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McDaniels rejects Colts.


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1 minute ago, Superman said:


1) I don't think so. I think your #5 outweighs any idea that the Colts did anything wrong.


2) Don't know, but it sounds like we're honoring their contracts. It also sounds like Phair is more linked with Eberflus and Ballard than McDaniels, so that's probably not a bad thing at this point.


3) Not really, IMO. I wasn't excited about anyone else, I thought McDaniels was the best candidate. The only guy I would have considered is Shurmur, and evidently he wasn't even requested by the Colts.


4) Not that hard, I don't think. He'll be viewed in contrast to the snake. 

#1 I don't think we are disorganized. However, other folks out there are going to take it that way.
#2 I hope Phair and Eberflus pan out and work well with whomever we bring in as HC.

#3 & #4 Hope that is indeed the case.

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1 minute ago, Superman said:


I don't think the bolded is irrelevant at all. There's plenty of legal precedent for verbal agreements being treated as binding.


I agree. 


Been trying to pay attention to this part of the discussion. I think it's an interesting point. 


Verbal contracts are legally binding - if you can prove it. 

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Just now, BlueShoe said:


I agree. 


Been trying to pay attention to this part of the discussion. I think it's an interesting point. 


Verbal contracts are legally binding - if you can prove it. 

I wonder if the Colts recorded any of these agreements.  


As a fan and huge pats hater, I'd love to see/hear these.

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50 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Here's the problem.  Any other AC in the NFL can back out at the last minute because he gets cold feet.  And because his current team takes him back, it's not going to be viewed by the NFL as a punishable offense.


And if you notice the comments made by McD and Kraft, there is no indication the Pats swooped in at the last minute to sweeten the pot.  McD said he returned despite no promises being made by the Pats.


I agree that McD was saying things to get the Colts to make contracts with other coaches, but NE has nothing to do with that.


If NE meddled, maybe there is punishment.  But if McD simply changed his mind at the last minute, it would actually send a bad message to the other 31 teams if NE was punished for McD changing his mind.


Having said that, my gut says this was planned by Josh and Kraft weeks ago, to keep the Colts and Luck down for as long as possible for when McD takes over for the Pats.


Verbal agreements aren't worthless in this situation. If the NFL sends the message that they are, they'll be perpetuating a huge problem. 

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Just now, ricker182 said:

I wonder if the Colts recorded any of these agreements.  


As a fan and huge pats hater, I'd love to see/hear these.

If they have a Voice Over IP (VOIP) system, where calls are done via the internet then I would think so. Our system does. 


But all it would take are the assistants to say he was coming.

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Just now, ricker182 said:

I wonder if the Colts recorded any of these agreements.  


As a fan and huge pats hater, I'd love to see/hear these.


Yeah. Part of me would like to see them pay for this, but I also do not want another deflate gate that ultimately reflects bad on us, again. 


I think I am happy with getting out of this while we are ahead, and beating the Pats on the field. 


We dodged a huge bullet today. 

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1 hour ago, 21isSuperman said:

If this is true, I think the Pats are going to pay a big penalty.  @Superman does this change anything?  Now there's some intent known



This is what I suspected. I wrote on the Vikings site that I thought this was planned and it was intentional. I thought that it could be payback for the Colts having reported the deflated footballs. 


I have to say that I was very surprised that so many Colts fans were on board with this hire. I thought for sure that Colts fans would want nothing to do with anything Patriots. This was a classless move on McDaniels' part. 


This is best for the Colts. Hire Reich, Toub, or other coach. What about that great ST coach from Atlanta. How about Arians?

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1 hour ago, Bad Morty said:

The Belichick contract situation with the Jets was much different in that he actually WAS under contract with the Jets as an assistant when the Pats hired him. Now any assistant coach has the right to take a head coaching job without compensation (for obvious reasons), however the Jets had a legal argument because it was specified in Bill's contract as an assistant that he would automatically become the Jets head coach if/when Parcells stepped down. So when Parcells decided to step down and take a front office job, the Jets contended that Bill B. became their head coach and were therefore entitled to compensation. The Pats probably could have fought this, but the commissioner stepped in and encouraged them to settle it with the Jets...which they did.


In this case, McDaniels is essentially a free agent. I think it was a D-move by him...but I really don't think there is any basis to award the Colts any picks unless there is a signed agreement that he renegged on. Until he signs the contract, any team could have technically swooped in and hired him away.


