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McGlynn & Satele


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seriously what has gotta give for these two guys to lose there spot on the line 


it's time to see what Khaled Holmes can do because i have a hard time believing he is worse than satele but i doubt pagano will drop his home boy's McGlynn and Samson

Insanity is doing the same things over and over again, but expecting a different outcome. This is insane. At some point you have to say "This isn't working", and move on with new people. Look at the three year mistake the Jets made with Sanchez ...

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seriously what has gotta give for these two guys to lose there spot on the line 


it's time to see what Khaled Holmes can do because i have a hard time believing he is worse than satele but i doubt pagano will drop his home boy's McGlynn and Samson


Easy - it takes two guys who are better to beat them out.  Apparently we don't have those two.


It's easy to say guys like Holmes are better but we aren't seeing them every day in practice.  Do you really want a rookie center learning on the job?


I thought Reitz could be better than McGlynn but they seem to like him better at T/TE.

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seriously what has gotta give for these two guys to lose there spot on the line 


it's time to see what Khaled Holmes can do because i have a hard time believing he is worse than satele but i doubt pagano will drop his home boy's McGlynn and Samson



Get used to it. This coaching staff is set on these 2 for some reason. I'm not even sure the front office will be looking to move on from them next year. They're in good with someone within the organization. That's all I can say

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Move McGlynn to Center and put Reitz in his place. 


Satele should be bagging groceries! Seriously.....put your arms down. What good does it do to point out the mike, sam, whatever if you aren't going to block them??


Oh, you didn't know? He's pointing out the guys he's NOT gonna block



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3 comments on colts game monday nite

1phillip rivers owns colts

2 mcglynn and fleener absolutely suck

3 if anyone thinks this is a championship defensive team theyre crazy------danny woodhead runs wild?

 Again with Fleener sucks..... Hilton, Wayne, TRich all dropped balls... hit them right in the hands... must be the in thing to blame it on Fleener.
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McGlynn played very well at center when he was there.  I don't fault him for not looking that good out of position.

I don't fault McGlynn. In fact, I praise him for how well he played at center.

The coaching staff is who I fault for (seemingly) not being able to see how much better the line played, as a whole, with McGlynn at center and Satele on the bench.

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This is one of the few negative threads i actually agree with.

Mike McGlynn is horrible. He got knocked back where Andrew Luck was standing on one play. Then got put flat on his butt another play. Andrew Luck won't last behind this offensive line. It's gonna be a depressing game when we play the Chiefs


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I don't fault McGlynn. In fact, I praise him for how well he played at center.

The coaching staff is who I fault for (seemingly) not being able to see how much better the line played, as a whole, with McGlynn at center and Satele on the bench.

I was thinking move McGlynn to center then put Khaled Holmes at RG. They said he can play both. Why not let the 2 rookies (Holmes & Thornton) get some time together since they're supposed to be "the future"

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Easy - it takes two guys who are better to beat them out.  Apparently we don't have those two.


It's easy to say guys like Holmes are better but we aren't seeing them every day in practice.  Do you really want a rookie center learning on the job?


I thought Reitz could be better than McGlynn but they seem to like him better at T/TE.

i think Thornton is obviously better than McGlynn at G but yet when Thomas was healthy at LG we played McGlynn over Thornton at RG.  It took an injury to put Thornton in and he OBVIOUSLY is a lock at G now.  I am not one to bash our FO in any way but it was obviously our biggest problem last year and it is very disappointing we didnt do more to improve it.  It was our weak link last year and is our weak link this year.


kinda reminds me of Polian not being willing to admit our DTs sucked.  We HAVE to improve our oline and protect Luck

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I was thinking move McGlynn to center then put Khaled Holmes at RG. They said he can play both. Why not let the 2 rookies (Holmes & Thornton) get some time together since they're supposed to be "the future"

I'd be in favor of putting McGlynn at center and YOU at right guard at this point.

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 Again with Fleener sucks..... Hilton, Wayne, TRich all dropped balls... hit them right in the hands... must be the in thing to blame it on Fleener.

Apart from the point of the thread. (Which I completely agree with) this I don't agree with... Fleener is horrible!!  He doesn't play to his size, he gets no separation, when he does he doesn't catch the ball, and looks scared and lost about 85% of the plays...  He has never shown me that he is a better TE than Dwayne Allen and that is in both pass catching and blocking. 

