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Reggie Bush says it's time to hit the PANIC BUTTON (merge)


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I don't think you can highly respect the opinion of someone who dated a Kardashian.


But seriously, when surgery was announced there was grave cause for concern. At this point though either he'll be back or he won't and there's no reason to wallow in it. At the end of the day, be grateful it's not your shoulder and it doesn't affect your life.



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Even if Luck retired tomorrow, I still don't think Ballard would "hit the Panic Button".  What does that even mean?  haha


Unless you call the Brissett trade and Reich hire panic moves to make up for no Luck or McDaniels, then if Ballard hasn't hit the panic button by now, I doubt he ever will.



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21 minutes ago, CantBeStopped said:

Based off of what Reggie? The fact he has a slow, methodical approach to his rehab instead of rushing back like he tried to last year?

Many in the national media are talking about the fact that Luck hasn't thrown a meaningful ball in well over a year, not played and 15 months after surgery he still isn't able to throw a true ball.  They discussed the fact he has to rework his footwork and anything he can to take the stress off his shoulder.  The question they ask is will he ever be what was expected at the start of his career...  They think not.  It was a major topic on NFL network this morning.  I personally can't stand the talking heads at the national level, but we all may be a bit guilty of drinking the blue kool-aid and maybe not as realistic as we should be....  Luck says he will be ready for Training camp, whatever "ready" means.  but if he can't be allowed to throw now, a true training camp for Luck seems a long way off......  Hope not! 

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34 minutes ago, Boiler_Colt said:

I don't think you can highly respect the opinion of someone who dated a Kardashian.


But seriously, when surgery was announced there was grave cause for concern. At this point though either he'll be back or he won't and there's no reason to wallow in it. At the end of the day, be grateful it's not your shoulder and it's not your life.




Luck got $87M guaranteed...why would I be grateful to not have his life?

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5 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

News Flash: Pretty much everybody outside our fanbase thinks Luck is done. 

they really do


either they are trolls, we are homers, or the truth lies in the middle


i think we would be lucky to see him play past 35 or so

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I watched the video on the link and I agree to what they're saying to an extent. I personally wouldn't hit the "panic button" unless Andrew Luck still isn't throwing by training camp. Which, I think, could very well be a huge possibility that Luck will not be throwing or even considered "full go". It has been 70 weeks since Luck has thrown a football and Luck mentioned that he still doesn't feel perfect as of yesterday. I wouldn't be getting my hopes up for his return for game #1. Just my thoughts. Wish we could fast forward through the offseason craziness but that's what I'm thinking. 

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1 minute ago, shastamasta said:


Yep. If Luck was another team, I wonder if many people here would think the same. 

people hate on every team, doubt it would change much


assuming he had the same injury i think it would be about the same 

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Just now, pgt_rob said:

I watched the video on the link and I agree to what they're saying to an extent. I personally wouldn't hit the "panic button" unless Andrew Luck still isn't throwing by training camp. Which, I think, could very well be a huge possibility that Luck will not be throwing or even considered "full go". It has been 70 weeks since Luck has thrown a football and Luck mentioned that he still doesn't feel perfect as of yesterday. I wouldn't be getting my hopes up for his return for game #1. Just my thoughts. Wish we could fast forward through the offseason craziness but that's what I'm thinking. 


I agree as well...except for the "panic button" part. There is no reason to panic...it is what it is. The Colts now just have to rebuild the roster so that it isn't dependent on an elite QB...which coincidentally, is what Ballard is clearly doing (and has said he wants to do).


It's just hard for me to look past all of the actions or lack of action. Luck still hasn't thrown...and Ballard spent almost no money in FA. A team that knows it is getting back top tier QB play does some retooling in the offseason, even if there is a focus on building through the draft...especially one that has $60M+ in cap space. 


So at the best, even if they think Luck will be able to play, I don't think they know what he will be like long-term. At worst, they know it's not happening. Either way, there is no reason to retool at this point. And if there is any chance that they would have to part ways with Luck in the near future, saving that cap is very prudent..

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Just now, Boiler_Colt said:

Well yeah lol when you put it that way. But I meant it more as whatever's happening with Andrew shouldn't affect your life.


I agree. The situation sucks for us, but hopefully there will be resolution in the near future one way or the other.

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At some point the rose colored glasses have to come off and put the facts together. Luck hasn't thrown a football in 16 months, hasn't played  or practiced in over 1 1/2 years by the time training camp starts. So your telling me luck is going to waltz into training camp, pick up a football and be ready to play 6 weeks later. Not going to happen folks. My prediction is he starts the season on IR and maybe returns by week 8. I hope Luck proves a lot of people wrong, including myself. Either way the sun will still shine bright tomorrow and I'll continue to scream for my colts. Will just be glad when all of this is over.

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5 minutes ago, shastamasta said:


I agree as well...except for the "panic button" part. There is no reason to panic...it is what it is. The Colts now just have to rebuild the roster so that it isn't dependent on an elite QB...which coincidentally, is what Ballard is clearly doing (and has said he wants to do).


It's just hard for me to look past all of the actions or lack of action. Luck still hasn't thrown...and Ballard spent almost no money in FA. A team that knows it is getting back top tier QB play does some retooling in the offseason, even if there is a focus on building through the draft...especially one that has $60M+ in cap space. 


So at the best, even if they think Luck will be able to play, I don't think they know what he will be like long-term. At worst, they know it's not happening. Either way, there is no reason to retool at this point. And if there is any chance that they would have to part ways with Luck in the near future, saving that cap is very prudent..

What would be the cap savings if we parted ways with luck next offseason? I'm sure the dead money for 2019 would be a chunk but would his contract clear the books after 2019?

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39 minutes ago, Old Colt said:

Many in the national media are talking about the fact that Luck hasn't thrown a meaningful ball in well over a year, not played and 15 months after surgery he still isn't able to throw a true ball.  They discussed the fact he has to rework his footwork and anything he can to take the stress off his shoulder.  The question they ask is will he ever be what was expected at the start of his career...  They think not.  It was a major topic on NFL network this morning.  I personally can't stand the talking heads at the national level, but we all may be a bit guilty of drinking the blue kool-aid and maybe not as realistic as we should be....  Luck says he will be ready for Training camp, whatever "ready" means.  but if he can't be allowed to throw now, a true training camp for Luck seems a long way off......  Hope not! 

It is only April 10th.  not July.

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5 minutes ago, shastamasta said:

and Ballard spent almost no money in FA. A team that knows it is getting back top tier QB play does some retooling in the offseason, even if there is a focus on building through the draft..


That wasn't by choice.  We were turned down by every free agent we pursued, and this is why.  If there's no Luck, why would any free agent choose this situation?

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15 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

It is only April 10th.  not July.


3 and 1/2 months until camp?  Not throwing, not good physically?  Hardly encouraging.


In a few years, I'm not sure how the trade down in the first will look.

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How dare Reggie have an opinion that we don't agree with. Doesn't he know that everything Colts related is all rainbows and smiles?


So what that our QB has missed 26 games in the last 3 years and still hasn't thrown a football. So what that the last time he did actually did throw a football he had to be shut down and placed on IR.


Everything is fine....nothing to see here....move on Reggie.

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