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Three years ago, I posted that I thought Jack Mewhort would be our first draft pick because of his versatility to play OG or OT. (no 1st round pick that year thanks to another brilliant trade; it occurred in the 2nd round)   Fortunately we got him.  This spring I posted "How could we pass up Cody Whitehair in the 2nd round?"  He could play C, OG, OT.  Unfortunately we did. He was picked up by Chicago shortly after we drafted.  Within the past two weeks, Josh Sitton became available.  We didn't secure him.  Chicago did.  How different would our OL be today if we had acquired these players, when available?   

We've passed on two quality interior OL, one experienced, one a rookie, but both who would have improved our OL and the health of our franchise QB.  I'm having a difficult time believing this management structure (Owner, GM, Coach) is committed to building a quality OL, alternatively, that they just don't have the ability to draft an OL. 



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I like our OL - Grigson got it fixed this year.  I'd rather have Good starting at RG than Whitehair, and paying up for a mysteriously dumped vet in Sitton isn't something I'd want to do.  Basically, I disagree with everything you're stewin' about, but I agree with you on Mewhort (and I respect your opinion).

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19 minutes ago, evilleseniorfan said:

Three years ago, I posted that I thought Jack Mewhort would be our first draft pick because of his versatility to play OG or OT. (no 1st round pick that year thanks to another brilliant trade; it occurred in the 2nd round)   Fortunately we got him.  This spring I posted "How could we pass up Cody Whitehair in the 2nd round?"  He could play C, OG, OT.  Unfortunately we did. He was picked up by Chicago shortly after we drafted.  Within the past two weeks, Josh Sitton became available.  We didn't secure him.  Chicago did.  How different would our OL be today if we had acquired these players, when available?   

We've passed on two quality interior OL, one experienced, one a rookie, but both who would have improved our OL and the health of our franchise QB.  I'm having a difficult time believing this management structure (Owner, GM, Coach) is committed to building a quality OL, alternatively, that they just don't have the ability to draft an OL. 



     Not to knock Whitehair at all but don't you think if Chicago had a ton of faith in him, they wouldn't have pursued Sitton?

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1 minute ago, Everyone said:

     Not to knock Whitehair at all but don't you think if Chicago had a ton of faith in him, they wouldn't have pursued Sitton?


Exactly what I was thinking.  If Whitehair was playing well he would be starting not backing up Sitton.

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I'm blindly optimistic I guess you could say. If AC plays like himself this year then we have a top 10 LT. You also have to expect Mewhort to take another big step in his 3rd year. He could become a top tier Guard this year. Then we have Ryan Kelly who IMO is going to ball out from week 1 on and end up being a top 5 Center. But then you have some question marks on the right side. Reitz is a slightly above average RT IMO. He's better suited as a super backup/swing tackle. But I am really high on Haeg and Good. I doubt it personally, but you cant ever tell. If they can step up and solidify the right side then we could finally be looking at a top tier offensive line. Clark is a wild card too. I'm not as big on him, but I mean he could actually end up being better than Haeg or Good either one. But between those 4 (Reitz, Good, Haeg, Clark) the right side should shake itself out. But with all that said we should have still picked up Sitton to play it safe. Then if Haeg/Good played well, we could have cut Sitton after the year and let our young guys take over. As for Whitehair. Yeah I liked him a lot too. I think he's going to end up being a very good Guard eventually.

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The Colts now have two first round picks and a second round pick starting on the oline.  They are clearly starting to invest picks there.  The thing is they are very young on the line.  They are starting a rookie with a second year player learning a new position with a third year player.  The tackles have experience but it's going to take time to jell and there are going to be growing pains along the way.  Still I think the Colts are well on their way to finally solving their long oline problem.

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53 minutes ago, evilleseniorfan said:

Three years ago, I posted that I thought Jack Mewhort would be our first draft pick because of his versatility to play OG or OT. (no 1st round pick that year thanks to another brilliant trade; it occurred in the 2nd round)   Fortunately we got him.  This spring I posted "How could we pass up Cody Whitehair in the 2nd round?"  He could play C, OG, OT.  Unfortunately we did. He was picked up by Chicago shortly after we drafted.  Within the past two weeks, Josh Sitton became available.  We didn't secure him.  Chicago did.  How different would our OL be today if we had acquired these players, when available?   

