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Bitter Polian


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Polian has become what he hated most, a biased media head. Every NFL ranking you can find has the Colts as high as #2 in ranking some (yahoo sports) have them as #1. Bill Polian every since he's been an "analyst" Refuse to give this current Colts team ANY type of recognition as even being barley a good team. I Just saw him on ESPN- who we all know love and give the proper coverage and respect to the Colts, Pacers and everything  Indiana in general..(extreme sarcasm) But when Bill was asked could'nt bring himself to put the Colts in a list of top five while including of course Denver Seattle and san Fran...It was sad. I understand, He and his son was relieved of duty from the organization, And Im sure he wanted to feel vindicated when the Organization failed without him. 


                    But not only did the organization survive but it became a more COMPLETE TEAM, CHAMPIONSHIP CONTENTEDING TEAM  with General Manager who is BETTER than he was...And it stings..probably a lot.

Just wondering if anyone else noticed. 

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Seriously, who cares? Why are people so concerned with his opinion and not givng Indy credit? It could not mean less.

I appreciate what he did while he was here. I really like his insight on the drafts and what goes into personnel decisions, but why his opinion on the Colts means anything to anyone is a mystery to me.

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I honestly think as great a person Dungy was, Pagano understands Colts Family as well or better.


The atmosphere is awesome with Grigson as GM, we have succeeded in short order, everyone is treated with respect from Jim Irsay to the custodian.  It was not that way with Chris at the helm and Bill 'tagging' on Pinocchio's strings; both being cranky and terse to fans and media alike (See the former Polian Corners on Colts.com if available)


Bill is now a member of what he termed the "Liars and Rats."  Can we add Bitter to that?


I will never downplay Bill Polian's work ethic and desire to make the Indianapolis Colts Super Bowl Champions or his contribution to the NFL in a Hall Of Fame career.  He was a brilliant GM.  I would like to see him more open minded in his analysis.  He has so much good information we can actually learn from.



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Seriously, who cares? Why are people so concerned with his opinion and not givng Indy credit? It could not mean less.

I appreciate what he did while he was here. I really like his insight on the drafts and what goes into personnel decisions, but why his opinion on the Colts means anything to anyone is a mystery to me.



Yeah . I haven't heard any of his or Skip Baylis nonsense as I could care less about being aggravated. 

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I saw it and I was pretty upset neither or herm put the colts in the but b included the teams that have losses to the Colts

If you are upset at a talking head not liking your team as much as you think they should, I would change my priorities.

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Sorry but the loss of Reggie moved us out of the top five amongst the NFL.a.m talking heads.


 Guessing you think we have a pretty good O-Line,  and a top defense.

 Seattle, San Diego dominated us and so did the Texans. We have been winning with mirrors and catching these teams with uncanny timing. So it goes, but this team is just as easily top 10-15 most weeks. 


 Lots to prove. Winning sure makes it more fun.

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Polian has become what he hated most, a biased media head. Every NFL ranking you can find has the Colts as high as #2 in ranking some (yahoo sports) have them as #1. Bill Polian every since he's been an "analyst" Refuse to give this current Colts team ANY type of recognition as even being barley a good team. I Just saw him on ESPN- who we all know love and give the proper coverage and respect to the Colts, Pacers and everything  Indiana in general..(extreme sarcasm) But when Bill was asked could'nt bring himself to put the Colts in a list of top five while including of course Denver Seattle and san Fran...It was sad. I understand, He and his son was relieved of duty from the organization, And Im sure he wanted to feel vindicated when the Organization failed without him. 


                    But not only did the organization survive but it became a more COMPLETE TEAM, CHAMPIONSHIP CONTENTEDING TEAM  with General Manager who is BETTER than he was...And it stings..probably a lot.

Just wondering if anyone else noticed. 

He is still upset about what Irsay said the truth hurts. He hated the media talking heads now he is one take it for what it is

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I honestly think as great a person Dungy was, Pagano understands Colts Family as well or better.


The atmosphere is awesome with Grigson as GM, we have succeeded in short order, everyone is treated with respect from Jim Irsay to the custodian.  It was not that way with Chris at the helm and Bill 'tagging' on Pinocchio's strings; both being cranky and terse to fans and media alike (See the former Polian Corners on Colts.com if available)


Bill is now a member of what he termed the "Liars and Rats."  Can we add Bitter to that?


