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why cant Irsay drop the axe?


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What I was saying in another topic is that when you've enjoyed winning as much as we have, it's hard to tell when you're off the mountain. Irsay is blind because of the Manning years and first 3 years of the Luck era. He thinks things will work themselves out and the Colts just have a lot of bad luck and that they're right there. Coaching ineptitude, a poor GM, poor roster, etc...are things that he doesn't know.

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Could it be he has carefully considered that NO GM or coach has ever been faultless? Could it be that he realizes that the Colts were one of the most injured teams this year? Could it be that bringing in a new regime has its own drawbacks? If the Colts do not win a SB in the next 3 years, your question might warrant some merit. Relax, it takes time to build a championship and the Colts are close. Let's see how the draft goes and how the team responds next year.


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If he's going to fire them he will do it after the season ends.  I believe he needs to do it this time around regardless of the extensions he just handed to them. Team is not getting any better, could easily say they are getting worse considering they were 8-8 last year with Luck not playing half the season. Not only that but at this point he will lose a good bit of the fanbase if he sticks with these 2 guys as i believe the majority of people are ready for them to go as well.  We will probably see the beginning of this next Sunday when Lucas oil is half full.

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We don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Something people forget is that Pagano is close to being the only coach that was there at the beginning of the the year, even chud wasn't in the position he is now at the beginning of last season, it takes time for all of that too come together. Besides "when you listen to the fans you'll end up being a fan" i.e losing your job. It could still happen and I'm far from the biggest supporter of Pagano however I would still like to see what next year has too offer. Also since apparently you know all, what coaching candidate and what gm is available that would take this job right now that is for sure going to be better? Harbaugh? It's unlikely he will leave Michigan right now. Gruden? He's got a really nice contract that I doubt he would leave. And let's be honest "he will lose the fanbase" b.s for the most part it's us forum members that look that hard into this matter where it would "affect" the fan base but I'll put money almost all of you who are saying that will be back next year belly aching as soon as they lose a game but most certainly not after a win.

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7 minutes ago, twfish said:

We don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Something people forget is that Pagano is close to being the only coach that was there at the beginning of the the year, even chud wasn't in the position he is now at the beginning of last season, it takes time for all of that too come together. Besides "when you listen to the fans you'll end up being a fan" i.e losing your job. It could still happen and I'm far from the biggest supporter of Pagano however I would still like to see what next year has too offer. Also since apparently you know all, what coaching candidate and what gm is available that would take this job right now that is for sure going to be better? Harbaugh? It's unlikely he will leave Michigan right now. Gruden? He's got a really nice contract that I doubt he would leave. And let's be honest "he will lose the fanbase" b.s for the most part it's us forum members that look that hard into this matter where it would "affect" the fan base but I'll put money almost all of you who are saying that will be back next year belly aching as soon as they lose a game but most certainly not after a win.


I'll bet you money if the 2 are retained, there will be plenty of season tickets not renewed. Interested?

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does any have the total dollar amount it would cost irsay if he cut them now??


i know he could get some of that back when they get new jobs, but the difference would be rather large unless they get similar positions to what they have now


chuck is making like 4.5 mil a year now, while defensive Coordinators make 600k on average

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Texans without the best defensive player in NFL figure to be improved next year and Titans are getting better with a good young qb. The days of having 5 or 6 automatic division wins are likely over. Irsay standing pat is not a great idea but I have no faith in him. He should retire and work on his health.

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26 minutes ago, coltsfeva said:

Could it be he has carefully considered that NO GM or coach has ever been faultless? Could it be that he realizes that the Colts were one of the most injured teams this year? Could it be that bringing in a new regime has its own drawbacks? If the Colts do not win a SB in the next 3 years, your question might warrant some merit. Relax, it takes time to build a championship and the Colts are close. Let's see how the draft goes and how the team responds next year.



The colts have been the most injured team going into the manning era. That's no excuse. Every team gets hurt. 

