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What is up with Skip Bayless?


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Skip Bayless opens up by describing how he heard what Jim said and "rolled his eyes". Now that....that is funny. I didn't know it was possible, but I once sprained a retina rolling my eyes after hearing Skip speak. 


Look.....Skip's right. Yes, we would've had a better chance at a SB with Manning for the last 3 years. Yep. Deny it all you want, it's true. But that's not the bigger picture. Skip left much out, omitted purposely to fit his grudge against us. The next 3 years wasn't the purview under which Jim made his decision. Jim was concerned about protecting the Horseshoe far into the future. 


How many times do we hear people (nationally) espousing a great deal of jealousy toward Colts fans for this opportunity to have 2 HoF caliber QB's heading our team for a potential time swath of approx 30 years. This was all discounted in Skip's Irsay hate speech. Bayless' fatal flaw as a reputable commentator is the penchant he's consistently displayed to stubbornly hold on to grudges and flawed opinions. 


The rest, I'll hand over to Stephen A. He did well using reason to support his argument. 


The point I'll address that Skip leaned firmly on; "What about the next 3-5 years"? (in reference to when the decision was made concerning Manning or Luck);


Irsay showed great vision, knowing that IF he did stick with Peyton, what happens when Manning is done in a few years? We see it with so many teams, even (ironically) the Broncos. What the Colts (and the fans) would've likely been treated to would be 10-20 years of the dread QB carousel. The Kyle Ortons, the Jay Cutlers, the Jake Plummers, Brian Grieses and Gus Ferrottes of the world would be there waiting for us. 


Look at what happened to Denver after Elway left. 12 years of virtual irrelevance and 7 different starters at QB. 

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Skip Bayless opens up by describing how he heard what Jim said and "rolled his eyes". Now that....that is funny. I didn't know it was possible, but I once sprained a retina rolling my eyes after hearing Skip speak. 


Look.....Skip's right. Yes, we would've had a better chance at a SB with Manning for the last 3 years. Yep. Deny it all you want, it's true. But that's not the bigger picture. Skip left much out, omitted purposely to fit his grudge against us. The next 3 years wasn't the purview under which Jim made his decision. Jim was concerned about protecting the Horseshoe far into the future. 


How many times do we hear people (nationally) espousing a great deal of jealousy toward Colts fans for this opportunity to have 2 HoF caliber QB's heading our team for a potential time swath of approx 30 years. This was all discounted in Skip's Irsay hate speech. Bayless' fatal flaw as a reputable commentator is the penchant he's consistently displayed to stubbornly hold on to grudges and flawed opinions. 


The rest, I'll hand over to Stephen A. He did well using reason to support his argument. 


The point I'll address that Skip leaned firmly on; "What about the next 3-5 years"? (in reference to when the decision was made concerning Manning or Luck);


Irsay showed great vision, knowing that IF he did stick with Peyton, what happens when Manning is done in a few years? We see it with so many teams, even (ironically) the Broncos. What the Colts (and the fans) would've likely been treated to would be 10-20 years of the dread QB carousel. The Kyle Ortons, the Jay Cutlers, the Jake Plummers, Brian Grieses and Gus Ferrottes of the world would be there waiting for us. 


Look at what happened to Denver after Elway left. 12 years of virtual irrelevance and 7 different starters at QB. 

Bayless also leaves out that Peyton's contract was a cap killer and would have hamstrung the franchise for years to come.  I don't know why people listen to bay less

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Skip Bayless is awful!  If the topic is Andrew Luck or LeBron James it will be 100% negative. If the topic is the New England Patriots, Dallas Cowboys or San Antonio Spurs it is always 100% positive.  He hates it when he is wrong.  Luck is 8 times the QB RGIII is and Skip hates that.  Skip also hates the fact that the Colts released Manning and I think he sort of takes that out on Luck.  I said from day one before they made the decision to cut Peyton, that it's a win win for Colts fans.  You either get 4-5 great more years with Peyton to potentially get another superbowl or you get to start over with Andrew Luck and have success for the next 12-15 years.  I think it has played out quite well.  The Colts are still building and still need to add some more pieces around Luck to win the big one but they are headed in the right direction.

