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Man, Dakich is clueless on NFL topics

Jackie Daytona

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DD on his radio show...... and I know he's generally playing Devil's advocate and all surly, it's his schtick, yada yada.........   


But seriously..... defending Grigson to no end over the last month.....  claiming that a big reason Grigs was fired was "financial"  what?  They still have to pay him Dan.....  for 3 more years...... to do nothing.  Hell of a severance package if you ask me.  Team didn't fire him to save money, pretty clueless claim.  


Of course he says if his buddy URban Meyer walked in the door, he'd be hired in a heartbeat...... uh, what?   Simple fan-boy jock-riding there.....


Then, the part that really gets me, is him trashing former Colts players......  Wayne, Brackett, Freeman..... claiming they are whining and crying about Grigs mistreating them... says only Pat has any cache....  ok.......  saying he'd only ask Mathis about 'roids and why his guys "under his leadership" sucked all year and are whining.... wth?  


lol..... just had to vent.  I usually like Dakich, but he's full of it when he says he isn't friendly with Grigson..... why else would you belittle fans, former players, coaches, owners, etc......  just to defend a guy with a questionable AT BEST record in his former position?

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Because of his loyalty to Grigson (previous interviews and simply tossing him softballs the whole interview each and every interview, wouldn't dare ever put his feet to the fire.... and every time Grigson made a statement, Dakich would just say, "Yea, I know, right !!!!), total garbage....... you can discredit anything wrapped up into that subject matter and those comments he's making today.

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Didn't even know he had a show, no one carries it here in Fort Wayne.  Pretty much every show I listen to mainly Rich Eisen before work, and J.T with Tomm Looney, none of them really like Grigson, the weekend show for Fox Sports Radio got downright harsh.


Guessing they must be friends, as far as Dakich goes, love him when he calls IU games, but I wouldn't expect him to have the knowledge of the NFL as he does with college basketball.

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he's doing the Grigson love-fest right now.  making sure to completely slam Pagano as not a coach who makes his players accountable., slamming the media and listing each local media name, saying that he's currently getting texts about what's going on with the Colts., blah blah blah  --- listing names like Scott Pioli and such.  I agree Pagano was bad but wow.  He just also said that there were players that were Pagano , not Grigson, like D'john Smith, etc.   He's just continuing to defend Grigs. says that the media just knows draft picks.  Says he knows all the scouts and gets the info from the Colts from the scouts (among others)

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1 hour ago, radiogirl said:

Not a fan.  He knows basketball.  But, overall...he gets on my nerves.....


MSU basketball fan here -- in addition to being clueless about the NFL, the guy is awful to listen to during basketball games on ESPN as well, often trashing 18-19 year old kids. He really is just terrible all around. Why anyone would voluntarily subject themselves to listening to a radio show with him as host is astonishing. There must be a lot of masochists around these parts.

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I only listen to his podcasts they upload when he interviews someone I want to hear from. I'm starting to do that less and less though.  When you hear a former coach in media you learn something from them or they make you think (Venturi, Doug Collins, etc) but not Dakich. Listening to him makes me feel like I'm in a bar and there is some clueless drunk fool ranting.


I know many don't like the local Indy media but there is not one of them who I think is as bad as Dakich. If his show is really the most listened to I will never understand that.

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48 minutes ago, csmopar said:

somehow, he's the highest rated sports show in Indiana.....


I doubt it, it has to be JMV, there is a reason why they give JMV the evening "Ride With JMV" prime listening slot.


I compare Dan Dakich to the Bill O' Reilly of sports talk radio. Yeah, I hear ya, I hear ya, he will tell his listeners but still I have the final word and what I say is right is how things will end up. He was the one who even gave Grigson's agent the air time where Grigson's agent was all gung-ho about being objective (yeah right), 2013 draft happens to every GM in the league (yeah right again), yada, yada etc.

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2 minutes ago, chad72 said:


I doubt it, it has to be JMV, there is a reason why they give JMV the evening "Ride With JMV" prime listening slot.


I compare Dan Dakich to the Bill O' Reilly of sports talk radio. Yeah, I hear ya, I hear ya, he will tell his listeners but still I have the final word and what I say is right is how things will end up. He was the one who even gave Grigson's agent the air time where Grigson's agent was all gung-ho about being objective (yeah right), 2013 draft happens to every GM in the league (yeah right), yada, yada etc.

let me rephrase, he CLAIMS to be the highest rated sports show in indiana.

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Just now, csmopar said:

let me rephrase, he CLAIMS to be the highest rated sports show in indiana.


I love to call in to sports talk radio and talk with the host but this is the radio show I avoid. I don't mind Joe and Grady, and I do not mind JMV at all, love JMV's pop culture knowledge and met him in person too when he had a live show at the St. Vincent's Sports Performance Center opening at Clay Terrace in Carmel.

