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Joe Lefeged Arrested...


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OMG he is a witch BURN HIM!! haha you all realize that is how you sound, I dont live in America thank god but from recent statistcal surveys i have studyd im sad to inform you all that 65 to 75 percent of Americans own guns... back on the topic though Joe was an awsome ST player and he will most likely be cut sad to see him go, Good luck Joe!

up to 75% yeah right. The number of guns sold is only one part of the equation as well since a very small % buy multiple guns.

Anyway the Colts better cut this joker loose. These are some serious charges at a time (Hernandez) when every player should hafve sense enough to b on their best behavior. Hes not valuable enough to the Colts to even make the decision a hard one.

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Really, you find it funny when someone is arrested?  I find it sad.  I mean how hard is it to stay out of trouble?


I personally find it HILARIOUS!  Why?  He is a stupid * and it's easy to laugh when stupid people do stupid things so publicly.  With what is happening with Aaron Hernandez, EVERY NFL player should be on their best behavior, especially as it relates to guns.  PERIOD.  All of THAT only adds to the stupidity of what Lefeged just did.


You are only tolerated as much as your talent allows.  I don't think Lefeged is so talented that he will survive this one. 


Reminds me of the Jimmy Johnson story of cutting a backup player for falling asleep in a team meeting.  A reporter asked Jimmy what he would have done if that had been Troy Aikman.  Jimmy said, "I would have gone back there and said, 'Hey Troy, wake up!'"  If that was Andrew Luck running from the cops like OJ and AC...eh, let's wait and see.  Since it's Joe Lefeged, cut his butt. Dummy!

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This is bad news, both for Lefeged and for the team... Lefeged was a below average safety, but he was a very good ST player... I say "was" because he is probably getting cut. IDK the details, but I'm a bit taken aback that the police caught him after a foot chase.. not sure if helicopters were deployed, but if a cop ran him down on foot, then we may have found our new back up safety!


The only person who might be seeing a bit of a silver lining to this news could be Dax Swanson (or an unknown S like Samuel), who might be just a little closer to making the 53 man roster. Yeah most of us thought Swanson was a corner, but the website has said S since he got here and now we are looking very thin, depth wise at that position.


I hope Boyett is recovering quickly and can show what he can do in TC and preseason... If Lefeged leaves, speed will be at a premium for the bottom of the roster because Brazill is out at least 4 games and Lefeged might not be here at all... we are going to be looking for a gunner to cover kicks. All of a sudden Cassius Vaughn seems like a lock to make the 53 before TC even starts...


I hope this recent string of unfortunate occurrences is no malevolent harbinger of calamities to come. :fear: 

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Let he who is without guns cast the first stone :lol:

 Ouch! Darn it Mother! Cut it out! :funny:


The Colts have a reputation to withhold as many have stated, so the Colts need to come down hard on him. I say "Nip this in the bud".


I agree with the philosophy OSC, but Deputy Barney Fife AKA Don Knotts doesn't exactly embody the zenith of strict law enforcement though. Right message, but wrong messenger IMHO.


Try Clint Eastwood instead. "A man's got to know his limitations."

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the national arrest rate is over 4%. Nfl players are arrested at a lower rate than the national average. There is no debate about it


And how many arrestable offenses that NFL players get away with still wind up sticking to Joe Blow from the streets? Players are usually Teflon when it comes to that - not much sticks. It really takes foolish behavior and pushing the limit way too far for an arrest and serious consequences to come from it. Compare it to some communities where it's almost like the police are looking for any excuse they can find to arrest you, the charges don't get dropped, and the courts don't do many favors in sentencing, and it's a world of difference.

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 All of a sudden Cassius Vaughn seems like a lock to make the 53 before TC even starts...


I hope this is true. I think i am one of the only people who actually likes Vaughn. I prefer him to someone like Gordy, dunno about the other udfa's but out of the DB's who we have already seen and are not rookies i think Vaughn is one of the best.

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WISHTV (local Indy) just reported that officers smelled weed and found alcohol in the car as well. The colts need to send a clear message to the rest of their players and make an example out of Lefeged. Hate to lose a good special teamer, but surely one of the new additions can replace him.

