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Worst 11-5 Team in History?


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Well said.  I think many writers are very upset that they missed the analysis on the Colts so badly.  Prisco predicted one win and claimed to have an AFC South scout who called the Colts the most talentless NFL team in the last five years or so.  So, ripping the Colts now is their way of saying, "We weren't wrong!  The Colts just got lucky!"  For the most part, the Colts have given people plenty of reasons to doubt them.  A couple of weeks ago they almost lost to KC (a terrible team).  They got killed by the Jets (not a good team).  They lost to Jacksonville.  And they won a lot of squeekers against poor teams (Jax, Tenn, Miami, Buff, Cleve, etc.)  I'm just happy that their most complete game was last week against a good team with everything to gain from a win.  That's a little momentum, even though every writer seems to be calling momentum a myth heading into the playoffs...
If that's the case then why dont we just lose on purpose and get a better draft pick. we are soooo bad and we can't win in the playoffs anyway, so the season is a bust for an 11-5 team. we should have just packed it in before the first snap of the season and shot for a top 5 draft pick. NOT!!!!

I realize what YOU were saying which I agree with, but man, these other jerks on Grantland, wow. I have respect for Bill Simmons and his crew (GRANTLAND), but lordy, give me a break!

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You guys are funny.  I really enjoyed reading this thread!


I have to admit that I've been amazed at our wins and never imagined us being in the playoffs.


But if we are so bad..........what about everyone else?


The year we won the superbowl, I heard Polian speak and he talked about how it took more than talent and skill to win the superbowl.  If it was just on talent, then we should have won it before xli.


Whatever "it" is.............."It" has most certainly been with us this season.  Personally, I think there is a lot to be said for how bonded these guys are because of what everyone was saying about them before the season and because of coach being out sick.


It was a wild and crazy season............but here we are.  If we are the worst playoff team, I don't care.  I had a blast watching these guys.  They got heart!

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First....   the story does NOT say "the worst 11-5 playoff team in history"  the key word he used is....  "AMONG the worst 11-5 playoff teams in history....


And, as unpopular as it may be....   he's right.     Either way, agree or disagree,  here's the meat of his argument...  it's one key paragraph...   not hard to follow...   I'm cutting and pasting.    By the way, while I don't know Grandland,  what it is is a website devoted to sports and the writers are known to be AMONG the best writers on the planet.



By just about any advanced measure I can find, the Colts rate out to be among the worst 11-5 teams and the worst playoff teams in league history.   Their point differential over 16 games was at minus-30, a figure that would more commonly be associated with a 7-9 team than an 11-5 one.   The Colts are the first team in league history to win 11 or more games with a negative point differential. They're 25th in DVOA, the Football Outsiders core statistic,2 and 24th per the Simple Rating System. They have 11 wins despite all that because they've played the league's easiest schedule (by virtually any definition you can imagine), gone 9-1 in games decided by one touchdown or less, and gotten brilliant work in the clutch from Andrew Luck.



I don't follow 'advanced metrics' much...   but the line in there that says the most to me...  our point differential is a minus-30...   more associated with a 7-9 team than an 11-5 team.    That says a lot to me.   A lot.

It also proves that stats don't tell who you are, it tells who you were. Going by our stats we should not win any games, or at least very few. The D would not be holding teams to 1 TD a game for the last four games. The stats show that's not likely.

I'm pretty sure they still play the games on a field, they don't let the stats decide who wins.

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REALLY!?!? I think the Colts could easily get to the divisional round this year.
It smells of "I'm a closet Ravens fan, I see a loss coming, and I am trying to put a slant on it beforehand.
Well that settles it. No sense in watching the game now. Thanks Bill.

He also said that the Colts could easily win the game, but that history would suggest that they'll get soundly beaten in the next round. Is that really all that different than what most of us are saying?

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Is this the worst 11-5 team ever?


Bill Barnwell has been ripping on the Colts in recent articles essentially calling the Colts lucky and possibly the worst 11-5 team ever.  To which I say, Yeah, SO?