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Matt Miller @nfldraftscout #Colts need to spend a first-round pick on an offensive lineman...but they traded one for a running back


Matt Miller @nfldraftscout

#Colts spent RD1 pick on LT Costanzo. Paid RT Cherlius BIG $ in free agency. And yet, they can't protect or open rushing lanes


Matt Miller @nfldraftscout

#Colts will want to look at OGs like Gabe Jackson, Zack Martin, Spencer Long after Rd 1


I agree, both of these guys are terrible and the reason were so inconsistent as an offensive line. Will definitely need to upgrade the o-line in the draft.

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i think Thornton is obviously better than McGlynn at G but yet when Thomas was healthy at LG we played McGlynn over Thornton at RG.  It took an injury to put Thornton in and he OBVIOUSLY is a lock at G now.  I am not one to bash our FO in any way but it was obviously our biggest problem last year and it is very disappointing we didnt do more to improve it.  It was our weak link last year and is our weak link this year.


kinda reminds me of Polian not being willing to admit our DTs sucked.  We HAVE to improve our oline and protect Luck


I'm not going to disagree, we definitely need an upgrade.  But it's probably not going to happen this year at G.  And you saw what happened when Satele went down, they moved McGlynn over to C.  So they must not think Holmes is ready.


All that being said, I really don't think O line is our biggest issue.  They were not the reason we lost the game. 


Drops and Defense.  Drops can be overcome.  I'm not sure how a defense that shuts down the 49ers and the Seahawks (late in the game) can be abused like that.  We can't contribute that to injuries.  That's part of the NFL, they will happen.

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I'm not going to disagree, we definitely need an upgrade. But it's probably not going to happen this year at G. And you saw what happened when Satele went down, they moved McGlynn over to C. So they must not think Holmes is ready.

All that being said, I really don't think O line is our biggest issue. They were not the reason we lost the game.

Drops and Defense. Drops can be overcome. I'm not sure how a defense that shuts down the 49ers and the Seahawks (late in the game) can be abused like that. We can't contribute that to injuries. That's part of the NFL, they will happen.

I am pretty sure there could be some argument that the Oline is our biggest problem. If the Oline could get something consistent going, it makes the defenses life easier by having the other offense being forced to play more predictable ball because they are behind and because their offense is getting limited snaps. Just look to our history of bad olines and Peyton having to press at times to keep up and then last night and what happened.

Drops absolutely killed this team last night and killed any flow but the chargers had some of their guys out on defense from injury and they still blew our Oline up from blitz and pure rush. Fix the Oline and the run and the pass improved exponetionaly and our defense looks better because of the adrenaline and less time on the field.

I agree with so many on here, what is it they see in Satele to not move on with Holmes? Mcgyln was good in one game at center and terrible at the second so I think Mcgyln is just a bad player period and would probably just rather see Link at rg and Holmes tried at center. Try it one game with a week of game planning and practice and if it doesn't work, is it really going to look too much worse than what we have seen from these jokes the last 2 seasons?

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I am pretty sure there could be some argument that the Oline is our biggest problem. If the Oline could get something consistent going, it makes the defenses life easier by having the other offense being forced to play more predictable ball because they are behind and because their offense is getting limited snaps. Just look to our history of bad olines and Peyton having to press at times to keep up and then last night and what happened.

Drops absolutely killed this team last night and killed any flow but the chargers had some of their guys out on defense from injury and they still blew our Oline up from blitz and pure rush. Fix the Oline and the run and the pass improved exponetionaly and our defense looks better because of the adrenaline and less time on the field.

I agree with so many on here, what is it they see in Satele to not move on with Holmes? Mcgyln was good in one game at center and terrible at the second so I think Mcgyln is just a bad player period and would probably just rather see Link at rg and Holmes tried at center. Try it one game with a week of game planning and practice and if it doesn't work, is it really going to look too much worse than what we have seen from these jokes the last 2 seasons?


Again, I'm not trying to defend McGlynn or Satele.  They are bad.  But I just don't see how it's going to get better.  It's pretty easy for us to say 'fix the O line'.  Don't you think the coaches and the owner see that and they know that protecting the franchise is job 1?


