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The beginning of the end...


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I hate to say it because he's one of my FAVORITE Colt players but I think Mathis is about done as an ELITE pass rusher. I noticed it LAST year but waited to see what this season held as far as his burst and ability to SACK the qb. What I see now is an OLDER player a step slower due to nagging injuries headed to the twilight but not quite the end of his career. When I watched Miller today it really highlighted that very fact because Mathis used to be that unstoppable force. Thoughts?

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Just now, crazycolt1 said:

I am thinking the same. He has lost just enough that that is the difference.

It shouldn't be.  We should have been prepared for it by having other pass rushers ready.  It should be a surprise to no one that Mathis would eventually lose his speed and explosion and not have the same pass rushing ability that he used to.  Getting older and losing athletic ability literally happens to every player in the history of the league.  That's why you need to replace those older players with younger talent to make sure your team doesn't fall into the state the Colts are currently in.  Despite having Ware and Miller both playing at a high level, the Broncos spent a first round pick on Shane Ray.  Now today, they have the depth that with Ware expected to miss time, their pass rush should still be a threat

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5 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

It shouldn't be.  We should have been prepared for it by having other pass rushers ready.  It should be a surprise to no one that Mathis would eventually lose his speed and explosion and not have the same pass rushing ability that he used to.  Getting older and losing athletic ability literally happens to every player in the history of the league.  That's why you need to replace those older players with younger talent to make sure your team doesn't fall into the state the Colts are currently in.  Despite having Ware and Miller both playing at a high level, the Broncos spent a first round pick on Shane Ray.  Now today, they have the depth that with Ware expected to miss time, their pass rush should still be a threat

That is true enough for sure. Hopefully we can at least get our best defensive players back on the field as they are needed very bad. If not, it's not going to be pretty.

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I said to my wife earlier, that if we had the same amount of starters on our D as did the Broncos we would have more than likely won this game. Just stinks because of the ungodly amount of injuries we continuously suffer. No team has enough depth to keep up with the hand were routinely dealt. It's mind boggling. I think there's a Pats fan out there with a hex bag/voodoo doll on us. Tom, is that you? lol :)

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2 minutes ago, ReMeDy said:

I still think we should have re-signed Dwight Freeney, especially after he left the Cardinals, but as they say, hindsight is 20/20. He played solid for the Cardinals, and we desperately need some pass-rush.

Even if it was for 3rd downs

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5 minutes ago, ReMeDy said:

I still think we should have re-signed Dwight Freeney, especially after he left the Cardinals, but as they say, hindsight is 20/20.

Wouldn't have worked.  For whatever reason, this coaching staff wasn't able to get anything out of him or Jerry Hughes, even though both guys went on to have success elsewhere.  I don't think Freeney would have re-signed here even if we offered him a contract.

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14 minutes ago, Happy2BeHere said:

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't "kick the tires" how Grigson has put this team in an awful spot to begin with ???

Please explain how bringing in a "proven" talent in recently as last season and putting him through his paces and see if he may actually be of use is a bad idea. Even if it is at a limited role on downs. Or are you simply that satisfied with where we are. And what does what I said have anything to do with what Grigson has, or hasn't done. 

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1 minute ago, WoolMagnet said:

Mathis got close quite a few times.  If we had our starting CBs Robert probably would have had that extra second he needed.

of course he isn't what he once was, but it's hard to judge him when QBs have open receivers all over the field.

Getting close is exactly the problem. He's gotten close the past two games with a chance to make a game changing play and he didn't get there and our opposition went on to beat us. Von Miller didn't get close at the end. He got there. Which is what Mathis and Freeney used to always do. And just like Freeney towards the end of his Colts career, Mathis can only "get close".  But sadly, that's better than anything else we've got. So to answer an earlier post, hell yeah I'd bring back Freeney. At least we'd have two guys that can at least get close and speed up opposing quarterbacks or even make them step up into some sacks.  It may even bring some good karma back to the franchise. 

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When fully healthy, I think a 3rd down and long defense of Freeney, Langford, McGill, Mathis, whichever middle linebacker not named D Jackson, Green/Geathers (safety in the box to cover tight ends or great receiving backs), Vontae, Cromartie, Robinson, Adams and Green/Geathers would get teams off the field on 3rd downs more often than not and get us some sacks & turnovers too. I'd like to see that defense vs the Steelers. It'll be a much different game than the last couple. Throw New England in there too. 

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This obnoxious rash of injuries has the entire defense skewed. When (if?) the Colts ever get their defensive bodies back on the field, the options on defense increase considerably. They have to do quite a bit of patchwork to make up for who has been playing in the back end. I'm going to be optimistic at this point and say the defense should be pretty good if not real good when (if?) we get the starters back in the lineup. My optimism is based on what I see as improvement in the front 7. There is no way to pass final judgement on this group with who they have been having to play. I see no call to write off Mathis which would be crazy at this point.

