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Luck Retires/ The timing of it all... (merge)


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9 minutes ago, csmopar said:



gonna put on the conspiracy theory hat for a moment solely for thinking out loud. 


i just  watch the Q and A and Luck said that he had been thinking about it a long time. What if he’d confided in Ballard and they had talked early this spring about such a thing and that could be a factor as to why Ballard didn’t go fully in and blow thru all that cap money in FA?


doubtful but something to ponder 


It goes back to them not trading Brissett despite being in a contract year and touting the offers they got for him. He was never going to be retained. If Luck had played all year and Brissett had never taken a snap or only played in cleanup time someone would have made a deal with him to be their starter. There was absolutely no way we were going to be able to retain him as a backup. 


But they kept him. That has made me uneasy all along. To me that says that they knew this was a possibility, and more than just a hypothetical one. They kept him for a reason, and it 110% wasn’t to just be a backup. They were protecting themselves in the event that this happened. Ballard loves to have draft picks. Why would he turn down picks for a player we had no chance to keep at a position that, supposedly, we wouldn’t even need to play him at?


Theres definitely smoke there. Is there fire? Probably, but maybe not. But definitely enough smoke to cause reasonable doubt. 

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4 minutes ago, csmopar said:



gonna put on the conspiracy theory hat for a moment solely for thinking out loud. 


i just  watch the Q and A and Luck said that he had been thinking about it a long time. What if he’d confided in Ballard and they had talked early this spring about such a thing and that could be a factor as to why Ballard didn’t go fully in and blow thru all that cap money in FA?


doubtful but something to ponder 

That is not too far fetched

     I know several people who told their bosses and family that they thinking about  retiring and/or looking for other opportunities months before the “official” announcement but it also happens the other way

         Here is an example of the latter

           In early summer one of the HS sport beat writers at the Evansville Courier & Press decided to change career paths. The Courier reached out hired the Sports Editor at the Jasper Herald and the Herald hired our local Sports editor at the Princeton Clarion. The whole situation only took about 2 months 

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Just now, PrincetonTiger said:

Not after the PCHS lost and Las Vegas losses last night

Friendly reminder from TigerTown    

   Everything Will Be Okay

That it will. 

3 minutes ago, John Waylon said:


It goes back to them not trading Brissett despite being in a contract year and touting the offers they got for him. He was never going to be retained. If Luck had played all year and Brissett had never taken a snap or only played in cleanup time someone would have made a deal with him to be their starter. There was absolutely no way we were going to be able to retain him as a backup. 


But they kept him. That has made me uneasy all along. To me that says that they knew this was a possibility, and more than just a hypothetical one. They kept him for a reason, and it 110% wasn’t to just be a backup. They were protecting themselves in the event that this happened. Ballard loves to have draft picks. Why would he turn down picks for a player we had no chance to keep at a position that, supposedly, we wouldn’t even need to play him at?


Theres definitely smoke there. Is there fire? Probably, but maybe not. But definitely enough smoke to cause reasonable doubt. 

Very good points!

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I feel... empty inside. So empty! This is a sad, sad day... for the franchise and for football and for me as a fan. My love for football and the Colts grew up with Luck growing in the league and that's a very VERY VERY sad way for this chapter to end. 


I don't know what else to say. 

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3 minutes ago, stitches said:

I feel... empty inside. So empty! This is a sad, sad day... for the franchise and for football and for me as a fan. My love for football and the Colts grew up with Luck growing in the league and that's a very VERY VERY sad way for this chapter to end. 


I don't know what else to say. 

Have your favorite player get cut by the team we He already said he was retiring when the contract ran out

     But it worked out he got a SB ring with the Bucs


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In a moment like this I can see why it was last second. In a lot of situations like these we feel conflicted and/or in denial about how you trully feel. It wasnt until this moment that he was sure this is what he actually wanted. 


Personally I'm shocked this wasnt some joke. But I'm not angry at him for it. I'm sure he told them as soon as he knew it was what he wanted. If anything, this goes to show that whenever the colts arent being up front about a player there is some sort of thing going on behind the scenes. I dont think this was completely out of the blue for Ballard and Riech. 


And to be honest, with all the the Andrew drama that has been going on, I'm just kind of relieved it's over. 


