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News from the Reggie Wayne Show


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For those that don't know Reggie Wayne has a radio show in Indianapolis on WNDE which is normally on Tuesdays but has been moved to Monday for the past couple of weeks.  Today was the last day since the season is over but he shared some notes.  Nothing too earth shattering just stuff fans might like to know.


1.  He said he think BA will be gone.  He is also NOT looking forward to learning a new system and this is me reading into him here sounds like a guy who knows he only has a couple of years left.  He took the playoff loss very hard yesterday for that very reason.


2.  He DOES plan to recruit Ed Reed this off-season.  I think Reed would be a nice pick up if the Colts can get him.  Reggie and him are best friends and he would be reunited with Pagano who he loves too.  If they Colts can get him for a couple of years he would be an upgrade in the safety department. 


3.  He will take the other WRs and WR coach with him to the Pro-Bowl.  He think they deserve it because of how well they played this year.  He also said he hopes Andrew gets to join him too because he thinks he deserves it. 


4.  He is planning on flying out to California this off-season to work out with Andrew when Andrew is ready for it.  He also made the point of Andrew is not Peyton and does not eat, breath, and live football like Peyton does.  He was more or less saying Andrew has a life outside of football and wasn't trying to slam anyone I think he was just making the point that had made that offer to Peyton Peyton would have had him there the day after the season and kept him there all off-season. 


5.  He shared a story about how Tennessee was recruiting him and how he would have been a freshmen with Peyton his Senior Year.  He said he got called and told they gave away his scholarship to a track guy who ended up quitting and to this day if you ask Peyton Manning about it he gets mad. 


6.  He said he is a very good friend with Ray Lewis but took his dancing with time left on the clock as disrespectful.  He took a couple of more shots at Lewis threw out the show and you can tell he did not like that all but was also quick to say they should have played better and made more plays to keep him from being in the poistion to do the dance in the first place. 

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Did he mention anything about the hit Pollard laid on him (helmet to helmet) or about that stare Reggie gave to Pollard after he hugged him from behind (as to say "sorry, bro") a few played later? Did anyone see that?

He didn't bring that up at all he just talked about the Ray Lewis bit and how they left so many plays on the field and how the film was painful to watch because of that. 

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Remember when Reggie used to get dressed up at the beginning of the season to have a laugh on how we were working towards a superbowl? Did he do that the past 2 seasons? Maybe it's time for him to do it again, if he didn't.


yes!! my favorite is when he showed up as a construction worker LOL


Edit: Heres the link, dont want to slow down the thread


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For those that don't know Reggie Wayne has a radio show in Indianapolis on WNDE which is normally on Tuesdays but has been moved to Monday for the past couple of weeks.  Today was the last day since the season is over but he shared some notes.  Nothing too earth shattering just stuff fans might like to know.


1.  He said he think BA will be gone.  He is also NOT looking forward to learning a new system and this is me reading into him here sounds like a guy who knows he only has a couple of years left.  He took the playoff loss very hard yesterday for that very reason.


2.  He DOES plan to recruit Ed Reed this off-season.  I think Reed would be a nice pick up if the Colts can get him.  Reggie and him are best friends and he would be reunited with Pagano who he loves too.  If they Colts can get him for a couple of years he would be an upgrade in the safety department. 


3.  He will take the other WRs and WR coach with him to the Pro-Bowl.  He think they deserve it because of how well they played this year.  He also said he hopes Andrew gets to join him too because he thinks he deserves it. 


4.  He is planning on flying out to California this off-season to work out with Andrew when Andrew is ready for it.  He also made the point of Andrew is not Peyton and does not eat, breath, and live football like Peyton does.  He was more or less saying Andrew has a life outside of football and wasn't trying to slam anyone I think he was just making the point that had made that offer to Peyton Peyton would have had him there the day after the season and kept him there all off-season. 


5.  He shared a story about how Tennessee was recruiting him and how he would have been a freshmen with Peyton his Senior Year.  He said he got called and told they gave away his scholarship to a track guy who ended up quitting and to this day if you ask Peyton Manning about it he gets mad. 


