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Tony Donahue: It's very possible that Luck never plays again


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2 hours ago, DougDew said:

Just tossing out a thought.    Andrew always struck me as the type of player that wasn't all that passionate about football.  Maybe that's unfair, but there is a difference between Manning and Luck, and both were the sons of NFL QBs.  I don't think football is Andrew's life, nor is the Super Bowl, nor is a legacy.


Maybe he's more interested in studying the sinking Millennial Tower in SF than the sinking team.  Just sayin'


A lack of passion at this point would certainly go along with Irsay's comments that the issue is in his head.




Unless there is another member of the website that goes by the same handle as you,   then those are your words,  not mine.      That you didn't use the word dedication is meaningless.    


You're trying to make a point.      What is it?   


No one here disputes that football is more important to Peyton than it is to Andrew Luck.      So what?    Who cares?

it's the same for the other 99.8 percent of NFL players.     Peyton and Brady are in a league of their own.     No one disputes that.     So, this is a straw-man argument.     It's meaningless because (A) no one is claiming otherwise,  and (B)   it makes no difference in the world of Andrew Luck.     He's got all the passion and any other quality that the game requires.      And he's demonstrated that since the day he was drafted.    


This is an issue that's only important to you........


I don't pretend to know more about Luck than anyone.    He might rehab for two more months,  find that his shoulder is still sore and decide to retire.     Or, more likely,  if that happened,  he'd have arthroscopic surgery to look inside and see what (if anything) is still wrong with his shoulder.   Could he have another operation?    Possibly.    Could he retire in January?     Sure.      Could he retire in April before the draft?     Sure.      But is it LIKELY?      I don't think so.    It would be counter to everything Luck has shared about his love for football.


Luck has all the tools needed to be great.   He's not even 29.    I don't see him retiring yet.    I don't think he's wired that way.      Having other interests doesn't not mean that football isn't the most important thing to him.   It is.    And everyone here should know that by now.....






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8 minutes ago, csmopar said:

Stress over what you can control, what you can't, don't stress it.  If Luck's career is over, it is what it is, until then, all this speculation is playing to fans to get them fired up.  there is 6 months before now and the draft, far too early to see what happens.  


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30 minutes ago, rockywoj said:

Even IF Luck is done, I think it would be foolhardy to choose a QB with the number one.  I mean, have we learned nothing?  Gotta build the OL and the Defense.  Once those things are looking good, THEN you can worry about getting a QB.


Anyway, regardless, I dismiss this latest rumor of Luck being done as being nonsense.  Next training camp will be a year and a half out from his original surgery, to me that is sounding about right.  Even IF he is not quite ready to go for the beginning of next year, there is just no way I see this as being a career ending situation.  Not sure how 2018 will play out, but I FULLY expect Luck to be back 100% for 2019.  I am hopeful for 2018.


It really depends on the talent available to me. If you have another Luck available at your pick, you take it regardless of the current status of your teams talent levels. 


Never know when another other one will come along. 

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

So here is what Donahue is actually saying.......


That Chris Ballard is lying.   Ballard just said NO DOCTOR is telling him this is potentially career threatening.    


Luck says he he expects to come back better than ever.    Is he lying too?


It's way WAY too early to reach any conclusion on Luck.    


Neither Ballard or Luck are going to publicly say that there's a good chance that Luck will never play again.  They are going to be positive and exhaust every option.  We wouldn't know anyway until a retirement announcement is made.  

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2 hours ago, braveheartcolt said:

His celebration after the winning TD v Jags in Week 17 is proof to me that this man cares about football. A lot. And I'm pretty sure he knew how beat up he was then. He might never heal fully, who knows, but he's no quitter.


Or he could have been celebrating what he knew to be his final TD. That celebration did seem a bit excessive, given the situation. /s

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21 minutes ago, deedub75 said:


Neither Ballard or Luck are going to publicly say that there's a good chance that Luck will never play again.  They are going to be positive and exhaust every option.  We wouldn't know anyway until a retirement announcement is made.  


But they're not just saying "good chance"...