Brissett, while I'm sure hes saddened and relatively blindsided aswell, has got to be extremely excited for his future. Hes gotten this team handed to him on a silver platter. 

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I get it. Luck retired and I wish him the best. Even with Luck we were still a fringe playoff team. This team is full of holes and took a winning streak that was only done once in the modern era before to make the playoffs. We don’t have a legitimate answer at WR or RB.  The defense has zero pass rush, no online depth and were an injury or two away from an 8-8.  


This team needed built thru the draft and after one year of high picks we had potential. I’m excited what Ballard does with the future.  He will fill the holes and not force the main position of concern...qb.  It may take a couple of years but it will happen.  This is a blessing and we will have a great roster in time.  Be patient. 

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19 minutes ago, csmopar said:

I don’t see it as them booing cause he was retiring. as I see it, they were booing and rightfully so after being led along a bridge made of full on lies for the past month and then some. Andrew himself said early last week that he was excited and was expecting to play in week 1. He even said that his love of the game was back....


the ironic thing about all this is that Luck got hurt snowboarding. Which if I’m not mistaken is also what happened when the shoulder injury occurred right? If so,  it’s big injuries were self inflicted, away from football.

My only thought on his "love of the game" comment is that maybe some time after that comment the pain just never got better and all that hope and love just died?  I dunno...I'm reaching here because it sounds very conflicted - as he may well have been.  You keep hoping for better, but the next day is just like the previous.  As others have said, I know of people fighting for their lives and have said that they no longer want the treatment - enough is enough.  Maybe Andrew got to that point over the last week as well - in respect to his rehabbing?


My question remains, though: are Indy fans still considered classy (a word i actually despise, lol) for booing him off the field?  I think Indy fans will take a hit from this.


A lot of mystery surrounding that injury snowboarding.  Was it ever "officially" stated as fact?  Not doubting, just asking.

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Devastated! I'm angry that the Colts are losing a generational talent but i can't blame Luck for making this decision.


He is actually classy as hell, he could have easily been put on IR and collected his money but instead he retires and gives up potential money for the team.


The memories will always remain and they are good memories but this year will feel a little empty wondering what could have been.


I like JB but we are significantly less at the most important position on the field. Luck was a franchise QB........


Incredibly sad day......i wish Luck all the best though.

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3 minutes ago, MB-ColtsFan said:



A lot of mystery surrounding that injury snowboarding.  Was it ever "officially" stated as fact?  Not doubting, just asking.

I don’t know, I was asking that same thing.


put yourself in Indy fans shoes though. Paul George talked about how much he loved Indy, only to screw them, Pacers rally, but Lose their best player last year, now after months of being led on by Luck and Co, he up and retires two weeks before the season. I fully get the booing.

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23 minutes ago, John Waylon said:


It goes back to them not trading Brissett despite being in a contract year and touting the offers they got for him. He was never going to be retained. If Luck had played all year and Brissett had never taken a snap or only played in cleanup time someone would have made a deal with him to be their starter. There was absolutely no way we were going to be able to retain him as a backup. 


But they kept him. That has made me uneasy all along. To me that says that they knew this was a possibility, and more than just a hypothetical one. They kept him for a reason, and it 110% wasn’t to just be a backup. They were protecting themselves in the event that this happened. Ballard loves to have draft picks. Why would he turn down picks for a player we had no chance to keep at a position that, supposedly, we wouldn’t even need to play him at?


Theres definitely smoke there. Is there fire? Probably, but maybe not. But definitely enough smoke to cause reasonable doubt. 

Ballard values depth at every position.  JB is quality for little money.  No reason to move him.  Would you like your backup QB being Walker??  It was just a no-brainer to keep him.


I don't doubt for a second CB knew Luck was a bit gimpy and didn't know if he would last the season, but I don't really think he would be out a full season, much less forever.


Then again, you could be 100% correct, ha.  I don't think we'll know for many, many years to come.

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2 minutes ago, csmopar said:

I don’t know, I was asking that same thing.


put yourself in Indy fans shoes though. Paul George talked about how much he loved Indy, only to screw them, Pacers rally, but Lose their best player last year, now after months of being led on by Luck and Co, he up and retires two weeks before the season. I fully get the booing.

