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Your Views (Rating) for the current Colts team


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I'm curious.


There are so many opinions on the state of the Colts, from reading this forum


The opinions seem to go from far extremes from really bad, to really good, and many in between


I have MEDIUM goals, for this team! (For this year)


I am happy when I see progression toward the goal of being a better team...... EVERY year


In an honest assessment,     please rate your personal view of this team


1 - Bad/worst

2 - Average 

3 - Good

4 - Great

5- Elite


In my current belief, I would rate us as a solid 1.8, in between  1 and 2, but progressing nicely


Some people seem to think we still have a good chance at playoffs if we turn it around


We have so many holes, I'm not sure what we would do if we actually, somehow, got into the playoffs.


Thanks in advance for your input!

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I'd probably rate it between a 2 and a 3. Average to good. Luck looks like he is back to normal for the most part, the interior O-Line is set, and we have Costanzo when he comes back. TE's are okay, WR's besides Hilton are horrible, and the RB's are pretty bad besides Hines, who is more of a receiver. On defense, we have Leonard and Walker, as well as Turay and Hooker for the future. Maybe include Moore and Farley if you are high on them. 


We have some pieces, and it's a good start, but we need another draft and FA period where we do spend our cap. If we avoid injuries from now on, we have the potential to be a great team very soon. We've just been getting unlucky in that area.

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I’d say we are 2.25. The talent is completely devoid, due to many circumstances including injuries, so it comes down to the coaching staff doing a good job getting our backups to play beyond expectations. 


Eberflus has done one heck of a job with this defense. I’m glad we have him. Leonard has become a star and a beacon for the young team. 


Luck has been stellar. Close to elite status again, but he needs help at WR, RB and a reduction in attempts per game. He’s often been called the next John Elway, and well, John needed that star running back too. 


As as far playoffs this year?


Fahgedaboutit. Too young, and too injured.

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Given the wide variation in talent on this team, I think that it only makes sense to sub-divide the scoring into a more detailed breakdown. For example:


QB: 4

RB: 1.5

WR: 1.5

TE: 3.5

OL: 1.5


DL: 2.5

DE: 2.5

LB: 2.5

CB: 1.5

S: 1.5


ST: 3.5


I held back on explanations, but I think you get what I mean. This allows us not only to grade the team overall, but also to identify where we need help (IMO, that's RB, WR, OL, CB and S). Anything under 2.5 say, and we need to address this position...


What do you think?

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Need to be able to run the football. Gigantic issue.





#2 We need improvents at WR. And we need to make more use of our Tight ends in the passing game. Not just Ebron, but Swoope and Doyle. Those are our biggest mismatch pieces.

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I wouldn't mind if we just went to 3 TEs on every play going forward. A lineup like this.


Castonzo-Nelson-Kelly-Slauson-Clark (or Smith)

Doyle, Ebron, Swoope




You got 3 TEs, 1 RB, 1 WR...but all 3 TEs can catch. And would help a ton in the running game.

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I would have to go with in between a 1 and a two. 


I hoenstly believe Luck has never had a worse skill player supporting cast around him. 


The expexterions of this team shouldn’t be high. If they can get 6 wins it would be a good season. However that would hurt your chances at a top 10 pick and the Colts REALLY need to hit on draft picks this year. Draft becomes EXTREMELY IMORTANT when you don’t use any money to spend on players in FA.

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22 minutes ago, HOF19 said:

Based on your ratings system I would give this team a 1.75 .

I agree with your assessment but will embellish a bit. The progression of some young players is giving us optimism. Eberflus has made some great in game adjustments as well and Reich is doing ok, not great, at running the O. There is a lot of potential across most postion groups. AL is going to be a stud again by mid season, almost there already. Its just the penalties, turnovers, dropped passes, some missed assignments. Those are symptoms of a bad team, and bad teams find a way to lose, which is what we do. I love the blue, and feel good about where we are going, but atm we are 1.5-2 as a team on scale provided by op. 

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Somewhere between 1.5 and 2.0.  Luck looks fine physically, but still makes the ill-advised pass.  I have to give him some slack since he's tasked with carrying the entire offense it seems.


I think we could edge up to a 3 with a healthy roster, but you know what they say: You are what your record says you are.

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1 hour ago, DrWhom said:

Given the wide variation in talent on this team, I think that it only makes sense to sub-divide the scoring into a more detailed breakdown. For example:


QB: 4

RB: 1.5

WR: 1.5

TE: 3.5

OL: 1.5


DL: 2.5

DE: 2.5

LB: 2.5

CB: 1.5

S: 1.5


ST: 3.5


I held back on explanations, but I think you get what I mean. This allows us not only to grade the team overall, but also to identify where we need help (IMO, that's RB, WR, OL, CB and S). Anything under 2.5 say, and we need to address this position...