I will never downplay Bill Polian's work ethic and desire to make the Indianapolis Colts Super Bowl Champions or his contribution to the NFL in a Hall Of Fame career.  He was a brilliant GM.  I would like to see him more open minded in his analysis.  He has so much good information we can actually learn from.




I was thinking about this the other day, the Dungy vs. Pagano teams. I loved the Dungy teams because they were good and were successful, but they were very much "strictly business" IMO. A lot of that was from Peyton being such a perfectionist.  Honestly though, I think I love the Grigson/Pagano team more because of the atmosphere you alluded to. It seems like a tight-knit family, but the thing I love most is they have a lot of fun. Interesting characters and personalities. This team never fails to provide exciting, interesting moments both on and off the field. I always love watching the post-game locker room, seeing Pagano jumping around like a little kid with the players. I feel like I see more from this team as far as behind-the-scenes stuff goes. The new regime seems more interested in letting fans in to the locker room and showing us all how much of a family they really are.   

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Yeah . I haven't heard any of his or Skip Baylis nonsense as I could care less about being aggravated. 

What's not fun about getting aggravated and yelling at someone, belittling their intelligence and calling them every name under the sun even when they'll never hear it?  I do it all the time when I'm driving with my tinted windows.  Great stress relief.  Get a lot of awkward looks though.

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He is just mad cause Grigson rocks and he sucks .


Yes a GM that has won the EOTY award six times and helped put the Colts franchise back on the map just sucks.   :facepalm: Do not get me wrong the guy is a grade a jerk, but the guy was a fantastic GM for us.


Of course the guy is going to be bitter. Anyone of us would be bitter to if we were in his shoes.  How many of us would enjoy the franchise that fired them having great success.  


I do enjoy the Colts having a bit friendlier position with the local media though.  The way Polian treated the local media was pretty crappy.

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What's not fun about getting aggravated and yelling at someone, belittling their intelligence and calling them every name under the sun even when they'll never hear it?  I do it all the time when I'm driving with my tinted windows.  Great stress relief.  Get a lot of awkward looks though.



I've also got news for you. When you get to my age , it takes far less to aggravate you. So sounds like you will be throwing punches at 64.

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Polian has become what he hated most, a biased media head. Every NFL ranking you can find has the Colts as high as #2 in ranking some (yahoo sports) have them as #1. Bill Polian every since he's been an "analyst" Refuse to give this current Colts team ANY type of recognition as even being barley a good team. I Just saw him on ESPN- who we all know love and give the proper coverage and respect to the Colts, Pacers and everything  Indiana in general..(extreme sarcasm) But when Bill was asked could'nt bring himself to put the Colts in a list of top five while including of course Denver Seattle and san Fran...It was sad. I understand, He and his son was relieved of duty from the organization, And Im sure he wanted to feel vindicated when the Organization failed without him. 


                    But not only did the organization survive but it became a more COMPLETE TEAM, CHAMPIONSHIP CONTENTEDING TEAM  with General Manager who is BETTER than he was...And it stings..probably a lot.

Just wondering if anyone else noticed. 

He also worked for Buffalo and Carolina....guess he should be predicting them to go to the championship too?? I don't put much credit into predictions or power rankings regardless because we have seen...clearly better teams like Denver last year lose to Baltimore. NE lose to NY. Rankings are meaningless except for home field advantage...but any given sunday you can be beat....we have proven it...and also lost to SD/MIA. We can't tout our big wins and ignore our terrible losses...and week 1 was almost as bad as a loss. I think every week you look at teams and try to identify those that are the best at that point in the season. I think Polian is probably slow to cheer on the new Colts but there are still key figures on the team that he brought in...Wayne, Brown, Constanzo, Mathis, Angerer, Bethea and I'm sure he roots for those guys. With Wayne down it is still debatable if our offense can be consistant enough to win it all. I think we are a top five team but we aren't the same team that beat SF, SEA, or even DEN....you have to see that...every week these teams change...lose players and gain players...and that is how they get rated....if anything last year I thought he favored the Colts a little too much...so I don't think he is overly biased negatively. He IS BIASED with PEYTON....that is obvious...and well...for good reason. 