We've passed on two quality interior OL, one experienced, one a rookie, but both who would have improved our OL and the health of our franchise QB.  I'm having a difficult time believing this management structure (Owner, GM, Coach) is committed to building a quality OL, alternatively, that they just don't have the ability to draft an OL. 



There are quite a few things wrong with this paragraph.


1.)  You really have no idea if the Colts pursued Sitton or not.  They may have called and the agent said, nope he is looking at these teams.


2.) Cody Whitehair was drafted one spot ahead of TJ Green.  The Colts didn't pass on him unless you think they should have draft him instead of Kelly in the 1st round.


3.) To suggest the front office is not committed to building a quality line is assinine at best and shows a lack of understanding of the NFL.  Every team is committed to building a quality oline.  The reality is that it is very tough to do.

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Enough with the Josh Sitton love already!


3 years, 21.5 Million with 10+ guaranteed.        That was never going to happen with the Colts.


Nor should it.      We've got guys who can play guard well enough.


If Sitton was that great,  why did Green Bay let him go for nothing?      Why didn't any other team trade for him for a late pick?       This is not the same Josh Sitton from the past.     He's not a bad player,  but he's not a $7 Mill per year player either.


Give it a rest.........


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29 minutes ago, COLTS449 said:

I'm blindly optimistic I guess you could say. If AC plays like himself this year then we have a top 10 LT. You also have to expect Mewhort to take another big step in his 3rd year. He could become a top tier Guard this year. Then we have Ryan Kelly who IMO is going to ball out from week 1 on and end up being a top 5 Center. But then you have some question marks on the right side. Reitz is a slightly above average RT IMO. He's better suited as a super backup/swing tackle. But I am really high on Haeg and Good. I doubt it personally, but you cant ever tell. If they can step up and solidify the right side then we could finally be looking at a top tier offensive line. Clark is a wild card too. I'm not as big on him, but I mean he could actually end up being better than Haeg or Good either one. But between those 4 (Reitz, Good, Haeg, Clark) the right side should shake itself out. But with all that said we should have still picked up Sitton to play it safe. Then if Haeg/Good played well, we could have cut Sitton after the year and let our young guys take over. As for Whitehair. Yeah I liked him a lot too. I think he's going to end up being a very good Guard eventually.

to be honest from what I read and see I think that Mewhort is already top 3 at his position 

44 minutes ago, Archer said:

I like our OL - Grigson got it fixed this year.  I'd rather have Good starting at RG than Whitehair, and paying up for a mysteriously dumped vet in Sitton isn't something I'd want to do.  Basically, I disagree with everything you're stewin' about, but I agree with you on Mewhort (and I respect your opinion).

Let's wait to see if he got it right... you never know 

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1 hour ago, evilleseniorfan said:

I'm having a difficult time believing this management structure (Owner, GM, Coach) is committed to building a quality OL, alternatively, that they just don't have the ability to draft an OL.

Nonsense. They hired Philbin who is a very good OL coach and then drafted FOUR offensive lineman. All 4 have talent and we have a possible rookie pro bowler in Kelly. 

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1 hour ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

I say lets give this line a chance before we jump to conclusions.  I think they could be one of the best that Luck has had.  If there awful after 4-5 weeks then maybe it's something to vent/talk about.

Well unfortunately if there bad this week everybody will venting about them. 

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48 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

The Colts now have two first round picks and a second round pick starting on the oline.  They are clearly starting to invest picks there.  The thing is they are very young on the line.  They are starting a rookie with a second year player learning a new position with a third year player.  The tackles have experience but it's going to take time to jell and there are going to be growing pains along the way.  Still I think the Colts are well on their way to finally solving their long oline problem.


Agree.  My beef, and I think this is what the OP is saying, is WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG?  


I understand 2012, they were completely rebuilding the team.  But instead of signing Darius Hakeem Johnson, and a number of other non Oline FAs, why didn't Grigs go all in to protect the franchise?  


Yes, Cherilus was expensive, and was decent for a short time.  Herremans was a bad gamble, and even though I think Dorsett is going to be a great player, he was a luxury we couldn't afford when the O line was a sieve.


Darn it OP.  Why open this can of worms again!  We're finally on the right track.

