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Luck Retires/ The timing of it all... (merge)


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Going to be honest here. When Colts were playing KC in the playoffs Andrew looked blindsided like we are tonight. Like a deer in the headlights, and I remember dou ting his mental toughness in that game. 


Not to say he couldn't lead them to a SB but I guess now we will never know. 


It's always interesting at LOS. 

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13 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

Mark it down...the worst thing about tonight was that the news leaked and that Colts fans booed Luck off the field.

Ballard called it out, Leonard called it out, Luck admitted it made him sad. Be angry all you want...but that's not going to be a good look going forward.


7 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

The boos were god awful. They almost should be banned from going back to a Colts game for that. 


2 minutes ago, Coltsfan66 said:

He didn't deserve to be booed.  He gave his all while those who booed watched at their convenience as his body was destroyed.


That is going to haunt this fanbase.


And I blame Schefter.  He couldn't wait until after the game to leak his precious inside info?  He had to know how that was going to turn out.


I've never had anything against Adam Schefter before, but I will never forgive him for what he did to Andrew Luck tonight.  That was shameful.

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6 minutes ago, shastamasta said:

....I am very interested to see how Ballard approaches the QB situation. Is he comfortable having another "rebuilding" year...or is he comfortable selling future picks to move up and draft a QB? 

He may not have to worry about "selling future picks to move up" in the draft. We may get there all on our own. LOL

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12 minutes ago, horseshoecrabs said:

Let's face it, it was more than a calf injury, It involved the bone , and extensive rehab injury, that Luck did not want to take off another season to rehab, an maybe even surgery. Can you blame the man after what he just went through, with his shoulder ? Put your self in his place.  If you have one once of compassion , give him a break. You know that this was not a decision taken lightly. 

Im not sure about that. I question if the guy is hurt at all honestly and have wondered that for months now. The thought of him retiring even entered my mind a couple weeks ago. I remember Mcafee telling Dan Dakich 2 years ago that Luck was a rare breed who doesnt need football and wouldnt have been surprised if he quit back then. Irsay tonight made reference to how he ended the season fine..played in pro bowl was fine...then goes to europe and is suddenly injured. Weird. How did he get hurt. What exactlty is his injury?.Has anybody even figured this mysterious injury out yet? Some type of high ankle sprain maybe? Ok....while problamatic...guys typically dont retire over it.  My opinion...he was tired of the game..never truly loved it in the first placr...and wanted a way out. His mysterious new injury gave him that.

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1 minute ago, NM_Colts said:

He may not have to worry about "selling future picks to move up" in the draft. We may get there all on our own. LOL

There are other ways to get a QB not just the draft.  This team is further along on both sides of the ball...there is talent to win now with the right QB...I wouldn't rule out a trade or free agency as possible options in the future to replace Luck.

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1 minute ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

That is going to haunt this fanbase.


And I blame Schefter.  He couldn't wait until after the game to leak his precious inside info?  He had to know how that was going to turn out.


I've never had anything against Adam Schefter before, but I will never forgive him for what he did to Andrew Luck tonight.  That was shameful.


THAT is who people should be upset with. Schefter just became a certified * with airing everything out like he did. I'm good with Luck calling it, he nor, anyone on or with, the Colts owe anybody anything. There will be 52 other guys ready to go and ready to win the next 19 Sundays. 

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6 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:




That is going to haunt this fanbase.


And I blame Schefter.  He couldn't wait until after the game to leak his precious inside info?  He had to know how that was going to turn out.


I've never had anything against Adam Schefter before, but I will never forgive him for what he did to Andrew Luck tonight.  That was shameful.


I'm not sure it's going to haunt the fanbase. Sports can bring out the worst in some people and it doesn't matter what city, sport, or league. They are not the first fans to do something undesirable. That said those who did boo are clowns.


I think Schefter was simply doing his job.


The person to blame is whoever leaked the info to Schefter. (I'm doubting that was Luck and his camp)

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1 minute ago, Coltsman1788 said:

There are other ways to get a QB not just the draft.  This team is further along on both sides of the ball...there is talent to win now with the right QB...I wouldn't rule out a trade or free agency as possible options in the future to replace Luck.

Or maybe just maybe JB is better then anyone thinks. He has a ton of talent around him. Let’s let the season play out.

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7 minutes ago, csmopar said:

As will I, but think what Luck just did to this team? 

I think he kinda of gave JB a bigger chance then what he would have had if Luck limped through the season. 


Maybe this might help your outlook on this Csmopar. Yes we could say the timing is off but maybe the timing was just right. 


