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sherman smarter then andrew?


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sherman got a 3.9 gpa in stanford studying communications while luck got a 3.48 gpa in architectural design. now I have no clue which is the harder degree, but this is an interesting insight when you consider andrew is looked at as a super genius while sherman is thought to be a loud mouth buffoon   

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Pretty sure architecture is harder. Plus Luck had to memorize all the things QBs do, and put so much time into football he was the projected top pick as a sophomore.

Sherman is a very smart guy too though, for all I know he is smarter, I'd say he's playing the second hardest position behind Andy's. Both are well spoken and elite players!

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sherman got a 3.9 gpa in stanford studying communications while luck got a 3.48 gpa in architectural design. now I have no clue which is the harder degree, but this is an interesting insight


Trust me, Architectural design is the harder degree.


I don't know if you've been to college or not, and if you havn't that's cool, it's not for everyone and you can be extremely successful and smart without one. My dad's really smart, but never got a degree.  


But most college students know or learn that communications is one of the easiest degrees there is.  


That doesn't mean Sherm isn't smart.  But his degree is far far easier.

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Im sure Sherman is smarter then Andrew in some areas just like Im sure Luck is smarter then Sherman in other areas. I don't think with something like that, Saying Person A is smarter then Player B is a blanket statement  and I don't think it can be summed up by generalization

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Trust me, Architectural design is the harder degree.


I don't know if you've been to college or not, and if you havn't that's cool, it's not for everyone and you can be extremely successful and smart without one. My dad's really smart, but never got a degree.  


But most college students know or learn that communications is one of the easiest degrees there is.  


That doesn't mean Sherm isn't smart.  But his degree is far far easier.

I have a degree in accounting and doing my masters in business

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I don't think GPA is an indicator of intelligence.  There are way too many variables involved to be able to compare the two.  I've come to notice that many NFL players have a degree in communications or some sort of management; very rarely do they have something in architectural engineering or biochemistry (big shout to Anthony Castonzo) or something more difficult like that.  It comes across to me as though communications is a very easy program that NFL players take so they don't have to worry about their schooling and can focus on football.  I don't know if that's true because my university didn't have a communications program, but that's just how it seems to me.

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Cannot tell who is smarter based on gpa or degree

But architecture students work constantly

I have no idea how any college player manages his courseload and I think it would be particularly difficult for an architechture student, they have no life outside of school


seems impossible to me.

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Communications along with most liberal arts degrees are a joke in college compared with technical fields. As a person who has studied tech and non-tech, it is pretty much easier to get an A in the former than to get a C in the latter.

I was a Statistics major and took some foreign language classes in school - and guess what? Spent 90% of my time studying the former just to pass with a C, while barely studying the latter and getting As in my sleep.

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sherman got a 3.9 gpa in stanford studying communications while luck got a 3.48 gpa in architectural design. now I have no clue which is the harder degree, but this is an interesting insight when you consider andrew is looked at as a super genius while sherman is thought to be a loud mouth buffoon

Does it really matter who's smarter? Both are intelligent men who worked hard to excel in the classroom and perform well at their sport. They should be commended.

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Communications along with most liberal arts degrees are a joke in college compared with technical fields. As a person who has studied tech and non-tech, it is pretty much easier to get an A in the former than to get a C in the latter.

I was a Statistics major and took some foreign language classes in school - and guess what? Spent 90% of my time studying the former just to pass with a C, while barely studying the latter and getting As in my sleep.


I would agree with that.  But the fact that both of these guys got into stanford tells me they are both really smart.

I was at stanford once,met some students. I was astonished at how smart they were


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sherman got a 3.9 gpa in stanford studying communications while luck got a 3.48 gpa in architectural design. now I have no clue which is the harder degree, but this is an interesting insight when you consider andrew is looked at as a super genius while sherman is thought to be a loud mouth buffoon   


This was kind of my point in the other Sherman thread. He's thought to be a loud mouthed buffoon because he presents himself that way.


Take the time to read about him, his background, some of his articles that are published, his sit-down interviews, etc., and you realize that he's actually a bright, articulate guy with some presence to him. That's why I find his buffoonery so off-putting.

