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Opinions on Phillip Dorsett to this point


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Yea after this comment im more than positive all you guys do is sit and play Madden all day long and think that speed will win you games. Here's a rude awakening for you my guy IT DOESNT. Speed helps but its not a game winner. Being technically sound wins you games. Why do you think guys like Welker and Edelman are as good as they are? because they are smart and precision route runners, they know how to get open. Speed without knowing how to get in and out of breaks limits you to only one route and that's the 9 route. Or as you madden players know it as a streak or fade. Speed isnt the end all Genius.

madden is trash lol but I'm saying speed kills based on that fact that Hilton moncrief and dorsett all know how to accelerate within thier routes to get open I'm not a speed freak..but if you obviously watch them play they accelerate perfectly in a route to gain separation
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 He will be our number one or two receiver down the road. Book it. Better than Moncrief.

Listing receivers #1,2 and 3 is kinda useless. A good offense will make each receiver take what is given to them. When a QB has multiple receivers they go to the ones who are open no matter their number. The top QBs in the league have different receivers they use from week to week. Some weeks it may even be the tight ends. Manning and Rogers are good examples of utilizing what the defense is giving you.

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If AJ isn't getting separation then Luck has a good reason to not throw him the ball.

Are the DB's standing in front of him? Even if you have a DB on your hip, you're still fairly open if a good leading pass is thrown. On slants, ins/outs, and post/corners, unless they are in front of you, your open enough to be lead.

Luck has trouble leading his receivers though. Both Moncrief and Dorsetts' touchdowns, the receivers had to come back to the ball or slow down.

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Are the DB's standing in front of him? Even if you have a DB on your hip, you're still fairly open if a good leading pass is thrown. On slants, ins/outs, and post/corners, unless they are in front of you, your open enough to be lead.

Luck has trouble leading his receivers though. Both Moncrief and Dorsetts' touchdowns, the receivers had to come back to the ball or slow down.

Luck is generally pretty good at leading his receivers on deep routes but struggles at times on the short to intermediate stuff. The throw to Dorsett was thrown short, which is rare because some of Luck's best throws come on those seam routes. The fade to Moncrief was perfect.

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Luck is generally pretty good at leading his receivers on deep routes but struggles at times on the short to intermediate stuff. The throw to Dorsett was thrown short, which is rare because some of Luck's best throws come on those seam routes. The fade to Moncrief was perfect.

It could have been farther to the corner and inside to avoid the DB contesting the ball.

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I agree with the coaches don't throw him in the fire right away gradually increase his snaps as the year goes along and as he progresses as a receiver  n.o. threw cooks in last year and he inured his hand luckily for him it wasn't worse look at white injured right away as well id rather our team allow dorsett to become acquainted with pro defenses gradually so he can learn to protect himself. and really guys giving him such a hard time about dropping the punt. name one returner ho hasnt dropped a punt plus it was raining yea it hurt to turn the ball over at that point but im not gonna harp on him he is after all a rookie a rookie that has shown flashes of greatness might I add. I would love to see trips formation T.Y.,Dorsett,Moncrief.. anyone agree?? also one more comparison give your opinions...

T.Y.>>>Desean Jackson

Moncrief>>>Dez Bryant

Dorsett>>>Antonio Brown


obviously our WRs don't have the credentials as these three but they all have significant similarities size speed etc

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I agree with the coaches don't throw him in the fire right away gradually increase his snaps as the year goes along and as he progresses as a receiver n.o. threw cooks in last year and he inured his hand luckily for him it wasn't worse look at white injured right away as well id rather our team allow dorsett to become acquainted with pro defenses gradually so he can learn to protect himself. and really guys giving him such a hard time about dropping the punt. name one returner ho hasnt dropped a punt plus it was raining yea it hurt to turn the ball over at that point but im not gonna harp on him he is after all a rookie a rookie that has shown flashes of greatness might I add. I would love to see trips formation T.Y.,Dorsett,Moncrief.. anyone agree?? also one more comparison give your opinions...

