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Per Alex Marvez Pagano will be back as HC in 2017 (merge)


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Just now, Jared Cisneros said:

He doesn't believe in Pagano, he doesn't want to lose money, and he's too embarrassed to admit his mistake. He's hoping a 3rd place schedule will make him and Pagano look good with his decision not to fire him. I have a better chance to prove I'm ready to be the coach next year than Pagano does, and that's none.

You have never met any of the people involved.  You have created a scenario in your mind.   That isn't reality.  

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42 minutes ago, presto123 said:


 They didn't already disappoint?   Getting manhandled in the worst division in professional sports? Even our decent records in previous seasons with Pagano was more an effect of just having Luck and playing 6 games in a horrible division.

Are you insinuating that what happened this past season will happen again this next season, or are you just so mad you're not reading correctly?

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Can't believe after stating how upset he was at not winning more than 1 Super Bowl with manning, that we're going into year 6 of Luck's career and he's still strapped with a below average coach.


This team isn't anywhere near what they said it would be in 2012;

-Can't run the ball

-Can't Stop the Run

-Not a monster


Thinking back on it now, why would you entrust a star QB to two first timers at their job? Luck has to waste good years because we have to give his coach and GM time to figure it out. People are in denial if they think the Colts would've went 11-5 those first 3 seasons if the division was better. As far as I'm concerned that is no longer and acceptable defense for Pagano. When the division is bad, Colts are great. When the division is average, the Colts are mediocre. Can't help but wonder what'll happen if the division is good.

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55 minutes ago, ThorstenDenmark said:

Happy New Year to All :)


The Indianapolis Colts keep Pagano and Grigson... Im so thrilled about that.


Pressed play on the song, Im so exited, I just can't hide it... so therefore this new thread ;)


This will be the last chance for Pagano and Grigson to really ruin the team and Andrew Lucks career once and for all.


Dont know whos being drafted and I dont care anymore, cause we won't win anything with the softest coach in the NFL, NBA, NHL and WNBA.


Players dont believe in him anymore, if they all did, why is there then rumors from the locker room about they are not hard enough coached?


Philbin was a disaster and our defence still sucks.


Luck aint bad, but he need to stay on his feet, but when he day in and out get smashed, well... thats the only reason why he's paid that much.

I love the colts and Luck and wish we could win games and qualify for the playoffs, but as long as this owner continues to close his eyes, ill do the same.


I dont believe we become a better team by keeping pagano and grigson, on the contrary we lost Mathis and he had the right fighting spirit, which champions are build of.

The rest of the team will miss him A LOT. And next year / season... When JJ Watt is back and Houston find their QB, we are more screwed than this year.


Dont know if people agree, but the feeling here in denmark is not good on the news about keeping grigson and pagano.



It really sucks that we are not getting rid of those two bums.

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1 minute ago, jvan1973 said:

You have never met any of the people involved.  You have created a scenario in your mind.   That isn't reality.  

Until Irsay explains his reasoning why, and it's a real, acceptable, reason that isn't selfish, this is what I will continue to think. If he didn't sign him for 4 years, he'd be gone, Irsay would give in and sign someone new. He cares about the money, he's a proud man, he doesn't want to admit his mistake. He basically said he was angry with the state of the team. Not angry enough to swallow his pride and move on I guess.

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Just now, Jared Cisneros said:

Until Irsay explains his reasoning why, and it's a real, acceptable, reason that isn't selfish, this is what I will continue to think. If he didn't sign him for 4 years, he'd be gone, Irsay would give in and sign someone new. He cares about the money, he's a proud man, he doesn't want to admit his mistake. He basically said he was angry with the state of the team. Not angry enough to swallow his pride and move on I guess.

More fantasy land 

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Just now, Fisticuffs111 said:

Yeah, I wanted to bring this up the other day when I saw some people hating on the Titans. They beat good teams this season.

The Titans are just as good as us Talent wise, they just match up poorly against us h2h, so we swept them. That won't happen every time though. They have 6 picks in the top 75 of the draft this year, and will probably hit on 3 or 4 of them. That means we have to hit on our picks or they will gain more talent. Don't forget the Jags and Texans too.

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47 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Absolutely disgusting to wake up to this. Irsay has put his money and bank account over the team and the fans. Not sure If I will watch next year. May see what Grigson does in FA. If he doesn't get a solid Pass rusher and CB and we don't draft Defense, I'm out. Can't see wasting a year of my life on that trash as a coach Pagano when we'll just fall flat for a half every game. He turns everyone around him into !d!ots, including Luck.


Yeah, I'm not a morning person, either.

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1 minute ago, jvan1973 said:

More fantasy land 

Glad you just accept what is thrown at you in life. I don't do that. You screw me over, you better at least tell me why if you want to reel me in for another year. Irsay knows he's in the wrong here. I don't have to watch football, I do it because I love it. If I live 80 years, he's basically wasting 1.2% of my football life on a year that is worthless next year. No chance of accomplishing anything. I can handle losing years, I can't handle wasting years of football that have no purpose. You get a new coach and he transitions to the game with struggles, I accept that, the rewards may be huge. There are no rewards next year. Just suffering, heartbreak, and mediocrity.

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20 minutes ago, Mr Coffee said:

I guess that excuses all of Chuckle's poor poor coaching decisions?  Give me a break.  My guess is that Irsay wasn't pleased with Pags (who would be), but didn't want to make a change unless he had a home run candidate so that we don't end up in the same situation once again.  Apparently he didn't get who he wanted.  Or who knows?  Maybe Irsay never had any plans at all of replacing Pagano this year, which is plausible.   We'll never know.  Either way, gear up for another year of fake punt disasters, bad timeouts, poor clock management, and terrible play calls.  Then people like you can lay the entire disaster at the feet of Grigson for not having enough talent.  By the way, I'm not a Grigs fan either, but to bury your head in the sand regarding Chuckle's poor coaching is ridiculous.  