They're saying no one is telling them there is ANY chance of not playing.    They are not leaving any room for interpretation.   They are speaking in absolutes.


And I think that's important.

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6 minutes ago, shastamasta said:


Or he could have been celebrating what he knew to be his final TD. That celebration did seem a bit excessive, given the situation. /s

If things were that dire, he would have known (and the team) and it's tough to envision him being allowed to play.

Fixing this sooner in retrospect was the move, but he was well enough to play (sort of- he shredded it up pretty good on the pain meds apparently).


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2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


But they're not just saying "good chance"...


They're saying no one is telling them there is ANY chance of not playing.    They are not leaving any room for interpretation.   They are speaking in absolutes.


And I think that's important.



And that definitely could have changed since they last said something.  We won't know until he Luck comes back to play, Luck announces his retirement, or the Colts pick a QB in the first round of the draft.  

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39 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:


It really depends on the talent available to me. If you have another Luck available at your pick, you take it regardless of the current status of your teams talent levels. 


Never know when another other one will come along. 

The thing is, for the moment there doesn't seem to be an "Andrew Luck" type quarterback in this year's draft. There are some talented guys, sure, but I don't find any of them to be NFL superstar caliber like Watson or Luck who can elevate the team. 


It's mostly a bunch of question marks. 

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25 minutes ago, deedub75 said:



And that definitely could have changed since they last said something.  We won't know until he Luck comes back to play, Luck announces his retirement, or the Colts pick a QB in the first round of the draft.  


Since he last said something?


Ballard and Luck both spoke last week.....


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4 hours ago, B~Town said:

So we still owe luck around 30 mil in injury guarantees read in a article will lead to some interesting decisions down the road if true . 

30 million in injury guarantees and plus 47 million Guaranteed in the new contract he signed. so 77 million that Luck would get regardless if he plays or not anymore 

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Regarding Manning...and this is all my (admittedly cynical) opinion...so I am sure many will disagree with it.


But I think that IF Luck is/was done, it actually makes it much more of a possibility that Manning would become Team President or start working in the Colts FO. I think that Manning cares very much about his legacy with the Colts, Broncos, NFL, et al. And has been long been driven by the desire to be the GOAT, not only for the Colts, but in NFL history.  


So I am not sure if Manning ever had any interest helping Luck win multiple Super Bowl titles with the Colts...something that Manning himself was not able to do (regardless of whose fault it was). Luck was a generational QB prospect...the guy that replaced Manning...and he would have already been great when Manning would have gotten here. So it's not like Manning would get much credit...and he would also be helping another QB possibly create a better legacy and surpass him.


But with Luck not here, Manning gets to start from "scratch" and build a winner...which will only enhance his legacy. He gets to be the guy that brings in the QB that gets them back to the Super Bowl (like Elway did when he brought in Manning). Even if that QB accomplishes more than Manning...Manning will still be largely responsible.


That scenario seems much more likely to me than Manning coming here in the middle of Luck's career.

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Regardless of whether Luck plays again or not, THE COLTS STAY THE COURSE. We build the team as if Luck was playing. O-Line and all other positions other than QB. Brissett is under a minimal contract for the next 3 years. NO WAY do the Colts/Ballard draft a QB in 2018 even if Luck calls it quits, which I personally believe won't happen.

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3 hours ago, JColts72 said:

Still need to draft a QB as if Luck does come back, he is one career ending injury hit away from our OL. 

i wouldnt argue with that


dont want to talk about it much though, too many posts hoping we tank the season already 

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2 minutes ago, Indeee said:

Regardless of whether Luck plays again or not, THE COLTS STAY THE COURSE. We build the team as if Luck was playing. O-Line and all other positions other than QB. Brissett is under a minimal contract for the next 3 years. NO WAY do the Colts/Ballard draft a QB in 2018 even if Luck calls it quits, which I personally believe won't happen.

we need more than just brissett.  he takes a lot of hits and holds it too long himself 

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Hope 12 is back, but realistically he may not be. Been thinking this outcome for a while. I could see maybe Ballard pursuing Alex Smith and then drafting the Qb of the future to sit a while. Everything right now are all rumors and hope nothing more. It is going to be a nightmare next 6 months though. 