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He's not that bad.  He can be entertaining, but like any one with a microphone or pen/keyboard, take it with a grain of salt.  That doesn't mean he is completely wrong, that some of the ex-players aren't a little bit whiny.  We can overgeneralize how either Grigson or the players are acting or of their successes and failures.  That doesn't mean that the truth is not somewhere in the middle for everyone.  The fact of the matter is, none of these players really said much of anything until after Grigson was gone - that says more about their character than the comments they are now publicly making, even if what they are saying makes Grigson the likely cancer (or, according to Irsay at least, the biggest setback) within the Colts FO.  There are agreeable sentiments in what the playrs and dakitch are saying - even if their delivery is a bit hard to swallow.


I do find it funny how people kind of point and laugh at a local radio talk show host and say he's clueless because he wanted to keep Grigson, but give the breath of life to twitters that had no relevance prior to posting some sort of borderline trollish insider info that many people ate up without question because its rumors were of the opposite persuasion.  

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Just now, Steamboat_Shaun said:

Whatever Dakich. We'll see where Grigson ends up, and my guess is that he's not going to be an NFL GM again any time soon.

Definitely if the rumors regarding the employment relationship counselor are true (was that actually confirmed?  I don't know for sure, but the sources reporting it are good enough to at least believe it until further notice).

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1 minute ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Definitely if the rumors regarding the employment relationship counselor are true (was that actually confirmed?  I don't know for sure, but the sources reporting it are good enough to at least believe it until further notice).


One of the teams from his old scouting days (Eagles, Rams) will likely throw him a bone and bring him back into the fold in some type of scouting capacity. But yeah, no legit head coach would want to report to him if there's an credence to those reports, and no team that isn't familiar with him would want to roll the dice on him either.

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2 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


One of the teams from his old scouting days (Eagles, Rams) will likely throw him a bone and bring him back into the fold in some type of scouting capacity. But yeah, no legit head coach would want to report to him if there's an credence to those reports, and no team that isn't familiar with him would want to roll the dice on him either.

He could learn from his mistakes and be a good GM down the road, perhaps, but he won't be given that role anytime in the immediate future.  Despite his failures, he did have some successes, but they were overshadowed by more fundamental problems (1st round misses, and some of the other notable flaws in Grigson's resume).

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22 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


One of the teams from his old scouting days (Eagles, Rams) will likely throw him a bone and bring him back into the fold in some type of scouting capacity. But yeah, no legit head coach would want to report to him if there's an credence to those reports, and no team that isn't familiar with him would want to roll the dice on him either.

9ers are looking.

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2 hours ago, Shafty138 said:

DD on his radio show...... and I know he's generally playing Devil's advocate and all surly, it's his schtick, yada yada.........   


But seriously..... defending Grigson to no end over the last month.....  claiming that a big reason Grigs was fired was "financial"  what?  They still have to pay him Dan.....  for 3 more years...... to do nothing.  Hell of a severance package if you ask me.  Team didn't fire him to save money, pretty clueless claim.  


Of course he says if his buddy URban Meyer walked in the door, he'd be hired in a heartbeat...... uh, what?   Simple fan-boy jock-riding there.....


Then, the part that really gets me, is him trashing former Colts players......  Wayne, Brackett, Freeman..... claiming they are whining and crying about Grigs mistreating them... says only Pat has any cache....  ok.......  saying he'd only ask Mathis about 'roids and why his guys "under his leadership" sucked all year and are whining.... wth?  


lol..... just had to vent.  I usually like Dakich, but he's full of it when he says he isn't friendly with Grigson..... why else would you belittle fans, former players, coaches, owners, etc......  just to defend a guy with a questionable AT BEST record in his former position?


Let me preface by saying I am no fan of Dakich.  I stopped following him on Twitter about a month ago and glad I did.  I do listen to his show when in the car because it is the only one in that slot that deals with local sports.  But on balance I have grown weary of his "I am smart and everyone else is dumb" act.


However what you wrote is not a very good representation of what he said.


His financial point is that firing Grigson and still having to pay him along with his predecessor is far less expensive than firing Pagano and staff and paying their replacements.  And he is completely right about that. Essentially if Irsay decided one had to go, he chose the least expensive option. 


His Urban Meyer take also included others like Saban or Harbaugh as well.  It had nothing to do with his being friends with Meyer.  And again, I have to believe he is right.  If the Colts got a call from the agents of those guys, Pagano is toast regardless of cost.  


And his take on the former players with regards to Grigson is that they have an ax to grind because he let them go.  Now it could be that those players felt this way about Grigson honestly but his point that they have an agenda themselves may not be far off base.  They have an inherent bias.


