we are with a chance.  It's not a given but again it is possible.  And as Krunk said once you are in the playoffs anything can happen.  Just as the Giants.


Seems this team is going in the right direction with a pretty good foundation physically, athletically, and mentally.  Pretty good stuff!

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I've really enjoyed this year. I honestly thought the Jets game was the nail in the coffin for our playoff hope. I was going to sit back and enjoy watching our players develop and hope our defense could improve. 


Then bam, 5 game win streak and were playoff contenders.  Love it, love it love it. 


I think if we sign a few good FAs and draft well again, we have a playoff caliber club that has the ability to beat any team. 

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I would have to say yes.  The beginning of the year didn't seem like it, but we saw a solid improvement on this team on multiple levels.  


No one was expecting us to win the SB.  Most probably didn't think we would make the playoffs.  With 3 games left to go we are firmly in the hunt and just need some things to work out right for us.


So I would say it was a successful year.  Making the playoffs or even having a winning record would be icing on the cake.  

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I do consider it a good year even if they finish 7-9.  Most experts predicted 4-6 wins.  I feel like they were playing with house money.  They still have a shot at the  playoffs too which is awesome.  The defense has played much better than anyone expected.   I think the experience is going to bode well for the future.  All that free agency money and draft picks next year are going to be very valuable. And I think we can all agree Andrew Luck is back and better than ever!  I think the 2019 Colts will be a force to recon with. 

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This prediction, which mirrors the 2017 results for Indianapolis, is solely rooted in the uncertainty around Andrew Luck. As of this week, Andrew Luck still hasn’t thrown a game-official football since his shoulder surgery. NFL pundits will differ on him because he’s still one of the greatest quarterback prospects in decades, but anyone taking this long to return from injury—and the Colts were right to shut him down in 2017—would concern me. This team isn’t built to compete without Luck, and I’m not willing to say he’s starting 16 games in 2018.


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It's only a failure if you fail to learn and improve. We have ups and downs but I think we have improved overall as the season went. There's been some tough lessons and growing pains like the jags game but the season has been very good. 


Now if we look like this this next year. Then I wouldn't be happy. I want to see improvement across the board and a strong playoff run. 

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Thanks for all the replies. Wow. I guess mr Ballard and Reich have done their jobs when 90% of colts fans feel like this year has been a success to which I agree.  The last time I was this optimistic was during the early 2000/s. I remember thinking if we could just fix this defense we would be unstoppable and sadly that kinda never happened like I had hoped but I really like what Ballard is doing and like I said if we have 70% as good of draft next year as we did this year than we will be a team that other teams circle on their calendar to be ready for.   If the playoffs started today and I was another team I don’t know if there is a team out there that I would want to play less than the colts. 

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32 minutes ago, Trace Pyott said:

Thanks for all the replies. Wow. I guess mr Ballard and Reich have done their jobs when 90% of colts fans feel like this year has been a success to which I agree.  The last time I was this optimistic was during the early 2000/s. I remember thinking if we could just fix this defense we would be unstoppable and sadly that kinda never happened like I had hoped but I really like what Ballard is doing and like I said if we have 70% as good of draft next year as we did this year than we will be a team that other teams circle on their calendar to be ready for.   If the playoffs started today and I was another team I don’t know if there is a team out there that I would want to play less than the colts. 

Patriots, Chiefs and Chargers in the AFC.   Now if the Colts can add a win over an out of division  playoff team on Sunday, they will gain notice.   

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10 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

"I didn't expect the Colts to win more than 5 games" - You. You pretty much answered your question, probably half the Forum's, and most of the media's = ESPN's, NFL Network, and USA Todays. Most had us at around 4 or 5 wins in reality and we are at 7 which = a Great season based on expectation right? I had us picked at 9-7 being super positive, so if we go 9-7 than to me that would be Great based on expectation. 8-8 was probable in my mind, so if we do end up 8-8 than that still sort of met my expectation. 

To be brutally honest, I thought the Colts would go 8-8 (a solid year considering AL first year back in over 1 year). I probably wanted the Colts to go more like 4-12 more or less to take advantage of that additional second rounder from the Jets. I thought maybe we could get another Darius Leonard with the Jets 2nd rounder lol. That would be nice.

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This has been a good year. Just remember where we were when this season started.

