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Former Colt Denzelle Good talks about the colts


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3 hours ago, Superman said:

It would really suck if Gugs was a jerk to Good following the death of his brother. I hope that's not true. Even if it's not true, it's too bad Good felt that Gugs treated him poorly, and that he felt it was connected to his bereavement.


I don't want to offer any rationalizations or explanations about what might have happened; it would be pure conjecture, and it would come across as trying to defend the Colts or bashing Good, and I don't know that either of those is necessary or appropriate.


Like others have said, I hope he has success moving forward.


As it relates to the Colts, I hope Gugs is the kind of coach that players want to play hard for. 

no offense but we need a coach like that , nice coaches do not win in the nfl bill billick bullies his team around .  collin cowerd said it best nice player coaches like hugh jackson lose games.  gugs got this offense line as one of the best in the nfl even when we were injured he has joe haeg playing the best i ever saw him play Ac playing the best look at how he molded a second round guard into one of the best tackles in the nfl and even bohem when he filled in for kelly both times played very well .   I dont want nice we need a coach to get in players faces make them scared to mess up .

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4 minutes ago, Superman said:


First, the idea that being accommodating to a team member who is grieving over the death of a close family member is somehow a problem is outright crap. It's not being a 'nice guy,' it's being a decent human.


Second, a coach doesn't have to be a pushover to be decent. I'm talking about having coaches who are respected by their players, not coaches who are soft and not taken seriously.


Third, Hue Jackson wasn't a nice guy, he was a joke.


Fourth, AC and Joe Haeg have plenty of good tape that pre-dates Gugs.


Fifth, players are individuals with personalities. One good player might be scared to mess up, another good player might shut down completely. Coaches have to manage personalities, not just drill sergeant their way around the team.


Sixth, who is Bill Billick?

people lose their job all the time in the nfl when they take time off.  look at joe flacco , he got replaced when he was injured .  Do you believe joe should be given the starter job back no matter what that is the main issue here .   Do you really believe after the colts gave him a week off the coach just started bullying him ?


He was replaced by a better player , and was upset when he came back and was not just put back in the same spot .  of course it would be wrong if he was getting harrased or bullied but i believe the coach just has a high standard .  That is what i mean by not being nice not that the coach is straight being a bully or yelling at the top of his lungs , but is not a nice guy that is gonna just hand the job back to someone if they do not deserve it.


and i meant bill belichick he doesnt yell but he is stern and will get right up to the players and confront them when they mess up. I never said yell at them

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10 minutes ago, coming on strong said:

people lose their job all the time in the nfl when they take time off.  look at joe flacco , he got replaced when he was injured .  Do you believe joe should be given the starter job back no matter what that is the main issue here .   Do you really believe after the colts gave him a week off the coach just started bullying him ?


He was replaced by a better player , and was upset when he came back and was not just put back in the same spot .  of course it would be wrong if he was getting harrased or bullied but i believe the coach just has a high standard .  That is what i mean by not being nice not that the coach is straight being a bully or yelling at the top of his lungs , but is not a nice guy that is gonna just hand the job back to someone if they do not deserve it.


and i meant bill belichick he doesnt yell but he is stern and will get right up to the players and confront them when they mess up. I never said yell at them


You seem to be making quite a few assumptions that I don't think are correct...


You don't know where Good was on the coachs' depth chart before his absence, nor whether he was replaced by another player when he came back.  You don't know what was or wasn't said between Good and his coaches.  You don't know what's said between Belichick and his players.  You don't know how nice or not nice any coach is being to any player behind closed doors.


This is likely just a misunderstanding by Good when he came back and wasn't in a good place mentally and emotionally, and DeGuglielmo made a general statement about what he expects from his players every week.


But I guess you know what's best for everyone and what works and what doesn't...  :pokerface:

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42 minutes ago, coming on strong said:

people lose their job all the time in the nfl when they take time off.  look at joe flacco , he got replaced when he was injured .  Do you believe joe should be given the starter job back no matter what that is the main issue here .   Do you really believe after the colts gave him a week off the coach just started bullying him ?


