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List of head coaches for next year


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You know, I don't know if Pagano is such a bad coach as it is the people he's surrounded by. Manusky has been largely mediocre since he's been a defensive coordinator and that's been reflective here as well. Arians was the best coach on staff but left after one season. Pep's system didn't last with a large number of its flaw being masked by Luck's play.


However, like with any position, the head guy is ultimately responsible for the success and failure. Therefore, Pagano has to go.

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6 hours ago, bap1331 said:

We need a coach/gm. That's what's killing the team and even most organizations. The fight for control. It's just like an office, manager and worker don't get along.


Not sure you realize this,  but MOST NFL teams have two different people doing two different jobs.


One is the GM.        One if the Head Coach.


Belichick has final say,  but other people do the actual administrative work of the GM.


Chip Kelly has final say....    and that's not working out too well for him.


Not sure why you're interested in that arrangement.     The only reason is if we could get a great coach who would want both.....     but that's easier said than done.....


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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


Not sure you realize this,  but MOST NFL teams have two different people doing two different jobs.


One is the GM.        One if the Head Coach.


Belichick has final say,  but other people do the actual administrative work of the GM.


Chip Kelly has final say....    and that's not working out too well for him.


Not sure why you're interested in that arrangement.     The only reason is if we could get a great coach who would want both.....     but that's easier said than done.....



People want that arrangement because a few coaches most recently have had success doing it (BB, Carroll) but the consistent logic says to have a separate GM-HC.

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I personally want a coach who can fire up locker rooms, like a Bruce Arians, who's not afraid to throw profanities and preach football first and foremost.

The biggest change is we need to dismiss the "family-first" mentality instilled by Tony Dungy, and tell these guys football is serious business. Of course family's important, but nothing is more important than carrying that rock. One thing's for sure -- if we don't make the playoffs, our players will have plenty of time with their family while they're watching games on the couch!

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43 minutes ago, Restored said:


People want that arrangement because a few coaches most recently have had success doing it (BB, Carroll) but the consistent logic says to have a separate GM-HC.


Carroll is NOT the GM.     John Schneider,  formerly of Green Bay,  is.


And Belichick only got it because he's won an unprecedented amount.     Kelly got it because he had leverage of back to back 10 win seasons and his reputation was still intact.


But, on balance,  there are very few who have that kind of power.    It's the exception to the rule.


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6 hours ago, Superman said:

My list would include Hue Jackson, Darrell Bevell, and (reluctantly) Josh McDaniels. Among others.


You are probably one of my favorite posters here and when you post, I read. But McDaniels? That pick baffles me a bit, made some really off hand decisions with the Broncos. I do think he's an offensive genius though, but I don't know if I'd pick him to be a HC.

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6 hours ago, bap1331 said:

We need a coach/gm. That's what's killing the team and even most organizations. The fight for control. It's just like an office, manager and worker don't get along.


Has anyone outside of Belichick and Parcells had success playing both roles? It usually is a complete dumpster fire. See McDaniels in DEN or the current state of the Eagles.

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Anyone notice that, so far at least,  there isn't a single candidate that gets a lot of support here?    They appear to get roughly 50 percent of the posters here, but not more than that.


Saban, Cowher,  Gruden,  Sean Peyton,  Josh McDaniels,  Hue Jackson,  even Jim Harbaugh.


Nobody appears to excite the vast majority of posters here......    so let me ask a question.....


I wasn't here in January of 2012,  what was the reaction to Chuck Pagano.    I suspect most here didn't know much about him,  if anything......        I'm just curious...     how did people react to the announcement and then when did that change for him becoming a popular pick?


Just asking........

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McDaniels wouldn't be on the top of my list, but I heard something interesting about him that makes it at least interesting. Can't remember which network the Pats were playing on but one of the commentators was talking about him being a hot HC candidate. He said McDaniels, when he came back to the Pats will his tail between his legs from Denver set about to learn what his HC mistakes were and had spent time with Belichick, Dungy and a couple of other veteran HC's seeking advice on how to do things differently. Don't know if it really means anything, but he is a good OC and might, just might, be worth a second look.

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11 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Of the names kicked around thus far I would say Cowher. This team needs an infusion of toughness and some discipline.  I think Bill could whip them into shape,. But no coach GM hybrids.  Let's hire a new GM as well. Preferably some one with some experience. 

