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Cmon NFL, this "thrursday experiment" needs to go...


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3 day turnaround. Game during the workweek. Injury risk. I'm sure there are more good reasons that I am forgetting to dump these games. Y'all can refine the rules to where players and coaches need a P.H.D. to keep up but can't figure out these games aren't good for the PEOPLE. Players have unhealed bumps and bruises, and get injured when they play before fully recovering...


     NFL, wake up. Sunday afternoon and evening. Sunday night. Monday night tradition. Thats it.

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Thursday games shouldn't start until week 5 and only involve teams coming off byes.

I agree. If the NFL would go to that format I wouldn't have a problem with it. Coming off a Sunday game is not enough time to heal and prepare for a Thursday game. The mindset of money needs to be put aside.

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It's week 6, and now it's suddenly a problem or bad idea...???


Is that because it's the Colts week to play on Thursday??   ;)   


btw, I've not been a fan of the Thursday Night games, AT ALL, and this year they have all been HORRIBLE.

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I always thought it an odd placement for an extra night of football. Saturday night would be fine with me, but I suppose they'd think viewership would suffer, due to people being busy, out on the town etc. 


Thursday games would only be acceptable if both teams are coming off a bye week. 

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3 day turnaround. Game during the workweek. Injury risk. I'm sure there are more good reasons that I am forgetting to dump these games. Y'all can refine the rules to where players and coaches need a P.H.D. to keep up but can't figure out these games aren't good for the PEOPLE. Players have unhealed bumps and bruises, and get injured when they play before fully recovering...


     NFL, wake up. Sunday afternoon and evening. Sunday night. Monday night tradition. Thats it.




Totally agree with you. What you leave out is normally these are sloppy , crappy , poorly played gams.Teams are not often not prepared or healthy enough to play these games. IMO , they also are very often lacking in excitement also. 

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Totally agree with you. What you leave out is normally these are sloppy , crappy , poorly played gams.Teams are not often not prepared or healthy enough to play these games. IMO , they also are very often lacking in excitement also. 

....and people are going to start tuning out. The irony being, the only reason there is a Thursday night game, is $$money$$. 

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I dont' have a problem with the Thursday night games except that I work the following day.  But you can have that problem with any night game.  I suppose you can reduce the complaints from the players by having Thursday games after a bye week starting in week 5, but then you wouldn'td have the first 4 Thursday games and the last 5 (I believe week 11 is the last bye week).


That being said, I don't think it weakens the product on the field.  This year, there's been some bad thursday games, but many were bad matchups as well.  Last year, out of all the Thursday games 11 of 17 were decided by 10 points or less, 10 of which were decided by 7 points or less.  Oddly enough, of the 6 games that were decided by more than 10 points, 5 of them were in the first 8 weeks of the year.

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....and people are going to start tuning out. The irony being, the only reason there is a Thursday night game, is $$money$$. 


Money no doubt is the root of all that is not good. I wait all year for the NFL to start. I get free Time Warner from my HOA and I have Direct TV for just the NFL. Cost me about $900 by time I'm done to watch the Colts. I often don't watch more than a quarter or two of this game as it often smells like bad feet.

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Money no doubt is the root of all that is not good. I wait all year for the NFL to start. I get free Time Warner from my HOA and I have Direct TV for just the NFL. Cost me about $900 by time I'm done to watch the Colts. I often don't watch more than a quarter or two of this game as it often smells like bad feet.

They are bad but honestly I would watch a game every night of the week if the NFL had one on. Even the lousy ones like Minnesota vs Oakland would have me as a viewer.

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It's all about making money.  Don't expect it to go away anytime soon.  As a fan, I don't like it.  I set aside Sundays as my football days and I want my team to be able to rest and prepare more during the week.  The one benefit is they have more rest coming out of the game and have more time to prepare the following week.


I understand if you want to make some Thursday games happen during Thanksgiving, but having them during the whole year kinda ruins the fun, in my opinion

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Love football. Any day that has football is a day to look forward too. I'm in college so I'm up till 1 AM whether football is on or not. But I don't have NFL network so I don't get half the Thursday games (thanks CBS for even that many).

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It's all about making money.  Don't expect it to go away anytime soon.  As a fan, I don't like it.  I set aside Sundays as my football days and I want my team to be able to rest and prepare more during the week.  The one benefit is they have more rest coming out of the game and have more time to prepare the following week.


I understand if you want to make some Thursday games happen during Thanksgiving, but having them during the whole year kinda ruins the fun, in my opinion

I am used to football on Sunday, Monday, & Saturday for Wildcard weekend. I just can't wrap my head around Thursday games. It's too soon after Monday & my brain just can't get into it on Thursday. Absence builds momentum not over saturation or an event too close in proximity to the same sport. 