I see more of your head in the sand than mine!

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10 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Glad you just accept what is thrown at you in life. I don't do that. You screw me over, you better at least tell me why if you want to reel me in for another year. Irsay knows he's in the wrong here. I don't have to watch football, I do it because I love it. If I live 80 years, he's basically wasting 1.2% of my football life on a year that is worthless next year. No chance of accomplishing anything. I can handle losing years, I can't handle wasting years of football that have no purpose. You get a new coach and he transitions to the game with struggles, I accept that, the rewards may be huge. There are no rewards next year. Just suffering, heartbreak, and mediocrity.


Irsay didn't screw anyone over. 

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10 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I knew this back in October haha I guess 80% of people in here will have to quit following the team LOL - which wont happen. People I know personally said they will quit going games if Chuck remained Coach, - ok they wont trust me, they will still go. Every game will still sell out anyway like it has for 20 years. I am ok with this because I already knew this would happen. He wasn't firing anyone after 1 year of a 4 year deal. I can see it after next season if we go 8-8 again but not now. I would also say there were probably no better candidates at this time that wanted the job to defend Irsay.

There was really nothing to give anyone any reason, factually based, that Irsay would make a change.  The only thing that fueled it was hopes and media speculation...if you wanna hang your hat on that, any letdown you have is your fault.  I'm not saying there's anything wrong with hoping for a change - heck, part of me hoped for it as well.  But I knew there wasn't much chance of a coaching change and the news today is the pretty obvious outcome.  IMO.

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5 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Glad you just accept what is thrown at you in life. I don't do that. You screw me over, you better at least tell me why if you want to reel me in for another year. Irsay knows he's in the wrong here. I don't have to watch football, I do it because I love it. If I live 80 years, he's basically wasting 1.2% of my football life on a year that is worthless next year. No chance of accomplishing anything. I can handle losing years, I can't handle wasting years of football that have no purpose. You get a new coach and he transitions to the game with struggles, I accept that, the rewards may be huge. There are no rewards next year. Just suffering, heartbreak, and mediocrity.

Now you're a fortune teller that can see into the future?   You are way too emotional.   What casino do you play poker at?  Seems you would be easy to read

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8 minutes ago, krunk said:

I see more of your head in the sand than mine!

Oh, please explain.  I've said that the Colts don't have enough talent.  That doesn't negate the fact the Chuck also made bad coaching decisions all year.  Who has their head in the sand?  What games were you watching?  Grigano sucks.  Period.  

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Just now, jvan1973 said:

Now you're a fortune teller that can see into the future?   You are way too emotional.   What casino do you play poker at?  Seems you would be easy to read

No, I can't see into the future. The past predicts the future though, and it just seems like I can read into the future because I can read past patterns. This is how poker players and basically anyone that is a successful competitor does things. They analyze the past of their opponents and use it to their advantage. When they do something once and do it again, you don't give them credit for doing something different until they actually do it. When Pagano says he won't do something different if he could do it over in pressers, and he does the same things for 5 years, I'm not going to give him credit for getting better until I see it. Odds are I'll be right. His regression has come with an improved AFC South, which over half of his wins came from. This isn't a coincidence, it's a fact.

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12 minutes ago, FanFromtheWasteland said:

Oh yippy. Another year if mediocrity. Another year of Lucks career wasted. Another year of hearing how "we are close to being contenders". Another year of "chopping wood". Another year of "we will have to look at the tape." Another year of excuses. Another year of Blah blah Blah blah Blaaaaaaaahhh!!

My favorite was his quote after the Raiders game.  "I had no answers for them", or something to that effect.  The "defensive guru" had no answers for an average running game. :lol:

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14 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Now you're a fortune teller that can see into the future?   You are way too emotional.   What casino do you play poker at?  Seems you would be easy to read

C'mon jvan.  I enjoy reading a lot of what you say, but are you really expecting anything better next year?  Jared is right.

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Just now, Mr Coffee said:

C'mon jvan.  I enjoy reading a lot of what you say, but are you really expecting anything better next year?  Jared is right.

It's impossible to know what next year will bring.   That's the reality.  Look at the falcons last year.   Look where they are this year

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1 minute ago, Mr Coffee said:

C'mon jvan.  I enjoy reading a lot of what you say, but are you really expecting anything better next year?  Jared is right.

No, like everyone else here he has an opinion, not facts. Never assume your opinion is the truth. 

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6 hours ago, HungarianColtsFan said:


It happens. I'm rather ambivalent with this news.


On one hand Pagano is a good guy and apparently players like him, continuity is important. On the other hand he is said to be a defense guru, his Ds here are among worse ones (NB he isn't working with players like Nagata or Ray Lewis). The team is widely inconsistent too. I'm a fence sitter...we shall see how it pans out.

I am kinda where you are.  Many around here won't be happy unless Belichek comes here or Vince Lombardi comes back from the dead.

i've been over this and over it and i'm on the fence too.  

i'm starting to think we need the right vet or two on this team to shake things up.  A locker room enforcer. A leader.  I worry we'll miss that with Mathis gone.  A tone needs to be set on OL and DL and our defense needs to get nasty. 

This team needs an attitude adjustment mode re than anything i believe.  I just don't see another coach out there that guarantees improvement over Chuck and co.  I'm pretty sure harbaugh and saban wont leave college as some were hoping.

it appears Irsay did due diligence and i'm sure he looked at options.

our offseason focus has to be starting games faster and setting the tone physically.  And of course..... better TACKLING!

heres hoping

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