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If we win the next Two games it doesn't matter if we fall short of the playoffs


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32 minutes ago, horseshoecrabs said:

I am more interested  in winning the next 2 games, regardless of what other teams do or not do to make us back in to the playoffs.

I sorry but I for one are not pinning my hopes on ,  one team wins or loses to let us in.

 My hopes are that we show the league that we are a team on the rise and that we take care of business on  a weekly basis on what we can do as a team and control from here out. Winning is the best way to show the league that  this team is not a fluke and we will be a factor in years to come.

If you want respect from the league & the media, then just win. Then they can't ignore you.  GO COLTS!

You are in the minority 

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Prior to the season most "experts" thought the colts were a 4 or 5 win team. I was expecting somewhere between 7-10 wins. We could lose the next two games and I would still consider it a successful season, especially with how it started. 

If we win the next two and don't make the playoffs, I'll be a little disappointed initially. But I can see where this team is headed. The next few years should be really entertaining for colts fans.

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I kinda feel the same. Sure it would be awesome to play finals but if we win 10 games this year, whether we play in the finals or not it is an unbelievable achievement based on all the factors against us this year!


10 wins get you in most years so it can’t be seen as a failure in my eyes!

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If the Colts miss the playoffs I'll be pretty dang bummed but I won't direct my disappointment at the team. Especially if the Colts end up at 10-6 and miss the playoffs. In that case, they would have done what they could, but sometimes in the NFL, it isn't enough. Sucks but that's the way it goes sometimes.


This team will win the AFC South in 2019. I have all sorts of faith in that. 


Lets win our games. If the football gods aren't smiling at us, so be it. There's always tomorrow. 

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As sad as it would be to miss playoffs with a 10-6 record, I would still be very impressed with the improvement in the team. I never thought they would get to 10 wins (still may not) so they would have gone way past my expectations.


I love being confident in the Colts.

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55 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

I have an odd feeling Houston might lose out. Had a fluke 9 game win streak. They could easily recess to the mean.

Texans lose to Eagles today. Next week, Bortles comes in for Kessler and thinks he's playing the Colts and has the game of his life.

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This is the NFL. This is the highest level of professional football in the country. Not everyone gets a participation trophy. If the Colts miss the postseason, no one should be happy about it. With that being said, I’m extremely confident about the future of the Colts. Finally looks like the making of a real team

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9 hours ago, horseshoecrabs said:

I am more interested  in winning the next 2 games, regardless of what other teams do or not do to make us back in to the playoffs.

I sorry but I for one are not pinning my hopes on ,  one team wins or loses to let us in.

 My hopes are that we show the league that we are a team on the rise and that we take care of business on  a weekly basis on what we can do as a team and control from here out. Winning is the best way to show the league that  this team is not a fluke and we will be a factor in years to come.

If you want respect from the league & the media, then just win. Then they can't ignore you.  GO COLTS!

No. If you want respect, make the playoffs.

You will be ignored if you do not make the playoffs because the really big games go on without you.

Going 10-6 in 2018  has absolutely no bearing on the years to come.

We will not automatically be as good or better in 2019.

Live for today.

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They can only control what they can control. I dont see how anyone can be bummed if the colts dont make it. It's been a good season for us and we have gone above everybody's expectations. 


Win the next two weeks and the rest will sort itself out.

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3 hours ago, coltsva said:

Texans lose to Eagles today. Next week, Bortles comes in for Kessler and thinks he's playing the Colts and has the game of his life.

It is not far fetched that Jacksonville beats Houston

The Bortles part is a little shaky but that's a division game....it would not be a shocker

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IMO, we accomplished our goals of becoming a well-oiled machine of a team this year. We went from a laughingstock where we couldn't get the coach we wanted to getting Luck back healthy, getting an elite O-Line, and forming the most underrated defense in the NFL. Regardless whether we make the playoffs this year, we are SB contenders next year, especially if we sign a few solid FA's and have another great draft.