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43 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

This thread proves no matter what Grigson does he will still be criticized. He drafted FOUR offensive linemen, and its still not enough. 

The problem now for a lot seems to be he should have done it sooner.  Well those people are right but it doesn't matter now.  If Irsay was going to fire him for it would have been last year and he didn't.  What matters now is did he learn from mistakes of the past and the answer looks to be yes.  Now it requires a little patience which I know we aren't good at here.

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4 minutes ago, a06cc said:

I'm excited to see what the line can do from a running the ball stance. We have to be able to average 4 ypc. I'm not a big fan of Anthony Castonzo. Has been covered up by the play of Jack Mewhort. AC has to step it up this season. 

This^ AC needs to do his job, and I for one think he will. :)

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1 hour ago, PeterBowman said:

I actually think Joe Philbin will be the best offseason acquisition this year.

I hope your post is almost of prophecy of good protection up front PB. We need a clean pocket, a relentless pass rush...Okay, any pressure on opposing QBs would be nice, & 1,000 yrd rusher minimum. 


Will we get it? Don't pop my blissful bubble right away man. It's nice in here. LOL! 

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2 hours ago, evilleseniorfan said:

Three years ago, I posted that I thought Jack Mewhort would be our first draft pick because of his versatility to play OG or OT. (no 1st round pick that year thanks to another brilliant trade; it occurred in the 2nd round)   Fortunately we got him.  This spring I posted "How could we pass up Cody Whitehair in the 2nd round?"  He could play C, OG, OT.  Unfortunately we did. He was picked up by Chicago shortly after we drafted.  Within the past two weeks, Josh Sitton became available.  We didn't secure him.  Chicago did.  How different would our OL be today if we had acquired these players, when available?   

We've passed on two quality interior OL, one experienced, one a rookie, but both who would have improved our OL and the health of our franchise QB.  I'm having a difficult time believing this management structure (Owner, GM, Coach) is committed to building a quality OL, alternatively, that they just don't have the ability to draft an OL. 




Considering the Colts have not yet started the regular season you really don't know whether or not they have improved the O-line the preseason is not adequate & proves very little just having an opinion on a draft pick & a FA does not mean your right the franchise is privy to knowledge you don't have whether a player fits on this team or in Sittons case is affordable with many teams wanting his services is unclear . 


Of course the franchise is committed to building a quality OL  & there devotion to the O-line was evident in this years draft . Polian built thru the draft & rewarded  accordingly those that earned it as far as i can recall he was'nt big in free agency either .


While your post is amusing it is like many I'v read here IMO those in charge understand better than most on these message boards .


Patience is the key as is reality everyone always says this guy should be brought in & that guy should be drafted yet we sit in front of a computer for a reason if we were indeed as brilliant as we thought our resumes would include years of experience in the NFL's front offices pulling strings & creating great teams however i seriously doubt those folks with actual knowledge are on these boards .



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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

I hope your post is almost of prophecy of good protection up front PB. We need a clean pocket, a relentless pass rush...Okay, any pressure on opposing QBs would be nice, & 1,000 yrd rusher minimum. 


Will we get it? Don't pop my blissful bubble right away man. It's nice in here. LOL! 

HEY! SW!! Skootch over a little would ya? I want in on the bubble! 

I want to see Luck standing... so much time in the pocket that he has time to yawn before throwing.

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3 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

There are quite a few things wrong with this paragraph.


1.)  You really have no idea if the Colts pursued Sitton or not.  They may have called and the agent said, nope he is looking at these teams.


2.) Cody Whitehair was drafted one spot ahead of TJ Green.  The Colts didn't pass on him unless you think they should have draft him instead of Kelly in the 1st round.


3.) To suggest the front office is not committed to building a quality line is assinine at best and shows a lack of understanding of the NFL.  Every team is committed to building a quality oline.  The reality is that it is very tough to do.

I don't know I think I am having problems with my memory.  I thought Whitehair was the next pick after we took Green.  I liked  him a lot and thought we should have picked him instead of Green.  He had won the LG job but they decided to grab Sitton and moved him to C.  I wouldn't be surprised if he starts there Sunday.  He is a great prospect.  I think our line will be fine.  I am looking forward to seeing Kelly and Good get better each game. 

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4 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

This thread proves no matter what Grigson does he will still be criticized. He drafted FOUR offensive linemen, and its still not enough. 


