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Better Draft Based On Who Was Available


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How about that? I mention persecution for differing opinions around here, and as if on cue it pops right up.

And again I point out what a sad, sorry mess this place is when we can't even have different viewpoints.

The only difference is, this time I have evidence.

You know, when Hitler persecuted others for their ideals and beliefs it was considered a bad thing. The people around here feed on it. In a frenzied manner. And no one says a single word about it.

Debate is a thing of the past. It's been replaced by "that's not my opinion so it wrong an you're stupid".

Such a sad state this place is in.


What's even stupider are that these are the same people who will clown on other teams roster moves anyway. "LOL I CAN'T BELIVE 'TEAM X' PAID 'PLAYER Y' THIS MUCH HOW DUMB OF THEM LOLOLOLOL'.


Like, these people should be consistent with these dumb sentiments. If you're going to say people aren't allowed to be critical of Grigson's moves because he's a GM, then you can't be critical of any move any NFL team ever makes because they all have GMs who are smarter than you. 

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What's even stupider are that these are the same people who will clown on other teams roster moves anyway. "LOL I CAN'T BELIVE 'TEAM X' PAID 'PLAYER Y' THIS MUCH HOW DUMB OF THEM LOLOLOLOL'.


Like, these people should be consistent with these dumb sentiments. If you're going to say people aren't allowed to be critical of Grigson's moves because he's a GM, then you can't be critical of any move any NFL team ever makes because they all have GMs who are smarter than you. 


You're being logical about this. They don't like that.


We're here to applaud any and every move we make, and never question anything.
















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2. Brooks FS or Nix NT - both would have been better picks then Mewhort and at a greater position of need. Mewhort is a developmental backup RT, he won't start




You've said before you would've been happy with Gabe Jackson at this pick.  I don't see a whole lot of difference with the Mewhort pick vs. Jackson except maybe Mewhort is more versatile.  They were both rated about the same by analysts and would both be immediately competing for a spot on the interior OL.   Mewhort may eventually be a replacement for Cherilus when his contract runs out or his production starts to drop, but I'm almost certain he was drafted to be compete immediately on the interior and not to be a developmental backup T.

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2.  Louis Nix NT Notre Dame:   should have been the choice in the 2nd round.  He had fallen out of late 1st/early 2nd, and would have solidified the NG position along with Chapman.

3.  Bashaud Breeland CB Clemson:  I felt one more CB was needed on the roster. 

5.  Deon Bailey S USC:  He went undrafted, but he would be a great backup FS, and a great special teams player.  I watched the guy for 4 years, he will make an NFL roster for sure.

6. Antonio Richardson T Tennessee:  If he can shed 10 pounds, he is a right guard/right tackle prospect that could eventually be starter material.

7.  Trevor Reilly OLB Utah State:  An absolutely incredible football player.  Looked like a man among boys.  Can't believe he was there at pick 232.  Jets took him right after we picked at 233.  He is a natural 6'5" beast.  Makes plays behind the line of scrimmage.  The steal of the 7th round for the Jets.  We could have had him instead of a OL that's not gonna make the team.  He is 26 years old.  If he was 22 he would have been a 2nd round pick.


I think that would have been a better draft than what we actually did.  I think we are bottom 5 for sure in this draft. 


Posted this elsewhere, but methinks it needs to be here too.


Wow, as much as it is mentioned and discussed - there is an important point here that so many seem to forget. Just because a guy might exhibit a bit more physicality or football IQ than another - primarily from a YouTube clip somewhere - or might garner more media attention than another - they have to be a proper fit in the COLTS locker room. They have to have the COLT family spirit - that "all for one" spirit of brotherhood that we all admire so much - and inspires us as fans.


They have to make sure the balance in the locker room is in sync - with the right combination of chiefs to indians. The mix can be a delicate stew - and too many cooks can easily spoil the broth. Some players just aren't a fit and the coaches and staff are the only ones qualified to make that determination.  The staff gets to know the players personally: OK, we all see he is potentially a great player -  but more importantly, would he be a great player for the COLTS? Will he fit in and enhance the locker room chemistry? is he MATURE enough to get it?


This is what the coaches and surrounding staff are REALLY paid to do.


Ease up, calm down - you will see.....



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What's even stupider are that these are the same people who will clown on other teams roster moves anyway. "LOL I CAN'T BELIVE 'TEAM X' PAID 'PLAYER Y' THIS MUCH HOW DUMB OF THEM LOLOLOLOL'.