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20 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


Luck was chucking 40 yard bombs less than a month ago too, I think we can agree that A LOT has changed since then.


Not to be argumentative, but I don't believe Luck was "chucking 40 yard bombs"...     


Those were not NFL level passes on any level.  


We absolutely can agree things have changed...  Luck is publicly saying his arm doesn't feel right.   But we don't know if there is now a sharp pain, a dull pain, or even no pain...    Luck might just not have any juice in the arm...


I was only trying to note to the poster that we recently heard from Ballard and Luck...    so we don't have any NEW information about Luck's arm..


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2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Not to be argumentative, but I don't believe Luck was "chucking 40 yard bombs"...     


Those were not NFL level passes on any level.  


We absolutely can agree things have changed...  Luck is publicly saying his arm doesn't feel right.   But we don't know if there is now a sharp pain, a dull pain, or even no pain...    Luck might just not have any juice in the arm...


I was only trying to note to the poster that we recently heard from Ballard and Luck...    so we don't have any NEW information about Luck's arm..



Fair. Here's something that's at least a little bit new re: Luck & Irsay rift:


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3 minutes ago, Indeee said:

Regardless of whether Luck plays again or not, THE COLTS STAY THE COURSE. We build the team as if Luck was playing. O-Line and all other positions other than QB. Brissett is under a minimal contract for the next 3 years. NO WAY do the Colts/Ballard draft a QB in 2018 even if Luck calls it quits, which I personally believe won't happen.


Yep. Build up a foundation for that new QB...while giving Brissett a chance to develop as a starting QB in the NFL. I think if Brissett had a whole year under his belt, he wins 2-3 of those games they lost. So he might just surprise everyone. 


Also, even if Luck wasn't on the roster, his cap hits will be. So they will have to keep that in mind if they want to try to build a competitive team...which they should be.


However, Brissett is only under contract for two more years. So IF Luck was not coming back, you would want to give that QB a year to develop. So the 2019 NFL Draft should be the target.


But if someone they loved slipped to round 2 or 3 in this upcoming draft, I wouldn't be surprised to see them take a shot. That would at least give them a decent backup QB for Brissett, as well as competition.


It's far too early to know anything...but these could be very interesting times. 

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2 minutes ago, teganslaw said:

I don't know who Tony Donahue is, so there's no reason for me to pay attention to this article. It's too early to speculate on Luck's future; we'll eventually find out. IMO many of these types of articles are written to encourage high ratings.

Hes JMVs producer.

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6 minutes ago, teganslaw said:

I don't know who Tony Donahue is, so there's no reason for me to pay attention to this article. It's too early to speculate on Luck's future; we'll eventually find out. IMO many of these types of articles are written to encourage high ratings.

Yeah, he's a producer at AM1070 The Fan. I've met him a few times personally. I know he hangs out with several Colts players and has even been out with Luck in Mass Ave downtown a few times so he may have inside info on the situation. But like you said it's all hearsay until something definitive comes out from Luck or the Colts themselves.

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3 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

I'm not buying this.  I understand shoulder injuries are significant, especially for quarterbacks, but this isn't something like an ACL tear.  I've heard nothing about nerve damage, damage to arteries or blood vessels, etc.  I think the muscle just needs to heal, which muscle does relatively quickly, and he'll be fine.  I'm no expert on the situation, nor am I a physician, but I don't think this is career-threatening.  I'm sure it's a possibility, but that possibility is probably (hopefully) low.


For baseball players, in particular, where labrum tears are more common, labrum tears can often-times be career-ending.


Will Caroll has written extensively about a variety of injuries and is considered one of the best writers out there with respect to covering injuries, rehabs, etc.


He did an interview recently (on JMV), and said something like, in the past 20 years, there have been 110 professional baseball players that have needed posterior labrum repair (same type Luck needed).


These 110 needed additional surgery after the first, whether it was a scope to investigate further or to remove scar tissue.


Out of those roughly 110, only 1 returned to playing professional baseball again.


Rich Hill of the Dodgers.

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