Yeah Cowher is my choice. The one I don't like is Sean Payton.

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Anyone notice that, so far at least,  there isn't a single candidate that gets a lot of support here?    They appear to get roughly 50 percent of the posters here, but not more than that.


Saban, Cowher,  Gruden,  Sean Peyton,  Josh McDaniels,  Hue Jackson,  even Jim Harbaugh.


Nobody appears to excite the vast majority of posters here......    so let me ask a question.....


I wasn't here in January of 2012,  what was the reaction to Chuck Pagano.    I suspect most here didn't know much about him,  if anything......        I'm just curious...     how did people react to the announcement and then when did that change for him becoming a popular pick?


Just asking........


Pagano was a dark horse candidate and most of the forum was like "Who?" when he was hired. We had only second hand information, like he was said to be a defensive guru, who likes blitzing opponent's QB from every possible angle. Anyway he seemed to be a nice guy on his first presser and later on, besides the team was well coached and gained success and took a step forward each year, until this season when we stepped back significantly. 


With that said we easily may hire a HC whose name never appeared here, I'm only interested in result he puts on the table. I think Irsay will try to get the biggest game available. Let's wait...coaching carousel will be on in 2 weeks time. 

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10 hours ago, BOTT said:

So your solution is to keep ol' dim wit?  Chuck would be better off being the assistant manager of a truck stop.

Yeah Pagano is a horrible coach and makes horrible decisions and is a softy. I've been rooting for the Colts to lose so to make sure we get rid of this half wit. Bring in Cowher a tough smart proven winner who likes the tough players and he brings the discipline .  I'm tired of these soft mailla teams with these soft coaches . 

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11 hours ago, Indyfan4life said:

Saban doesn't put up with crap, and when his players make a mistake he let's them know about it. We need that kind of fire on this team. Not coddling and shoulder pats, giving the "buck up, you'll do better next time" stuff. This isn't elementary school football. 


Neither is it college football.... hardass coaching doesn't always work out either. 

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5 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Anyone notice that, so far at least,  there isn't a single candidate that gets a lot of support here?    They appear to get roughly 50 percent of the posters here, but not more than that.


Saban, Cowher,  Gruden,  Sean Peyton,  Josh McDaniels,  Hue Jackson,  even Jim Harbaugh.


Nobody appears to excite the vast majority of posters here......    so let me ask a question.....


I wasn't here in January of 2012,  what was the reaction to Chuck Pagano.    I suspect most here didn't know much about him,  if anything......        I'm just curious...     how did people react to the announcement and then when did that change for him becoming a popular pick?


Just asking........

I wasn't a big fan when Pagano was first hired looked at his history still wasn't impressed but after they built him up in the media, I liked him. Then when Arians left and he hired Pep I didn't like that hire either and I started to lose faith.

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6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Carroll is NOT the GM.     John Schneider,  formerly of Green Bay,  is.


And Belichick only got it because he's won an unprecedented amount.     Kelly got it because he had leverage of back to back 10 win seasons and his reputation was still intact.


But, on balance,  there are very few who have that kind of power.    It's the exception to the rule.


That is not true. Belichick was hired in 2000 as the GM and coach of the Pats. Kraft did this because he felt he made mistakes with both Parcells and Carroll by not allowing them to have more say in personnel decisions. He gave full reign to Belichick for this reason which was a big risk at the time as Bill was a below .500 coach in Cleveland and had never been a GM before.


I believe overall it is good to have a GM and coach. It is a lot for one person to manage. Bill is unique in that manner but that has more to do with his willingness to hand over parts of the operation to people he trusts. If you watched "Do Your Job" you get a sense for just how much others are helping Bill run the ship and how much influence his coaches have in day to day operations.


In terms of Kelly, I believe Philly gave him control because he runs such a unique system and knows what guys will fit. I don't think it had to do so much with his success but him telling the owner that he needed to control in order to build his type of team. I am just guessing on this but that is how I read things in Philly.

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7 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Carroll is NOT the GM.     John Schneider,  formerly of Green Bay,  is.


And Belichick only got it because he's won an unprecedented amount.     Kelly got it because he had leverage of back to back 10 win seasons and his reputation was still intact.


But, on balance,  there are very few who have that kind of power.    It's the exception to the rule.



Carroll has a pretty high level of control and actually hand-picked the GM so while they may actually have a "GM', he's really anything but on some level.