He was replaced by a better player , and was upset when he came back and was not just put back in the same spot .  of course it would be wrong if he was getting harrased or bullied but i believe the coach just has a high standard .  That is what i mean by not being nice not that the coach is straight being a bully or yelling at the top of his lungs , but is not a nice guy that is gonna just hand the job back to someone if they do not deserve it.


and i meant bill belichick he doesnt yell but he is stern and will get right up to the players and confront them when they mess up. I never said yell at them


Good heavens...


No one ever said Good should have just been given his spot in the rotation back. My comments have very little to do with his spot in the rotation. As a matter of fact, I have been over the Denzelle Good experiment for some time, since he can't stay healthy.


The point is really simple, and for whatever reason, you're distorting it to the point that I don't know if you even read what I said in my first post.


So I'll just say it again, more simply: I hope Gugs didn't act like a jerk with a player who was grieving over the death of a close family member. I hope none of our coaches would do that.

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6 hours ago, Devildog said:

Whatever was said, he shouldn't have burned bridges with his former employer that gave him the chance to play in the NFL coming from an unknown small school.  

From the story, it doesn't sound like he burned any bridges.

His brother died, he asked for leave, Ballard and Reich granted it. He was gone a week. When he got back his O-line coach got p/o'd and was mad he did not stay and suck it up for the team.  Then told him he'd never play another down for the Colts.  So he asked Ballard to be released, and Ballard granted it.  He did publicly thank Indy and the team for his chance in the NFL.  And after his statement about what happened with Guge, the Colts released a statement that did not deny the allegations.  Just said the Colts were sorry he felt that way.

A lot of Bosses and coaches are firm believers there is no reason to miss work, even a death in the family.  I had a boss that fired me 2 weeks after i took my 3 days when my grandfather died.  He couldn't fire me for taking it, but when i got back he said i should have stayed and worked instead of taking those days off.  Then fired me for bogus reasons 2 weeks later.

There are just people like that out there.  I am glad he is with a team that is using him and he is doing well.  against the Bronco's he helped keep Von Miller and Bradley Chubb from getting any sacks, and led the way blocking for Martin to get over 100 yards rushing.  When healthy, he was pretty decent.  The injuries just kept piling up on him.

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3 hours ago, AwesomeAustin said:

I only have a couple former employees that have good things to say about me. I have never fired anyone for unjust causes. They brought it all upon themselves but tend to focus on one particular incident, that put in a vacuum, makes them look wronged. Former employees hardly ever look objectively at their entire body of work to understand why it didn’t work out.  Good businesses don’t fire good employees.  They do fire bad employees that have good moments that our outweighed by the baggage that goes along with them. 


Example: My brother was fired for the 3rd time in 2yrs from a job. After each one he had a story about how he was wronged and they let go their best fork truck driver, painter then plumber. He got mad whenever I told him businesses don’t fire their best employee especially when they supposedly became the best in a few months. Typical can’t recognize his own faults while over valuing his own worth.  

But good wasn't fired. He asked for his release from Ballard after his incident with Guge.  And Ballard said ok.

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Certain old school traits can be good.  However, treating someone like crap who is dealing with emotional and mental health issues following the murder of his brother is certainly not good.  If it happened, it's pure stupidity.


That said, who knows what the truth is.

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5 hours ago, Superman said:


First, the idea that being accommodating to a team member who is grieving over the death of a close family member is somehow a problem is outright crap. It's not being a 'nice guy,' it's being a decent human.


Second, a coach doesn't have to be a pushover to be decent. I'm talking about having coaches who are respected by their players, not coaches who are soft and not taken seriously. On the other hand, I don't want this team to be known for having jerk coaches who can't recognize when another person needs some time to figure things out after a personal tragedy.


Third, Hue Jackson wasn't a nice guy, he was a joke.


Fourth, AC and Joe Haeg have plenty of good tape that pre-dates Gugs.