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I live near DC and travel that area quite a bit. Gun carrying folks are always risking arrest when traveling thru DC and Maryland due to their unconstitutional laws.

I carry and know that if i am caught I will be in deep % but the constitution is the law I live by. I may have even become paniced enough to run from the police.

I bet its all a bunch of * unconstitutional charges. Unregistered gun, ammo? There is no reason to register a gun or ammo.

I bet the guy who ran was carrying and knew how Police would do him if caught.

They should of stopped when lit up and refused to give up any weapons.

Good Luck guys...........get a good lawyer or they will throw the book at you.

Great post.

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Dump this guy immediately, certainly before the day is out.  The Patriots have set the bar on this kind of thing, and Lefeged has CLEARLY indicated what kind of excuse-for-a-man he is.  Alternatively, the Colts can align themselves with the Cowboys (Brent), who apparently will swallow anything.  Who are the Colts?


So, what's it to be?  Colt fans, you are the ones who will decide this matter.  Stand up and tell ownership what you think.

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In regards to the charge of 'unregistered gun and ammunition', I shall quote the ultimate authority on this matter - the guy they named their city after:

"A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from

any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."  - George Washington, 1793.

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Given the nature of some of DC's ridiculous gun laws past and present, I really want to reserve opinion on that until I have a LOT more info.

Any way you cut the fleeing, whether he was the driver at any point, or only on foot, is as inexcusable as being in possession (constructive or otherwise) of the controlled substances. At the very least, he's showing serious flaws in his decision making process.

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WISHTV (local Indy) just reported that officers smelled weed and found alcohol in the car as well. The colts need to send a clear message to the rest of their players and make an example out of Lefeged. Hate to lose a good special teamer, but surely one of the new additions can replace him.



Most cops say "we smelled weed and alcohol".  They need an excuse to turn the car inside out to find something to arrest you.  I would not be surprised if the only charges that will come out of this is are gun related.  Cops hate guys with guns because they can not pull their bully crap.  It is not against the law (constitutional) to carry a gun and ammo.   


We need to send a message to our government.............get it right.  Its us against them..........you are with us or against us.


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LOLOL at all "send a clear message" nonsense. I don't see ANY reason to cut him. Let him come to training camp & battle. Let the court system (as corrupt as D.C.s is) work and let Goodell determine what if any punishment is due. I think he risks the Plexiglass Burress treatment.

Its nonsense for a Head Coach to read and hear one of his players broke the law and then not discipline him for it? a message is going to be sent  that Pagano has no control over his team by allowing him to break the law under his watch by just letting him go as if nothing happened, How do you like the idea of the topic of our monday night football game this year to be the arrest of a backup Safety for driving with an open container of alcohol and a posession of an unregistered firearm (while likely being at the very least buzzed you can assume do to the open cotainer of alcohol) and then the other topic to be our 3rd or 4th string NT's (If he is lucky) run in with the law

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Its nonsense for a Head Coach to read and hear one of his players broke the law and then not discipline him for it? a message is going to be sent  that Pagano has no control over his team by allowing him to break the law under his watch by just letting him go as if nothing happened, How do you like the idea of the topic of our monday night football game this year to be the arrest of a backup Safety for driving with an open container of alcohol and a posession of an unregistered firearm (while likely being at the very least buzzed you can assume do to the open cotainer of alcohol) and then the other topic to be our 3rd or 4th string NT's (If he is lucky) run in with the law


I wouldn't care if he's still downing punts inside the 10.

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How about we not turn this into a "the cops are blank thread" we had that a couple weeks ago. I'm sorry, but you're in denial and wrong. Everyone has to play by the rules.

WISHTV (local Indy) just reported that officers smelled weed and found alcohol in the car as well. The colts need to send a clear message to the rest of their players and make an example out of Lefeged. Hate to lose a good special teamer, but surely one of the new additions can replace him.

Most cops say "we smelled weed and alcohol". They need an excuse to turn the car inside out to find something to arrest you. I would not be surprised if the only charges that will come out of this is are gun related. Cops hate guys with guns because they can not pull their bully crap. It is not against the law (constitutional) to carry a gun and ammo.