What Barnwell doesn't get is most Colts fans don't disagree.  This Colts team has been a little lucky and they very well may be the worst 11-5 team EVER.  I think they are.  But the most exciting thing for fans is that this team is full of rookies, including a rookie QB with GOAT potential AND this team has not spent any real money yet.


We won 11 games without trying! 


Whatever happens in the playoffs is icing on the cake!  Wait until that $35+ million comes off the book and Grigson actually tries to build an offensive and defensive line next year.  We will be a legit Super Bowl contender in Year 2 of the Luck Era. 

Speak for yourself ... 



Luck is for losers...   Teams make their own "LUCK"..      This team has not quit once this season, and that is half of the battle.


Indy is 3-2 vs "playoff" competition.    They beat the Texans in week 17 in a game that would have given Hou home field advantage throughout the AFC playoffs.      This team is no pushover.


Lucky?   IMO THE COLTS are the team that has had the bad breaks.     How many players does Indy have on IR?  How many games lost to injury? How many different OL combinations has Indy played through this season?  


This writer points to stats that tell a lie as far as the season as a "whole" has went.


take away the Jets, Bears, and KC game and INDY's D has not been all that bad.   Esp considering the revolving door at CB.  And the turnover ratio is another misleading stat.    They simply have not given up points off of those TO's.   


I give this team credit...  they did not back into the playoffs like Houston did.    Had Indy not let a punt get  blocked @ Houston, or stopped Cecil Shorts Indy very well could be sitting at home this weekend awaiting the Houston @ Baltimore winner.

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He also said that the Colts could easily win the game, but that history would suggest that they'll get soundly beaten in the next round. Is that really all that different than what most of us are saying?


Yeah, but you know what?

A man can complain about his wife all he want, to whoever he wants (or a woman about her husband, or course).

But, you better not say anything bad about her.    :)

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I understand what he's saying.

I understand we could be one and done, or win this one and get blown out in the next round.

I understand that we may APPEAR to be one of the weaker links in these play-offs.


However, I really don't think this point differential point is really all that indicative of the Colts right now.


Yep, we're 11-5 with a point differential of -30. Of those five losses, we got blown out three times.

In those three blow outs, we had a point differential of -81. Two of those blow outs were while a young team was still trying to figure itself out.


The Pats game was the only blow out that I feel may happen again if they played the game today, and the Colts hung on for most of the game.


I don't feel the same about the Bears or the Jets. They were both just lucky they got us early. Not saying we would have won, just that the losses probably wouldn't have been as decisive.


I don't feel bad at all that we were 9-1 in close games. I think that's pretty impressive, actually. That's 10 games we could have easily lost, and won 9 of them. A young team finding it's way, and being successful doing it.


I remember when we beat the Bears, there were some saying we were one of the worst SB Champs in history.


There's only a few teams in the play offs this year who I feel we'd really have no shot at beating. However, we've had these arguments all season about teams we can't beat (thanks oldunclemark), but we've managed to win most of them (thanks again oldunclemark, you seem to be a charm)(just ribbing you btw).


Perhaps it's a 'happening', but you gotta give a great deal of credit to everyone who's played for us this year, and the entire coaching staff to get them to Baltimore, where this ride may not end.


Good night, and good luck!

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With all do respect to others on here, but how in the world can you say something thing like "An 11-5 team is and 11-5 team"? That makes no logical sense what so ever. So you're saying that if we had the toughest schedule in the league we'd still be 11-5? No, I don't buy it. Our team had too easy of a schedule and has too many holes to be on par with with more "complete" 11-5 teams. If being the first 11-5 team in NFL history to have a negative point differential doesn't say something then what can? This team, when playing at its best has a chance to succeed, as games like the second half of the Packers game or week 17 Texans game can show. This team still has some big holes to fill; many of them in the same places as last year. I know it's hard for people to be a fan of an 11-5 team and say we still have a ways to go before we're a more complete team, but come on, you can support your team, recognize it's flaws, and not have to feel shame about it as if being a "lesser" 11-5 team somehow tarnishes the amazing efforts of our players who through their passion for the game and love and respect for their coach have pulled off some amazing wins. I don't see it as luck that brought us this far, but I do think that we got here by the skin of our teeth.


