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how we match up to the texans and titans?


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I'm watching the texans titans game and I think we can hang with both of them. The key to beating the texans is stopping the run and getting the ball out of your hands quickly. While the texans are capable of being explosive at times they are also inconsistent.

The titans seem to be playing a lil bit better now. hasselback moves the ball a lil better than locker. The key against them will be our pass rush and stopping the run. If we can force locker or hasselback into mistakes and avoid making mistakes we could beat them in tennesee.

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I'm watching the texans titans game and I think we can hang with both of them. The key to beating the texans is stopping the run and getting the ball out of your hands quickly. While the texans are capable of being explosive at times they are also inconsistent.

The titans seem to be playing a lil bit better now. hasselback moves the ball a lil better than locker. The key against them will be our pass rush and stopping the run. If we can force locker or hasselback into mistakes and avoid making mistakes we could beat them in tennesee.

We have no chance of beating Houston....at this point

We cant stop the run well enough to hold them down....

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We will probably beat the Titans both games, They don't look good this year, and they lost their best cornerback to the Rams. we will split games with the Texans, Andre Johnson is not his old self. Schaub isn't a good QB, All they have is the run, and a great D, Their D is what holds that team together, if we can break that D we win, simple as that. We have a shot at winning the division, if we contain that pass rush, and Luck makes smart decisions

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We will probably beat the Titans both games, They don't look good this year, and they lost their best cornerback to the Rams. we will split games with the Texans, Andre Johnson is not his old self. Schaub isn't a good QB, All they have is the run, and a great D, Their D is what holds that team together, if we can break that D we win, simple as that. We have a shot at winning the division, if we contain that pass rush, and Luck makes smart decisions

Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? We don't look good this year so how can we say that another team doesn't look good?

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I don't think we have any chance of beating the Texans this year. As for the Titans, I could see us beating them once

our best chance to beat the Texans is that they are sitting players in that last game of the year.

As for the Titans I think we aren't that far off from them. We just can't get down to them and let them run Chris Johnson on us. If we can make them pass and limit Johnson's touches we can beat them. We handled them pretty well at home last year I mean it wasn't a blow out but it wasn't a last second win either and I think this team is better than last year.

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That Texans defense is giving up more than about two touchdowns a game. Thaey are very stout. Our O-line is going to have to play very well. Offensivly we know Andre always has a big game against us so we have to hold him down and limit the run. Godd new about this is we dont play them till the end of the season so e have time to work some of these kinks out and hopefully catch some momentum.

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if you notice the Texans are 6th in the league in rushing BUT are averaging 3.9 ypc ONLY .2 ypc more then we are thats right .2....The difference? The Texans have the MOST rushing attempts in the league with 117 attempts compared to our 74 attempts, if we want to keep them from rushing it down our throats and beating us over the middle of the field we MUST

1.Win the turnover battle

2.Stay on the field on 3rd down

3.Get our Tight Ends involved in the pass game (Force there Linebackers to cover)

4.run enough times to keep ther D honest (that means early and often enough to set up playaction later with a mobile QB that should be our bread and butter not doing 5 and 7 step drops 45-46 times and throwing it downfield)

5.Do a better job of catching the ball

6.Luck can not hang onto the ball like he tends to do

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We will probably beat the Titans both games, They don't look good this year, and they lost their best cornerback to the Rams. we will split games with the Texans, Andre Johnson is not his old self. Schaub isn't a good QB, All they have is the run, and a great D, Their D is what holds that team together, if we can break that D we win, simple as that. We have a shot at winning the division, if we contain that pass rush, and Luck makes smart decisions

Somebody started drinking a little bit early.

Any given sunday as they say...that said it would be an uphill battle to beat the Texans...basically everything go right and we play our best and they there worst to pull that one out.

The Titans will be close grinders. They always are....even when we had Peyton and a clearly better team. They play us tough. They usually run the ball well and we are starting to see CJ2K look better....no where near 2k better but perhaps 1k. I think if we play well we split with them. The only way we split with the Texans is a fluke like Minny over 49ers or by them sitting their starters.