That, in my book, is a successful season.

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7 hours ago, kornstar said:

I kinda feel the same. Sure it would be awesome to play finals but if we win 10 games this year, whether we play in the finals or not it is an unbelievable achievement based on all the factors against us this year!


10 wins get you in most years so it can’t be seen as a failure in my eyes!

There is a place between success and failure.

   Missing the playoffs is not an achievement but it is also not a failure.

Its just another year.


But we'll only have Andrew Luck for so long.

We need to get in the playoffs and take our shot right now.

There is no guarantee we have Andrew or any of our present players healthy next season.

We've got the big guy on the white horse in his prime.

   Lets get in the race and ride with him now

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Now we've gotta be Saints fans, how disgusting is that? It was bad enough we've had to root for the Pats and Chargers so far.


Just so I don't get to annoyed I'm gonna assume Pitt wins and ruins it for us.


We're in wait and see mode unfortunately now.

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20 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

Not to me. No season in pro sports is a success if you do not make the playoffs

considering 90% of the the posters on here and 100% of the media and "experts" had has getting the 1st or 2nd pick in the Draft, to even be sitting here with a chance to go 10-6 is a huge accomplishment after going 1-5...

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I'm just sighing happily, thinking back to the start of the season, when the Colts were picked dead last in roster strength, dead last in projected wins, dead last in just about everything.  The common refrain was "the Colts are wasting Luck's prime years, and are so bad, that by the time they can turn it around, he's done."  Heck, there were a LOT of people that claimed "he's done already."  And here we are.  One of the very hottest teams in the league.  On the edge of the playoffs.  The speed of the turnaround is amazing.

If I may be so bold as to quote scripture -- "He shall look upon the travail of his soul, and be satisfied." Isaiah 53:11

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9 hours ago, horseshoecrabs said:

I am more interested  in winning the next 2 games, regardless of what other teams do or not do to make us back in to the playoffs.

I sorry but I for one are not pinning my hopes on ,  one team wins or loses to let us in.

 My hopes are that we show the league that we are a team on the rise and that we take care of business on  a weekly basis on what we can do as a team and control from here out. Winning is the best way to show the league that  this team is not a fluke and we will be a factor in years to come.

If you want respect from the league & the media, then just win. Then they can't ignore you.  GO COLTS!


Well let's get you a Fancy Dandy hat with some rainbow Plummage for Christmas.
You will attract lot's of looks and stares getting soooo much attention.

 Who gives a ___ what anyone thinks? Next year will be a new season with lots of new players and only WINNING Next Year will matter.

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19 minutes ago, csmopar said:

considering 90% of the the posters on here and 100% of the media and "experts" had has getting the 1st or 2nd pick in the Draft, to even be sitting here with a chance to go 10-6 is a huge accomplishment after going 1-5...

Actualy that's not really true.

A lot of people here thought we'd get back to 8-8 or 9-7 after the 1-5 start because the schedule got a lot softer.....

Nobody thought that with Andrew Luck for 16 games, we'd get a Top-5 pick in the draft.

remember the numbers he was rolling up and how the games were close?

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It does matter. The idea is to make the playoffs. You can't win if you can't play. 


I understand this thinking. And right now, it's out of our control. But after today, it very well might be in our control... and it does matter. 


Tell this team it doesn't matter if they don't make the playoffs... because, well, there is next year. Tell Andrew Luck...

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Imagine the feeling next season after another successful draft and free agency. 


This team is a sleeping giant. Crazy to think what our discussions will be a about.


I'm happy our players were overlooked for the pro bowl if it will keep them hungry for next year. It shows the league still doesn't respect us.

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18 minutes ago, ColtStrong2013 said:

It does matter. The idea is to make the playoffs. You can't win if you can't play. 


I understand this thinking. And right now, it's out of our control. But after today, it very well might be in our control... and it does matter. 


Tell this team it doesn't matter if they don't make the playoffs... because, well, there is next year. Tell Andrew Luck...