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Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith are not as well-informed as they like to think.  Smith is insanely arrogant and thinks he can do whatever he wants because he's been a sports journalist for however many years.  I'm also pretty sure the editor tells Skip to say controversial things just to get ratings.  I can't take either of them seriously.  I don't listen to either of them and go out of my way to ignore them.

They have to pair Bayless with Smith in order to meet the network minimum combined IQ of 100. And they just barely make it.

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Skip Bayless is awful!  If the topic is Andrew Luck or LeBron James it will be 100% negative. If the topic is the New England Patriots, Dallas Cowboys or San Antonio Spurs it is always 100% positive.  He hates it when he is wrong.  Luck is 8 times the QB RGIII is and Skip hates that.  Skip also hates the fact that the Colts released Manning and I think he sort of takes that out on Luck.  I said from day one before they made the decision to cut Peyton, that it's a win win for Colts fans.  You either get 4-5 great more years with Peyton to potentially get another superbowl or you get to start over with Andrew Luck and have success for the next 12-15 years.  I think it has played out quite well.  The Colts are still building and still need to add some more pieces around Luck to win the big one but they are headed in the right direction.

Everybody (including Skip Clueless) seems to be forgetting that at the time Jim had to make the decision, nobody knew if Peyton could even play again.

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They have to pair Bayless with Smith in order to meet the network minimum combined IQ of 100. And they just barely make it.

haha.  To be honest I actually like Stephen A for the most part.  He'll admit when he was wrong at least and doesn't strictly base his predictions off of personal opinion. 

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Is Skip Bayless delusional? If we have kept Manning doesn't he realize how much money we would of had to pay this guy? Doesn't he realize our roster was full with veterans who were on the way out? We needed a change and we needed to start fresh.

Skip Bayless got absolutely destroyed in this debate and it wasn't even close..

I can't wait to see what he says when Luck is hosting a Lombardi Throphy.

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Can't figure out who he dislikes more - Andrew Luck or Jim Irsay. Why does he keep saying these things? 


Anyway, it is obvious to almost everyone that the right decision was made back in 2012, yet Skips believes Manning would have given the Colts a better chance to win now, which outweighs the "long term succes"-mindset? Do you agree or disagree with him?





 We wouldn`t have as good a roster with Manning so it is more likely it would be NO better to have him. Skip is a ding a ling.

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I get why he bashes Andrew, some of it is deserved but some of it is because he liked RG3 coming out of college. Now he really really dislikes Jim Irsay. I have my own theory that he had some sort of negative interaction with him at some point in the past, possibly while they were both in Dallas in the 1980s.

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Skip is garbage.  He's one of the most clueless guys on tv today.  I was watching FT this morning and Tebow was praising Luck, which irritated Bayless who said that Luck was lucky to be playing an Andy Dalton without his weapons.  Tebow set Skip straight though, he said it wasn't Luck's fault, he did his job.  


That might have been Luck's best game and take away the drops and that was an extraordinary performance.  Skip will always be a hater of Luck, because he has been so wrong about everything in regards to Luck.  Skip doesn't get it, and he will be eating crow for the next 10-12 years.

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My question is why even give Bayless any attention at all? His whole show is nothing but crap and has been from day one. He gets his ratings by being controversial and way too many help him along with those ratings. I say ignore him all together and just maybe his show would get canceled.

Yeah that's a no-brainer

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Skip is the biggest * ( am I allowed to say that on here ?) He's just upset that Andrew Luck so far has proven to be better than his darling Robert Griffin . He likes to bash anyone who isn't his favorite player or a threat to his favorite players . He also takes jabs at Aaron Rodgers , Joe Flacco ( often calls him Fluko) , and at times Peyton Manning giving him condescending compliments such as "Great REGULAR season quarterback of all time ". He's in love with Tony Romo & The Cowboys, Tom Brady & the Patriots , and Tim Tebow . I've stopped watching First Take because of that clown and screaming * Stephen A Smith who's no better.