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Somebody started drinking a little bit early.

Any given sunday as they say...that said it would be an uphill battle to beat the Texans...basically everything go right and we play our best and they there worst to pull that one out.

The Titans will be close grinders. They always are....even when we had Peyton and a clearly better team. They play us tough. They usually run the ball well and we are starting to see CJ2K look better....no where near 2k better but perhaps 1k. I think if we play well we split with them. The only way we split with the Texans is a fluke like Minny over 49ers or by them sitting their starters.


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Texans aren't going undefeated. They will lay an egg against someone. I don't think it will be against us though. They seem to get bitten with the injury bug around the mid point of the season every year. I hope they peak early and burn out late.

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I'm guessing some of the fans here don't follow other teams that closely.... not a knock, just an observation...

Tennessee last week scored 5 TD's in a game from 60 yards out or further. That's an all-time NFL record. What Colts defense do we have to slow that down?

Houston is Houston, and a recent NFL.com story listed them as having one of the 5 best overall rosters. How do you think we match up with that?

I give us a slight shot in our home vs. Tennessee.... and I give us a chance to beat Houston at home, but only if the game means nothing to them and they have little to play for. Otherwise, if they have incentive.... well then, never mind.

Hey, just sayin....

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I'm guessing some of the fans here don't follow other teams that closely.... not a knock, just an observation...

Tennessee last week scored 5 TD's in a game from 60 yards out or further. That's an all-time NFL record. What Colts defense do we have to slow that down?

Houston is Houston, and a recent NFL.com story listed them as having one of the 5 best overall rosters. How do you think we match up with that?

I give us a slight shot in our home vs. Tennessee.... and I give us a chance to beat Houston at home, but only if the game means nothing to them and they have little to play for. Otherwise, if they have incentive.... well then, never mind.

Hey, just sayin....

Some of us do but it's tough to follow every team in detail for every single week.

And some of us go by history vs. teams in our division.....trends......stuff like that. Some of it is meaningless but sometimes it holds water, like the Jags ownage of us with a certain RB and kicker. I know you just became a fan of the Colts this year though. Houston has yet to beat us at home, Titans are a tough divisional opponent but they also don't seem to consistently give us the same fits as the Jags do in recent games IMO.

I am aware this season we are supposed to lose to everyone though. Divisional games CAN go either way, period. Even in our SB winning season we lost to all 3 division teams on the road and we were a A LOT better then they were.

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Our best shot for division wins (when a team isn't resting starters) is probably the Titans. I don't expect us to run as well vs. us as the other two teams in the division either.

The Jags maybe since I have a tough time believing they sweep us two years in a row and maybe the Colts get revenge for last weekends game. Good God, imagine if they sweep us two years in a row.....maybe the divisional playoff Gods can throw us a bone for that one.

I don't expect to stand a chance in Houston right now.

Overall, I cannot see Indy going 0-6 in the division. That would really stink.

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Im sorry but the Houston game is the one game im worried about with keeping Luck up right most of the game. That defense is ferocious. there is no competing with that team this year. maybe we can win in week 17 when their starters are benched but who knows. but if you think about it, if foster is held under 100 yards and with out a TD and keep Schaub around 150 or 200 yards, then the colts may have a some what chance in beating them, but the Oline is not built to stop that Texan Defense.

Tenn. especially if Locker misses alot of time, i think the colts could beat them. actually even with locker ithink the colts can beat them. Tenn. is not the team we thought they would be this year.

BUT the only way the colts will be able to win anymore games is IF their defense plays a full game and not just the first half. and Arians needs to get away from the run game if it is not working.

hey on the bright side though we are in second place by a 1/2 of a game going into the game against GB next weekend. haha

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i say 4-2 in division we beat titans twice get revenge against jags and beat texans at home cuz luck will know what he is up against after whipping in houston

I applaud your homerism, but 4-2 sounds a little ambitious. I hope you're right though. I still think we're better than people give us credit for.

