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Colts Defense ranked last, but the story behind it


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#colts D has faced more plays (487) than any other team. On the field third-most of any defense (32:22).

— Mike Chappell (@mchappell51)

October 28, 2015

#colts D has faced more plays (487) than any other team. On the field third-most of any defense (32:22).

It's hard to defend #colts D. No. 32 overall. But of opponents' 174 points, 50 have come after turnovers. Luck-led offense making it tough.

— Mike Chappell (@mchappell51)

October 28, 2015

It's hard to defend #colts D. No. 32 overall. But of opponents' 174 points, 50 have come after turnovers. Luck-led offense making it tough.

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When roughly 33% of the points given up are from turnovers on O and special teams....the D isnt the problem....theyre gassed

Not to mention the offense seems not to sustain drives, especially in the first half. They seem to do better in the second half but by then the defense is wore out.

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When roughly 33% of the points given up are from turnovers on O and special teams....the D isnt the problem....theyre gassed

Yup, 32 minutes on the field is absolutely ridiculous. The D is getting gassed by the middle of the 2nd quarter. I thought the D looked gassed in the 2nd quarter of the Saints game. The offense only ran like 15 plays in the first half, that's a killer to the defense.

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#colts D has faced more plays (487) than any other team. On the field third-most of any defense (32:22).

— Mike Chappell (@mchappell51)

October 28, 2015

#colts D has faced more plays (487) than any other team. On the field third-most of any defense (32:22).

It's hard to defend #colts D. No. 32 overall. But of opponents' 174 points, 50 have come after turnovers. Luck-led offense making it tough.

— Mike Chappell (@mchappell51)

October 28, 2015

It's hard to defend #colts D. No. 32 overall. But of opponents' 174 points, 50 have come after turnovers. Luck-led offense making it tough.



Yep, if we can just get clicking on the offensive side of the ball, I really think we can make a run deep, but we have to do it soon before injuries and fatigue start hitting harder than they have already

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While I agree that the offense has hurt the defense quite a bit, the defense is still lousy.   Penalties, blown coverage's.   I think they still lead the league in 20+ yard plays allowed.   That's not all on the offense.  

I think the defense is bad like it has been for a decade or so.

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The offense not sustaining drives is certainly a part of taxing the D, but so is the D ALLOWING other offenses to drive from the 20 yard line to China for 12 minutes a whack if and when they feel like it..... This has been happening early and often, well before the D is "tired"  It also happens after they are tired, but I digress.....

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This defense is terrible. I recall the Patriots going up and down the field without the offense turning the ball over. I recall Hoyer going up and down the field without the offense turning the ball over. I recall Mariota and the Titans going up amd down the field and jumping out to a lead before the offense ever turned the ball over.

An additional reason they're on the field for so many plays - they can't get off the field on 3rd down.

The offense is the problem with the defense? Yes, because over the past 18 years this defense has performed so well next to elite QBs and offenses.

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This defense is terrible. I recall the Patriots going up and down the field without the offense turning the ball over.


When it was a 1-score game in the 2nd half, the Colts turned the ball over deep in their own territory on the infamous ST play, setting up an easy score for the Pats.


On the Patriots' previous two offensive possessions, however, they went 3-and-out. 

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When it was a 1-score game in the 2nd half, the Colts turned the ball over deep in their own territory on the infamous ST play, setting up an easy score for the Pats.


On the Patriots' previous two offensive possessions, however, they went 3-and-out. 

it was only one possession, the Pats only punted once in that game up until that point

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I don't think they've been the worst in the league.  I think the offense is putting them in some tough situations.  Add to that they are on the field FAR too long and they are too tired most of the time.  Look no further than our last game.  Of the 27 points NO had, 14 came off turnovers.  And when you have a big ZERO on the board until late 3rd quarter, your defense is out there too long.  If the offense can get going, and do it early in the game, the defense will play much better IMHO.

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When roughly 33% of the points given up are from turnovers on O and special teams....the D isnt the problem....theyre gassed



I'd almost agree entirely with this. Except for the fact that the I don't believe we've got the stud pass rusher we need anywhere on our defense. That's the one trait that I think is beyond fixing even when the offense and special teams get it together.

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The defense is gassed and the offense is still the major problem with this team but does anyone in here actually believe this defense is good? I think the stats look worse due to the TOP and turnovers but I really don't think this is actually a good defense either.

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It's still misleading, didn't Jacksonville, Houston, and NE rack up a truckload of yardage on the Colts D? Thanks to Jacksonville's kicker for botching those kicks the Colts barley won 2 of 3. Those were somewhat clean games from an offensive standpoint for the Colts.