I will DVR the game & watch it on Friday. I love football too but not when it's jammed down my throat constantly. I need a break from it not a blitzkrieg bombardment of it right on the heels of a previous game. Just my perspective as a fan I guess. I value distance & time away to process what I just saw. It's the historian inside of me that needs to let the dust settle 1st. 


Nice post BTW 21st! 

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Yep. And I'd welcome football on any day of the week.

QuizBoy, I was stunned when JJ Watt failed to sack Tony Romo. I won't tease your Texans too much just in case Dallas beats INDY in the regular season too. I was praying for Houston to win that game. A Dallas victory always puts me in a fowl mood. Grr!


Only teasing my friend. I know a Texans loss helps the Colts in the AFC South, but a Cowboy collapse/defeat means more to me than AFC South standings as insane as that sounds. LOL! 


Looking forward to going up against your new HC Bill O'Brien actually. DC Romeo Crennel always has a few new wrinkles to throw at Luck too. It should be a good game like always. 

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QuizBoy, I was stunned when JJ Watt failed to sack Tony Romo. I won't tease your Texans too much just in case Dallas beats INDY in the regular season too. I was praying for Houston to win that game. A Dallas victory always puts me in a fowl mood. Grr!


Only teasing my friend. I know a Texans loss helps the Colts in the AFC South, but a Cowboy collapse/defeat means more to me than AFC South standings as insane as that sounds. LOL! 


Looking forward to going up against your new HC Bill O'Brien actually. DC Romeo Crennel always has a few new wrinkles to throw at Luck too. It should be a good game like always. 

Yeah, I didn't see the game myself but am beat that Romo managed to avoid S.Watt and get that huge gain. That was a must-win game for us Texan fans haha I wonder how Romo will fare against the Colts defense, because he put up a big fight against us.

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I heard former coach Brian Billick recently on the subject of Thursday night games.


The only people who like it, are the owners, the NFL staff and the TV people, along with some fans who would take football 7 days a week if they could.


The people who HATE it are the players, coaches and team front office types who have to deal with the consequences.


And one of the issues that has come to the front is this.....  if teams have to play on Thursdays,  they do NOT want to play division games.     If everyone acknowledges that the games are of poor quality due to the fact that players are still exhausted plus short week, plus lack of preparation, etc,   then why put the most meaningful, important games on Thursday's?    Teams HATE it!


They'll play other teams in the conference or outside the conference.   But they don't want to play against teams in their division.


It will be interesting to see if the NFL listens to their teams when next season's schedule comes out.......

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I always thought it an odd placement for an extra night of football. Saturday night would be fine with me, but I suppose they'd think viewership would suffer, due to people being busy, out on the town etc. 


Thursday games would only be acceptable if both teams are coming off a bye week.

The NFL agreed to not show games on sat/fri in exchange for anti trust exemption

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I don't like it either. I'd much prefer to keep football to just Sunday and Monday.


That being said, I'm not going to not watch, so the idea of it going away is not going to happen.


Exactly. CBS getting involved, and in so doing, moving their biggest show to a new day, shows how many people are still watching TNF. Through the Ray Rice / Adrian Peterson saga, TNF numbers were still great. 


I do think they need to give TNF games only to teams coming off of byes, and I think there are a few ways to do that and expand the entire NFL TV package. But I'm just a guy on the Internet...

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....and people are going to start tuning out. The irony being, the only reason there is a Thursday night game, is $$money$$.

Completely agree on money being the reason for Thursday night games. The question I have is, are the players willing to take the pay cut that would come with getting rid of Thursday night games? The NFL makes a lot of money on those games, get rid of them, revenue goes down, revenue goes down and the salary cap goes down.

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3 day turnaround. Game during the workweek. Injury risk. I'm sure there are more good reasons that I am forgetting to dump these games. Y'all can refine the rules to where players and coaches need a P.H.D. to keep up but can't figure out these games aren't good for the PEOPLE. Players have unhealed bumps and bruises, and get injured when they play before fully recovering...


     NFL, wake up. Sunday afternoon and evening. Sunday night. Monday night tradition. Thats it.


Speaking of "tradition" should we then get rid of that Thursday Day football in late November that takes place on Thanksgiving, even a shorter turnaround as its a noontime game in Detroit and 430ish start in Dallas? . . . if it is good enough for those four teams (now six) that play on Thanksgiving . . . is it not a bad idea to have more games so all teams have a TNF game and thus the competitive balance is in place and most if not all teams have a game with a short turnaround . . . as opposed to only a few teams on Thanksgiving . . .


As for a work night MNF is on a work night and the same really goes for SNF . . .


I am not a big fan of the short turnaround but I do personally like having an extra game during the week . . . so I say keep it . . .

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