We need to send a message to our government.............get it right. Its us against them..........you are with us or against us.

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If the Colts were more like the Pats, he would already be cut.

Yes, because the Pats were totally unaware of Hernandez being linked to two other murders and his being sued for shooting a man in the face prior to this latest mess. And I'm sure they were totally unaware of his gang ties when they drafted him.

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You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Sometime stupid is just unstoppable. Professionals, millionaires, etc.......they are still kids. They think they are invincible. I am just far enough away from that age that I can't really blame some of these kids for the errors they make. However, this has to be one of the stupidest things a player could have done at this point (short of murder). With the Hernandez situation, why would you be walking around without a carry license.......or walking around with a weapon at all in a city that does not allow for conceal carry? That is just plain stupid....and then to run? C'mon.....just cooperate with police and plead ignorance. You may still get in trouble, but running makes it a lot worse. It is beyond me that some of these players can't stay out of their own way. Given the Hernandez situation, I almost feel that the Colts have no choice, but to cut him.


Back to your statement. It is the offseason and Lefeged was away from Indy and the team. At some point people have to be accountable for their own actions. l got a DUI when I was 26.....0.09. Do I blame my parents, girlfriend, or boss for not instilling discipline? I have never been in any kind of trouble other than that in my life. I was waiting for my girlfriend (now wife) to get off work. She was a bartender. I had two mixed drinks while waiting for her. Had less than 1.5 miles to drive. Officer watched me leave the parking lot and pulled me over because my plate illuminating light was not bright enough. Stuff happens..........no ones fault, but my own.




You are 100% correct. What I meant by Grigs and Pagano failing is that they need to be sending a very clear message it will not be tolerated. If they fail to act on either of these two knuckle heads that is.

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Actually, they did know about possible gang activity when they drafted him. It was flagged by many teams on their scouting reports, pre draft.

Yes, because the Pats were totally unaware of Hernandez being linked to two other murders and his being sued for shooting a man in the face prior to this latest mess. And I'm sure they were totally unaware of his gang ties when they drafted him.

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How about we not turn this into a "the cops are blank thread" we had that a couple weeks ago. I'm sorry, but you're in denial and wrong. Everyone has to play by the rules.


I am not sure what thread you are refering to but I guess you were on the cops side?  What am I in denial about?  Is it that cops are not always looking for a way to jail and ticket the public in order to generate revenue?  What am I wrong about?  Is it that gun laws in DC are unconstitutional? 


Are you keeping up with current events?  The government and police do not play by the rules and if you play by their rules I hope no one is counting on you to protect and support them. 


I do not want to argue with you but if you believe everything that the government, cops and media claim............then you really need to take a look at what is happening right under your nose.


Praying for you as I type. 

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Yes, because the Pats were totally unaware of Hernandez being linked to two other murders and his being sued for shooting a man in the face prior to this latest mess. And I'm sure they were totally unaware of his gang ties when they drafted him.

Wow, you KNEW these things?

You honestly don't know the facts, do you? Hernandez wasn't linked to the other murders until *gasp* THIS WEEK! The shooting in the face issue? That was never even filed properly until *gasp* this past week!

His gang ties, I think, were from his days in Bristol, not his days in FL.

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Wow, you KNEW these things?

You honestly don't know the facts, do you? Hernandez wasn't linked to the other murders until *gasp* THIS WEEK! The shooting in the face issue? That was never even filed properly until *gasp* this past week!

His gang ties, I think, were from his days in Bristol, not his days in FL.

My take,  for what it's worth..... is that I agree with the bolded part.    And to continue,  This information is "out there" now,  the Pats have cut ties with him, This case is not going to be settled overnight.... and at the very least,  his football career is more than likely over...  DONE....  but that is the "least" of his worries or concerns right now.

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Regardless of the outcome, where he had the gun or not, the Colts need to send a message and put their foot down and not wait for the league. At a bare minimum, a suspension, big fine(if they are allowed to under the CBA) on both Brazil and Lefledge. I'm not a fan of zero tolerance, at all, but this is not the conduct of a Colt and that needs to be made very clear. I'm curious to see what the Colts do and if they are as brash to react as the Pats did, grant the charges for Joe are no where near a murder charge. For the first time, I blame Grigs and Pagano for not instilling the responsibility and discipline this team needs.