And he has said repeatedly that Grigson put himself in line to be fired.  But that Pagano, even with the poor roster accumulated by Grigson, cost the Colts 3 games this year.  And you know what - he is not wrong about that either.  


Lastly - I would absolutely tend to trust his sources as well.

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We can talk Pagano.....Grigson.......yada....yada.....yada..... all the live long day. I live in NY metro area. Fell in love with Johnny U in 1963. Been die hard Colt fan since. Feel helpless because very possibly have THE WORST OWNER IN ALL OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS IN THIS COUNTRY !!! To work myself up to have hope for a good future( lets say next 10 years) with this  team..... with THIS OWNER requires a lot of hard ...hard..........HARD !!! WORK. Will an Irsay owned team ever  set foot in another Super Bowl ??? That's what every Colt fan on this planet must ask themselves !!!

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1 minute ago, HOF19 said:

Feel helpless because very possibly have THE WORST OWNER IN ALL OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS IN THIS COUNTRY !!! To work myself up to have hope for a good future( lets say next 10 years) with this  team..... with THIS OWNER requires a lot of hard ...hard..........HARD !!! WORK. Will an Irsay owned team ever  set foot in another Super Bowl ??? That's what every Colt fan on this planet must ask themselves !!!


Not even close. Not even bottom half of the NFL, let alone worst in all of pro sports.

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7 minutes ago, HOF19 said:

We can talk Pagano.....Grigson.......yada....yada.....yada..... all the live long day. I live in NY metro area. Fell in love with Johnny U in 1963. Been die hard Colt fan since. Feel helpless because very possibly have THE WORST OWNER IN ALL OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS IN THIS COUNTRY !!! To work myself up to have hope for a good future( lets say next 10 years) with this  team..... with THIS OWNER requires a lot of hard ...hard..........HARD !!! WORK. Will an Irsay owned team ever  set foot in another Super Bowl ??? That's what every Colt fan on this planet must ask themselves !!!


Dear God...


Your first post was not very good.

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1 hour ago, HOF19 said:

We can talk Pagano.....Grigson.......yada....yada.....yada..... all the live long day. I live in NY metro area. Fell in love with Johnny U in 1963. Been die hard Colt fan since. Feel helpless because very possibly have THE WORST OWNER IN ALL OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS IN THIS COUNTRY !!! To work myself up to have hope for a good future( lets say next 10 years) with this  team..... with THIS OWNER requires a lot of hard ...hard..........HARD !!! WORK. Will an Irsay owned team ever  set foot in another Super Bowl ??? That's what every Colt fan on this planet must ask themselves !!!


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3 hours ago, HOF19 said:

We can talk Pagano.....Grigson.......yada....yada.....yada..... all the live long day. I live in NY metro area. Fell in love with Johnny U in 1963. Been die hard Colt fan since. Feel helpless because very possibly have THE WORST OWNER IN ALL OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS IN THIS COUNTRY !!! To work myself up to have hope for a good future( lets say next 10 years) with this  team..... with THIS OWNER requires a lot of hard ...hard..........HARD !!! WORK. Will an Irsay owned team ever  set foot in another Super Bowl ??? That's what every Colt fan on this planet must ask themselves !!!

Really he's worse than the Browns, Bills, Jags, 49ers (who the media there questioned as to why he shouldn't be fired to his face), Jets, Chargers, or Redskins owner?  By the way that's just in the NFL and there are still other owners in the NFL I would rank him above.  Irsay took over the team officially in 1997 since they have missed the playoffs six times and only doing it in back-to-back seasons twice.  A lot of teams would kill for that kind of track record.  


Don't believe me?  Go ask a Bills fan whose team hasn't been to the playoffs since 1999 or a Browns fan who has seen their team in one playoff game since their team came back or a Lions fan who hasn't seen a playoff win since 1991.  


Are the Colts in a down turn right now?  Sure.  Was Grigson a bad hire?  Yes.  Did Irsay wait a year too long to fire him?  Maybe.  Does Pagano still need to go, in my opinion yes.  Does he do goofy things at times?  Yes.  Did he make a huge mistake a couple of years ago?  Yes.  Does,that make Irsay one of the worst owners in Sports?  Not when you factor in his whole time as owner which has seen four losing seasons in nearly 20 years.  


If you want to be harsh on him for the Grigson and Pagano era that's fair but you also have to give him credit for the Polian era because he's the one who went out and got him.  Also if you listen to Tony Dungy Irsay is the one who went out and got him too.  So two of the biggest parts of that era were here directly because of him.  So let's not get over dramatic and start saying things that are just flat out not true.