And as a disclaimer to those who haven't seen me post enough to know my leanings, I'm usually very positive. I think we are very fortunate to have a team that plays with so much heart and who look like they really play to win, not just for the buck, and I truly believe we have one of the best fan bases in football. And I think we can be more than a 1 and done team in the playoffs if we can play our greatest football.

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With all do respect to others on here, but how in the world can you say something thing like "An 11-5 team is and 11-5 team"? That makes no logical sense what so ever. So you're saying that if we had the toughest schedule in the league we'd still be 11-5? No, I don't buy it. Our team had too easy of a schedule and has too many holes to be on par with with more "complete" 11-5 teams. If being the first 11-5 team in NFL history to have a negative point differential doesn't say something then what can? This team, when playing at its best has a chance to succeed, as games like the second half of the Packers game or week 17 Texans game can show. This team still has some big holes to fill; many of them in the same places as last year. I know it's hard for people to be a fan of an 11-5 team and say we still have a ways to go before we're a more complete team, but come on, you can support your team, recognize it's flaws, and not have to feel shame about it as if being a "lesser" 11-5 team somehow tarnishes the amazing efforts of our players who through their passion for the game and love and respect for their coach have pulled off some amazing wins. I don't see it as luck that brought us this far, but I do think that we got here by the skin of our teeth.


And as a disclaimer to those who haven't seen me post enough to know my leanings, I'm usually very positive. I think we are very fortunate to have a team that plays with so much heart and who look like they really play to win, not just for the buck, and I truly believe we have one of the best fan bases in football. And I think we can be more than a 1 and done team in the playoffs if we can play our greatest football.


On the chance that I may have been one of those you were speaking of, please don't misunderstand me.

I'm not in awe of our super powers. We certainly do have flaws, but we're not dogs either.


For our easy schedule: We have to play our division twice. We played the NFC North, who got 2 teams to the play offs, and had a 10-6 team. That leaves 6 games open. We got to play the AFC East, and two other bad teams. Which other AFC division would have made it more difficult? Then we can determine the other two games based on the best available....?

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Okay fine. A vast array of reporters, commentators, & pundits can claim that 11-5 is a mirage, our line isn't solid, & that the Ravens are skilled on the defensive mental prowess front with Suggs, Lewis, & Reed in the mix.


QB Kurt Warner wasn't supposed to take AZ to the SB in 2009, The Patriots were supposed to win it all in 2007 vs the NY Giants, & Tampa Bay wasn't supposed to beat the heavily favored Raiders in 2002 either.


I like being 2nd guessed, neglected, & not taken seriously by the "experts." Diminished expectations is a beautiful place to be. No fear, no doubt, no pressure. Just play baby & let the chips fall where they fall. 


"Those who can't do...teach" or they become journalists for a living.  haha

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I don't know about worse team in history since I'm not an NFL history buff, but I do think we are no where close to being as good as our record indicates.  We did play a cupcake schedule afterall.  But really.....who cares?  This is still all gravy to me, so I'm going to be happy with the season no matter what the result of this game. 

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Is this the worst 11-5 team ever?


Bill Barnwell has been ripping on the Colts in recent articles essentially calling the Colts lucky and possibly the worst 11-5 team ever.  To which I say, Yeah, SO?


What Barnwell doesn't get is most Colts fans don't disagree.  This Colts team has been a little lucky and they very well may be the worst 11-5 team EVER.  I think they are.  But the most exciting thing for fans is that this team is full of rookies, including a rookie QB with GOAT potential AND this team has not spent any real money yet.


We won 11 games without trying! 


Whatever happens in the playoffs is icing on the cake!  Wait until that $35+ million comes off the book and Grigson actually tries to build an offensive and defensive line next year.  We will be a legit Super Bowl contender in Year 2 of the Luck Era. 

