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What have you noticed?


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just a couple of things that i have noticed.  


i'm not extremely happy with the explosion of either line, the d line is doing better, but i dont think we are "dominating" on either side.  


i dont think we are exactly explosive in really any phase of our game, i think we are fundamentally sound, but not mind blowing crazy anywhere.  


i understand the "want" to be a dominant running team, but it doesnt look like that is where are true playmakers are.  he have some very good players at the skilled positions, and running the seems, for lack of a better term, "forced".  and like i said i understand it, im just not entirely excited thinking about the run game this year.  i think it will be better than last year, just not as good as the coaching staff thinks it will do.  


i do think that our back field looks pretty darn good.  did anyone hear vontae's name called, was he playing?  he if was, he must have been doing his job, because i never heard from him.  but apart from that, no real big pass plays, and when a pass was completed we were on em' almost immediately.  



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Our fatties on the D line are doing a good job against the run but are not getting much push on the QB. Good passing teams may give us fits this year.

Pagano isn't showing his hand at blitz packages yet. Once the season starts and the pass rush isn't up to par THEN we can make assumptions, but right now is premature.

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Keep in mind too were not showing everything right now. But I agree especially with the run game. ALOT left to be desired there. As I've said its a whole different mindset and style of play that's just not been apart of our culture. Its gonna take some time. And possibly a couple better interior O linemen. We will just have to wait and see.

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glad you guys said something about pagano, i hope hope hope, its just me.  did anyone else notice how almost nervous pagano looks, everytime the camera is on him?  i love pagano.and i dont want to say it, but everytime the camera is on the guy, he almost looks lost.  

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just a couple of things that i have noticed.  


i'm not extremely happy with the explosion of either line, the d line is doing better, but i dont think we are "dominating" on either side.  


i dont think we are exactly explosive in really any phase of our game, i think we are fundamentally sound, but not mind blowing crazy anywhere.  


i understand the "want" to be a dominant running team, but it doesnt look like that is where are true playmakers are.  he have some very good players at the skilled positions, and running the seems, for lack of a better term, "forced".  and like i said i understand it, im just not entirely excited thinking about the run game this year.  i think it will be better than last year, just not as good as the coaching staff thinks it will do.  


i do think that our back field looks pretty darn good.  did anyone hear vontae's name called, was he playing?  he if was, he must have been doing his job, because i never heard from him.  but apart from that, no real big pass plays, and when a pass was completed we were on em' almost immediately.  


You don`t even know who will be starting on our O-Line, haven`t seen Allen blocking or Bradshaw running, or given all the NEW Lineman a chance to Jell, and I think you Overestimate the staffs expectations of having a Dominate run game.

Other than that... Go Colts!

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glad you guys said something about pagano, i hope hope hope, its just me.  did anyone else notice how almost nervous pagano looks, everytime the camera is on him?  i love pagano.and i dont want to say it, but everytime the camera is on the guy, he almost looks lost.

It's just you

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What have I noticed... And keep in mind I don't post, I come here for the knowledge of the game, to learn from others and get a more in depth feel for what our Colts are doing... So..

Our offense is going to be something special. We're not showing our full hand yet and the addition of the fullback is nice. Except I'm not seeing the domination in the run game.. DB had a few nice runs, but it was inconsistent.

DHB can have some great hands and make the plays, he's gaining confidence and it's showing.

Reggie is, well Reggie! :-)

I think it will only improve..


All I can say is that I'm impressed. Keep in mind this is from a novice stand point.

Rayford is a keeper for sure.

Werner is coming along, he looked strong, but is still learning. I didn't see him giving up much(no motor?) he shed his blocks when he needed to.

Toler is gonna find his place along with Landry. Special.

I think our front line will only get better, and we have good depth.

ST is getting there..

Chuck P. is a Coach! For him to run out on the field when a defensive play is made near him and get in with the guys is awesome!! Smacking them around and what not is good to see!! :-)

And to sum it up.. Whenever the interviews on the sidelines with the free agents on why they came here was " the family" that's established. They even quoted "Iron sharpens iron, Man sharpens man"... Sounds like a great locker room.. :-)

Oh and Reggie's half time interview where he said he put his # up on the board for the receivers to call him anytime??!?! Just awesome and super classy. Which rang off the hook! :-) shows something from our young guys..

Sorry to ramble.. But I'm getting excited, and I'm impressed...

Don't chew me a new one. ;-)

Oh geez.. Big Edit! No touch downs yet... And no penalties in the whole first half! Nice! Ok I'm done.. ;-)

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I've noticed that we still can't run against first team defenses but Luck looks extremely sharp.  I've noticed that we're missing good TE play in the passing game.  I've noticed that our pass rush needs help when Caesar isn't in the game.  Finally, I've noticed that our starting secondary has a chance to be dominant and it's immediately noticeable when Vaughn comes in the game.

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glad you guys said something about pagano, i hope hope hope, its just me.  did anyone else notice how almost nervous pagano looks, everytime the camera is on him?  i love pagano.and i dont want to say it, but everytime the camera is on the guy, he almost looks lost.  


Oh!    For!     The!     Love!    Of!    GOD!!!!!