But before you get all hurt about it, I agree with you that it is the exception to the rule.

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9 minutes ago, Mr.Debonair said:

HC:: Sean Payton, Either Harbaugh


GM::: Louis Riddick


This is the only thing I can get on board with. I don't want some coordinator looking to score his first gig and no college coaches. Give me someone who has been there and has a proven record of success.

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The head coach needs to be smart enough to develop sound, flexible strategies, then be able to clearly communicate those strategies well enough to get buy-in from everyone else - including the GM. Look, this is a team sport and the team extends far beyond those on the field. Once you have people pulling in multiple directions, someone needs to go elsewhere - fast.


The only person that currently fits my HC criteria is Jon "Chucky" Gruden. He's not perfect (no one is), and we may not be able to get him from his cushy broadcasting job, but I'd certainly want to talk with him ... He would need to find a compatible GM, coaches and coordinators who are "his" kind of team players.


Josh McDaniels runs a distant second place due to my lack of knowledge of his strategic skills.


The General Manager must remember the "general" part of his title, and not try to become a Specific Manager.


Oh, and no hiring of relatives .... ever.


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27 minutes ago, gacker65 said:

Let's hang on to Pags.  Keep Chud at OC.  Get a new DC- hard to run Zone coverages when you have Man coverage corners.  Let Pags go through and get/ keep position coaches.


Just my Thoughts 

Let's not. If we did we'd become the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the mid-1980s.

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10 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Not sure you realize this,  but MOST NFL teams have two different people doing two different jobs.


One is the GM.        One if the Head Coach.


Belichick has final say,  but other people do the actual administrative work of the GM.


Chip Kelly has final say....    and that's not working out too well for him.


Not sure why you're interested in that arrangement.     The only reason is if we could get a great coach who would want both.....     but that's easier said than done.....


Of course he realizes most teams have a seperate GM and HC....That is precisely why he said, "what is killing this team, and even MOST organizations, is the fight for control"......he openly acknowledged that most teams are set up this way, and proceeded to cite it as an issue.... whether he is right or wrong is open for debate. He pretty clearly stated though that he understands the majority of teams have 2 separate employees in these positions....

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56 minutes ago, John Waylon said:


I honestly don't see that happening. I think he gets a pass for this season. If they don't improve next year then I could see them letting him go. But not this season. 

I don't think they will fire him either but I also didn't think the Bucs would fire Dungy when we got him too.  Sometimes the stars align.  It probably wont happen as the Ravens are a much better run organization than the Bucs but if I could hand pick the coach I want John Harbaugh's the guy.

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1 hour ago, gacker65 said:

Let's hang on to Pags.  Keep Chud at OC.  Get a new DC- hard to run Zone coverages when you have Man coverage corners.  Let Pags go through and get/ keep position coaches.


Just my Thoughts 

The team has scored three points in the last three games second halfs and two offensive touchdowns in the last three games despite getting great field position off of turnovers in two of those three games.  Yes I know he has a back up QB but Chud has not done enough to show he should get that job full-time. 


Honestly, I expect a new HC to come in and clean out the whole coaching staff and start over.  I hope the new coach runs a 3/4 as I think that will make things a quicker turn around as that is what our defense has players for.  If they do that then they are a pass rusher, some line play on the offensive side of the ball and maybe a running back away from being where they want to be. 

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10 minutes ago, LuckIsAwesome said:

Kravitz says he thinks the next coach will be Nick Saban.  Take that for what its worth, but he would probably have a better guess than any of us.

Just not a fan of his. He is a Great college Coach but when he Coached in the NFL he was mediocre. To the Saban fans out there I guess to be fair his short window may not be enough to judge him on and he is a fiery Coach and would have Andrew so who knows it could work? A lot of people thought Jimmy Johnson wouldn't work in Dallas after his days in Miami and it did but he also had a Great QB in Troy. Saban had suspect QBing with the Dolphins.

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20 hours ago, Rally5 said:

I really don't want a college coach in any way shape or form.  I would prefer a proven NFL winner such as Cower, Chuckie, Payton, even Brian Billick.  I'm not in love with recycled failures like Josh McDaniels who had massive lapses in judgement so....I guess my list is pretty short.



I agree with this. I'm sure there are some college coaches that could work, but I'd rather the Colts not be the testing grounds.


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