Like, these people should be consistent with these dumb sentiments. If you're going to say people aren't allowed to be critical of Grigson's moves because he's a GM, then you can't be critical of any move any NFL team ever makes because they all have GMs who are smarter than you.

Well their is that Jerry Jones guy...naw I'm playing he does have an eye for talent. He just can't pick the right coaches to save his life
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There's a huge difference Gabe Jackson is a guard played it his whole career. Mewhort is a RT hasn't played guard since his freshman year, that makes him a developmental player. You don't draft developmental players with your 1st pick. I still prefer Brooks or Nix at 59 but there were PLENTY of other players better then Mewhort as well. Ealy, Southward, Gaines, Allen Robinson just to name a few. 


You've said before you would've been happy with Gabe Jackson at this pick.  I don't see a whole lot of difference with the Mewhort pick vs. Jackson except maybe Mewhort is more versatile.  They were both rated about the same by analysts and would both be immediately competing for a spot on the interior OL.   Mewhort may eventually be a replacement for Cherilus when his contract runs out or his production starts to drop, but I'm almost certain he was drafted to be compete immediately on the interior and not to be a developmental backup T.

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I like our draft just the way it is. I am not sold on Thornton so hopefully Mewhort can come in and beat him at camp. Moncrief is a beast and will be our 1/2 in a year or 2. The other guys are great depth with a lot of potential. This is a good draft considering we only had 5 picks.

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There's a huge difference Gabe Jackson is a guard played it his whole career. Mewhort is a RT hasn't played guard since his freshman year, that makes him a developmental player. You don't draft developmental players with your 1st pick. I still prefer Brooks or Nix at 59 but there were PLENTY of other players better then Mewhort as well. Ealy, Southward, Gaines, Allen Robinson just to name a few.

better on our limited knowledge of the players maybe. But the front office have met with these guys, watched hours and hours of film on them. They have far more knowledge on the players they take than we do. We just have to hope they made the right choice. Second guessing them a day after the draft is silly

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There's a huge difference Gabe Jackson is a guard played it his whole career. Mewhort is a RT hasn't played guard since his freshman year, that makes him a developmental player. You don't draft developmental players with your 1st pick. I still prefer Brooks or Nix at 59 but there were PLENTY of other players better then Mewhort as well. Ealy, Southward, Gaines, Allen Robinson just to name a few. 


Players get moved from tackle to guard all the time. That doesn't automatically make them "developmental,"  and it doesn't mean they can't play right away. You think Zack Martin is going to be held back because he's moving to guard? 


Considering a move inside to guard as a negative is kind of close-minded.

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How about that? I mention persecution for differing opinions around here, and as if on cue it pops right up.

And again I point out what a sad, sorry mess this place is when we can't even have different viewpoints.

The only difference is, this time I have evidence.

You know, when Hitler persecuted others for their ideals and beliefs it was considered a bad thing. The people around here feed on it. In a frenzied manner. And no one says a single word about it.

Debate is a thing of the past. It's been replaced by "that's not my opinion so it wrong an you're stupid".

Such a sad state this place is in.



Just wow. I am at a loss to whatever the heck you are ranting about. You made a comment about pitchforks, I made a humorous retort about pitchforks.


Tell me something....since you seem to be soooooooooo concerned about people having the right to an opinion. Why is it ok to have a negative opinion about the team, but someone having a negative opinion about that opinion brings about comparisons of Hitler?


The constant berating of the team, the front office, the owner, and the coaching staff is ok. Just dont dare berate that kind of fan response. Got it.

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The constant berating of the team, the front office, the owner, and the coaching staff is ok. Just dont dare berate that kind of fan response. Got it.


lol, this mentality...




Maybe some day you'll figure out we're not here to beret each other.


Maybe. But probably not.

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So, I remember this time, long ago, where people had differing opinions, and that was ok.

Its crazy, I know. Some say places like that even exist still today.

Of course, though, that is all a total lie, and I'm adding nothing with this funny little anecdote, so let's get back to persecuting the OP for his opinion.

Has anyone seen my pitchfork?

This place is a seriously sad mess these days.

One might say that those "persecuting" the OP are just expressing their opinions, too, and that your post is a "persecution" of their views. Just sayin'.

I haven't watched any college football this past year, so I have no information with which to form my own opinion...