The legal basis is the Colts are a damaged franchise by this move.


The top HC candidates have gone elsewhere.    The OC candidates have gone elsewhere.     McDaniels loss hurts as both as the HC and the OC.


We have hired roughly half a staff at his direction.    I'm sure McDaniels has spoken with each of the assistants he has hired.     I'm sure he spoke to the ST coach of the Pats who was supposed to leave New England for Indy.


This is an easy case even if no paper work was signed.     But I suspect there's a signed letter of agreement somewhere.      Because I'm sure we have a contract laid out waiting for Josh to sign.     How did those terms magically appear on a contract unless Josh and his agent had already agreed to them?


The Colts have been damaged.    And the Patriots damaged us by enticing a coach who had already agreed to terms to join Indy to reneg on the deal.       The news of McDaniels to Indy didn't catch Kraft off-guard.    It's been out there for weeks.      But the stories out today say Kraft moved in the last 48 hours.     


The Pats damaged the Colts.     I expect the NFL to drop the hammer on New England.


It's a TERRIBLE look for the NFL.   They HAVE to do something.    I don't think doing nothing is even an option.


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1 minute ago, BlueShoe said:


Yeah. Part of me would like to see them pay for this, but I also do not want another deflate gate that ultimately reflects bad on us, again. 


I think I am happy with getting out of this while we are ahead, and beating the Pats on the field. 


We dodged a huge bullet today. 

Not sure how the pats cheating reflects poorly on us.....

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Just now, NFLfan said:


This is what I suspected. I wrote on Vikings site that I thought this was planned and it was intentional. I thought that it could be payback for the Colts having reported the deflated footballs. 


I have to say that I was very surprised that so many Colts fans were on board with this hire. I thought for sure that Colts fans would want nothing to do with anything Patriots. This was a classless move on McDaniels' part. 


This is best for the Colts. Hire Reich, Toub, or other coach. What about that great ST coach from Atlanta. How about Arians?

Simple solution to this whole thing is too hire Frank Reich and everyone will be happy again. Great character guy, OC of the Eagles and just won a SB. I honestly think I would rather him than McDaniels anyway.

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I was all in on JM. But I will say I was a little upset with how Brady was treating him in the sidelines.kinda like he had zero respect for him. Oh well on to the next.

I just hate how of they planned this.They did it just after we lost a player tragically, kinda goes to show you why everybody except Patriots fans hates them. 


You don't want to be here I don't want you here.

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1 minute ago, NFLfan said:


This is what I suspected. I wrote on Vikings site that I thought this was planned and it was intentional. I thought that it could be payback for the Colts having reported the deflated footballs. 


I have to say that I was very surprised that so many Colts fans were on board with this hire. I thought for sure that Colts fans would want nothing to do with anything Patriots. This was a classless move on McDaniels' part. 


This is best for the Colts. Hire Reich, Toub, or other coach. What about that great ST coach from Atlanta. How about Arians?

If that conspiracy could be proven, owners have been forced to sell their franchises for less. But alas, the Pats cover their tracks far too well for it to be proven. Ultimately nothing will come of it.

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Just now, Boiler_Colt said:

If that conspiracy could be proven, owners have been forced to sell their franchises for less. But alas, the Pats cover their tracks far too well for it to be proven. Ultimately nothing will come of it.

It won't be proven as McDaniels would never liable himself

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After some consideration, I believe that this will be for the best for the Colts. I'd rather have someone who wants to be here. 


It appears that McDaniels is still as immature as he was when he was with Denver.  Let him wallow in NE after Brady and Belichick are gone if he ends up as HC there.  He's proven that he's no Belichick.


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Just now, ricker182 said:

Not sure how the pats cheating reflects poorly on us.....


It is my opinion form talking to other people about it, but I think the rest of the league kind of saw us as sore losers. I know a lot of fans from other teams did. If the score would have been close then would would have had a huge argument, but form the people I talked to about deflate gate... they mostly think the Colts were sore losers. 


I think the Colts took more of a black-eye than the Patriots did. 

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33 minutes ago, Bad Morty said:

None of us know his motivation. It was being reported days ago that this wasn't a done deal, meaning he must have had some sort of reservations. How do we know that his reservations weren't with the ownership/management and maybe he took the premature announcement of his hiring before the contract was signed as an unprofessional move by the Colts that scared him off?


