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Colts @ Jaguars Game Day, September 13, 2020


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7 minutes ago, Wes Heilman said:


So did Jacksonville have a pre-season? If they are better prepared with the same time and conditions, that says our coaching staff failed.


This colts org. Has had weird games when Injuries force In game changes from key players, ours or the opponents.... We've made backups look like hofers for years....except for our own

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1 minute ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Hmmmmmm. Werent numerous polsters calling me Negative before the season?  I didnt jump on the Rivers bandwagon.  I have zero confidence in this defensive scheme. And remeber,this is Ballards choice of D system and D coach. Minshew has missed 1 pass and has 3 tds. Let that sink in. I said in numerous times this team will no go far with this defensive system. Everyone thought Buckner would complete this D. It is early and win or lose. This is not a good showing

I'm new here, and the defense has been far worse than I was led to believe lol.

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Just now, coming on strong said:

the way ballard and reich get talked about , you would think they both won multiple superbowls and had a decade of winning . both have losing records with the colts and the teams defense looks horrible and the offense cannot finish drives . I just never understood the hype they got . 

The hype who got?


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Just now, Shafty138 said:

Yes and no..... We brought in a vet to be capable of consistent nfl throws.... We all knew Rivers would throw one or 2 picks a game....

How is throwing three picks something you think we knew would happen? Stinker games happen but not like this. This is not an acceptable level of play.

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2 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Hmmmmmm. Werent numerous polsters calling me Negative before the season?  I didnt jump on the Rivers bandwagon.  I have zero confidence in this defensive scheme. And remeber,this is Ballards choice of D system and D coach. Minshew has missed 1 pass and has 3 tds. Let that sink in. I said in numerous times this team will no go far with this defensive system. Everyone thought Buckner would complete this D. It is early and win or lose. This is not a good showing

Quit being negative.

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