I believe that you are right on. I agree that we are probably the worst 11-5 team, not necessarily EVER as you had said but it is what it is. I think Sunday is going to be a massacre now that the Ravens feel that they need to win one for Ray L. Next year though when that $$$ comes off the books........watch out we are going to be crazy good. I almost feel bad for many of these poor souls in all of the forums that honestly think we are going to make a deep run in these playoffs . It's nice to see someone else has a similar outlook on these Colts for this year.

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The Colts are 11-5 they earned their record.  They might very well lose on Sunday and it might be bad.  However, this team was not supposed to be there.  They are ahead of schedule here and rather they are the worst one to ever be 11-5 or not does not matter.  This is a very young team that is gaining invaluable experience so that in years to come when they reach the playoffs they will not have to learn how to play playoff football then.  The NFL is very much a pay your dues league.  Very rarely does a team come along that wins it all without previous playoff experience. 


Make no mistake this year is going to payoff big time in years to come.  That's what Colts fans need to look at.  People can call this year whatever you want, rebuilding, reloading, building the monster.  They all have something in common starting the process of making this a great team.  That's what we need to remember this is still year one in the process.  We have holes to fill and now when we fill the holes rather than having to learn how to win this team already knows and man that is just invaluable. 

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On the chance that I may have been one of those you were speaking of, please don't misunderstand me.

I'm not in awe of our super powers. We certainly do have flaws, but we're not dogs either.


For our easy schedule: We have to play our division twice. We played the NFC North, who got 2 teams to the play offs, and had a 10-6 team. That leaves 6 games open. We got to play the AFC East, and two other bad teams. Which other AFC division would have made it more difficult? Then we can determine the other two games based on the best available....?


It's more than worth mentioning that our our opponents winning percentage was .500 which is right in the middle of the pack with the rest of the league, but what I feel, and this is just my opinion, that there is just just more to it than that.


For example the Vikings had AP2K very limited against us, and Greenbay went in to Indy banged up and would end up losing their running back and NT against us, and going up against the AFC North would have been worse than the AFC East. And I feel like the number of close game we have, even against bad teams says something about my statement that we have gotten to where we are by the skin of our teeth. I haven't said we're not a playoff caliber team, just to clarify, I'm just arguing the case that we perhaps look more like a typical 9-7 team than an 11-5 team. and that all 11-5 teams are equal.


And no, I wasn't referring to you, and no offense intended to whoever I am referring to.

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It's more than worth mentioning that our our opponents winning percentage was .500 which is right in the middle of the pack with the rest of the league, but what I feel, and this is just my opinion, that there is just just more to it than that.


For example the Vikings had AP2K very limited against us, and Greenbay went in to Indy banged up and would end up losing their running back and NT against us, and going up against the AFC North would have been worse than the AFC East. And I feel like the number of close game we have, even against bad teams says something about my statement that we have gotten to where we are by the skin of our teeth. I haven't said we're not a playoff caliber team, just to clarify, I'm just arguing the case that we perhaps look more like a typical 9-7 team than an 11-5 team. and that all 11-5 teams are equal.


And no, I wasn't referring to you, and no offense intended to whoever I am referring to.

I didn't edit in time so here:



The data I used for the first paragraph in my last post was last year's info.


This year we rank 30th in strength of schedule (if the NFL Trade Rumor article is accurate). And I would say playing the AFC North would have been worse than the AFC East, but that's my opinion. I'm not saying we're not a playoff team, to clarify, I'm just saying we look more like a 9-7 team than what a more complete 11-5 team may look like, and I mean only to say I don't believe all 11-5 teams are made equal.

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I'd rather be the worst 11-5 team in history than the best 8-8 team in history

this is true, unless you have the same records as the 2008 Pats and 2008 Chargers respectfully,as the latter made the playoffs at 8-8 and the former did not at 11-5, alas . . .