Don't overreact on Brazill. First of all, he is being fined, over $100k. He's suspended without pay for four games. Second, we know what he tested positive for, or the circumstances surrounding that positive test. And most important, I believe the Colts were aware of the Brazill situation well before it was made public, and if so, they've probably already addressed it to their satisfaction.


As for Lefeged, I do believe that a release is imminent. But I don't think his situation has anything to do with not instilling responsibility and discipline. Joe Lefeged is a grown man. It's not management's job to keep him from doing stupid things during the offseason. That's an unfair burden to lay at their feet. If this were a team issue -- locker room conduct, on field behavior, etc. -- then we could talk. But the doldrums of the offseason? No, they are not responsible for the actions of a grown man.


Assuming we understand the facts accurately in this case, though, if the Colts don't release him, it could then be seen as a tacit endorsement of his behavior. That would be different. But, like I said, I'd be very surprised if Lefeged is still a Colt by the time camp opens.

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How hard is it to not get into trouble? I've done it for 24 years no problem.

I dont mean this in a racist way.  And sorry if it comes off that way.  But you bring a lot of these kids out of a the ghetto.  And then get surprised when they get into trouble.  Not saying this is the situation.  But A lot of the times.  That is the issue.

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I am not sure what thread you are refering to but I guess you were on the cops side?  What am I in denial about?  Is it that cops are not always looking for a way to jail and ticket the public in order to generate revenue?  What am I wrong about?  Is it that gun laws in DC are unconstitutional? 


Are you keeping up with current events?  The government and police do not play by the rules and if you play by their rules I hope no one is counting on you to protect and support them. 


I do not want to argue with you but if you believe everything that the government, cops and media claim............then you really need to take a look at what is happening right under your nose.


Praying for you as I type. 


Your argument about the role of government and police and gun rights and the constitution is best served for a different forum, not this one.


For me, it comes down very clearly to the fact that Lefeged evidently violated the law. And we're not talking about speeding or littering. Gun laws are treated very seriously in most places; I believe carrying an unregistered firearm in DC is a felony, like it or not. Riding in a car with open alcohol containers is not only against the law, but just really stupid. There was evidently marijuana in the car. 


There's just so much going on here, assuming what's been reported is true, that it sounds like blatant disregard for the law. Now if that's something you are promoting, then it's clear that we could never agree on this issue. But I think a player that would put himself in such a precarious situation ought to be dismissed from the team.

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Wow, you KNEW these things?

You honestly don't know the facts, do you? Hernandez wasn't linked to the other murders until *gasp* THIS WEEK! The shooting in the face issue? That was never even filed properly until *gasp* this past week!

His gang ties, I think, were from his days in Bristol, not his days in FL.

Gang affiliation changes MOST people and they will never be as they were ever again. I had a friend(husband to my wife's best friend) who was Puerto Rican and lived most of his life in Chicago. To say the least, he was tied up in the gang at one point in his adolescent life... got out somehow and started going to church. Even though he was out... he still would dress like one and put out this 'I'm a bad dude' vibe. He got better over time but, anytime he was confronted with negativity... that was what he went back to. You couldn't have a debate with this guy without the gang banger coming out in him. I thought it was ridiculous. It proved to be the downfall of his marriage because he could never forgive completely and it slowly drove him away from his wife... he would hold things against her for years until he decided just to throw his marriage away.


I said that to say this...maybe Hernandez was on the straight and narrow for a spell but, just like my friend, the gang banger mentality crept back in and ruined what was good in his life.

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I dont mean this in a racist way.  And sorry if it comes off that way.  But you bring a lot of these kids out of a the ghetto.  And then get surprised when they get into trouble.  Not saying this is the situation.  But A lot of the times.  That is the issue.


The ghetto produces people from all races, maybe some more than others. But pointing out that a lot of NFL players come from tough backgrounds isn't inherently racist. It's true.

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