I certainly understand the feeling of investment in my favorite team. I have been more engaged in "evaluating" prospects in the past (pre parenthood). I also get that scouts and GMs are hardly infallible.

However, I don't quite get the logic of suggesting that fans or media types know better than the scouting departments of all 32 teams combined.

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Just wow. I am at a loss to whatever the heck you are ranting about. You made a comment about pitchforks, I made a humorous retort about pitchforks.

Tell me something....since you seem to be soooooooooo concerned about people having the right to an opinion. Why is it ok to have a negative opinion about the team, but someone having a negative opinion about that opinion brings about comparisons of Hitler?

The constant berating of the team, the front office, the owner, and the coaching staff is ok. Just dont dare berate that kind of fan response. Got it.

Yeah, unless the reference is to someone literally responible for an actual genocide, Hitler comparison is pretty nonstarter in any arguement about any thing ever. Likely to bring out the pitchforks though, so "very meta" I guess.

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i swear I feel like fans are never satisfied. you demand grigs to protect luck, drafts two o-lineman fans reaction what a stupid pick. fans demand more pass rush, drafts a pass rusher, fans reaction what a stupid pick, fans demand run support, grigs drafts a ILB, fans reaction what a stupid pick  :sigh:  :facepalm:


I've been a member of the various forms of this forum since 2005.  The draft is ALWAYS done wrong according to these boards.

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You say "no one can tell whose gonna pan out" (agree), then in the next breath you say "this was a bad draft". Can you see why that might confuse folk? 

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I don't know, man.  I like our FA Zach Kerr more than Nix.  I like Grigson bringing in a 2nd round OG, who will be significantly better than your Richardson.  I think I like OLB Newsome better than your guy too.  I wasn't crazy about the way this draft filled our needs (or didn't fill them, as the case may be), but I don't doubt that Grigson's picks may end up being good players in the end.

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So why are you on here berating people? Meh, it's a internet forum, who really cares what we say to each other. Sticks and stones.

Because it's a hell of a lot less fun to hang around here when the end argument to every single disagreement is "well you're not a coach/scout/GM so you don't know what you're talking about and you're and *."

If that's what every debate around here is gonna end, the way it always does, what is the point? If you dare disagree with something around here THIS is the argument that gets shouted at you.

Despite the fact that coaches play bad players (satele) GMs draft bad players (justin Anderson) GMs sign bad players (winston justice) and GMs make bad trades (Jerry Hughes for Shepard)

And in all honesty, the people questioning this draft are not at all being unreasonable. Our 2013 draft, so far, has been one of the least helpful in recent history. 2 of the 7 players taken didn't even make the final 53. 2 of the remaining 5 were signed away after we bounced them to and from the practice squad. We traded up to take a guy whose production wasn't even pedestrian. We took a guy who was a healthy scratch most of the season DESPITE injuries at his position and the fact that we needed help. The remaining two showed some flashes of both good, and truly awful in their limited playing time.

It's ok not to agree with every move and decision the team makes. Most people around here don't get that. Some people around here go willfully out of their way to ignore some of our less prosperous decisions.

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I would've rather seen us draft O-linemen that were specific at each of their respective spots. If we need a guard, draft a guy that is 100% good at guard. Not draft a guy that is 75% good at guard or 50% good at Tackle and 25% at center, etc. 


I get that it's nice to have that versatility, but even Grigson has said continuity is the most important thing. I would think he'd want more position specific guys. 


I like a lot of these UDFA names (and there's a ton) so thank God we got some CB's to compete. Maybe one will be used as a FS since our depth needs help. Zach Kerr @ NT might turn out to be a surprise as well. 

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God forbid a fan offers his opinion.

it's fine to offer an opinion but when you declare your would be draft better than what the team did you aren't offering an opinion then you are presenting your opinion as fact and I think people are disagreeing with that "fact".
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it's fine to offer an opinion but when you declare your would be draft better than what the team did you aren't offering an opinion then you are presenting your opinion as fact and I think people are disagreeing with that "fact".



Re-read his conclusion...


"I think that would have been a better draft than what we actually did.  I think we are bottom 5 for sure in this draft."

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And this notion that people cannot evaluate a draft for three years in nonsense. Perhaps nothing concrete can be seen until then, evaluations rightfully have their placeduring and after a draft... otherwise it wouldn't generate interest in the first place.


If you have a relatively well-thought out opinion you should be allowed to offer it. People with baseless opinions or incessant regurgitation of others opinion, however, are a pet-peeve of mine.