There are different expectations for different teams though. We were a 4-12 team last year with a new HC and our QB may of never played again. To get where we are with Luck healthy, and our team development doing so well is a good season. Look at the Browns. Would you consider their season a success? Of course. They got their franchise QB and hit big on their draft class like we did. This season put them in a situation where they can contend for the AFC North in future years. Likewise, we are in a situation now where we can contend for the division yearly and possibly the SB. We can lose out this year and still be SB contenders next year because of our player development and coaching success.

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1 minute ago, krunk said:

nonsense! I want the playoffs and nothing less. We deserve to be playing with the upper crust.  I suppose a lot of positive will have been gained from this season but damn it the Colts belong in the race!

We started 1-5 and it was a long shot. If someone two months from the future came on here two months before and told us we would be like this in week 16, 100% of the forum would have taken it. We formed an identity in the trenches with our lines, Luck is healthy, the defense is solid now, and we hit huge on the draft this year. That's a success from 1-5 this year early and 4-12 last year. Next year is our year!

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7 minutes ago, JColts72 said:

Right! The team controls game if won or lost. Can not depend on others as that is not happening our way.

If we don't  get in we have none to blame but ourselves.  Blowing huge lead in Bengals game. Dropping too many passes in eagles game. Not playing for tie in Texans game. Not taking field goals  in jags game. The only loss I'll excuse  was the Pat's game

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11 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

There are different expectations for different teams though. We were a 4-12 team last year with a new HC and our QB may of never played again. To get where we are with Luck healthy, and our team development doing so well is a good season. Look at the Browns. Would you consider their season a success? Of course. They got their franchise QB and hit big on their draft class like we did. This season put them in a situation where they can contend for the AFC North in future years. Likewise, we are in a situation now where we can contend for the division yearly and possibly the SB. We can lose out this year and still be SB contenders next year because of our player development and coaching success.


If you'll go back on prior posts of mine, you'll see that I thought we should be right where we are at. I thought our defense would take time to develop but they would be solid, and I believed that Andrew back with a more solidified o-line would make for a dangerous offense under Frank. That doesn't mean this yesr isn't a success. It certainly is, especially after digging ourselves into a 1-5 hole. 


But to say next year is our year... when this year COULD be our year, it wild to me. I don't care about next year right now. I care about today. And if things go our way today, I care about winning the play-in game next Sunday in Nashville. And then I'm going to be real excited... for this year. We'll have all offseason to get excited for next year. Why are we talking like this? It's OK for us to cheer for the Saints today. Or for Houston to lose their last two so we can be a dang division champion. It's perfectly OK. 

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2 minutes ago, ColtStrong2013 said:


If you'll go back on prior posts of mine, you'll see that I thought we should be right where we are at. I thought our defense would take time to develop but they would be solid, and I believed that Andrew back with a more solidified o-line would make for a dangerous offense under Frank. That doesn't mean this yesr isn't a success. It certainly is, especially after digging ourselves into a 1-5 hole. 


But to say next year is our year... when this year COULD be our year, it wild to me. I don't care about next year right now. I care about today. And if things go our way today, I care about winning the play-in game next Sunday in Nashville. And then I'm going to be real excited... for this year. We'll have all offseason to get excited for next year. Why are we talking like this? It's OK for us to cheer for the Saints today. Or for Houston to lose their last two so we can be a dang division champion. It's perfectly OK. 

When I said next year is our year, I meant that's when we'll fill in the remaining holes and make a SB run IMO. I will be rooting for us to make us the playoffs, no matter who has to win or lose. With the AFC the way it is right now, I'd give us a 10% chance of making the SB if we made the playoffs (which is respectable). I was merely pointing out that we have accomplished a lot this year and exceeded expectations for our team and rebuild. Making the playoffs and getting far would be the cherry on top.


Every Colt fan should be rooting for the playoffs now. We are good enough to compete with the AFC's best. We may not win, but we are on the level! :thmup:

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