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Colts @ Jaguars Game Day, September 13, 2020


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  • NFLfan changed the title to Colts @ Jaguars Game Day, September 13, 2020
10 minutes ago, w87r said:

Hurricane approaching. Hoopefully get the game in and get out of there.

Luckily the hurricane is already SW of Jacksonville, so it's just some of the very far out bands that they'll be dealing with today. Should just be some intermittent rain throughout the day, but nothing too serious. 

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2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Thanks for the thread. Hard to believe we have not won on opening day since the 2013 season. Today that streak will end folks. Colts take down the Jags 27-17.


Rivers has had some good games against the Jaguars. I read that he holds a 7-2 record against the Jags, including a win last year. This should be a good game. 


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1 hour ago, Aces101 said:

Hopefully the Colts can establish the running game early and often with Mack and Taylor!! Let’s play some smash mouth football behind our great offensive line and make the weather conditions irrelevant.

Yep.  Agree.  Just jam it down their throats early and often with the run game to get the early lead.

Then unleash the D-Line and send The Maniac a couple of times.

I'm thinking along the lines of of a 27-10 game today.

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