T.Y.>>>Desean Jackson

Moncrief>>>Dez Bryant

Dorsett>>>Antonio Brown

obviously our WRs don't have the credentials as these three but they all have significant similarities size speed etc

but they should throw him into the fire especially if we need a spark on offense because we've looked like garbage
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As a guy who played sports my whole life and was a 2 sport athlete in college. I felt like I learned the most from "being thrown to the wolves". Sure I made mistakes but I learned from those mistakes and was a better player at the end of those seasons. I feel Dorsett is ready to contribute and will be a much better player hopefully come playoff time. Let's see what this young man can do because Andre hasnt shown me much of anything.

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I believe Dorsett needs more playing time. His speed and separation dynamics are real, and every opposing secondary is effected by those characteristics. I think people are fooling themselves to think corner and safety depths aren't impacted by him, especially if Moncrief & Hilton are on the field at the same time. At the same time, I also agree that Johnson needs to have quality targets. He's a formidable presence in tight spaces like the red zone, and his run blocking is a seemingly unappreciated asset. He moves people in the run game.

All said, I would like to see the top 4 receivers rotated, in every combination possible, to create assignment & technique concerns to stress the opposing secondary. Force errors, confusion & mismatches through formation and personnel variances.

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I watched the game during the night, and Phillip Dorsett is still being criminally underused. The only time I saw him on the field (again) was the 4th quarter. He got 3 pass attempts and caught two. One was a nice 35 yard td pass. He is always making great plays when given the chance and with Andre struggling yet another game, I think it's time Dorsett gets more playing time. With his 4th quarter yards, he would be our leading receiver yards wise if you averaged that out through 3 full games. He always makes his receptions count, and that's the shot in the arm that this offense needs. What do you guys think?

I think the day the coaching staff starts using him is the day this offense will play on a completely higher and better level.  Its good that he is starting to see the field more.  Now if Luck can just get him the ball, like he did in the fourth quarter.

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I don't agree with slowly "easing" him in. Let's stop labeling him as a rookie WR and acknowledge the fact that he is a weapon. He's a weapon that this offense can use more of now.

Going to stick to what I said a week ago: they need to unleash him. And not by just running him deep either. Give him some short passes where he can use his speed to get YAC.

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All said, I would like to see the top 4 receivers rotated, in every combination possible, to create assignment & technique concerns to stress the opposing secondary. Force errors, confusion & mismatches through formation and personnel variances.


for what its worth I think this is gold. all the other debates about depth charts and play time (as a stagnant idea divided between all)...what you have said is, to me, the only sensible (obvious) solution.


variations. rotations. combinations...what do these yield? anticipation, hesitation, frustration- for the opposing defense. 


want a great way to lighten the blitz? sure "dink and dunk, Pats 2.0 Offense" could work...but so could the above. When the D cannot predict what you are probably going to do based on personnel and formations; because of variations, rotations, and combinations, the D cannot afford to be as aggressive. 


All the weapons we have on offense are not carbon copies of one another...they all bring different abilities to the table. Best way to maximize those individual abilities? find the mismatched, confused, hesitant defender, and attack.

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If we can get our stuff together and blow Jacksonville out like we should I'm hoping Chuck gives Dorsett a couple more reps back there at the punt return game. He looked lightning fast when he was back there against Buffalo.   Who knows they may just leave the Griffer in which I won't complain about.  I sleep well when Griff is back there! 

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The biggest thing I want to see this week is better protection, and crisp execution on offense.  That's the biggest differences I've seen between the Colts when compared with the Packers and Patriots.  Those two teams are flawless in there execution, they deliver the ball exactly where it needs to go when they have correctly identified the defensive coverage.  If they have to take the low hanging fruit, they take the low hanging fruit.  You just don't see a lot of wasted plays with them.  Our offensive personnel is better than or on par with both teams, but they are much better than us when it comes to execution and protection.   I'm looking for steady improvement in each game going forward.  Some may say coaching which I won't argue with, but right now I think this team offensively has a bigger problem with executing what they were coached and schemed up to do.  I'm looking for continued growth in these areas this week.