I don't buy into any conspiracy theories, like McGlynn is Grigson's guy.  I think they're really putting the best they have out there.  They see these guys at practice, we don't.  And yes, it can get worse. 


Thomas going down is a killer.

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I do think O-line is our biggest issue. The penalties on third down extending drives, the drops killing drives, and overall poor performance by the defense, were killers. With that being said, that was one game. The O-line is by far our biggest issue. We are trying to be a power running team, which calls for a stout O-line, where we have one of the, if not the, worst guard and center combo in the NFL in Satele and Mcglynn. Like jwilli69 said, if you fix the O-line and the run and pass will improve greatly and the defense can stay fresh and spend less time on the field. This was our biggest issue last season and it still is. Would have liked to have seen more talent brought in this offseason, because with the Thomas injury, (excluding Cherilus) we are right back to the biggest issues we had last season.....Satele and Mcgynn.

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seriously what has gotta give for these two guys to lose there spot on the line 


it's time to see what Khaled Holmes can do because i have a hard time believing he is worse than satele but i doubt pagano will drop his home boy's McGlynn and Samson

I don't get it either.

They are sickening to watch.

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Again, I'm not trying to defend McGlynn or Satele. They are bad. But I just don't see how it's going to get better. It's pretty easy for us to say 'fix the O line'. Don't you think the coaches and the owner see that and they know that protecting the franchise is job 1?

I don't buy into any conspiracy theories, like McGlynn is Grigson's guy. I think they're really putting the best they have out there. They see these guys at practice, we don't. And yes, it can get worse.

Thomas going down is a killer.

I don't think it's a conspiracy but I think there is some stubborn coaches who value vet loyalty over playing an untested rookie in a game even when the vet is not getting it done. I just can't imagine that putting someone other than Mcgyln can make much worse of an impact cause he is extremely bad at his guard position and only slightly improved at the guard spot. Maybe they are holding out for Oline continuity over risking putting in the rookie. Idk but I hope they look at something over the bye week
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The scary thing is, Pagano thinks they do good 


Pagano on OL: I thought they did a pretty good job, to be honest with you. #Colts

How's he going to have any credibility calling out any of his players in public. 


I'm not in wild about the O line but the only real thing that has me confused is why is Satele playing center in stead of McGlynn. Guys walk past him on individual blocking schemes. They really need to create situations where they double team better on the line, because only 2 guys can handle individual blocking schemes with any consistancy. 

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Satele is just pathetic, I think you would be hard pressed to find another center starting in the NFL that is as bad as he is, and the same thing goes for Mcglynn at guard .A couple of times last night Mcglynn was pushed beyond Luck, all the D-lineman had to do once he pushed Mcglynn past Luck, was turn around and hit Luck. I'm so sick of seeing him run over,  pushed back and knocked flatt on his butt. How many times a game do we have to watch Satele whiff on blocks? Many times a game we watch Satele snap the ball and its his job to block the gap between C and G and he just can't snap the ball and get to the D-lineman before he has blown up the play. I think we do have options, we have already seen that Mcglynn at center and Link at guard works better. I have not seen enough of Holmes to say what he can do, but I've seen Rietz and Link play the guard position much better than Mcglynn and there is no way either should be behind Mcglynn on the depth chart .We have seen that when Satele doesn't play the O-line is better period. I don't have to be at practice every day to see that, its obvious. "THIS IS THE WORST STARTING CENTER, GUARD COMBO IN THE NFL.

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I think it's become clear to everyone that McGlynn and Satele are the weak links on the line.  If we can figure it out I am sure Grigson can too.  However, just because we don't like them doesn't mean Grigson can snap his fingers and make two better players appear.  If we had better options I am sure Pagano would have them out there. 


I said all pre-season my goal with the line this year was to see progress and we have.  Last year we had one guy who most felt was a true NFL level starter in Castonzo.  This year we are up to really four in Castonzo, GC, Thornton (his dumb penalty last night not with standing), and Thomas even though he's on IR.  If Holms can develop into the answer at center we are going to be real good shape with the o-line moving forward after this year.  If not then Grigson needs to go out and get one guy vs. as trying to find four guys like he had to do going into this season. 


So if people want to keep pointing out McGlynn and Satele aren't up to par be my guests but at this point I think we are just beating a dead horse. 

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