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Yes a GM that has won the EOTY award six times and helped put the Colts franchise back on the map just sucks.   :facepalm: Do not get me wrong the guy is a grade a jerk, but the guy was a fantastic GM for us.


Of course the guy is going to be bitter. Anyone of us would be bitter to if we were in his shoes.  How many of us would enjoy the franchise that fired them having great success.  


I do enjoy the Colts having a bit friendlier position with the local media though.  The way Polian treated the local media was pretty crappy.

He may have been a jerk to the local media, but I always found him to be likeable for the most part.

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Seriously, who cares? Why are people so concerned with his opinion and not givng Indy credit? It could not mean less.

I appreciate what he did while he was here. I really like his insight on the drafts and what goes into personnel decisions, but why his opinion on the Colts means anything to anyone is a mystery to me.

He's creating a debate...chill.
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Bill Polian did a lot for this team. Sad that it ended so badly.


But honestly if he's not ranking us..........I think that's what he really thinks


On us to prove him wrong

The Colts have beaten Seattle, SF, and Denver...not sure what more they can do at this point.

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Polian has become what he hated most, a biased media head. Every NFL ranking you can find has the Colts as high as #2 in ranking some (yahoo sports) have them as #1. Bill Polian every since he's been an "analyst" Refuse to give this current Colts team ANY type of recognition as even being barley a good team. I Just saw him on ESPN- who we all know love and give the proper coverage and respect to the Colts, Pacers and everything  Indiana in general..(extreme sarcasm) But when Bill was asked could'nt bring himself to put the Colts in a list of top five while including of course Denver Seattle and san Fran...It was sad. I understand, He and his son was relieved of duty from the organization, And Im sure he wanted to feel vindicated when the Organization failed without him. 


                    But not only did the organization survive but it became a more COMPLETE TEAM, CHAMPIONSHIP CONTENTEDING TEAM  with General Manager who is BETTER than he was...And it stings..probably a lot.

Just wondering if anyone else noticed. 



Sure did...Hope he gets assigned to the game in New York when we steal the show!

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Polian has become what he hated most, a biased media head. Every NFL ranking you can find has the Colts as high as #2 in ranking some (yahoo sports) have them as #1. Bill Polian every since he's been an "analyst" Refuse to give this current Colts team ANY type of recognition as even being barley a good team. I Just saw him on ESPN- who we all know love and give the proper coverage and respect to the Colts, Pacers and everything  Indiana in general..(extreme sarcasm) But when Bill was asked could'nt bring himself to put the Colts in a list of top five while including of course Denver Seattle and san Fran...It was sad. I understand, He and his son was relieved of duty from the organization, And Im sure he wanted to feel vindicated when the Organization failed without him. 


                    But not only did the organization survive but it became a more COMPLETE TEAM, CHAMPIONSHIP CONTENTEDING TEAM  with General Manager who is BETTER than he was...And it stings..probably a lot.

Just wondering if anyone else noticed. 

Oh, I've noticed. I've said things on here before and people have gotten a little heated over them lol.

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The best thin Bill did was draft Peyton...A real no brainer! Peyton covered up a lot...He hit on a few small fast guys and never drafted girth...Most teams had better trench players on both sides...Sure do love an O line gm...Monster isn't built yet...I think we have a chance to win in the playoffs this year! I will not say we cant win in New York pre  monster

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I'm not sure what people would expect from Bill. Do they really think Bill has any loyality to thiss franchise c'mon man. Bill was always a hired gun he cared about the Colts success for his paycheck but more importantly as a reflection of his own success and ego. I believe Mr. Irsay bleeds blue and he cares about the success of this team not just as the owner but because he's a Colts fan too. Every time I watch an NFL game  my interested rests solely on how does the outcome of this game effect the Colts and if a game has no effect on the Colts chances of success then I lose interest fast. I think some past players have great loyality and affection for the horeshoe (Marvin, probably Edge, Peyton, Reggie will when he's done, etc.) Bill was never a very likeable person so I'm not suprised he's somewhat bitter. He was always an extremely defensive person when here. I know many/most fans are like me they bleed blue, but the front office people and coaches they are not always so loyal and many don't bleed blue.