I have faced these dark places Luck talks about after injuries and such. I was in an accident 3 years ago. The doctors saved my leg, they didn't know if I would ever walk again. I am walking with just a lil limp and some can't even notice it. After 7 procedures I told the doctors I am done, as they have been talking about possibility of more procedures. I told the doctors that sometimes I wished they would have just amputated my leg because it was have a procedure, heal and rehab, repeat x 3 .  There has been many, many times I have contemplated retiring not from my career but from LIFE.  


Football is a luxury for all of us. 


We have to be thankful we had Luck for x amount of years. I mean we could have had RG3. 

With the new CBA coming up who knows what football will look like then. Just enjoy it and take it for what it is ENTERTAINMENT. 


Again the sun will come up in a few hours. The Colts will play again next week. NEXT MAN UP!!! 


nothing personal just hoping this sheds light on some of this not just for you my friend but all COLTS fans . 


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1 minute ago, strt182 said:

I think he kinda of gave JB a bigger chance then what he would have had if Luck limped through the season. 


Maybe this might help your outlook on this Csmopar. Yes we could say the timing is off but maybe the timing was just right. 


I have faced these dark places Luck talks about after injuries and such. I was in an accident 3 years ago. The doctors saved my leg, they didn't know if I would ever walk again. I am walking with just a lil limp and some can't even notice it. After 7 procedures I told the doctors I am done, as they have been talking about possibility of more procedures. I told the doctors that sometimes I wished they would have just amputated my leg because it was have a procedure, heal and rehab, repeat x 3 .  There has been many, many times I have contemplated retiring not from my career but from LIFE.  


Football is a luxury for all of us. 


We have to be thankful we had Luck for x amount of years. I mean we could have had RG3. 

With the new CBA coming up who knows what football will look like then. Just enjoy it and take it for what it is ENTERTAINMENT. 


Again the sun will come up in a few hours. The Colts will play again next week. NEXT MAN UP!!! 


nothing personal just hoping this sheds light on some of this not just for you my friend but all COLTS fans . 


This is a great point about JB. 

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1 hour ago, oldunclemark said:

But he's got to rehab whether hes playing or not, right?

If he's in pain..he needs surgery whether he plays or not....


He's giving up maybe 5-10 years of playing the game he loves..


thats the trouble, he does not love the game, never did. He is of european stock. he loves soccer.

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Just now, Fisticuffs111 said:

Schefter was just doing his job, just getting the first scoop.

I'm more concerned with who leaked it. I'm sure people in his inner circle knew, and apparently he talked to Irsay, but I'm really curious as to who leaked it.


Schefter could have given Luck the chance to tell his team first AND THEN let it out. Schefter pulled a typical main stream, look at me I wanna be relevant, * move. He can do his job, but at least have the nuts to do it with integrity...

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28 minutes ago, horseshoecrabs said:

Let's face it, it was more than a calf injury, It involved the bone , and extensive rehab injury, that Luck did not want to take off another season to rehab, an maybe even surgery. Can you blame the man after what he just went through, with his shoulder ? Put your self in his place.  If you have one once of compassion , give him a break. You know that this was not a decision taken lightly. 

I'm just as mad as everyone else with what happened tonight, but this blame is all on him, and not what happened in the past. Now, I can understand if he was in a little bit of pain last year during the season, but he surely didn't show it. The blame is in what he went out and did to go out and get hurt, sometime from the last game, to the OTA'S. What crazy thing did he go out and do to himself  during the off season? Did he go out and play basketball, beach volleyball, surfing, rock climbing, water skiing, regular snow skiing, snow boarding? I don't believe him or the Colts have come out and said how he got hurt. The point is, is that he caused his own pain somehow since the last game. 


Now, I'm only hoping we can regroup as a team, and have a winning season. There have been SB winners with crapy QB's in the past. 

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1 minute ago, BleedBlu8792 said:


Schefter could have given Luck the chance to tell his team first AND THEN let it out. Schefter pulled a typical main stream, look at me I wanna be relevant, * move. He can do his job, but at least have the nuts to do it with integrity...

Do you not understand what his job is or are you just looking for someone to be mad at tonight?

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2 minutes ago, BleedBlu8792 said:


That's whomever's choice.. I sure as hell don't buy tickets to just go watch Luck play. 

You would be singing a different tune.  Not saying it is classy or even ok , but understandable.   Luck is a grownup , he can handle it.  The media is already taking this and running with it, sorry as they are.  