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3 minutes ago, azcolt said:

Texans without the best defensive player in NFL figure to be improved next year and Titans are getting better with a good young qb. The days of having 5 or 6 automatic division wins are likely over. Irsay standing pat is not a great idea but I have no faith in him. He should retire and work on his health.

if jimmy retired, then the team would go to his daughters


i dont have a link but word on here is that they are some of grigsons biggest supporters



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37 minutes ago, coltsfeva said:

Could it be he has carefully considered that NO GM or coach has ever been faultless? Could it be that he realizes that the Colts were one of the most injured teams this year? Could it be that bringing in a new regime has its own drawbacks? If the Colts do not win a SB in the next 3 years, your question might warrant some merit. Relax, it takes time to build a championship and the Colts are close. Let's see how the draft goes and how the team responds next year.


Close? Rotfl.

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9 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

if jimmy retired, then the team would go to his daughters


i dont have a link but word on here is that they are some of grigsons biggest supporters



It's that reason I think Pagano is going to get canned and Grigson retained. Nothing to base it on but it seems plausible. 

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If I were owner, I'd sit down to hear what the regime has to say.   I would also express how unhappy I am with the offensive play calling, which only every now and again is any good, I would express how I question the in-game decision management, and I would very strongly express my utter dissatisfaction with the lack of defensive progress five years in.


Given the extensions handed out last year and given what I consider to be a very encouraging draft this past year, depending upon what Grigs and Pags have to say, I might give them the benefit of another year.   I would make it very clear, though, that 8-8 without Luck is one thing, but to now go 7-9 or 8-8 WITH Luck is an unacceptable regression.  Ergo, if things do not significantly improve in the 2017 season, then I will be looking to intervene to right the ship.


I would evaluate Grigson and Pagano independent of each other, though.  If one makes noticeable improvement, but one does not, them I would not necessarily be inclined to make wholesale changes just for the sake of change.  

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Probably because he wants to see who's available while I think Grigson/Pagano need to go as much as the next person you shouldn't get rid of someone unless you have someone else in mind you think would actually want to come here.


For now I'm okay with them sticking around the thought of an available Jeff Fisher while the Colts are in crisis scares me at the moment.

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1 hour ago, coltsfeva said:

Could it be he has carefully considered that NO GM or coach has ever been faultless? Could it be that he realizes that the Colts were one of the most injured teams this year? Could it be that bringing in a new regime has its own drawbacks? If the Colts do not win a SB in the next 3 years, your question might warrant some merit. Relax, it takes time to build a championship and the Colts are close. Let's see how the draft goes and how the team responds next year.


How are these Colts close?  Enlighten me. 

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1 hour ago, coltsfeva said:

Could it be he has carefully considered that NO GM or coach has ever been faultless? Could it be that he realizes that the Colts were one of the most injured teams this year? Could it be that bringing in a new regime has its own drawbacks? If the Colts do not win a SB in the next 3 years, your question might warrant some merit. Relax, it takes time to build a championship and the Colts are close. Let's see how the draft goes and how the team responds next year.



Yeah, But this team is regressing not moving forward. 

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Irsay is a slave to his over blown ego.  Canning Grigson and Pagano would be admitting a mistake in his calculated transition from the Manning era to the Luck era.   He wants to be seen as the master architect of the Colts continued success across eras.  Think of it like this....Chuck and Griggson are to Irsay as Tony Romo is to Jerry Jones.  He wants to prove he can win with them to show his own genius. Unfortunately if he continues in his delusions...Colts fans will suffer for it. 

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1 hour ago, Nesjan3 said:

Us as fans and the clowns on NFL network all know that in order for this team to succeed Grigson and Pagano need to get lost, so why can everyone with half a brain cell in the world figure this out except Jim, is it time for him to retire?


Do you think there's a chance that the guy who is in the building with this team every day and knows all the little secrets that rarely get out,    do you think that Irsay knows his team a little better than the average fan?


Come on now.........    of course he does.



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1 hour ago, twfish said:

We don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Something people forget is that Pagano is close to being the only coach that was there at the beginning of the the year, even chud wasn't in the position he is now at the beginning of last season, it takes time for all of that too come together. Besides "when you listen to the fans you'll end up being a fan" i.e losing your job. It could still happen and I'm far from the biggest supporter of Pagano however I would still like to see what next year has too offer. Also since apparently you know all, what coaching candidate and what gm is available that would take this job right now that is for sure going to be better? Harbaugh? It's unlikely he will leave Michigan right now. Gruden? He's got a really nice contract that I doubt he would leave. And let's be honest "he will lose the fanbase" b.s for the most part it's us forum members that look that hard into this matter where it would "affect" the fan base but I'll put money almost all of you who are saying that will be back next year belly aching as soon as they lose a game but most certainly not after a win.