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The biggest thing I want to see this week is better protection, and crisp execution on offense.  That's the biggest differences I've seen between the Colts when compared with the Packers and Patriots.  Those two teams are flawless in there execution, they deliver the ball exactly where it needs to go when they have correctly identified the defensive coverage.  If they have to take the low hanging fruit, they take the low hanging fruit.  You just don't see a lot of wasted plays with them.  Our offensive personnel is better than or on par with both teams, but they are much better than us when it comes to execution and protection.   I'm looking for steady improvement in each game going forward.  Some may say coaching which I won't argue with, but right now I think this team offensively has a bigger problem with executing what they were coached and schemed up to do.  I'm looking for continued growth in these areas this week.

How about an opening drive TD too?

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The biggest thing I want to see this week is better protection, and crisp execution on offense.  That's the biggest differences I've seen between the Colts when compared with the Packers and Patriots.  Those two teams are flawless in there execution, they deliver the ball exactly where it needs to go when they have correctly identified the defensive coverage.  If they have to take the low hanging fruit, they take the low hanging fruit.  You just don't see a lot of wasted plays with them.  Our offensive personnel is better than or on par with both teams, but they are much better than us when it comes to execution and protection.   I'm looking for steady improvement in each game going forward.  Some may say coaching which I won't argue with, but right now I think this team offensively has a bigger problem with executing what they were coached and schemed up to do.  I'm looking for continued growth in these areas this week.

It does amaze me how easy the Pats and Packers make everything look and how Andrew is running for his life. Rodgers had all day to throw last night

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It does amaze me how easy the Pats and Packers make everything look and how Andrew is running for his life. Rodgers had all day to throw last night



Another thing that helps the protection with Rogers is teams know he's going to make them pay if they blitz because he's deadly accurate.   Luck has not gotten to the point with his accuracy where he's going to beat you each and every time when a blitz is called. 

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I watched the game during the night, and Phillip Dorsett is still being criminally underused. The only time I saw him on the field (again) was the 4th quarter. He got 3 pass attempts and caught two. One was a nice 35 yard td pass. He is always making great plays when given the chance and with Andre struggling yet another game, I think it's time Dorsett gets more playing time. With his 4th quarter yards, he would be our leading receiver yards wise if you averaged that out through 3 full games. He always makes his receptions count, and that's the shot in the arm that this offense needs. What do you guys think?


 You are young and impatient. Go Colts!!

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for sure...and im on last gen system...so i paid $60 for basically just a roster update that I probably could have done me self or downloaded for my Madden 13 lol

but boy do i still love me some Madden lol

lol I stopped at 13 I got annoyed with how line backs could easily cover and one hand intercept receivers
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If AJ isn't getting separation then Luck has a good reason to not throw him the ball.

Supposedly, A.J. is not supposed to need separation, his size hands and veteran savvy supposedly makes up for this.  I will say i loved getting A.J.in FA.  We ALL have seen what he has done in the past.  I won't count him out yet, possibly learning curve with Lucks poor accuracy of late.

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He also was one of the most coughing up the ball as well. he barely even saw time against the 1's he played against mostly the 2's and 3's i suggest you go back and watch the games. As for being the only one catching crappy balls idk what you're even referring to because Duron Carter who isnt even on the active roster Bested Dorsett during the preseason for more receiving yards. So that negates your ill advised statement. Please come with facts bruh. I don't have any hate for Dorsett i actually think he can be really good in DUE time just not right now. But for you guys to continue and sit here and say that an Unproven Dorsett really deserves to play over the Likes of Moncreif and Johnson is absolutely absurd. 

dorsett has one fumble at WR including the regular and preseason.  he also never plays against the number one corner.


AJ needs to ride the bench.  moncrief is starting to come along, but dorsett could be better than him sooner rather than later too

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