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1 hour ago, Chloe6124 said:


This is true.  Jacoby is also an "honorary" defensive player.

All jokes aside, we could see an emotional jump from this once the dust settles.  The guys do love Jacoby.

  Andrew was never really a vocal leader, but there is no over-stating the drop in talent at the QB positions.

The running game reasly takes on new meaning now.


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40 minutes ago, csmopar said:

Yep and his ego won’t let him not make that known on Monday

Dan Dakich



Luck.....Hate to say I told you about Luck but as all the local and national guys were making excuses for him I told you this guy was not real                                 

Dan Dakich



PR mess for


... I’m firing whoever told Schefter immediately

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Well, after said short break, I’ve calmed down.


still angry with Luck. 


But i did some research, Lucks 24 million dollar cap hit will stay on our books this season, drops to 6.4 million next year and then nada after that. So the guy still gets paid. 

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1 minute ago, GoColts8818 said:

Do you not understand what his job is or are you just looking for someone to be mad at tonight?


Do you not understand the difference between a wrong and right way to do things? Integrity?  Trust me I'm far from mad... I'm good with moving on and letting these guys go to work with Brissett. 

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22 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

I'm talking about the national outlook when it comes to fans booing Luck.

I get it, the news leaked and fans there were very upset. I wouldn't have booed but I get the immediate feeling of anger. But it will never ever look good that we booed him off the field. Circumstances be damned. It'll be just another feather in the cap of Colts fans being spoiled, whether it's deserved or not.

It is still brought up that Eagle Fans booed Santa Claus 

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Just now, HOF19 said:

Dan Dakich



Luck.....Hate to say I told you about Luck but as all the local and national guys were making excuses for him I told you this guy was not real                                 

Dan Dakich



PR mess for


... I’m firing whoever told Schefter immediately

Surprised it took that long. But I do agree, I’m firing whoever that was... unless of course that person was Irsay himself. 

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1 minute ago, mahagga73 said:

You would be singing a different tune.  Not saying it is classy or even ok , but understandable.   Luck is a grownup , he can handle it.  The media is already taking this and running with it, sorry as they are.  


I believe in 5 or 6 weeks people around here will be praising the team and JB. Ballard has done a fantastic job at building this team to not be so reliant on 1 guy. Luck was a good player but he can't do it all. I fully believe this team will be ready to go week 1 and will surprise some people. 

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1 minute ago, csmopar said:

Well, after said short break, I’ve calmed down.


still angry with Luck. 


But i did some research, Lucks 24 million dollar cap hit will stay on our books this season, drops to 6.4 million next year and then nada after that. So the guy still gets paid. 

I am retired now ….But I never had a job that paid me after my employment ended ....That must be nice !

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4 minutes ago, HOF19 said:

Dan Dakich



Luck.....Hate to say I told you about Luck but as all the local and national guys were making excuses for him I told you this guy was not real                                 

Dan Dakich



PR mess for


... I’m firing whoever told Schefter immediately

Why is Dakich still relevant?

1 minute ago, BleedBlu8792 said:


I believe in 5 or 6 weeks people around here will be praising the team and JB. Ballard has done a fantastic job at building this team to not be so reliant on 1 guy. Luck was a good player but he can't do it all. I fully believe this team will be ready to go week 1 and will surprise some people. 

The difference between Ballard and Polian

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45 minutes ago, life long said:

Zero respect for the man now. I thought he was a leader but turns out when things get tough he quits.... real leaders with high character face adversity head on. He was a professional athlete who claimed to love the game but sounds like he was about the money. Peyton truly loved the game. Obviously Luck did not...

Really?  So with all the injuries he's had over the course of 7 years you think a high ankle sprain is what caused him to quit football?  haha...think about what you just posted and look back at all his injuries and then reply.

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Booing is how a crowd shows displeasure, it's not a direct attack on Luck himself. Granted, I think that Luck just unseated Paul George as the most unpopular guy in Indy. 


 I'm pretty upset at how he handled this. I'm irritated at the situation too. Had I been in LOS tonight, I would've booed too. The timing is awful, especially now the season is pretty much over for the Colts 2 weeks before it begins. 

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1 minute ago, csmopar said:

Surprised it took that long. But I do agree, I’m firing whoever that was... unless of course that person was Irsay himself. 

Could have been the NFL front office. They get a fax or a call stating Hey Andrew Luck is retiring as of right now. We will have press conference tomorrow. 


That then goes out to the media. Schefter tweets said info out.  This is the bad side of the social media world we live in today. Its only going get worse I am afraid. 

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