That may be the difference.  I'm just a Colts fan, not all things Indy.

Good point.  Still don't agree with the booing, but it at least puts it in better perspective for me.


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1 minute ago, MB-ColtsFan said:

That may be the difference.  I'm just a Colts fan, not all things Indy.

Good point.  Still don't agree with the booing, but it at least puts it in better perspective for me.


I am a Indiana kid and root for all things Hoosier except IU basketball(TY Bob Knight)  and I have issues with it but that is me who was raised in a Baptist family of teachers and coaches

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4 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:


   Great post

     Sometimes people do not want to face the truth

        It is often the toughest thing in life

           One reason my first year of college was so tough

Agree.  Not facing the "truth" can spur you on to being better and overcoming the odd (Michael Jordan), but other times the reality of the truth just causes you to deny the existence of your challenge.  Not facing it causes the eventual failure.  I think Andrew didn't want to give up, but, in his mind it just got to be too much for him to go through.  Wish the timing would have been better for the team, but each person faces their reality in their own time, not the team's.

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I am 100% convinced now, and I was 90% convinced before the last few days, that this has almost nothing to do with his physical body and injuries, and almost everything to do with his head.


Irsay said it 2 years ago.  I have been saying it ever since.


He simply does not want to play because his heart isn't in it.  I said many times, and got killed for it on here, that the shoulder injury basically made him paranoid and afraid about getting hurt again.   He simply cannot handle pain.  Is that a psychological issue?  A mental issue?  Does he have something mentally wrong?  Who knows.


I do know that 99.99999999999999999999999999999% of the human population would change places with Luck in a heartbeat.  99.9999999999999% of NFL qbs, having the injuries that Luck does, would not retire.  He has something going on in his head that is simply not allowing himself to go out there and compete anymore.

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What pisses me off even more is this.


I posted here a few weeks ago that it was rumored that he hurt his ankle snowboarding again this offseason.  We all know he hurt his shoulder, or at least made it much worse, by snowboarding.


To me that is almost someone that was looking for a way out.  Anyone with any sense at all, after getting hurt once snowboarding, would not go out and snowboard again.


Apparently he did.


And that is why I am so disappointed in what he is doing.  He took the easy way out.

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1 minute ago, MB-ColtsFan said:

Agree.  Not facing the "truth" can spur you on to being better and overcoming the odd (Michael Jordan), but other times the reality of the truth just causes you to deny the existence of your challenge.  Not facing it causes the eventual failure.  I think Andrew didn't want to give up, but, in his mind it just got to be too much for him to go through.  Wish the timing would have been better for the team, but each person faces their reality in their own time, not the team's.

Still remember my first college science lab test that I got C on because I flunked the lab part since I didn’t remind the Professor that I struggled with one hand


     I had to face the truth every time I went to school with different kids one reason I didn’t go to camps or sleepovers 


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And screw him and his 'journey'.


He takes this words like journey and 'process' from the Bachelor franchise of all things and tries to sound sincere with them to explain things.  To explain his behavior.


It is all nonsense.  He chickened out.  Took his money and ran.




Screw Luck and his process and journey.

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12 minutes ago, threeflight said:

What pisses me off even more is this.


I posted here a few weeks ago that it was rumored that he hurt his ankle snowboarding again this offseason.  We all know he hurt his shoulder, or at least made it much worse, by snowboarding.


To me that is almost someone that was looking for a way out.  Anyone with any sense at all, after getting hurt once snowboarding, would not go out and snowboard again.


Apparently he did.


And that is why I am so disappointed in what he is doing.  He took the easy way out.

I guess I was looking for a way out when I had my friend step on my foot, fell in a locker room, knocked myself out falling over a chair, and had a teammate clip me in practice because each ended a athletic season for me

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7 minutes ago, threeflight said:

I am 100% convinced now, and I was 90% convinced before the last few days, that this has almost nothing to do with his physical body and injuries, and almost everything to do with his head.


Irsay said it 2 years ago.  I have been saying it ever since.


He simply does not want to play because his heart isn't in it.  I said many times, and got killed for it on here, that the shoulder injury basically made him paranoid and afraid about getting hurt again.   He simply cannot handle pain.  Is that a psychological issue?  A mental issue?  Does he have something mentally wrong?  Who knows.