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Thanks, Rock!


Appreciate you crushing this thread with some serious logic!!


Well done!!          :thmup:

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5 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

2.) Cody Whitehair was drafted one spot ahead of TJ Green.  The Colts didn't pass on him unless you think they should have draft him instead of Kelly in the 1st round.


1 hour ago, richard pallo said:

I don't know I think I am having problems with my memory.  I thought Whitehair was the next pick after we took Green.  I liked  him a lot and thought we should have picked him instead of Green.  He had won the LG job but they decided to grab Sitton and moved him to C.  I wouldn't be surprised if he starts there Sunday.  He is a great prospect.  I think our line will be fine.  I am looking forward to seeing Kelly and Good get better each game. 


The colts traded back and drafted TJ Green.  They could have had Whitehair if they would have stayed where they were.  Not saying they should have done that, just correcting your point.

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56 minutes ago, our_dbs_rock said:



The colts traded back and drafted TJ Green.  They could have had Whitehair if they would have stayed where they were.  Not saying they should have done that, just correcting your point.

I thought we traded back and I thought we should have drafted him before the trade. Then when our pick came we took Green and Whitehair was still there.  We passed for Green and the Bears took him with the next pick.  We actually passed on him twice and I thought we could have had another starter with our second pick.  By taking Green that told me the other guard spot was going to Good. 

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7 hours ago, COLTS449 said:

I'm blindly optimistic I guess you could say. If AC plays like himself this year then we have a top 10 LT. You also have to expect Mewhort to take another big step in his 3rd year. He could become a top tier Guard this year. Then we have Ryan Kelly who IMO is going to ball out from week 1 on and end up being a top 5 Center. But then you have some question marks on the right side. Reitz is a slightly above average RT IMO. He's better suited as a super backup/swing tackle. But I am really high on Haeg and Good. I doubt it personally, but you cant ever tell. If they can step up and solidify the right side then we could finally be looking at a top tier offensive line. Clark is a wild card too. I'm not as big on him, but I mean he could actually end up being better than Haeg or Good either one. But between those 4 (Reitz, Good, Haeg, Clark) the right side should shake itself out. But with all that said we should have still picked up Sitton to play it safe. Then if Haeg/Good played well, we could have cut Sitton after the year and let our young guys take over. As for Whitehair. Yeah I liked him a lot too. I think he's going to end up being a very good Guard eventually.

How is AC A top 10 LT, and Kelly a top 5 center? Are you saying Kelly (rookie) is a better C than AC is at playing LT? 


I just want the line to protect Luck. We absolutely have receivers that can do major damage in Ty, Moncrief and Dorsett. 

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Thanks, Rock!


Appreciate you crushing this thread with some serious logic!!


Well done!!          :thmup:

Thanks brother. I have my problems with Grigson. Is he perfect? No. Should he have done better with the line in the past? Absolutely. But come on. This thread is ridiculous. I mean the guy went out of his way to draft O linemen, but that apparently isn't good enough.

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IDK why everyone seems to think we NEED a different RG.  I am sorry, but Good has played the most snaps in preseason than ANYONE else on the offense, and has been our BEST o-line starter over the preseason.  A lot looked horrible in the Eagles game, but not Good, he took his guy ( Ussually the revered Fletcher Cox) and completely shut them out.  Of all the problems we had (rookie center leaarning curve, RT $ LT issues) this preseason, our starting guards have actually played the best.

I say let it go, let Good and Mewhort play.  I truely think our inside game should be very good this year once they get going.  The biggest ???'s this year comes from the edges where the majority of the bad play has came from.  

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11 hours ago, Smonroe said:


Agree.  My beef, and I think this is what the OP is saying, is WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG?  


I understand 2012, they were completely rebuilding the team.  But instead of signing Darius Hakeem Johnson, and a number of other non Oline FAs, why didn't Grigs go all in to protect the franchise?  


Yes, Cherilus was expensive, and was decent for a short time.  Herremans was a bad gamble, and even though I think Dorsett is going to be a great player, he was a luxury we couldn't afford when the O line was a sieve.


Darn it OP.  Why open this can of worms again!  We're finally on the right track.


When I first read this this I translated in my brain Darius Hakeem Johnson into the name of one person and wondered who the heck was this guy? :P

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