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I don't think we have any chance of beating the Texans this year.
We have no chance of beating Houston....at this point We cant stop the run well enough to hold them down....
LOL omg I spit out my water at this. And as for the rest of this thread...I'll leave it alone :)

Yup, I doubt our squad will have any answer for stopping J. J. Watt either. Did you spit your H20 out on that one Vance87? I actually typed the DE's name correctly this time. Although, I did find it ironic that you found it necessary to call me out on another post about the Texans simply because I accidentally misspelled his last name [J.J. Wyatt vs J. J. Watt]. It's nice to know that you have never made a mistake in your life there Vance. How does perfection feel anyway? I have never achieved that level of excellence myself. Congratulations...

Oh and BTW, I think I know J. J. Watt better than you do since I saw him on campus at UW-Madison frequently and helped him out with more than 1 research project/term paper. J. J. Watt wouldn't feel the need to scold someone publicly for misspelling their name. I can promise you that. People mispronounce and misspell both my first and last name all the time and I don't feel compelled to call them out on it publicly as a means to chastise and discipline. To each their own I guess. Have a pleasant evening Vance.

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Everyones touchy in here all of a sudden....dont worry ppl the colts are playing this sunday lol...

As for the titans and texans its a division game so its winnable... im not gonna keep bringing up last year but i will this time and this years team is a much better team.. And hoping all our defensive guys are back for that game they have a good chance of holding schuab.

Foster is a big back so he will be easier to contain than someone like mjd imo... Mjd is like a muscle with legs.. Foster is just like forte

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Get real, this year's Colts could not carry the Texans dirty laundry. The Texans owe the Colts some agony (2-16 over the years). It is fortunate for the Colts that they will play them twice in the season's last three games because the Texans will be resting players in preparation for the playoffs/Super Bowl. Someone wrote Schaub is not a good QB. Oh really!?! He is rated #3. The running game is devastating, their defense is terrific. The only gap in the Texans is no compementary receiver to Andre Johnson.

You Colt fans that are used to winning better wise up and face the real world. The Colts gave away Peyton Manning like the Boston Red Sox gave away Babe Ruth and Boston has been cursed ever since ("The Curse of the Bambino") It will be 2015 before they pose a threat and it will not be a Super Bowl threat, after all they traded that away.

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Yup, I doubt our squad will have any answer for stopping J. J. Watt either. Did you spit your H20 out on that one Vance87? I actually typed the DE's name correctly this time. Although, I did find it ironic that you found it necessary to call me out on another post about the Texans simply because I accidentally misspelled his last name [J.J. Wyatt vs J. J. Watt]. It's nice to know that you have never made a mistake in your life there Vance. How does perfection feel anyway? I have never achieved that level of excellence myself. Congratulations...

Oh and BTW, I think I know J. J. Watt better than you do since I saw him on campus at UW-Madison frequently and helped him out with more than 1 research project/term paper. J. J. Watt wouldn't feel the need to scold someone publicly for misspelling their name. I can promise you that. People mispronounce and misspell both my first and last name all the time and I don't feel compelled to call them out on it publicly as a means to chastise and discipline. To each their own I guess. Have a pleasant evening Vance.

Um I think Vance said the first line because he thought the joke about Chris Johnson was funny I am not really sure where the Watt thing came from. I didn't really see him calling you out at least not in that post just my two cents though.
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Arians is not having a great a year as you may think yardage wise (he does have 4 touchdowns but only 1 of them of them on a long run of 14 yards). Load the box make Schaub beat us with his arm. Can he? of course BUT that would not be a SLOWWWWW CLOCK CONSUMING death like it would be if we let Foster beat us. Arians does have 380 yards rush yes but he has ran the ball 103 times compared to Browns 43 carries but he has gained 155 yards out of just those 43 carries for 3.6 ypc compared to Fosters 3.7

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