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The Colts ownership does not hold to the philosophy of "building" a team. They see a leak in the roof and put a patch on it instead of investing in a new roof. Three old LBs and four young ones in the OL So what is next years draft - all LBs? Are they going to hang on the old timers until they can't walk? If there is one thing that can't be questioned in an athlete is age and football is for the young especially in a heavy contact position like a linebacker. 

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You are right on "King Colt", this team lacks intelligence to build a monster....Since it is a copy cat league, i guess they don't have a clue period to get on the bandwagon of the successful teams that have done it....Again, get rid of those two, Pags/Grigs, they are losers...

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10 hours ago, Smoke317 said:

Getting close is exactly the problem. He's gotten close the past two games with a chance to make a game changing play and he didn't get there and our opposition went on to beat us. Von Miller didn't get close at the end. He got there. Which is what Mathis and Freeney used to always do. And just like Freeney towards the end of his Colts career, Mathis can only "get close".  But sadly, that's better than anything else we've got. So to answer an earlier post, hell yeah I'd bring back Freeney. At least we'd have two guys that can at least get close and speed up opposing quarterbacks or even make them step up into some sacks.  It may even bring some good karma back to the franchise. 

Uh, did you read the part about the CBs?


time to smoke bowl # 318 and relax.

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10 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

Funny how the ones "frustrated" the most and spewing the most crap are the ones who have very few posts to their credit.  

Just like in marriage I guess, if you have 1 bad day...... Get a divorce.

hopefully some of them will jump on the Texans bandwagon.

So your nearly 1800 posts make you an authority on the Colts or more of a die hard fan than me?  I don't know your Colts resume but I'll give you mine.  Been a fan since they first moved to Indy. Have been a season ticket holder for over a decade and rarely miss a game. Been to both Colts Super Bowls. Got both home (TY) & road (Luck) jerseys. Authentic.  So my resume trumps your 1800 forum posts. I've read the forum for years. Even was a member years ago. Just signed back up recently. And I'm not talking about 1 bad day. Mathis just doesn't have it any more to be depended on to be our lead pass rusher. He needs some help and I think a one year reunion of 93 & 98 couldn't hurt.  Hell it'll be nice to have two guys that can get close because eventually together they'll get us some sacks without us having to send the house. 

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18 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

So your nearly 1800 posts make you an authority on the Colts or more of a die hard fan than me?  I don't know your Colts resume but I'll give you mine.  Been a fan since they first moved to Indy. Have been a season ticket holder for over a decade and rarely miss a game. Been to both Colts Super Bowls. Got both home (TY) & road (Luck) jerseys. Authentic.  So my resume trumps your 1800 forum posts. I've read the forum for years. Even was a member years ago. Just signed back up recently. And I'm not talking about 1 bad day. Mathis just doesn't have it any more to be depended on to be our lead pass rusher. He needs some help and I think a one year reunion of 93 & 98 couldn't hurt.  Hell it'll be nice to have two guys that can get close because eventually together they'll get us some sacks without us having to send the house. 

That's nice.

i was going to Colt games in Baltimore starting in the 70s.

that doesn't make me a better or worse fan.

but I stand by my observation that MOST of the negative threads are from people you never see around here until things get bad.  There are positive people and negative people in the world.  THAT doesn't change the situation, just how one deals with it.  If I lived in Indy, I'd have season tickets too.

trust me buddy, you're not a bigger Colt fan than me, but I would not say I am a "better" fan than you either.  Can't we be "even?"

i agree Mathis may not be a top-tier rusher anymore.  Maybe if he got some help.  Heck ware or Miller wouldn't be what they are without each other.  I am hoping as our injured defensive players come back, Mathis' production will improve.  He's kinda on his own right now.  And to think Grigs should bring someone in is crazy cuz at least 31 teams would bring in the same guy.  I think good rushers are harder to find than good QBs sometimes.

so anyhow, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't get uptight.  But seriously, look around at the tone of 99% of the posts from those with low post counts. Maybe they are all troll Texan fans.

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not going to argue on the fact that he has slowed down, of course he has.  name another active pass rusher with more years under his belt . . . but he has really no one else on the team right now that other teams really fear.  if you can game plan against about the only player you have to worry about getting to the qb, and he has slowed down, yeah, its not that hard after that.  

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11 minutes ago, coltsdan said:

not going to argue on the fact that he has slowed down, of course he has.  name another active pass rusher with more years under his belt . . . but he has really no one else on the team right now that other teams really fear.  if you can game plan against about the only player you have to worry about getting to the qb, and he has slowed down, yeah, its not that hard after that.  

Sorry to say that no team fears Mathis anymore.

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