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I've gotten to the point where I laugh when people start pointing out our stats! Everybody in this forum knows our stats SUCK. Onthe contrary we all know our boys find ways to win, and we have more talent on this team then people give us credit for. When game day comes, teams end up finding out we put up more fight then they bargained for. They find out we are a little harder to deal with than what they studied on the film. I know our stats suck, but we don't suck! Like Cory Redding told a reporter "Man we don't care about no stats, we just focus on getting Ws" Each and every Sunday that's what we do! Chuck Strong

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What the heck does a "solid" 11-5 team with strong stats mean vs. an 11-5 team with weak stats? In the playoffs all you need to do is lose once and you get to take a seat with the rest of the peasants! I've seen both types of teams lose at this time of year. We ain't worried about stats, we are worrying about doing what we need to do to win the game we play at the time we play it. Period!

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Every player in the history of the game says that getting a "win" is the most important thing you can do.  Winning trumps awards. Winning solves locker room problems.  Winning keeps coaches from being fired.  Winning puts you in the playoffs every year.  Winning allows players to make more money.  Winning creates a coaching tree because other teams want your assistants because they know how to win ( cough...Arians).  Bill Belichek keeps his job because he wins.  Andy Reid kept his job for years because he won a lot.  There will be teams with the top ranked defenses this year that will not win the Super Bowl.  Their stats are great but they won't WIN.  The league MVP often does not win the Super Bowl.  My point is that it doesn't matter if you are the worst 11 win team ever or the best 9 win team ever, if you keep winning they give you the Lombardi and that's forever.  Weird, bearded, liberal sports writers can write their next novel on the subject but it won't change history.  Nyah, Grantland.  

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This is all 'tosh'....


Look at us in 2005. Where did that fantastic winning record get us......


They should select the Super Bowl teams just like the BCS Championship game and forget about seedings and records.....we are not worthy because we only beat the Browns and the Titans etc. 

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Bill Barnwell has been ripping on the Colts in recent articles ...


I think a lot of these commentators, journalists, and other folks associated with the NFL were hoping to see the Colts sink back into mediocrity after Peyton left. They've had to show us some healthy respect for a decade and , like mongrel dogs, they were hoping to get chance to take a few nips at us as soon as we stumbled.


However, the scenario did not unfold as they expected. We are 11-5, we are in the playoffs, and our future looks bright. They know there is a good chance they'll have another 10 years of showing us respect and it's eating them alive. This is why they will sing the praises of RGIII and ignore Luck and it's the reason they will take any shot at us that they can even if it's something silly like calling us one of the worst 11-5 teams in history.


I only hope we turn out to be the worst 11-5 team in NFL history to win a Super Bowl :lombardi:

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I don't understand when people say things like this.  It's like when Keyshawn Johnson said our 2009 team was the worst 14-0 team in NFL history.  Gary Brackett replied with "How many 14-0 teams has Keyshawn been on?"  We are the worst 11-5 team in NFL history?  That doesn't make any sense to me.  It's like saying "you're the poorest billionaire in the world".  I don't get it.

I loathe Keyshawn Johnson, but I thought he was correct. Not really that big of an insult considering the small number of 14-0 teams

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Living in Phoenix I recall the Cards team that nearly won the Super Bowl with a 9-7 record in a woeful NFC West. So they probably would have been the worst Super Bowl winner ever. There are certainly worse things to be! As for the Colts, the future is bright even if we take step backwards in terms of won-loss record next year. As long as Luck doesn't get concussed out of the league the next 15 years look bright. Who cares about the critics of this year's record?

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First....   the story does NOT say "the worst 11-5 playoff team in history"  the key word he used is....  "AMONG the worst 11-5 playoff teams in history....


And, as unpopular as it may be....   he's right.     Either way, agree or disagree,  here's the meat of his argument...  it's one key paragraph...   not hard to follow...   I'm cutting and pasting.    By the way, while I don't know Grandland,  what it is is a website devoted to sports and the writers are known to be AMONG the best writers on the planet.