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4 hours ago, HOF19 said:

We can talk Pagano.....Grigson.......yada....yada.....yada..... all the live long day. I live in NY metro area. Fell in love with Johnny U in 1963. Been die hard Colt fan since. Feel helpless because very possibly have THE WORST OWNER IN ALL OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS IN THIS COUNTRY !!! To work myself up to have hope for a good future( lets say next 10 years) with this  team..... with THIS OWNER requires a lot of hard ...hard..........HARD !!! WORK. Will an Irsay owned team ever  set foot in another Super Bowl ??? That's what every Colt fan on this planet must ask themselves !!!

Are you high?

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5 hours ago, OffensivelyPC said:


{snip good stuff}


I do find it funny how people kind of point and laugh at a local radio talk show host and say he's clueless because he wanted to keep Grigson, but give the breath of life to twitters that had no relevance prior to posting some sort of borderline trollish insider info that many people ate up without question because its rumors were of the opposite persuasion.  



LOL, exactly!  . But it's the difference between live tak show and Internet.  Here it is, once more-


I'd laugh even harder if there were less truth to this.

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5 hours ago, HOF19 said:

We can talk Pagano.....Grigson.......yada....yada.....yada..... all the live long day. I live in NY metro area. Fell in love with Johnny U in 1963. Been die hard Colt fan since. Feel helpless because very possibly have THE WORST OWNER IN ALL OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS IN THIS COUNTRY !!! To work myself up to have hope for a good future( lets say next 10 years) with this  team..... with THIS OWNER requires a lot of hard ...hard..........HARD !!! WORK. Will an Irsay owned team ever  set foot in another Super Bowl ??? That's what every Colt fan on this planet must ask themselves !!!

Worst Owner? SMH, I could make a really great argument he's been the 2nd best owner in the NFL over the last 20 years only behind Robert Kraft. The Colts have the 2nd most Regular Season wins since he has been Owner and have been to 2 SB's winning a SB. The Colts also did a complete rebuild in 2012 and went back to the Title Game within 3 seasons with an entirely different Core and different QB from the Peyton era.


-Regarding Dan Dakich, I think he is a clown and spouts off way too much about Football. I don't hardly listen to his show at all and when I have it's because I have been in my car going somewhere. I rarely agree with anything he says. He bashes Luck, Praises Grigson, and even said at 1 time Carson Wentz was better than Luck after only playing 3 games, saying Carson was the real deal when the Eagles were 3-0. Yeah how did the season pan out for Wentz? JMV is the best we have by far on the radio.

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5 hours ago, HOF19 said:

We can talk Pagano.....Grigson.......yada....yada.....yada..... all the live long day. I live in NY metro area. Fell in love with Johnny U in 1963. Been die hard Colt fan since. Feel helpless because very possibly have THE WORST OWNER IN ALL OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS IN THIS COUNTRY !!! To work myself up to have hope for a good future( lets say next 10 years) with this  team..... with THIS OWNER requires a lot of hard ...hard..........HARD !!! WORK. Will an Irsay owned team ever  set foot in another Super Bowl ??? That's what every Colt fan on this planet must ask themselves !!!


Well, I know what filter to view all of your opinions through now, as you shouted it at us from the mountain tops.

I don't know your credentials, so if you'd care to share them, that may lead to some credibility... or not as the case unfolds


Jim Irsay is a top 3 owner, period.  I get my insight on him from jhis handling of the team since the Indy move, and most importantly, .the honest truth as shared by HOF GM Bill Polian.  They worked side by side for 14 years. For now, I trust his insight orders of magnitude higher than yours.


Jim knows football, and every job in the organization.  Only a couple other owners fit that bill.  Jim is structured and deliberate.  This well established, and most recently by the delay of the firing of GM Ryan Grigson.  Jim is not moved by artificial time slots (like Black Monday) to make decisions.  He will 'go through the process, and take the time needed to understand all implications and ramifications of his decision(s), tick media and fans off as it may.. It is worthy to note Irsay also extends that same attitude and leeway to his staff, front office and coaches.  Take all the time needed to make the Right Decision. Polian says the Only Urgency at the Colts complex is how to get back to the Super Bowl ASAP.


As far as the new GM, (when hired) he'll get to evaluate top to bottom and discuss this issue with Irsay, but not in a rush.  Thus the Pagano is coach for 2017.  The GM job will be to concentrate on the Free Agency period and upcoming draft, not organizing a whole new coaching squad, sorry.  That may, actually will,  come at some point but not before more important items are addressed first.  And if the new GM is outside the organization, he will not only have the body of work the Colts scouts have put in,  but also mentally stored information from his old organization on the draft as well. You do know the draft board is already essentially completed at this time, only to be altered by senior bowl, pro days and combine, as necessary, plus medical checks or players in the news for legal events,) 


He doesn't run his business knee-jerk loose cannon style,  like many here seem to desire, but I like his methodology.



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