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The Pep Hamilton thread [Mega-merge]


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Pagano and Pep put this team at a huge disadvantage before the game every starts. The (deer in the headlights) look of this team, is the lack of preparation and discipline of the head coach. The horrible play calling is the lack of knowledge of Pep.

Pagano gets out coached each and every week, this team deserves better. Pagano is a great guy, but he is killing this team. We need a coach that gives us an advantage, and a coach that can make adjustments and holds players accountable. I know that we have made the playoffs three years in a row, and all the other things that the Pagano apologist will bring up, but none of that has been because Pagano has out coached anyone, and if that's all you want for this team, then OK I get it, but This team has gone as far as it will ever go, with Pagano as the head coach. We will never win a Super Bowl with Pagano, if you can't see that now, you never will.

Pep is over his head, I just don't think he has enough experience as a OC, to help this team. He doesn't make the adjustments needed to help this team succeed, his play calling and lack of adjustments are horrible, and Pagano does nothing to reel him in, between the two of them this team is not put in the best position to succeed, yes the players have to make the plays, but the coaches have to put them in the best position to do so.

This team is lacking talent wise, in some areas, but they could do a lot better, with even decent coaching, but with Pagano and Pep, the are at a huge disadvantage and deserve better. Teams shouldn't have to win in spite of their coaches, they should be winning because of their coaches.

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So I am a saints fan here. However, I need you to beat the other three teams in the division.


I have felt like Pep holds the team back. What happened to Luck doing what he wants like last year? Why did the colts get away from that?


Also, the RBBC if there is one is the fault of Pagano. What was the point of bringing in Bradshaw to screw up Gore's progress? He had 9 carries for over 40 yards. That's not bad. Gore was a guy who got fed in SF, this protecting him from injury or keeping him limited for playoffs is rediculous. He is a every down back regardless of age. He needs to be the main back and get his 15-20 carries a game. Also, don't tease the fans saying Dorsett was the number three receiver when he really wasn't. It's not gonna kill people to tell who the starters are. If Andre isn't good enough then please give Moncrief more targets. The weapons are there but the management is bad. However, the saints have a rising defense but the colts could have given us more trouble by running the ball.


Your defense is good enough to deal with Carolina, it's gonna come down to the offensive management though in that game.


I think the colts need to rely on Gore.

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Pep doesn't know what screens, or slants even are. He'll abandon the run when our RB is averaging 5 ypc. He continues his 5-7 step dropback play calling regardless of situation. He is completely incapable of making in game adjustments. He's incapable of actually coaching the QB because he's in way over his head. Two minutes left down by a TD? ......refuses to run no huddle.




We have a once in a generation QB.

We have 2 above average TE's. 

We have 2 above average WR's.

We have a top level RB. 

We have a serviceable O-line. 




There's only one reason that this offense isn't working. 




It's been Chud Time for a long time. Make it happen!!!! 

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Thank you...and I still mean it after the game.  One play here and there and the turnovers.  We could have won this game by two touchdowns.  Not scoring on the last drive of the half was a killer.


That and the fact that after we got those 2 TDs to Hilton, we went 3 and out for the next 2 series.  If we could have put together any type of scores there, ahhhhh man missed opportunities 

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What else is there to talk about? Like Doyle said, if not this, then what do we say about the colts this year?

Say anything you like. How many thread does it take to say the same thing over and over?  A lot of Colt fans are soft. When the team is down the whole world is ending. I have been a long time Colt fan and this is nothing new. Being a fan does not mean you have to be a fanatic. People become NFL fans because of what? Is it a way to get away from everyday things? Is it a way to take you mind off everyday troubles? Everyone has a different reason for being a NFL fan. But each fan needs to realize that their get a way in their mind is not always a fantasy dream come true.