By just about any advanced measure I can find, the Colts rate out to be among the worst 11-5 teams and the worst playoff teams in league history.   Their point differential over 16 games was at minus-30, a figure that would more commonly be associated with a 7-9 team than an 11-5 one.   The Colts are the first team in league history to win 11 or more games with a negative point differential. They're 25th in DVOA, the Football Outsiders core statistic,2 and 24th per the Simple Rating System. They have 11 wins despite all that because they've played the league's easiest schedule (by virtually any definition you can imagine), gone 9-1 in games decided by one touchdown or less, and gotten brilliant work in the clutch from Andrew Luck.



I don't follow 'advanced metrics' much...   but the line in there that says the most to me...  our point differential is a minus-30...   more associated with a 7-9 team than an 11-5 team.    That says a lot to me.   A lot.

I could be wrong but didn't the Giants have a negative point differential entering the playoffs on one of their runs? They may have only had 9 wins and not 11 but they did end up winning the Super Bowl.

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It's more than worth mentioning that our our opponents winning percentage was .500 which is right in the middle of the pack with the rest of the league, but what I feel, and this is just my opinion, that there is just just more to it than that.


For example the Vikings had AP2K very limited against us, and Greenbay went in to Indy banged up and would end up losing their running back and NT against us, and going up against the AFC North would have been worse than the AFC East. And I feel like the number of close game we have, even against bad teams says something about my statement that we have gotten to where we are by the skin of our teeth. I haven't said we're not a playoff caliber team, just to clarify, I'm just arguing the case that we perhaps look more like a typical 9-7 team than an 11-5 team. and that all 11-5 teams are equal.


And no, I wasn't referring to you, and no offense intended to whoever I am referring to.


I basically feel the same as you. It feels like we're a 9-7 team, than it does a 11-5 team.


I'm also conscious, on a week by week basis, of advantages we may have by opponents being nicked up at the right time.


However, I also try to be careful not to put too much into those thoughts, as I'm emotionally connected to the Colts, and not so much to any other team. Therefore, I'm conscious of what happens to/for us, and don't really follow how similar issues may effect other teams schedules.


Yep, we caught some breaks, but I can't sit here and tell you that other teams may have enjoyed more, or less, advantages. The Bears were one of the healthiest teams this season, and our record was better, as an example. They also enjoyed playing against numerous nicked up teams, and couldn't do what we did.


Also, I can't see where we were any healthier than most teams this season. We were constantly plugging holes, and making it work. Yes, perhaps, our lack of talent at many positions made it easier to accommodate for the losses, but that tells me two things, 1) we were able to adapt, even with such a young team, 2) we prevailed with lesser talent (which is really only perception, since there were so much youth on the team).


So, yeah, it feels like we shouldn't be where we are, but we are where we are, and it may not have been magic.


If week 17 wasn't a mistake, and things really are starting to click with this young team, perhaps beating the Ravens, and beyond, isn't out of the question.


Not arguing with you, just offering my perspective....FWIW.

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I could be wrong but didn't the Giants have a negative point differential entering the playoffs on one of their runs? They may have only had 9 wins and not 11 but they did end up winning the Super Bowl.



I don't mean to suggest that the Colts can't make a nice run in the playoffs.    I think we can.    I'm just not sure we will.


I'm not that intimidated by the Ravens.   They've been 'off' this year.    And I'm not that intimidated by their typically excellent defense.    Too many injuries.    And Ray Lewis hasn't been Ray Lewis for some time.   Even before his injury he wasn't the same.


So,  while I'm sure everyone wants to 'win for Ray'...    I think once the game starts and we've knocked each other around, I think that stuff fades....


Stay close.    That's what I'm preaching.    Stay close.    If we're close in the 4th quarter everyone in the stadium will know which is the team that was the 'comeback' team this year....    Can we do it one more time??