You really, Really, REALLY should've followed your own advice......         :facepalm:

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glad you guys said something about pagano, i hope hope hope, its just me. did anyone else notice how almost nervous pagano looks, everytime the camera is on him? i love pagano.and i dont want to say it, but everytime the camera is on the guy, he almost looks lost.

I was at the Bills and Browns games so I couldn't see Chuck up close, but I did see the Giants game on TV. What I saw in that game was a coach running on to the field to congratulate Green on a sack and a coach who was tearing the D a new one for giving up a big run. For all that this man has been through he looks pretty darn energetic and focused to me. Just my opinion.

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just a couple of things that i have noticed.  


i'm not extremely happy with the explosion of either line, the d line is doing better, but i dont think we are "dominating" on either side.  


i dont think we are exactly explosive in really any phase of our game, i think we are fundamentally sound, but not mind blowing crazy anywhere.  


i understand the "want" to be a dominant running team, but it doesnt look like that is where are true playmakers are.  he have some very good players at the skilled positions, and running the seems, for lack of a better term, "forced".  and like i said i understand it, im just not entirely excited thinking about the run game this year.  i think it will be better than last year, just not as good as the coaching staff thinks it will do.  


i do think that our back field looks pretty darn good.  did anyone hear vontae's name called, was he playing?  he if was, he must have been doing his job, because i never heard from him.  but apart from that, no real big pass plays, and when a pass was completed we were on em' almost immediately.  

You always have to keep in mind that these players are still new to each other. As busy as they have been they haven't been together long enough to play as well as they are going to. We haven't seen what the running game is going to be yet as we haven't seen Bradshaw and what he brings. Lets wait and see how things go after a couple of real games when all of the starters are together. Building the Monster takes more than a couple of preseason games!  :goodluck:

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I think a big part of not seeing any significant pass rush pressure is because they've only been using the standard 4 man rush with the olb. We saw some exotic blitzes used last week with CB Marshay Green and he got a sack, almost 2. I don't think Pagano wants to show anything right now, he's just focusing on fundamentals and trusts his other LB's and Safeties will blitz effectively come regular season

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glad you guys said something about pagano, i hope hope hope, its just me. did anyone else notice how almost nervous pagano looks, everytime the camera is on him? i love pagano.and i dont want to say it, but everytime the camera is on the guy, he almost looks lost.

The dude has already proven himself years ago when he was a defensive coordinator for one of the greatest defenses of all time. He's not lost. And to question a guy that has brought a mix of vets and rookies together into one cohesive and inspired locker room? C'mon Man!

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Our fatties on the D line are doing a good job against the run but are not getting much push on the QB. Good passing teams may give us fits this year.

Against good passing teams we'll run a lot more nickel with four man fronts. Nevis, redding, rjf, Matthews and even guy (if he makes the team) have shown a very consistent ability to provide interior pass rush. Add to the mix Mathis, Werner, Sidbury, Walden and rayford and I think we'll be able to get a very nice pass rush from a 4 man line.

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. Toler looks good.

. Hail Caesar looks great. He has a killer bull rush. Reminds me of a poor mans Freeney.

. Thornton is big upgrade at RG.

. TY has to be on the field as much as physically possible.

. Kerwynn can't be our full time returner, sorry. I like Marshay Green as a possible returner. Also liked the guy we got from the Delone Carter trade.

. Reggie has lost nothing physically. Another Pro Bowl year coming.

. Walden isn't as bad as some of us thought.

. Vontae has stepped up his game.

. This guy named Andrew Luck looks pretty good. Has a decent shot at making the final 53.

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I noticed Ballard still struggles with his vision at times. Too many lateral runs that ended up as losses that should've been either short gains or no loss. He tries to do too much at times. Hopefully we get to see what Bradshaw has soon


Joe Reitz looks like a starter. Should've been starting the whole time until they thought Thornton was ready



Oh, and Thornton IS ready. lol



I like the matchups Pep created with his play calling and formations. I noticed a lot of 2 back sets again. I'm starting to wonder if that is going to be a staple in our offense. I understand we're limited at tight end with Allen and Fleener out, but I hope we see more 2 TE's than we do 2 backs 

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It's still early, it's still preseason, we had some injuries.......but I have seen improvement at every other group offense and defense with the exception of the O-line......I am not ready to run around all "Henny-Penny the sky is falling" just yet.....but I am watching with concern the development and depth of this offensive line. Thornton looked like he held his own, if Reitz is to be Castanzo's back up this season, I pray Castanzo never breaks a nail though.....

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I've noticed that fans will continue to find stuff to whine about.


I've noticed that some people think certain players are all-pro's based on preseason games.


I've noticed that some think a certain player is great at a position, while another fan will say how bad that player is.


I've noticed to not listen to any evaluations that 98% of fans have and make my own judgments and trust the people that really know what they're talking about.

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No access to the game, and the recaps don't tell me much. How well was Luck protected / hit, and what was his interception like? (Bad throw, bad read, poor receiving, under pressure etc).

Good throw on a check down. Havili just popped it in the air. Protection wasn't bad. Luck is showing great pocket awareness. Not forcing bad and going through his progressions. He looks way better than last year. To me anyways.

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