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Say anything you like. How many thread does it take to say the same thing over and over? A lot of Colt fans are soft. When the team is down the whole world is ending. I have been a long time Colt fan and this is nothing new. Being a fan does not mean you have to be a fanatic. People become NFL fans because of what? Is it a way to get away from everyday things? Is it a way to take you mind off everyday troubles? Everyone has a different reason for being a NFL fan. But each fan needs to realize that their get a way in their mind is not always a fantasy dream come true.

I post this stuff because the team doesn't show up to play and they make some of the worst play calls that have ever been ran.

We will keep making new threads for every game that it happens I guess. The pro writers do the same thing

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I post this stuff because the team doesn't show up to play and they make some of the worst play calls that have ever been ran.

We will keep making new threads for every game that it happens I guess. The pro writers do the same thing

No problem, carry on! :)  It is what it is.

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I have had a horrible... terrible...awful thought...


What if during the bye week Irsay fires Pagano.... and PEP HAMILTON is installed as the interim HC?????


Hamilton is reportedly Grigson's guy... Has been looked at last off season for HC positions... This would be a good chance for him to audition for the HC position full time...


Irsay is nothing if not unpredictable... I could seriously see this being a possibility. 


I hope to the gods it doesn't... but crazier things have happened...



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I have had a horrible... terrible...awful thought...

What if during the bye week Irsay fires Pagano.... and PEP HAMILTON is installed as the interim HC?????

Hamilton is reportedly Grigson's guy... Has been looked at last off season for HC positions... This would be a good chance for him to audition for the HC position full time...

Irsay is nothing if not unpredictable... I could seriously see this being a possibility.

I hope to the gods it doesn't... but crazier things have happened...


I think I just barfed at that thought.....

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I have had a horrible... terrible...awful thought...


What if during the bye week Irsay fires Pagano.... and PEP HAMILTON is installed as the interim HC?????


Hamilton is reportedly Grigson's guy... Has been looked at last off season for HC positions... This would be a good chance for him to audition for the HC position full time...


Irsay is nothing if not unpredictable... I could seriously see this being a possibility. 


I hope to the gods it doesn't... but crazier things have happened...




I highly doubt they appoint Pep as interim coach i think they give the Nod to Rob Chudzinski since he is listed as the "Associate Head Coach"

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That would be a terrible thought to have. I'm feeling your pain thinking about it.


I think Chud would be the interim HC if Pagano was canned. I mean, I don't think I would be mad about that move but I don't think Pagano is the biggest problem we have. I think it's falling on Grigson and his additions to the team that aren't living up to their contracts. Pep not utilizing the great players that we DO have. If Grigson was canned during the season, it wouldn't change our play much. Damage is already done. If Pep was somehow canned, we could have the potential to improve offensively.

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I highly doubt they appoint Pep as interim coach i think they give the Nod to Rob Chudzinski since he is listed as the "Associate Head Coach"

Even though Chud is supposedly a "Pagano guy" I think he would take over. I think Irsay understands that Pep is probably part of the issue with the teams struggles and would install Chud as the interim. Heck, maybe he's the long term solution??

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Even though Chud is supposedly a "Pagano guy" I think he would take over. I think Irsay understands that Pep is probably part of the issue with the teams struggles and would install Chud as the interim. Heck, maybe he's the long term solution??


I will also make the assumption that if Irsay fires Pagano, Chud will be our HC. As far as next season, Chud could very well be our HC too. However, if there's someone better out there that opens up (Sean Payton) we should go after him.

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This is a great article that breaks down Pep's history as an offensive coach.

The conclusion that I take away is that Pep has ridden up the ranks on the backs of other, more skilled coaches. Now that he is isolated, he is being exposed.



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I think Chud will be our interim, though Pep could also be appointed.

Regardless, we need a Big Time HC for next season. My fear is that our interim,Chud or Pep, couldl have some success in the second half of this season and then be signed on for the next few seasons. And then once again we will have a average to below average HC.

That, IMO is the worst thing for our Colts.

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