So he's justified?


Come on. The unprofessionalism is all his.

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We have always been dealt the worst hands ever when up against the Patriots. No sense really in fighting it. What always happens?? We lose. However you look at it. It sucks. And to make matters worse, i got a question for you....Who is Robert Kraft's best friend? I'm sure compensation/picks are not happening.

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5 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


The legal basis is the Colts are a damaged franchise by this move.


The top HC candidates have gone elsewhere.    The OC candidates have gone elsewhere.     McDaniels loss hurts as both as the HC and the OC.


We have hired roughly half a staff at his direction.    I'm sure McDaniels has spoken with each of the assistants he has hired.     I'm sure he spoke to the ST coach of the Pats who was supposed to leave New England for Indy.


This is an easy case even if no paper work was signed.     But I suspect there's a signed letter of agreement somewhere.      Because I'm sure we have a contract laid out waiting for Josh to sign.     How did those terms magically appear on a contract unless Josh and his agent had already agreed to them?


The Colts have been damaged.    And the Patriots damaged us by enticing a coach who had already agreed to terms to join Indy to reneg on the deal.       The news of McDaniels to Indy didn't catch Kraft off-guard.    It's been out there for weeks.      But the stories out today say Kraft moved in the last 48 hours.     


The Pats damaged the Colts.     I expect the NFL to drop the hammer on New England.


It's a TERRIBLE look for the NFL.   They HAVE to do something.    I don't think doing nothing is even an option.


How do you feel about Reich as our next Coach? I love that idea.


-Great Post by the way.

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Guys, here's something I heard a few weeks ago that just crossed my mind. Did you know that Doug Peterson was the Eagles 3rd choice when they hired him? He was a contingency because their first choice was freaking Chuck Pagano, but we retained him.. 


Things happen, hopefully this forces Ballard to look outside of the box a little bit. Maybe find a guy who doesn't smash his ears with a visor and cheat and backstab ect..



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Just now, Boiler_Colt said:

If that conspiracy could be proven, owners have been forced to sell their franchises for less. But alas, the Pats cover their tracks far too well for it to be proven. Ultimately nothing will come of it.

If something is found, heres my week long plans

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5 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Simple solution to this whole thing is too hire Frank Reich and everyone will be happy again. Great character guy, OC of the Eagles and just won a SB. I honestly think I would rather him than McDaniels anyway.


I think I told you that I did not like McDaniels. I also did not want him or Patricia coming to NY (Giants), as I would have to hear them interviewed on the radio all the time. 


I like Reich. Much better fit than McDaniels.

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2 minutes ago, The Fish said:

Guys, here's something I heard a few weeks ago that just crossed my mind. Did you know that Doug Peterson was the Eagles 3rd choice when they hired him? He was a contingency because their first choice was freaking Chuck Pagano, but we retained him.. 


Things happen, hopefully this forces Ballard to look outside of the box a little bit. Maybe find a guy who doesn't smash his ears with a visor and cheat and backstab ect..


So we can get Doug Peterson now? lol j/k there fishy.

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8 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


The legal basis is the Colts are a damaged franchise by this move.


The top HC candidates have gone elsewhere.    The OC candidates have gone elsewhere.     McDaniels loss hurts as both as the HC and the OC.


We have hired roughly half a staff at his direction.    I'm sure McDaniels has spoken with each of the assistants he has hired.     I'm sure he spoke to the ST coach of the Pats who was supposed to leave New England for Indy.


This is an easy case even if no paper work was signed.     But I suspect there's a signed letter of agreement somewhere.      Because I'm sure we have a contract laid out waiting for Josh to sign.     How did those terms magically appear on a contract unless Josh and his agent had already agreed to them?


The Colts have been damaged.    And the Patriots damaged us by enticing a coach who had already agreed to terms to join Indy to reneg on the deal.       The news of McDaniels to Indy didn't catch Kraft off-guard.    It's been out there for weeks.      But the stories out today say Kraft moved in the last 48 hours.     


The Pats damaged the Colts.     I expect the NFL to drop the hammer on New England.


It's a TERRIBLE look for the NFL.   They HAVE to do something.    I don't think doing nothing is even an option.



Excellent post!


I think you are making a lot of sense.

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