What do you think?

I would put our o-line as a 2.5, i think it is above average with the rest of the NFL.  Especially if/when we have all our players. I also think our Safety position is 2.5.

I think we have an above average team right now.  Not quite good yet, still need more experience for our youth and a couple area's that need new talent.  But When healthy, I think our team can play with any other team in the NFL.  

We'll find out the next 3 weeks...If we handle these weaker teams, then it'll show we just played really good teams the first part of the season and held our own.

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12 minutes ago, Lawrence Owen said:

I would put our o-line as a 2.5, i think it is above average with the rest of the NFL.  Especially if/when we have all our players. I also think our Safety position is 2.5.

I think we have an above average team right now.  Not quite good yet, still need more experience for our youth and a couple area's that need new talent.  But When healthy, I think our team can play with any other team in the NFL.  

We'll find out the next 3 weeks...If we handle these weaker teams, then it'll show we just played really good teams the first part of the season and held our own.


Okay, good feedback!


So, what you're implying is that we have greater needs at RB, WR and CB than at S or OL?

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1 minute ago, DrWhom said:


Okay, good feedback!


So, what you're implying is that we have greater needs at RB, WR and CB than at S or OL?

More so at WR and CB.  We MAY be ok at RB,...but i can't say 1 way or the other because we haven't had 2 of our RB's all year.  But definitely NEED more talent at WR and CB. (OL may be above average IMO, but always can use more talent there.)

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3 minutes ago, Lawrence Owen said:

More so at WR and CB.  We MAY be ok at RB,...but i can't say 1 way or the other because we haven't had 2 of our RB's all year.  But definitely NEED more talent at WR and CB. (OL may be above average IMO, but always can use more talent there.)


I can agree on this. OL is tough to evaluate, as is RB, given the injuries, so that would account for our 1 point difference in scoring these areas. But WR and CB seem to me to be pretty glaring gaps. Hence, I am really keen on seeing what Fountain and Ishmael bring to the table, as opposed to keeping Pascal in the rotation at WR...

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1 minute ago, DrWhom said:


I can agree on this. OL is tough to evaluate, as is RB, given the injuries, so that would account for our 1 point difference in scoring these areas. But WR and CB seem to me to be pretty glaring gaps. Hence, I am really keen on seeing what Fountain and Ishmael bring to the table, as opposed to keeping Pascal in the rotation at WR...

They are on the P.S. for a reason.  But unlike others, (like Swoope) Whom are being flip-flopped on and off it, those 2 have stayed put.  I get where 'fans' think we should bring them in and look at them. But they are being seen every week by the coaches.  They practice with the team.  I would think if either of those guys showed more promise during practice than rogers or pascal, they'd make a move.  But no move has been done as of yet, so that tell's me the coaches think they are still too raw.

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4 minutes ago, Lawrence Owen said:

They are on the P.S. for a reason.  But unlike others, (like Swoope) Whom are being flip-flopped on and off it, those 2 have stayed put.  I get where 'fans' think we should bring them in and look at them. But they are being seen every week by the coaches.  They practice with the team.  I would think if either of those guys showed more promise during practice than rogers or pascal, they'd make a move.  But no move has been done as of yet, so that tell's me the coaches think they are still too raw.


These are fair points. I'm not trying to second-guess the coaches. IN fact, I probably should have added a coaching score to my breakout of team resources! Thanks for that reminder.


My point is this: Pascal really showed very little this past game. Are Fountain and Ishmael REALLY that far behind what he demonstrated in the NE game? If so, then you're right, and CB's next call should be to Rishard Matthews' reps!

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I think our O-Line deserves a 2.5 based on what I saw against the Patriots.  Castonzo will make the LT position better whenever he gets back.  Keep Smith at RT and use Haeg, Clark, and Good as depth players.  As much as I want to get a RT or LT with one of our 1st 3 picks, I would rather get 1 or possibly double dip with 2 big physical, fast, strong/sure handed receivers to add to Cain with our high picks and give Luck some REAL toys.  He has been putting up good numbers with a bad receiving Corp.  I know a lot of people think TY is a number 1, but he is more of a top end slot receiver.  Give Luck a number 1 and number 2 receiver that can run like a running back after the catch and watch us put up 30 and 40 burgers on a consistent basis.  TY, Caine, plus 1 or 2 big receivers in draft will make Luck smile from ear to ear.

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1 minute ago, DrWhom said:


These are fair points. I'm not trying to second-guess the coaches. IN fact, I probably should have added a coaching score to my breakout of team resources! Thanks for that reminder.


My point is this: Pascal really showed very little this past game. Are Fountain and Ishmael REALLY that far behind what he demonstrated in the NE game? If so, then you're right, and CB's next call should be to Rishard Matthews' reps!