  • 1. Unsure if Andrew Luck would ever play again. We haven't even seen him throw a "real" football. Maybe we should have drafted a QB in the first round.
  • 2. Ballard was being flamed for drafting a guard at #6, and then -- yikes! -- another one high in the 2nd round. 
  • 3. Ballard again, reaching for a small school linebacker early in the 2nd round. What was he thinking? We could have drafted that guy or someone just like him in the 3rd. 
  • 4. The Colts were cucked by the head coach they really wanted and made to look like fools. 
  • 5. What were they thinking, signing that Ebron guy from Detroit? He was a first-round bust who drops passes, and fans there hated him. 
  • 6. We still don't have anybody who can rush the passer.
  • 6. The Colts will be lucky to win four games this year. And that's just because we play a weak schedule.


So, here we are in December, with an actual chance at a wildcard berth in the playoffs after beating the hottest team in the NFL, on their own field. Luck, a lock for Comeback Player of the Year, is playing better than ever. We have a rookie LB who could not only be DROY, but is in the conversation about DPOY. A "development project" rookie guard turned out to be a pretty darned good right tackle. A bunch of raw rookies and cast-offs have turned into real players, right before our eyes. Oh, yeah, and that "backup plan" head coach seems to be working out pretty well too. 


Sure, there are still some holes in the roster, and we all know where they are. But to come this far with what we thought we had in Week 1 is truly amazing. 

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I could just leave it at that, but I will expand a bit.


It's been great to see Andrew back on the field.


It's been great to see the team coming together and improving.


It was great to be in attendance when Adam broke the record.


It's been great to see some excitement back in the fan base and on the forum


And etc. etc. 



Yes. I think it's been a good year overall.



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How is this even a question? OFC it is a success.  Even if we lose out from here on (which we won't).  If we miss the playoff's, i'm still happy with what we have achieved.  Early year struggles were expected to happen with new coaching, new scheme's and newly built roster with so many rookie/2nd year's.  But they've came together and now we know exactly what we need player wise to be a contender year end year out.  3 positions need a upgrade.  unlike last offseason when we thought maybe EVERY position may need one. (yes even QB because no-one was 100% on Luck at that time.)  

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From my standpoint it has been a great year watching all the "experts" who ranked the Colts 30th to 32nd in the preseason eat their words as this team has shown steady improvement all season long. Luck is healthy and our draft picks have played very well. Big success, no question about it.


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This has been a very successful year as far as Luck's comeback and player development. It seems Ballard has grown into the GM role very well. I know I'm going to be in the minority on this statement, but I'm starting to doubt Coach Reich more and more throughout this season. He struggled early, turned it around (especially in a two game stretch where we had a balanced run and pass game), then it was gone. Part of it may be Ryan Kelly, but it was happening before he got hurt. The run game is nonexistent and Reich has abandoned it. Instead of the RB by committee approach, he is literally doing what Pagano did now and is forcing Luck to carry the offense with a lackluster receiving core. 


Impressed with Luck, Ballard, and Eberflus this year. Reich has been pretty bad in his first year IMO. He is panicking right now, abandoning the run, and forcing Luck to carry the team. Luck may be back to 100%, but it isn't fair to put that on his shoulders. This is why I say we need Bell or Hunt, because Reich doesn't trust the RB's to use them or something.

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13 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

This has been a very successful year as far as Luck's comeback and player development. It seems Ballard has grown into the GM role very well. I know I'm going to be in the minority on this statement, but I'm starting to doubt Coach Reich more and more throughout this season. He struggled early, turned it around (especially in a two game stretch where we had a balanced run and pass game), then it was gone. Part of it may be Ryan Kelly, but it was happening before he got hurt. The run game is nonexistent and Reich has abandoned it. Instead of the RB by committee approach, he is literally doing what Pagano did now and is forcing Luck to carry the offense with a lackluster receiving core. 


Impressed with Luck, Ballard, and Eberflus this year. Reich has been pretty bad in his first year IMO. He is panicking right now, abandoning the run, and forcing Luck to carry the team. Luck may be back to 100%, but it isn't fair to put that on his shoulders. This is why I say we need Bell or Hunt, because Reich doesn't trust the RB's to use them or something.

Reich , outside of the jags game,  has been great.   Not sure what team you're watching

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10 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Reich , outside of the jags game,  has been great.   Not sure what team you're watching

I'm watching a team that Luck is carrying on offense. I'm supposed to be watching a team coached by a guy who preaches "RB by committee", and has done that 2 out of 13 games this year. Hines rarely gets the ball anymore, Wilkins is literally nonexistent now. It went from RB by committee, to RBs being involved in some way, to Mack getting a handful of carries per game and Hines and Wilkins not being used. The only reason we are 7-6 is because of the FA signing of Ebron. Way too much unnecessary  pressure on Luck. If you consider Reich "great", then you have no standards for him and are grading purely off record. Why don't you look deeper. Luck has been "great". Reich is 7-6 despite himself. We are still a one'dimensional team and that is 100% Reich's fault for passing most of the time. Thank God the O-Line is solid enough now to protect Luck since he passes most of the time.

