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Irsay cryptic tweet/Bob Lamey (Voice of the Colts) retiring (merge)

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3 hours ago, stitches said:

Unfortunately, those rarely stick around since there is high demand for stable kickers and there inevitably are several teams that are desperate for one by week 5. Teams follow along who teams seem to value and if you give a practice squad spot to a kicker it usually means he's good so they steal him from you. That's what happened last year with the Chiefs kicker Butker, who was waived and signed to the practice squad by the Panthers and the Chiefs snatched him when their kicker got injured. 


Other team have had success with a couple of colts UDFA kickers in recent past.


1.) Cody Parkey

2.) Brandon McManus

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3 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Matt Taylor will take over immediately 

I liked the weekly show with Taylor and Mattis during the off-season.  I don’t know why they stopped having it or where mattis is now but they have a great chemistry together 

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3 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I knew it wasn't Vinny, he just signed again. This sucks though, I grew up listening to Bob when he did Pacers games too when I was a kid. Bob is the GOAT on the radio. Nobody can replace him! 

I too listened to Bob when he did the Pacer games.  I can't think of anyone coming close that could bring the truth better than Bob over the airwaves.

I had a chance to talk to him in Anderson and he was a joy to talk to. He had a lot of things to say about those Pacer teams when he was covering them.

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3 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

I too listened to Bob when he did the Pacer games.  I can't think of anyone coming close that could bring the truth better than Bob over the airwaves.

I had a chance to talk to him in Anderson and he was a joy to talk to. He had a lot of things to say about those Pacer teams when he was covering them.

Yeah I remember as a little kid playing Nerfhoop by myself in the house (early 80's), simulating games trying to announce games like him. Yelling players names out and all sorts of stuff. My mother thought something was wrong with me :funny:

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I am honestly not surprised in the least. I was actually expecting it during the off-season. He was making more and more mistakes, and you could hear his voice wear down during broadcasts. 


Im guessing he planned to try one more season but realized it was going to be much harder than he could handle. 


Thanks for everything, Bob! Your passion was unrivaled!

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9 minutes ago, John Waylon said:

I am honestly not surprised in the least. I was actually expecting it during the off-season. He was making more and more mistakes, and you could hear his voice wear down during broadcasts. 


Im guessing he planned to try one more season but realized it was going to be much harder than he could handle. 


Thanks for everything, Bob! Your passion was unrivaled!

Yes Bob did make a few mistakes but in his excitement he did that once in a while even in his younger days.  His relationship with the Colts and the Pacers and most of all, his fans will be hard to replace. 

Most of all was his fandom. When things were bad he called it that way. When things were good he couldn't hold his excitement.

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4 hours ago, csmopar said:

Ugh Matt is so monotoned during the game, yuck

Yes, he is like the Purdue announcer of yester-lore.....can't think of his name but he was not good. had kind of a nasal voice.  McConnell I'm thinking.  Lamey was grand for our Colts, yes he over-reached on many calls before he knew the true outcome, but you can't take away his overwhelming "homer-ness" which endeared him to many...he was the first off the plane high-fiving fans after coming back from the San Diego playoff win and also the first off the plane to high-five disheartened fans at the airport after the heart-wrenching Pittsburgh playoff loss.  Class Act, you will be missed.

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5 hours ago, IinD said:

Lol. I tried a few times, but got annoyed when he'd say something like 'caught, first down... No he was juggling it out of bounds'.. Can't play with my emotions while calling a Colts game.

He called the game live and said exactly what you would think if you were there.

That is what most liked about him.

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13 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Father time catches up with everyone, maybe when Brady is 80 he will retire?? In all seriousness I can't even imagine listening to anyone else on the radio doing a Colts game. Bob is the GOAT, Matt Taylor doesn't have the enthusiasm to cut the mustard IMO. 


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Will miss this voice and enthusiasm, and sorry he won't be around this season as we turn things around.  In a sense, he reminds me of Harry Caray...a fan who happens to have a microphone and describes things through the fan's eyes.  When Harry passed away, Cubs games were and will never be the same.  Seems most of the "younger" announcers just don't have that special gift like Bob and Harry had.  I can't put my finger on it, but they are just not the same.  Too may try to be funny, or just bore you with an endless spouting of stats and items fed to them by their producers.


Bob loves the Colts, and it's obvious when you listen...he expressed excitement and disappointment...he was critical when it was justified and praised players when they earned it.  That's becoming a lost art.


Thanks for the memories Bob and enjoy your retirement...look forward to his name being added to the Ring of Honor, too!

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4 minutes ago, CamMo said:

Bob is getting old and isn't in good health. May be even a little senile at this point. I noticed he was starting to make more mistakes over the last 2 years of his play by play so this doesn't surprise me. Even cussing! I highly doubt we asked him to step down though, I am sure it was his decision to retire due to his health and age. No way Bob is a racist either, he has been around black athletes his whole career, has close friends that are black as well. Unfortunately someone will read this article and think he's a racist now but that's how people are now days. He made a mistake in poor choice of words.

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You’re right @PrincetonTiger, here is the WTHR story https://www.wthr.com/article/13-investigates-colts-announcer-bob-lamey-accused-racial-slur-days-retiring


It gives more details about the situation. This is reminding me of the scenario that just happened with John Shnatter and how toxic that became for BSU. I think a lot of people will agree with you, @2006Coltsbestever

I’m not giving my opinion on this, just reporting because I know this will be a big deal.

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29 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Bob is getting old and isn't in good health. May be even a little senile at this point. I noticed he was starting to make more mistakes over the last 2 years of his play by play so this doesn't surprise me. Even cussing! I highly doubt we asked him to step down though, I am sure it was his decision to retire due to his health and age. No way Bob is a racist either, he has been around black athletes his whole career, has close friends that are black as well. Unfortunately someone will read this article and think he's a racist now but that's how people are now days. He made a mistake in poor choice of words.

It is not about being a racist it is about being savvy and up to date



    When you are public figure or have a public job a person must be a tune with the times and know the company you keep


  My family had/have to go to PD Seminars every year and then pass a test on these things before the school year started

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5 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

It is not about being a racist it is about being savvy and up to date



    When you are public figure or have a public job a person must be a tune with the times and know the company you keep


  My family had/have to go to PD Seminars every year and then pass a test on these things before the school year started

I don't disagree with you at all. I just think he isn't in good health and he used a poor choice of words not thinking. He is 80 years old, not 50. 

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