I'm all for having them bring in Mathews and working him out to see how he ranks with what we have. But we also have to remember this. It's week 5 already. if players are not with a team,..unless they were just released recently, there is a reason for it.

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I'd describe them as mediocre, lacking in both talent and depth. There also seems to be some suspect decision making at the management level. They released talented players (Greg Walden, Rashan Melvin, Jon Hankins, John Simon) when they didn't have better ones to take their place. They've blown draft picks (Reece Fountain, Tarell Basham, Zach Banner). They're going to need probably a couple more seasons to be contenders. And they're going to have to quit making bone-headed mistakes.



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3 hours ago, DrWhom said:

Given the wide variation in talent on this team, I think that it only makes sense to sub-divide the scoring into a more detailed breakdown. For example:


QB: 4

RB: 1.5

WR: 1.5

TE: 3.5

OL: 1.5


DL: 2.5

DE: 2.5

LB: 2.5

CB: 1.5

S: 1.5


ST: 3.5


I held back on explanations, but I think you get what I mean. This allows us not only to grade the team overall, but also to identify where we need help (IMO, that's RB, WR, OL, CB and S). Anything under 2.5 say, and we need to address this position...


What do you think?

I’d bump up LB To 3. Other than that, I’m right with you.

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2 hours ago, TKnight24 said:



And still hoping they tank to get some help


The entire draft needs to be defense and OL


Use FA for offensive weapons like Le’Veon and other WR 

If the Colts can’t beat the Jets and Bills, then I hope we end up with a top 5 pick. 



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You have a 1-5 scale and 2 = Average, so I will say a 2. Basically Average which is the definition of 8-8. We are not Bad IMO eventhough 1-4, as we have been in every game. I had us going 9-7 before the season started, 8-8 at worse. These next 3 games will show me alot against teams we are arguably better than. If we lose 2 of the 3, maybe we are Bad then?


Add on: If I was just ranking Luck on your scale, I would say he is a 3.9. He isn't Elite nor Great, but has been Very Good so far IMO.

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For the most part they are playing well. Things that have to improve are the run game and dropped passes on offense. The colts have shot themselves in the foot in crunch time and it cost them. First thing that comes to mind is Jack Doyles fumble vs Cincinnati.


Just my opinion. The team is still young and learning. Gotta give it time.


My rating would be average but trending upwards. 

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1 hour ago, coltsva said:

I’d bump up LB To 3. Other than that, I’m right with you.


Good to hear... maybe we can all come to a general consensus?


Just kidding. I may be a relatively new poster, but I've been a forum reader for years. I know how things work here (or not!) HA-HA!

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IMO, I believe they are better than their record but not much, mostly due to key injuries.  This team is in transition on both sides of the ball and there are some nice pieces in place but more is needed.  One thing that I am seeing, and I like, is that Clark is getting a run at LT in AC's absence.....while he may never be starter material, he seems a good fit as a "swing tackle" off the bench moving forward.  Also, I don't think Hooker is 100 percent...

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Outside of New England, we can probably play with about anyone in the AFC, but have likely dug too big of a hole for the playoffs.  By the end of the season, we might be playing as well as anyone, but won't be in the playoffs.

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Over this weekend and all throughout the week they need to really be analyzing what they can do from a personnel standpoint and a scheme standpoint to get this running game to make an impact.  No excuse for having this pedestrian of a running attack.  We have to be able to lean on the running game.  It makes the offense that much more deadly and it helps the defense.  I like Wilkins as an inside runner being used very similar to how we've used Gore in the past.  The key with him is he isn't a run here, run there type of back.  You've got to feed that guy some.  I also think we need some more runs to the outside with guys like Mack(whenever he gets back) and Hines.  I also want to get a good look at Jonathan Williams.  I just feel like he's going to fit in what we do and I like the skillset, the speed and the size. And of course there is Robert Turbin.  We have to get a much tougher presence out there with this running game.  It's just imperative we get it done.  If we are able to do that I think we are going to go some places. 

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I would love to be able to run it, but don't want to beat our heads against the wall, if we can't.  How about opening it up, getting a lead and then trying to run it?  Of course we tried that vs. Houston, but Kelly's snap to no one derailed it.  


I also think we've left some points on the field by being overly committed to the run in the red zone.  Just do whatever works - whatever is working.

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5 hours ago, rock8591 said:

I wouldn't mind if we just went to 3 TEs on every play going forward. A lineup like this.


Castonzo-Nelson-Kelly-Slauson-Clark (or Smith)

Doyle, Ebron, Swoope




You got 3 TEs, 1 RB, 1 WR...but all 3 TEs can catch. And would help a ton in the running game.

i concur

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