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Skimming down without reading comments so excuse me if this is repetitive, but the problems with this question are both:


a) Assuming that Sherman is anything but a smart guy in the first place. All that you have to do is listen to an interview.


b) Assuming that Luck is a "super genius" in the first place. I somehow doubt that fans of other teams are as exuberant in their praise.


c) Assuming that a higher GPA correlates to more intelligence.


I'm prepared to respect anyone who is even admitted to Stanford as likely being smarter than the average bear, and graduating from same certainly amplifies the point - but they are still jocks. We don't know enough about either to differentiate the two, and I'm doubtful that "super genius" is really on the table for either.

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I would not put that much stock in either player's GPA given they were superstar athletes. I am sure teachers and other students helped them on their way.

This has gotta be true.  I've seen interviews with many football players who seem like they have no idea what's going on around them. 

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sherman got a 3.9 gpa in stanford studying communications while luck got a 3.48 gpa in architectural design. now I have no clue which is the harder degree, but this is an interesting insight when you consider andrew is looked at as a super genius while sherman is thought to be a loud mouth buffoon   


A 3.9 in COMMUNICATIONS should have taught him how NOT to be a loud mouth buffoon.  Based on the evidence, I'd say somebody took his tests for him.

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sherman got a 3.9 gpa in stanford studying communications while luck got a 3.48 gpa in architectural design. now I have no clue which is the harder degree, but this is an interesting insight when you consider andrew is looked at as a super genius while sherman is thought to be a loud mouth buffoon   

I was a COM major at Boston University. I would not say COM was an easy degree by any means as I worked really hard but I do think it is a degree that most shy away from if they are not natural writers/communicators. It is a ton of writing, reading, presenting, etc. It takes an A type personality to succeed. The degree spans television, film, radio, journalism, and public relations. At BU you can specialize in any of those disciplines but some schools allow you to be a general COM major as well. 


Sherman to me seems like a natural communicator and at ease with himself and the media. Whereas Luck seems much more introverted and less polished so I am not surprised he was a technical major.


Not sure that one degree versus another makes anyone smarter but I think Sherman is much more natural public figure than Luck. More of a reflection of their personalities than anything else.

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Sherman to me seems like a natural communicator and at ease with himself and the media. Whereas Luck seems much more introverted and less polished so I am not surprised he was a technical major.


Not sure that one degree versus another makes anyone smarter but I think Sherman is much more natural public figure than Luck. More of a reflection of their personalities than anything else.


I wouldn't call Luck introverted and less polished.  Not sure why you would say that.  I am sure those are not qualities that led him to choose architecture any more than Shermans natural communication skills and ease with himself was the reason he didn't choose architecture.


Sherman has a nice presence, when he isn't yelling.  He needs to work on that part of his polish

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I wouldn't call Luck introverted and less polished. Not sure why you would say that. I am sure those are not qualities that led him to choose architecture any more than Shermans natural communication skills and ease with himself was the reason he didn't choose architecture.

Sherman has a nice presence, when he isn't yelling. He needs to work on that part of his polish

Compared to Sherman, and a lot of other players, yes, Andrew is a bit introverted. It's not a bad thing so I don't see why anyone would take offense to the term. He and Sherman are both polished when it comes to communicating, no doubt.
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I wouldn't call Luck introverted and less polished.  Not sure why you would say that.  I am sure those are not qualities that led him to choose architecture any more than Shermans natural communication skills and ease with himself was the reason he didn't choose architecture.


Sherman has a nice presence, when he isn't yelling.  He needs to work on that part of his polish

I suppose it is a matter of degree of polish. ;)  While I do think Luck presents himself well, at times he is searching for words and comes across as a bit canned. I don't think public speaking is his strong suit or something he enjoys IMO. In that respect, he is not unlike a lot of other players. Whereas Sherman has great command of the English language, measures his words better and as a result has a much stronger presence. Again, I don't think that makes Sherman smarter but the reality is that people who are able articulate themselves well come across as smarter in terms of public perception. That is why I said COM is not an easy degree and one that most people shy away from if that are not a strong writer/communicator or dislike the limelight that comes with public speaking.

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I wouldn't call Luck introverted and less polished.  Not sure why you would say that.  I am sure those are not qualities that led him to choose architecture any more than Shermans natural communication skills and ease with himself was the reason he didn't choose architecture.