I do know that 99.99999999999999999999999999999% of the human population would change places with Luck in a heartbeat.  99.9999999999999% of NFL qbs, having the injuries that Luck does, would not retire.  He has something going on in his head that is simply not allowing himself to go out there and compete anymore.

Reading everything you say makes me feel like my IQ dropped. 


Admittedly his mental toughness probably isnt high. But the dude played with a lacerated kidney. He even played 2016 with that same shoulder injury that held him out all of 2017. He has 92 mil and a wife with a kid on the way. Why deal with nagging injuries and the same old routine every year? Especially if your heart isnt in it anymore

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Just now, Calmack said:

Reading everything you say makes me feel like my IQ dropped. 


Admittedly his mental toughness probably isnt high. But the dude played with a lacerated kidney. He even played 2016 with that same shoulder injury that held him out all of 2017. He has 92 mil and a wife with a kid on the way. Why deal with nagging injuries and the same old routine every year? Especially if your heart isnt in it anymore

Not to mention a degreee from Stanford 

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This alone makes me dislike Chad Kelly and this is far from the only incident:



Kelly was arrested back in Buffalo eight months later after getting kicked out of a local restaurant, later attempting to re-enter the restaurant and then punching a bouncer after refusing to leave the restaurant a second time. According to police reports, Kelly, who had committed to Ole Miss a week before, allegedly threatened to “go to my car and get my AK-47 and spray this place.” Once police were called to the scene, Kelly “allegedly scuffled with officers while being removed from a pickup truck.”


Are you kidding me? Making terrorist threats on top of all the other stuff?

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13 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

I guess I was looking for a way out when I had my friend step on my foot, fell in a locker, knocked myself out falling over a chair, and had a teammate clip me in practice because each ended a athletic season for me

You get hurt snowboarding once?  Ok.


I get it.  But it took 2 years to come back from.


So you are telling me that a sane man looking to be the best NFL qb he can be, being paid $25 M with an entire franchise and fan base depending on you, goes out and snowboards again?  After all that turmoil and with all of these people depending on you?

Does that make any rational sense to you?


Snowboarding is a VERY dangerous sport when it comes to injuries.  Not dangerous in the sense that you may die, but in the sense that it is very easy to get hurt.  I have 2 good friends here in S Cal who both got hurt Snowboarding this past winter.  One tore an ACL and the other broke an arm.


So you tell me how and why this guy went out and did it again after what happened 2-3 years ago.


That is why this guy should not be applauded.  He basically took his money and gave the middle finger to his teammates, the franchise, and the fans.

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6 minutes ago, Calmack said:

Reading everything you say makes me feel like my IQ dropped. 


Admittedly his mental toughness probably isnt high. But the dude played with a lacerated kidney. He even played 2016 with that same shoulder injury that held him out all of 2017. He has 92 mil and a wife with a kid on the way. Why deal with nagging injuries and the same old routine every year? Especially if your heart isnt in it anymore

I just said that imo his mental state changed after the shoulder issue.  Not before.  For whatever reason, after the shoulder?  He became a mental midget.

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You guys can lay into me all you want to.  All I know is I was right.....you were wrong.  Not gloating, just stating simple facts.


You laid into me for the past 3 weeks when I told you that the Colts need to draft a new QB because Luck would not be around for long due to his mental issues.  Lots of you called for my banning from this board for that.


Turns out I was dead on.  More right than even I knew could happen.  I said he may retire, I just thought he would at least try to stick out this year. 


Instead he took his $25 M and is going snowboarding.


He deserves every boo he gets.


If he had any integrity he would return the $25 M he is going to collect this year.

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Funny how easy for fans to throw shade at Mr Luck, blaming him for their disappointment, for their loss of money, and for their sudden need to stop being a fan.....

......without ever realizing that the very vitriol they spew on here, can just as effectively cause someone else to stop being a fan. 


Remember, you may feel you have a right to boo, or to cuss, or to hate.....but it is possible that your selfish need to hate can affect others, just as negatively as this event feels to you. 


A guy could cut you off in traffic, and they deserve the hateful response and middle finger you give them, but there could also be a young person, watching your reaction, and they take that as the way they are suppose to be. Just think about it. 

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
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