6.  He said he is a very good friend with Ray Lewis but took his dancing with time left on the clock as disrespectful.  He took a couple of more shots at Lewis threw out the show and you can tell he did not like that all but was also quick to say they should have played better and made more plays to keep him from being in the poistion to do the dance in the first place. 



your 4th comment, i think reggie was more in saying (these are my words) " thank god i can have a couple months off before having to practice " like he had to do with peyton. not that it was a bad thing, but reggie is 34 and will need this break especially after the season he had. but i could be wrong lol



and doesnt Ed Reed play the same position as Bethea??? so who would you move to the opposite side?? take bethea out of his position or move reed??

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your 4th comment, i think reggie was more in saying (these are my words) " thank god i can have a couple months off before having to practice " like he had to do with peyton. not that it was a bad thing, but reggie is 34 and will need this break especially after the season he had. but i could be wrong lol



and doesnt Ed Reed play the same position as Bethea??? so who would you move to the opposite side?? take bethea out of his position or move reed??

I don't know but just because Wayne said he is going to try to recruit Reed doesn't mean the Colts will go after him.  With that said Bethea did not play well this season.  If they get Ed Reed they COULD and that is just a guess release Bethea for Reed or they could move one who knows.  Right now it's just a giant what if. 

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Thanks GoColts8818!


All I have to say about the Ray dance and Reggie's response, is be quiet Reggie. Probably my favorite player, Reggie is, but in this case he needs to keep it shut. One of the greatest players is playing his last game at home, and he does a little dance on the last play, and he gets mad. Signs of a soar loser.

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I don't know but just because Wayne said he is going to try to recruit Reed doesn't mean the Colts will go after him.  With that said Bethea did not play well this season.  If they get Ed Reed they COULD and that is just a guess release Bethea for Reed or they could move one who knows.  Right now it's just a giant what if. 

Bethea can play both safety positions their wouldn't be a need for that..

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Thanks GoColts8818!


All I have to say about the Ray dance and Reggie's response, is be quiet Reggie. Probably my favorite player, Reggie is, but in this case he needs to keep it shut. One of the greatest players is playing his last game at home, and he does a little dance on the last play, and he gets mad. Signs of a soar loser.


They asked him how he felt. I appreciate his honesty. 

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Thanks GoColts8818!


All I have to say about the Ray dance and Reggie's response, is be quiet Reggie. Probably my favorite player, Reggie is, but in this case he needs to keep it shut. One of the greatest players is playing his last game at home, and he does a little dance on the last play, and he gets mad. Signs of a soar loser.

I actually thought it was cool the way he ended the game off and it will be one of the most memorable moments I ever witnessed watching football..nothing to feel disrespected about imo..

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Thanks GoColts8818!


All I have to say about the Ray dance and Reggie's response, is be quiet Reggie. Probably my favorite player, Reggie is, but in this case he needs to keep it shut. One of the greatest players is playing his last game at home, and he does a little dance on the last play, and he gets mad. Signs of a soar loser.

Reggie can't feel disrespected about that? It's his opinion. It isn't a sign of a "soar" loser.. And its spelled SORE loser.
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Thanks GoColts8818!

All I have to say about the Ray dance and Reggie's response, is be quiet Reggie. Probably my favorite player, Reggie is, but in this case he needs to keep it shut. One of the greatest players is playing his last game at home, and he does a little dance on the last play, and he gets mad. Signs of a soar loser.

I agree with Reggie. The dance was disrespectful and narcissistic. It was pretty sickening.

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the dance was disrespectful. I think Ray is a first ballot hall of famer but he could of waited

How was it disrespectful?  The Ravens were in Victory formation and the game was essentially over.  Also it was Ray's last game in front of his home crowd so he was giving one last dance for his fans. It was an emotional moment for him.  It was not intended as a slight to the Colts. 

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I think as a player on the losing team it might have bugged you to see Ray act like this, especially one like Reggie who has time ticking himself to win playoff games. We often say the future is bright and we will have many shots with our young stars like Andrew Luck, but we this is not the case with everyone...especially Reggie. But, also Wayne himself had to know his chances of winning it all this year were slim and making a deep playoff run before the season started.


With that being said, I did not mind Ray at all at the end. He is an all time great and that was his last home game. Besides, those antics of his are his thing....it is part of what makes him who he is. And his fans appreciated it.