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I've been a member of the various forms of this forum since 2005.  The draft is ALWAYS done wrong according to these boards.


oh ive been here just as long so I know full well how the members are during draft time haha the older member are durable, its the trolls and newbies on here that stir the pot 

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There's a huge difference Gabe Jackson is a guard played it his whole career. Mewhort is a RT hasn't played guard since his freshman year, that makes him a developmental player. You don't draft developmental players with your 1st pick. I still prefer Brooks or Nix at 59 but there were PLENTY of other players better then Mewhort as well. Ealy, Southward, Gaines, Allen Robinson just to name a few. 


This is truly comical.  To me, the college program usually sees the best offensive lineman getting shifted to LT.  That's just a layman view of it, but by and large the best pass protector goes to the LT spot.  We grabbed a guy that was said to be able to play G or C and is a talented pass protector.  And we have this guy Luck throwing the ball here.  Grigson is capable of judging talent, and I would suspect that this guy is a possibility as a day one starter, possibly even at C.


With a OL of Castanzo, Thomas, Mewhort, Thorton, Cherilus... we could have a better group than we've had in 5 years.  Our run game could possibly improve.  Whats not to like?

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Re-read his conclusion...


"I think that would have been a better draft than what we actually did.  I think we are bottom 5 for sure in this draft."


think we are bottom 5 for sure in this draft.


You leave out that for sure, and it's purely opinion.  You throw that in, and you're nearly touting your opinion as fact.  That's the problem many people have.

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think we are bottom 5 for sure in this draft.


You leave out that for sure, and it's purely opinion.  You throw that in, and you're nearly touting your opinion as fact.  That's the problem many people have.


Are you serious?

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Because it's a hell of a lot less fun to hang around here when the end argument to every single disagreement is "well you're not a coach/scout/GM so you don't know what you're talking about and you're and *."

If that's what every debate around here is gonna end, the way it always does, what is the point? If you dare disagree with something around here THIS is the argument that gets shouted at you.

Despite the fact that coaches play bad players (satele) GMs draft bad players (justin Anderson) GMs sign bad players (winston justice) and GMs make bad trades (Jerry Hughes for Shepard)

And in all honesty, the people questioning this draft are not at all being unreasonable. Our 2013 draft, so far, has been one of the least helpful in recent history. 2 of the 7 players taken didn't even make the final 53. 2 of the remaining 5 were signed away after we bounced them to and from the practice squad. We traded up to take a guy whose production wasn't even pedestrian. We took a guy who was a healthy scratch most of the season DESPITE injuries at his position and the fact that we needed help. The remaining two showed some flashes of both good, and truly awful in their limited playing time.

It's ok not to agree with every move and decision the team makes. Most people around here don't get that. Some people around here go willfully out of their way to ignore some of our less prosperous decisions.

I guess I think it is unreasonable to decide that the 2013 draft was bad already. I can't tell you the number of times I've heard professional football coaches and GMs reiterate that, other than the rare gem, players on the D front 7 or anyone on the OLine, simply take time to develop.

Assuming for a second that there is wisdom in that thinking, the only player last year who truly disappointed was Boyett. And only then, because he was a knucklehead, not because he couldn't play.

Add in injuries, and getting thrust into playing foreign positions, and I think last year's class was showing some genuine promise.

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2.  Louis Nix NT Notre Dame:   should have been the choice in the 2nd round.  He had fallen out of late 1st/early 2nd, and would have solidified the NG position along with Chapman.

3.  Bashaud Breeland CB Clemson:  I felt one more CB was needed on the roster. 

5.  Deon Bailey S USC:  He went undrafted, but he would be a great backup FS, and a great special teams player.  I watched the guy for 4 years, he will make an NFL roster for sure.

6. Antonio Richardson T Tennessee:  If he can shed 10 pounds, he is a right guard/right tackle prospect that could eventually be starter material.

7.  Trevor Reilly OLB Utah State:  An absolutely incredible football player.  Looked like a man among boys.  Can't believe he was there at pick 232.  Jets took him right after we picked at 233.  He is a natural 6'5" beast.  Makes plays behind the line of scrimmage.  The steal of the 7th round for the Jets.  We could have had him instead of a OL that's not gonna make the team.  He is 26 years old.  If he was 22 he would have been a 2nd round pick.


I think that would have been a better draft than what we actually did.  I think we are bottom 5 for sure in this draft. 