Here's hoping.....      :thmup:

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Other teams were 'banged up, we had a cupcake schedule, we got some lucky breaks etc. What a load of horse manure. Every team has these same 'issues'. Only 5 teams won more games than us (if you count SF's tie). that is ALL THAT COUNTS.


And the notion that we are not getting any 'love' by the national media is also nonsense. There are a stream of well respects pundits and players shining the torch of awe right in Andrews eyes every week. We do not have to play the percecuted card every week.

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I don't mean to suggest that the Colts can't make a nice run in the playoffs.    I think we can.    I'm just not sure we will.


I'm not that intimidated by the Ravens.   They've been 'off' this year.    And I'm not that intimidated by their typically excellent defense.    Too many injuries.    And Ray Lewis hasn't been Ray Lewis for some time.   Even before his injury he wasn't the same.


So,  while I'm sure everyone wants to 'win for Ray'...    I think once the game starts and we've knocked each other around, I think that stuff fades....


Stay close.    That's what I'm preaching.    Stay close.    If we're close in the 4th quarter everyone in the stadium will know which is the team that was the 'comeback' team this year....    Can we do it one more time??


Here's hoping.....      :thmup:

I agree. Baltimore was our best possible matchup in the first round with or without the Ray Lewis retirement party.

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People HAVE to STOP with that "Easy Schedule" nonsense. Our ENTIRE Division plays the SAME TEAMS we do (aside from 2). So why is no one saying the Texans had it "Easy"????

Those two addiitoanl teams the Texans played are the #1 and #4 seeds in the AFC. That right there alone makes their schedule quite a bit harder.

Eithe way, we are 11-5 despite what anyone thinks. A very easy schedule doesnt really matter, 11 wins is 11 wins.

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First, in no way do i agree that we are among the worst teams to make the playoffs, secondly I usually don't judge a book by its cover, but i scrolled to the bottom and spit water on my keyboard, This guy is a pair of avators away from being a dead ringer for a fat Hunter S Thompson, even wearing the same type of shirt.

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    • Thanks for the good wishes. I wish the same for your Vikings. Tough division game for them.   Mixed feelings on our QB. I can't deny Anthony is an amazing athlete, and he's shown flashes of what he can be. Some really wow throws, but misses some lay-up tosses. Seems very intelligent, and wants to win. I'm sure he's like most young Qb's trying to get used to  the speed and talent of NFL Defenses, and maybe being coached to stay in the pocket and not run as much as he did is giving him some trouble. I think 7 games is too few to tell how good or bad he might be eventually. I just hope he can keep healthy, and keep improving.
    • Packers fans can tell me about Joe Barry that was their DC from 2021-23. They were always in the Top 12-15 range in terms of points per game as opposed to the Colts.   But the year 2021, the Colts were on par because we ran the ball well and possessed it well. Not so much in 2022, and 2023 was a bit of defensive regression for decent possession of the ball from Bradley’s unit.   Brandon Staley is another name but I’d prefer Jon Barry for his units to generate pressure. Otherwise we’d have to look at college like Packers getting the Boston College HC.   I’m a fan of Jim Leonhard that was a heck of a defensive coach / DC at Wisconsin, and is now a DB coach with Broncos. Dave Merritt, the Chiefs DB coach has done an outstanding job there and was interviewed for DC by 49ers.   My pick would be Jim Leonhard or Dave Merritt.    
    • You can’t keep winning only scoring one TD A game. I think they have gotten some what lucky with who they have played. Colds dline beat up so we will see.
    • What I meant is they are not going to come out and just throw 50 times. They are going to try and break your will and run out the clock. It’s  probably going to be a low scoring game. They have only scored 3 offensive TD. I am shocked they str 3-0. They don’t have many offensive weapons. Harris is not really a pass catching back who will break a long run. Now could that change. Off course. But their Oline id beat up. I was reading an article how they tried to open things up and Fields immediately got sacked. He they try to open things up till he revert back to Bears fields. 
    • I don’t know enough of the position coaches on other teams to say who is worthy of promotion. Best to keep an eye out on head coaches on the hot seat and their staffs. 
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