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34 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

This has been a very successful year as far as Luck's comeback and player development. It seems Ballard has grown into the GM role very well. I know I'm going to be in the minority on this statement, but I'm starting to doubt Coach Reich more and more throughout this season. He struggled early, turned it around (especially in a two game stretch where we had a balanced run and pass game), then it was gone. Part of it may be Ryan Kelly, but it was happening before he got hurt. The run game is nonexistent and Reich has abandoned it. Instead of the RB by committee approach, he is literally doing what Pagano did now and is forcing Luck to carry the offense with a lackluster receiving core. 


Impressed with Luck, Ballard, and Eberflus this year. Reich has been pretty bad in his first year IMO. He is panicking right now, abandoning the run, and forcing Luck to carry the team. Luck may be back to 100%, but it isn't fair to put that on his shoulders. This is why I say we need Bell or Hunt, because Reich doesn't trust the RB's to use them or something.

Yah I gotta disagree about Reich. I know he’s made a few gambles but the offense has been leaps and bounds better than anything pagano would of put out there. Look at who we have as recievers for goodness sake. I know the 4th down gambles haven’t paid off but I’m sure if he made those same decisions 10x that they would succeed more than not. I would much much rather have an overly aggressive head coach who goes for the win than an overly conservative coach like pagano who with a 4 point lead going into the 4th quarter decides it’s time to run the ball up the middle 70% of the time and play prevent defense the entire quarter. I really believe that’s why we lost so many 4th quarter leads last year. Do you guys remember when someone posted the 4th quarter plays we would run and the % of those plays?  It was absurd how predictable it was. Pagano was a good guy who was better than what grigson made him look but let’s not kid ourselves here, Reich is a way better coach in my opinion. 

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Definitely oversatisfied with this season.  I had us at MAX 8-8 and right now we're vying for playoff spot with one of the youngest teams in the NFL.  We have an almost top 10 defense and have plenty of holes to fill on that side of the ball.   I came into the season thinking our defense would be the weakest link when in fact more than not, it has been the offense.  Luck looks amazing, the line looks amazing, looks like our drafts are paying off.  


I'm happy as a fan right now.  We have another draft ahead of us, a lot of money to spend, and filling in holes with studs and quality FA signings.  Hopefully it continues.

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2 minutes ago, Trace Pyott said:

Yah I gotta disagree about Reich. I know he’s made a few gambles but the offense has been leaps and bounds better than anything pagano would of put out there. Look at who we have as recievers for goodness sake. I know the 4th down gambles haven’t paid off but I’m sure if he made those same decisions 10x that they would succeed more than not. I would much much rather have an overly aggressive head coach who goes for the win than an overly conservative coach like pagano who with a 4 point lead going into the 4th quarter decides it’s time to run the ball up the middle 70% of the time and play prevent defense the entire quarter. I really believe that’s why we lost so many 4th quarter leads last year. Do you guys remember when someone posted the 4th quarter plays we would run and the % of those plays?  It was absurd how predictable it was. Pagano was a good guy who was better than what grigson made him look but let’s not kid ourselves here, Reich is a way better coach in my opinion. 

With Luck being 100% and carrying the team once again, he has made Reich look like a million bucks. There have been times where Reich has implemented the run game, but he doesn't do it consistently. He doesn't play matchups well. His strategies are almost random. I don't mind the gamble in the first Texans game, I was 100% for it. That was the right move by Reich. My problem is the one-dimensional offense. Not impressed with Reich right now. If Luck wasn't 100% playing at a high level, Reich would look like Pagano right now. He adds nothing new to this offense besides the two game stretch where we had the balanced offense. It's unfortunate we went away from it.

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3 minutes ago, tucky89 said:

If we miss the postseason by one game, that dumb OT decision by Reich will really come to the forefront.

Please, please elaborate more... You think a first year HC (Reich) is going to get roasted the end of the year for a decision to try and beat a division rival instead of take the tie?  That’s the decision the other guy (Pagano) would have made, because he was too conservative and constantly out coached by the opposing coach.  Reich isn’t going anywhere for one failed 4th down. His arrow is trending nothing, but up!

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