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Polian said on the radio today he questions what the Colts will do once teams double Hilton and there is no Reggie Wayne. Frankly based on Sunday it's a fair concern. With that said I am not sure what else the Colts can do to be ranked right not but as Smonroe pointed out they really don't mean anything. Is Polian bitter towards Irsay judging by how he talks yes but it's not like he's the first person in the history of the world to be bitter towards someone who fired them.

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The best thin Bill did was draft Peyton...A real no brainer! Peyton covered up a lot...He hit on a few small fast guys and never drafted girth...Most teams had better trench players on both sides...Sure do love an O line gm...Monster isn't built yet...I think we have a chance to win in the playoffs this year! I will not say we cant win in New York pre monster

finding Bethea in the sixth round or mathis in the fifth and Brackett and Saturday as undrafted free agents were probably his best moves. Also taking a chance on Freeney who was drafted way too high according to the draft experts wasn't bad. Edge over Ricky was another unpopular move when it was done that worked. Trading back twice and not drafting a corner when everyone said the Colts had to have one and coming away with Reggie Wayne who is going to the Hall of Fame while none of those other corners are still in the league was maybe his best first round move. Also Manning vs Leaf was not the no brainier fans have turned it into over the years, From 98-06 Polian was a drafting genius there is no other way to put it. Then things evened out and he missed picks and things ended badly no questioning that but people really need to stop trying to rewrite history to act like only brought Peyton Manning here. I understand why so many dislike him but don't let your hate cloud your vision Polian did a lit for this franchise even if it ended badly.
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finding Bethea in the sixth round or mathis in the fifth and Brackett and Saturday as undrafted free agents were probably his best moves. Also taking a chance on Freeney who was drafted way too high according to the draft experts wasn't bad. Edge over Ricky was another unpopular move when it was done that worked. Trading back twice and not drafting a corner when everyone said the Colts had to have one and coming away with Reggie Wayne who is going to the Hall of Fame while none of those other corners are still in the league was maybe his best first round move. Also Manning vs Leaf was not the no brainier fans have turned it into over the years, From 98-06 Polian was a drafting genius there is no other way to put it. Then things evened out and he missed picks and things ended badly no questioning that but people really need to stop trying to rewrite history to act like only brought Peyton Manning here. I understand why so many dislike him but don't let your hate cloud your vision Polian did a lit for this franchise even if it ended badly.

I agree with most of what you wrote, but Manning over Leaf was a no brainer. There was a lot of pub for Leaf because he was new and shiny, but very few teams would have actually taken Leaf over Manning.....very similar to the Luck vs Griffin debate.

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I agree with most of what you wrote, but Manning over Leaf was a no brainer. There was a lot of pub for Leaf because he was new and shiny, but very few teams would have actually taken Leaf over Manning.....very similar to the Luck vs Griffin debate.

no it wasn't. People who wanted Leaf have just quietly pretended they never said that. There was legit debate between Manning and Leaf splitting about 50/50. In Phil B.'s book about the Colts Mora said the Colts didn't make up their minds till the final physical before the draft which is where the famous draft me or I'll spend the next 15 years beating your butt line was said.
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no it wasn't. People who wanted Leaf have just quietly pretended they never said that. There was legit debate between Manning and Leaf splitting about 50/50. In Phil B.'s book about the Colts Mora said the Colts didn't make up their minds till the final physical before the draft which is where the famous draft me or I'll spend the next 15 years beating your butt line was said.

Yes it was. That was just a bunch of pre draft nonsense....bunch of guys trying to pick holes in Manning's game.

Phil B can write what he wants.....Polian finally admitted in a column for espn that it was a no brainer and they decided soon after having both of them in.

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what's lost here Andy is several Colts fans are bitter towards Polian and never miss a chance to take a swing at him.


I'm not the hugest Polian fan, but I respect the guy. He came in here and help turn the Colts into one of the more successful teams of the decade.


Every Colts fan has to appreciate what he did for the Colts, but unfortunately they only thinking about those last 2 years, and find ways to crap on him. It's too bad. 

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