Sherman has a nice presence, when he isn't yelling.  He needs to work on that part of his polish


I think what he meant was luck isnt as flamboyant. luck provides answers to the media that are not exactly headlines

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sherman got a 3.9 gpa in stanford studying communications while luck got a 3.48 gpa in architectural design. now I have no clue which is the harder degree, but this is an interesting insight when you consider andrew is looked at as a super genius while sherman is thought to be a loud mouth buffoon   


Can you tell me where you read that Sherman graduated with a 3.9??    I think that would be news in the Stanford community.


Andrew is smart,  much, much smarter.    And that's not a knock on Sherman who's a good kid.    But when it comes to smarts,  very few are in Andrew's league.   


EDIT:    Never mind, I just saw the claim on Richard's website...


Let's just say I'll be diplomatic and say that the number is not correct.

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No way! Luck is not only the most intelligent QB in the league but also the most intelligent of all players in the league followed by Peyton then Sherman.

I love this lol...I agree this topic is about the dumbest I've ever seen on here. Saying someone is smarter because of their degree or letter grade is terrible basis of judgement. So many variables go into that and none basically mean anything. All I know are that both are very intelligent people...but being smart doesn't stop you from doing or saying dumb things. They may have went to the same school but took vastly different corriculumn. To say one is smarter based off their grades is so arbitrary. That's like saying someone with a PH D in English is more intelligent than someone with no degree but is in construction but may do geometry, math, have working knowledge of various products and materials...its all relative to the topic really. I don't think Luck is any more intelligent than Sherman....and the only one that matters is on the football field and they both EXCEL there.

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If he is he is.  I don't think it really matters.  Anyone who thinks Sherman is dumb is probably dumb in their own right.  The man went to Stanford so clearly he's smart.  Doesn't mean he's not a loud mouth who is pretty full of himself that most people who aren't Seahawks fans wouldn't mind seeing humbled a little bit. 

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If he is he is.  I don't think it really matters.  Anyone who thinks Sherman is dumb is probably dumb in their own right.  The man went to Stanford so clearly he's smart.  Doesn't mean he's not a loud mouth who is pretty full of himself that most people who aren't Seahawks fans wouldn't mind seeing humbled a little bit. 

Even some Seahawks fans that I know wouldn't mind him calming down. But as long as he keeps his play up and they keep winning, they could careless. 

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Compared to Sherman, and a lot of other players, yes, Andrew is a bit introverted. It's not a bad thing so I don't see why anyone would take offense to the term. He and Sherman are both polished when it comes to communicating, no doubt.

Saying luck is introverted by comparing him to Sherman and others like him is a joke. You don't define introverts by comparing them to the loudest mouths possible. That's ridiculous.

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Saying luck is introverted by comparing him to Sherman and others like him is a joke. You don't define introverts by comparing them to the loudest mouths possible. That's ridiculous.

Yeah, but the NFL is full of loud, yelling, pompous guys. They've been doing it since they were in high school. Andrew has recently reached out to the media if I'm not mistaken and expressed interest in having more of a media presence. Or maybe I'm misremembering the story but it was something like that. But what is wrong with introverts? Stereotypically they are perceived to be smart, humble, quiet people who don't mind keeping to themselves. Don't those qualities remind you of someone?

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Yeah, but the NFL is full of loud, yelling, pompous guys. They've been doing it since they were in high school. Andrew has recently reached out to the media if I'm not mistaken and expressed interest in having more of a media presence. Or maybe I'm misremembering the story but it was something like that. But what is wrong with introverts? Stereotypically they are perceived to be smart, humble, quiet people who don't mind keeping to themselves. Don't those qualities remind you of someone?

I never said there was anything wrong with introverts. I said your defining of him (or others) as an introvert based off the loudest people is false.

Introverted people do not find enjoyment around people because it drains them. It is stressful and makes them anxious. Introverts are more energized by being along and to their thoughts. That's not saying they can't have good social skills though. But they will need times to themselves afterwards. They enjoy conversing about concepts and ideas.

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I never said there was anything wrong with introverts. I said your defining of him (or others) as an introvert based off the loudest people is false.

Introverted people do not find enjoyment around people because it drains them. It is stressful and makes them anxious. Introverts are more energized by being along and to their thoughts. That's not saying they can't have good social skills though. But they will need times to themselves afterwards. They enjoy conversing about concepts and ideas.

Ah. Well if that is the definition then I retract my previous statement. Never thought of introverts as being people who are drained by being around other people.

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