Colts are not close to a super bowl. They aren't even the best team in the division. 

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47 minutes ago, colts_100nascar17fan said:

Very small balls and complete ignorance,  which is why this team will not be completely competitive consistently for atleast a few years! That's reality like it or not.


Speaking of complete ignorance.....


I love a fan who think he knows more about the owners team than the owner.    Especially an owner as involved as Irsay.      He's an owner who is around this team every day.       He's not an owner who lives elsewhere and shows up on game day.       He knows his team well.


But you think you know it better.....


Now THAT'S complete ignorance.


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23 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Irsay is a slave to his over blown ego.  Canning Grigson and Pagano would be admitting a mistake in his calculated transition from the Manning era to the Luck era.   He wants to be seen as the master architect of the Colts continued success across eras.  Think of it like this....Chuck and Griggson are to Irsay as Tony Romo is to Jerry Jones.  He wants to prove he can win with them to show his own genius. Unfortunately if he continues in his delusions...Colts fans will suffer for it. 


Romo at least had decent moments he just is made of glass and they made Prescott the starter so Jerruh is willing to concede more than Jimbo(which is a scary thought actually)

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1 hour ago, Defjamz26 said:

What I was saying in another topic is that when you've enjoyed winning as much as we have, it's hard to tell when you're off the mountain. Irsay is blind because of the Manning years and first 3 years of the Luck era. He thinks things will work themselves out and the Colts just have a lot of bad luck and that they're right there. Coaching ineptitude, a poor GM, poor roster, etc...are things that he doesn't know.


You should stay away from talking about the things that Irsay does and does not know.  You don't really have any idea.

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1 hour ago, colts_100nascar17fan said:

Very small balls and complete ignorance,  which is why this team will not be completely competitive consistently for atleast a few years! That's reality like it or not.


Ahh, the internet.  Giving the terminally clueless a platform since the 90's.

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No one should bringing Irsay personal matters into this discussion. The fact is the team lost yesterday. Get over it please. We had 3 turnovers on their side of the field. You can't win a game giving it away. Look at it this way. Half of you got your wish wanting the Colts to lose to get in better draft position. We have one more game left. Now if you go back and know Irsay as he talks in riddles. At the end of the season he'll look at the body of work. I'm not saying more. 

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51 minutes ago, CF4L said:

Probably because he wants to see who's available while I think Grigson/Pagano need to go as much as the next person you shouldn't get rid of someone unless you have someone else in mind you think would actually want to come here.


For now I'm okay with them sticking around the thought of an available Jeff Fisher while the Colts are in crisis scares me at the moment.


I think at the very least Josh McDaniels would be available as an interested candidate for HC. I think he'd do a better job over Pagano. For GM candidates I like Eric Decosta and Nick Caserio. I think Grigson has slightly been better than Pagano though. 

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I live in Buffalo, and they are having the same discussion here. The only difference is whether or not they keep their Quarterback as well. 

As coltsfeva stated, no GM or Coach is perfect ( certainly not ours or the Bills ) but are there currently alternatives that are knowingly better?  I'm not saying there aren't, but changing the leadership does come with some risk.  

Remember how happy many of you were when we got rid of that "bumb Polian" :thinking:and got a "real GM" 

well here we go again. 

I'm not sure where I come down on this subject, but it's far from a no brainier.


On a positive note, at least we have Luck instead of Tyrod Tailor! 

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2 hours ago, indy1888 said:


I'll bet you money if the 2 are retained, there will be plenty of season tickets not renewed. Interested?

I'll take that bet. What percentage down would we call plenty? I'd call plenty at 15% and I would absolutely be interested but as I'm working over 40 hours a week paying my own way through college it makes it a tad difficult however my father and I have plans to start the process of being season ticket holders as soon as I finish my degree.

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36 minutes ago, wordofmouth said:

Remember how happy many of you were when we got rid of that "bumb Polian" :thinking:and got a "real GM"

Said no one of ever!!!


Both Grigson and Pagano were unknown first time Coach and GM. Which I believe is why Colta are in this mess. Fine to bring in 1st timers but for f sakes pair them with someone with experience in their job!

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