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I agree the dance made me want to puke. What a classless piece of crap. It was disrespectful to the whole Colts team, and yes narcissistic is exactly what it was. I don't care what kind of career you've had, its no reason to act like a buffone. It wasn't about winning, it was all about Ray. He represnts everything that is wrong with sports, Ray Lewis was the gateway to all the other * that came along and made everthing about themselves and not the team, Terell "T O" Owens, Chad " Ocho Sinco "Johnson, Ray "Ray Ray" Lewis, all attention whores, Now people want to defend these classless acts and say its OK he was playing his last game and did a little dance, sore loser. One, is not a sore loser if they expect someone to act with class, and a great career or a win is no reason to act without class, nor does it excuse it. I'm so glad I will never have to see this fake, play football again, or hear him speak about god or the lord, right after acting like a fool. Wonder what the lord thought of that selfish act. 

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Thanks GoColts8818!


All I have to say about the Ray dance and Reggie's response, is be quiet Reggie. Probably my favorite player, Reggie is, but in this case he needs to keep it shut. One of the greatest players is playing his last game at home, and he does a little dance on the last play, and he gets mad. Signs of a soar loser.

First of all no problem.


The way Reggie answered the question he didn't come across like a sore loser.  At first he kinda beat around the bush and you could tell he was trying to be careful not to sound like a sore loser but at the sametime say hey we didn't like it.  He brought up that the Ravens honored him every quarter and he just didn't think the dance with time still left on the clock was needed.  With that said he was very quick to point out they had no one to blame but themselves for letting the Ravens get in the spot where they could celebrate like that. 


One of the last things the hosts did was thank Reggie because when they found out they were doing to the show this year they asked is there anything you don't want us to ask you and they said Reggie looked at them like they were crazy and said "Ask anything you want the people want to know."  So I think Reggie was just open and honest and didn't duck away from any questions he was asked all year.  Today was no exception. 

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I think as a player on the losing team it might have bugged you to see Ray act like this, especially one like Reggie who has time ticking himself to win playoff games. We often say the future is bright and we will have many shots with our young stars like Andrew Luck, but we this is not the case with everyone...especially Reggie. But, also Wayne himself had to know his chances of winning it all this year were slim and making a deep playoff run before the season started.


With that being said, I did not mind Ray at all at the end. He is an all time great and that was his last home game. Besides, those antics of his are his thing....it is part of what makes him who he is. And his fans appreciated it.

Yeah they asked Reggie what hurt more losing yesterday or losing other playoff games and he said losing yesterday because he knows he doesn't have many more chances left.  He said he got on the plane and there were guys kinda joking and stuff and he was getting mad and then it hit him just how young this team was and how for them there are going to be lots more chances but for him there might not be.  I would really love it if this team could win a ring for Reggie before he retires.  I know he already has one but it would be a nice way to send Reggie out. 

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Yeah they asked Reggie what hurt more losing yesterday or losing other playoff games and he said losing yesterday because he knows he doesn't have many more chances left.  He said he got on the plane and there were guys kinda joking and stuff and he was getting mad and then it hit him just how young this team was and how for them there are going to be lots more chances but for him there might not be.  I would really love it if this team could win a ring for Reggie before he retires.  I know he already has one but it would be a nice way to send Reggie out. 



He will have 2 more years after this correct?  Wouldn't that be crazy if we did.  Guy is allworld class though.  He can get this group right, if he puts these boys to work down in Mia.  Vick Ballard is a southern boy from MS, TY is from Miami and Brazill From FL as well.  Have edge come in and work out with Ballard.  If this season was possible, anything is.

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He will have 2 more years after this correct? Wouldn't that be crazy if we did. Guy is allworld class though. He can get this group right, if he puts these boys to work down in Mia. Vick Ballard is a southern boy from MS, TY is from Miami and Brazill From FL as well. Have edge come in and work out with Ballard. If this season was possible, anything is.
well if you believe reg he's going to Cali this year he said Andrew came to him last year so this year it's his year to go to him.

I had kinda thought Andrew had relocated to Indy because his girl friend has a job working for one of the big architecture companies in Indy. Not that it really matters if Andrew lives here year round or not.

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