Fifth, players are individuals with personalities. One good player might be scared to mess up, another good player might shut down completely. Coaches have to manage personalities, not just drill sergeant their way around the team.


Sixth, who is Bill Billick?



7th... all is well as Good seems happy as a Raider and if we resign Glowinski , we seemingly have a good starting 5. Furthermore it seems unlikely we would have resigned him following this season. Seems like most "fringe" players like he would have been test the open market. Chances are he now can get a pretty decent contract from Oakland.

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3 hours ago, Nadine said:

Whatever happened and whatever the reason.  I'm glad that Good is happy where he is.

Same here.... chances are the entire incident, or whatever it was, was wrapped up in the emotional backdrop of Good’s tragic loss, and from Gugs’ perspective as a coach .... a Colts win/loss record which at the time was headed full speed in the wrong direction.


It’s easy to see how each of them may have been hypersensitive to their own pressures in the moment.


Whatever the case I wish Denzelle Good well.... because he is now playing under Raiders OL coach Tom Cable... who is absolutely no one’s idea of a warm and fuzzy guy. 

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The thing that keeps bothering me about this situation is Gugs telling Good he will never play for him again.  You would think coaches would want their best players playing for them.  Good had his injury issues but he was not a bad player.  He started many games for us and we kept moving him back and forth between G and T.  Last year he won a starting job before the injury.  Something doesn't make sense.  Especially the circumstances.  Good really had no other alternative but to ask for his release if he really wanted to play again this year.  Sure enough the Raiders pick him up and now he's starting at RG.  Like I said Good was not a bad player when healthy.  If he had any issue it was his health.                                                                               


Then I noticed another fact that seemed odd to me.  We all know that the majority of athletes in the NFL are black.  I don't know the stats but it's high.  It's even high on the Colts.  Very high.  But all of our starting five OL are white.  Even our top backups are white.  Out of nine OL seven are white.  That seems to go against league averages.  I find that fact odd as well.  I would hope that's all it is just a quirk for the Colts.  We will never know really.  But for a good player to ask for his release because the coach said he would never play for him again after that players unusual situation.  It just seems very strange to me.  It raised a flag for me.  Probably nothing going on but it's been bothering me.  I guess I'm getting it off my chest.  The facts as we know them keep bothering me. 

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2 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

Then I noticed another fact that seemed odd to me.  We all know that the majority of athletes in the NFL are black.  I don't know the stats but it's high.  It's even high on the Colts.  Very high.  But all of our starting five OL are white.  Even our top backups are white.  Out of nine OL seven are white.  That seems to go against league averages.  I find that fact odd as well.  I would hope that's all it is just a quirk for the Colts.  We will never know really.


Uhhh... I think you're reading a little too much into this.

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Yeah, I think Good is a good player who has trouble staying on the field.  Guys like that can really help a team, but you can’t use them as a primary building blocks.  It so happens that we have a pretty good core OL group now, with two decent back-up OTs.  So there’s no real role for him.  Wish him the best, and I’m sorry it soured with what seems like some sort of personality conflict with Googs...

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I have nothing but respect for a man who can come back and be of sound mind after having his brother murdered. That’s not easy.


On the other hand I think he has sour grapes because he probably realized that this is not Pagano’s staff. People aren’t going to heap loads of undeserved praise on an often injured player who (And this may come as a shocker to some) wasn’t even that good when we was on the field. I think he was coddled by the previous staff and Dave G wasn’t having any of that.  

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A lot of finger pointing going on in this thread (even including overweight girls and the race card), without full knowledge of what happened. If this happens with another player, it changes things. For right now, I would hope fans would not jump to any conclusions, for either the player.....or the coach. 

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6 hours ago, richard pallo said:

The thing that keeps bothering me about this situation is Gugs telling Good he will never play for him again.                                                                       


We don't know that happened. The article says Good said it did, but says the coach says it didn't.  Too much He said He said So ,He Said No for us to know.

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