I have to disagree. I would much rather have who we actually took. 


It will all work itself out and we will see later down the road. 


All of Grigson's draft picks this year have potential and that is all we can ask from the draft at this point. No player is a sure bet to live up to his full potential in the NFL. 

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You leave out that for sure, and it's purely opinion.  You throw that in, and you're nearly touting your opinion as fact.  That's the problem many people have.


It is the biggest drawback to online forums. Unfortunately there is no way to fix it. 


I had an issue with a poster right before the draft, because he said there was no way we would take a certain position. I would not have had an issue had he said "I do no believe we will draft so-and-so because....". I would have enjoyed that debate. However, he insisted that he had a crystal ball and the Colts front office on speed dial. In the end he was wrong. 


What can you do besides try your best to ignore stupid? That is usually my game-plan anyway.

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{snipped opinion for brevity}


I think that would have been a better draft than what we actually did.  I think we are bottom 5 for sure in this draft. 

I might rank us bottom 5, but not for whom we got, but how many.  We only had 2 picks (#59 and #90) out of the first 165 players in the deepest draft in decades.  It would be a quantity issue, not quality, IMO.

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You say "no one can tell whose gonna pan out" (agree), then in the next breath you say "this was a bad draft". Can you see why that might confuse folk?

You say "no one can tell whose gonna pan out" (agree), then in the next breath you say "this was a bad draft". Can you see why that might confuse folk?

yeah your right
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You do realize by simply taking Nix there is an infinate number of possibilities that would result from changing that one pick on the board. There is no way to know how it would turn out after that...it would have changed everyone's boards. That said...I liked Nix at ND in 2012....2013...he was hurt too much and I'm not sure he will recover...those injuries really hamper productivity of DTs....I'm fine that we passed on him.

I'm a ND fan and his injuries are more than what's being told. And that championship game is still fresh in my mind where he got man handled 1v1 by their center. Barrett? A dude who got drafted like 5th I think. I actually wanted him bad after that game, lol

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Despite the fact that coaches play bad players (satele) GMs draft bad players (justin Anderson) GMs sign bad players (winston justice) and GMs make bad trades (Jerry Hughes for Shepard)

And in all honesty, the people questioning this draft are not at all being unreasonable. Our 2013 draft, so far, has been one of the least helpful in recent history. 2 of the 7 players taken didn't even make the final 53. 2 of the remaining 5 were signed away after we bounced them to and from the practice squad. We traded up to take a guy whose production wasn't even pedestrian. We took a guy who was a healthy scratch most of the season DESPITE injuries at his position and the fact that we needed help. The remaining two showed some flashes of both good, and truly awful in their limited playing time.

It's ok not to agree with every move and decision the team makes. Most people around here don't get that. Some people around here go willfully out of their way to ignore some of our less prosperous decisions.


This is where I think a lot people would be well-served to take a look around the league and gain some perspective.


I don't think you're arguing that Grigson is a bad GM, just that he has made some bad moves and isn't immune to some criticism. But the thing is, every GM makes bad moves, and every GM can be criticized from time to time (especially with the benefit of hindsight). I think the Seahawks made some really unnecessary moves last offseason, and in the previous two or three years, some I would call bad moves. They won the Super Bowl last year. They have a good GM, and they're a well-run team, but they make mistakes.


So when people complain about late round draft picks not sticking, it's kind of comical. Most late round draft picks don't stick. When people complain about signings like Winston Justice, it makes me shake my head. The worst move Grigson has made is the Richardson trade, and as bad as that was, there have been worse moves by good GMs recently (I think the Percy Harvin trade was worse, but at least it wasn't for a RB, so maybe it's a wash, but still...)


It is okay to disagree with decisions. It gets tiring when people go to the extreme, when they judge with the benefit of hindsight and not being in a position of accountability (or even attempting to hold themselves accountable when they were clearly wrong), etc. It's also tiring when people run to the trite and cliched "you're not a GM, what do you know?" nonsense. I much prefer a discussion that makes room for perspective and acknowledges that no one gets every decision exactly right.



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I'm a ND fan and his injuries are more than what's being told. And that championship game is still fresh in my mind where he got man handled 1v1 by their center. Barrett? A dude who got drafted like 5th I think. I actually wanted him bad after that game, lol

Indeed. I watch every ND game. He was a non-factor this year for the most part. Something not right with him I agree. I would expect at least a year before he is healthy enough to contribute...and possibly may never if something structurely is messed up. Down the road he may contribute but I don't see him making a difference in 2014. Even when he was at ND he didn't exactly blow it up. Like many college players he feasted on lesser competition and was pretty quiet against top end competition. Had he been healthy and had another campaign like 2012 I would have been very dissappointed in not getting him...but I'm assuming his injuries kept us away.