Yes the offense doesn't help, but this isn't really a good defense. It's not really rocket science to see it isn't. I don't think any respectable analyst would consider them good.

If I recall JV, NE and Houston all racked up 400 yards of total offense on the Colts and the opposing teams turned the ball over besides JV.

I expect Carolina to put up 30 even if the offense looks somewhat crisp. The team just isn't good, yet at least. I will agree the D doesn't look like AS big of a mess as the offense but that's not saying much.

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Here's the caveat with the defense though.  How many of us thought before the season started "Man, if this defense can play like it can and carry this team it won't matter what the offense does."  Probably none of us.  In fact, it was supposed to be the opposite.  I for one thought this offense, if relatively healthy, could have put up 30+ per game.  I reallly did.  The defense was just supposed to help, not carry the team.  But when the offense lays an egg like it has it puts an exponential more amount of pressure on a defense that isn't built to perform at a high level.  It makes it look worse than it is.  I never expected great things from this defense.  I just wanted them to be decent.  But so far we haven't really gotten a chance to find out who they really are because the offense has put them in such horrible positions. 


I'm not saying the defense has been great, but there's NO WAY I'm blaming them for the season so far.  Offense and ST get the blame IMHO.

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If we replace Pep our D will be #1.

At this point I'd love to see Chud or Clyde calling plays. Just change it up. I know that won't happen as long as pep is still employed. Not sure how those things work in the NFL, if Chuck felt a change needed to be made could he fire Pep himself or does the puppet master Grigson have to be involved?

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Before the season even began, I did not consider this defense to be championship caliber.  You need to have a defense that can at least match up with championship caliber offenses.  The offense and special teams sure haven't helped with the turnovers and penalties.  No doubt that is having an impact on the defense and just gassing the defense huge.  But, I'd respond to that with where is the depth?  The offense or special teams turn it over and we just run our starters into the ground because of lack of depth behind them. 


The pass rush is just non-existant.  I look at aquisitions like Trent Cole and just shake my head.  I heard the commentators during the NO game say that Sean Payton said in studying the NE film they identified how to run on the Colts defense.  The commentators at one point during a replay showed where Parry was turned by a double team with his back to the line of srimmage while running right through the heart of the defense.  My question, where's the ILB's to flil if your NT is double teamed to the point his back is to the LOS? 


The turnovers are no doubt just killing the defense by putting them back on the field and usually in a bad position.  The defense however can't seem to get off the field either.  No pass rush, we have to blitz to get pressure which puts additional pressure on the secondary.  I've seen Toler more than once in just horrific position (even the one hail mary play in Houston where he was literally looking out the back of the end zone).  I mean c'mon, it's a hail mary play and you're looking out the back of the end zone?  Did he think that the Houston QB was playing where's Waldo and passing from the end zone crowd?  It's a team issue, it's not just the offense, special teams or defense. 

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At this point I'd love to see Chud or Clyde calling plays. Just change it up. I know that won't happen as long as pep is still employed. Not sure how those things work in the NFL, if Chuck felt a change needed to be made could he fire Pep himself or does the puppet master Grigson have to be involved?

Pagano has no say on personnel from what I heard.

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Pagano has no say on personnel from what I heard.

So pagano didn't select his own coaching staff? Not saying  you are wrong just curious. I know I've seen the statements that Pep is Grigson's hire not Pagano's but I would think that Chuck would have some say in who is coaches are. Thats a problem

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The reality of all of this is no matter how well we play the rest of the season, short of a 10-0 run, we're not sniffing a first round bye and with Den, Cin and Patriots we're going to be the #4 seed (as long as we win the 3 division games remaining).  I think we'll beat Tampa and Miami which leaves us 8-8.   A shocker against **Atl, Car, Pitt, or Den** we can finish 9-7.  So we're really planning for a hard Road against Pitt in the Playoff, (or Cincy if Pit passes them) then New England and then likely Den/Cin/Pitt in the AFC Championship.  I think winning even one of those games is dependent on whether we find another gear against those 4 tough teams between the **s.  I think New England is one or two injuries away from being very beatable by any of the AFC playoff teams.  But if they stay healthy, no one in the AFC is going to beat them at home in the playoffs, but I also don't expect any AFC team to win the SB.  It will be either Arizona or Green Bay in my opinion depending mostly on whether Carson Palmer stays healthy all season.  They were the best team last year when he played and I think they are this year. (If GB had Gordy Nelson. I'd have pick them).   

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