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The worst part of the clip was when Stephen A. said Wilson was better because he had a great defense and a ring. This whole Wilson love makes no sense. People get clouded by rings.

I saw the segment. He did not say that Wilson was better. He was actually defending Luck to Bayless as he often does and said that Luck is COMING. He said the only other young QB who has anything over him is Russell Wilson because of the Super Bowl ring and that defense. He did not say Wilson was better though. Just implied that he is further along in terms of having won a Super Bowl already. Which is the truth again thanks in large part to that defense and running game Seattle packs.

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Skip is the biggest * ( am I allowed to say that on here ?) He's just upset that Andrew Luck so far has proven to be better than his darling Robert Griffin . He likes to bash anyone who isn't his favorite player or a threat to his favorite players . He also takes jabs at Aaron Rodgers , Joe Flacco ( often calls him Fluko) , and at times Peyton Manning giving him condescending compliments such as "Great REGULAR season quarterback of all time ". He's in love with Tony Romo & The Cowboys, Tom Brady & the Patriots , and Tim Tebow . I've stopped watching First Take because of that clown and screaming * Stephen A Smith who's no better.


I don't think there are any rules against calling him a star ;)

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I don't have Twitter, but can somebody Tweet him and tell him to knock off the act already!  Everybody knows the show is a joke, and his opinion can't be taken seriously.  Not a hater, but some of the things he says have me SMH.  I have more logical opinions than Skip.  I know how to get under people's skin.  Can I join the set with Stephen A and Skip?  Keep them both in line, and make the show not as a "debate".  I understand nobody wants to hear everybody just agree on the same topic, but to come up with absurd statements, to get a reaction out of viewers isn't what sports analysis is about, it's not a reality TV show!

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At it again..


AGAIN: Irsay made big mistake dumping Peyton for Luck. Peyton has had 3 straight better seasons. 7-pt home fave today. Indy played better.

— Skip Bayless (@RealSkipBayless)

January 12, 2015

A bunch of us have already responded to that crazy statement.  Bayless is getting blasted mercilessly on twitter, having a great time with it.  Great day today, Colts won and the Cowboys & Bayless lost.  

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A bunch of us have already responded to that crazy statement.  Bayless is getting blasted mercilessly on twitter, having a great time with it.  Great day today, Colts won and the Cowboys & Bayless lost.  


The problem is that the attention you and others give him only encourages him.  The only way to defeat Skip is to ignore him.

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At it again..


AGAIN: Irsay made big mistake dumping Peyton for Luck. Peyton has had 3 straight better seasons. 7-pt home fave today. Indy played better.

— Skip Bayless (@RealSkipBayless)

January 12, 2015



Much respect to my beloved #18, but......I'm glad I didn't just watch my QB play out the dying gasps of his career. Peyton's career is OVER, done, and Luck's is just getting going. 


Irsay, thank you for having the stones to gift us what was IMO one of the most daring and successful decisions an owner has ever made. I'm not sure who tailors your suits, Jim, but I'm sure they make allowances for your sizable stones. 

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The problem is that the attention you and others give him only encourages him.  The only way to defeat Skip is to ignore him.

I ignore him for the most part, I don't even get on twitter much.  But it was honestly a pleasure to rip Skip a new one today.

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Why you all let him get to you is beyond me. The guy is nothing more than an agitating *. He's so stupid , he doesn't even realize his best argument would be the boat load of draft picks the Colts would have garnered had they elected to stay with PM. Still would not come close to making Irsay wrong and bayliss right but the dumbo leaves out what is really his only argument.

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Skip Bayless does it for attention. Its all about ratings. Everytime he says something dumb, it sparks a controversy, goes on youtube, forums, social media, sports websites and bam! ESPN has made a load of money from all their advertising.


Its simple, quit talking about skip and he will make less money and get less attention.

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I can tell you how tomorrow will go, gush about Brady and tell us how Brady is the greatest ever, rip Peyton for going one and done and talk about how that is more proof that Brady is the greatest ever, and talk about how the Pats are going to crush the Colts on Sunday because Brady is the greatest ever. 

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