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Because it's a hell of a lot less fun to hang around here when the end argument to every single disagreement is "well you're not a coach/scout/GM so you don't know what you're talking about and you're and *."

If that's what every debate around here is gonna end, the way it always does, what is the point? If you dare disagree with something around here THIS is the argument that gets shouted at you.

Despite the fact that coaches play bad players (satele) GMs draft bad players (justin Anderson) GMs sign bad players (winston justice) and GMs make bad trades (Jerry Hughes for Shepard)

And in all honesty, the people questioning this draft are not at all being unreasonable. Our 2013 draft, so far, has been one of the least helpful in recent history. 2 of the 7 players taken didn't even make the final 53. 2 of the remaining 5 were signed away after we bounced them to and from the practice squad. We traded up to take a guy whose production wasn't even pedestrian. We took a guy who was a healthy scratch most of the season DESPITE injuries at his position and the fact that we needed help. The remaining two showed some flashes of both good, and truly awful in their limited playing time.

It's ok not to agree with every move and decision the team makes. Most people around here don't get that. Some people around here go willfully out of their way to ignore some of our less prosperous decisions.

I think if you want to question something question the move for Trent giving up our first...and the fact that we had no 4th rd pick. Question the fact that while some teams stock pile picks like SF and STL etc we tend to have 5 picks every year and trade away early ones. Those I think are pretty fair questions. Question his picks from his first draft...they've had time to play and we can start grading...was Fleener worthy of 34th pick, TY of trading up, Chatman of the 5th. Last years we can probably start evaluating after next year. Most positions in the NFL it takes at least a year to learn. Few come in and start right away. Question his free agents...spent too much here or there...sure...but guys that haven't even had one practice...why don't we let them play before we judge them. You have NO CLUE what they will do...they could be pro bowlers...Richard Sherman or Johnathon Ogdon...we CAN'T know yet. To say they are great or bad is too early. Please be critical..but realize you have no basis for your opinion.....at least with previous years or his free agents you got data...so just focus on something you can argue..that is what some people have issue with...it isn't so much I'd rather have this guy over that so much...personal opinion..but to not at least preface those opinions with some acknowledement of uncertainty..it just comes off very close minded. I may tend to agree with some problems with Grigson on some other areas but as for this draft...I have no problem with it as it is...not until these guys go out and do some things. Nobody wants to censor people...most just want people to give a fair conversation...to immediately start questioning or cutting down some of our guys with no reason except they read some kid from LSU or Florida had some better measurables...to me is just being a negative nancy. (sorry any nancy's out there)

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2.  Louis Nix NT Notre Dame:   should have been the choice in the 2nd round.  He had fallen out of late 1st/early 2nd, and would have solidified the NG position along with Chapman.

3.  Bashaud Breeland CB Clemson:  I felt one more CB was needed on the roster. 

5.  Deon Bailey S USC:  He went undrafted, but he would be a great backup FS, and a great special teams player.  I watched the guy for 4 years, he will make an NFL roster for sure.

6. Antonio Richardson T Tennessee:  If he can shed 10 pounds, he is a right guard/right tackle prospect that could eventually be starter material.

7.  Trevor Reilly OLB Utah State:  An absolutely incredible football player.  Looked like a man among boys.  Can't believe he was there at pick 232.  Jets took him right after we picked at 233.  He is a natural 6'5" beast.  Makes plays behind the line of scrimmage.  The steal of the 7th round for the Jets.  We could have had him instead of a OL that's not gonna make the team.  He is 26 years old.  If he was 22 he would have been a 2nd round pick.


I think that would have been a better draft than what we actually did.  I think we are bottom 5 for sure in this draft. 

You took someone in the 5th that sucks and went undrafted you took someone in the 6th that went undrafted Nix has knee problems and weighs over 300 lbs there is a reason he fell so far.


You really think you know more about this than Grigs and our scouts? Your board shows otherwise. How do you know who is going to make the team?


Montcrief was a gift he is 6'2" 220 and runs 4.3 40 BPA over Breeland no question. Bailey is just laughable.



This is one of the more ridiculous post I have seen

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