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What can be done to be a contender next season?


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38 minutes ago, BOTT said:


Can we stop with Manning lust? He has almost zero qualifications for the job.  Although he might  be a step up from Grigson.


1) He has a better football brain than just about any living person not named Belichick or Parcells.


2) He always demanded greatness from anybody playing with him...hard to believe he wouldn't demand it from anybody playing for him.


3) If Elway can be a successful GM in this league, why couldn't Manning?


4) He's the kind of guy anybody should lust to merely have hanging around a program.


5) With his Passing Academy, he'll have a very keen eye on who's coming up at the quarterback position.


I'm pretty confident that, if it involves football, Peyton Manning would succeed at most anything he tried.

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11 minutes ago, Track Guy said:
  • Pass rush. We need one, badly.
  • Inside linebackers. This position has been handled terribly.
  • Secondary depth.
  • A better running game. 

I agree.  The two things I would add are a LT.  I was hoping Costanzo would get his game together but he is having too much trouble for the veteran player he is.  He seems to have regressed.  I hate to say it but I might be open to a Joe Thomas trade even if he is 32.  Second we need a new playing surface.  It's horrible and contributing to injuries. I read where it is one of the worst and oldest in the league for an artificial surface.  No nap at all.  Looks like they are playing on painted cement. I was hoping Jim would replace it during our upcoming  bye week.  If I was a free agent I would think twice about coming here and playing on that surface.  Lots of injuries today for both teams and I don't think that hard surface helped to cushion any blows. 

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13 minutes ago, BertJones said:

they are still a contender this season.

whether its 8-8 or 10-6, they arent missing the playoffs.


this division has nothing to challenge the Colts with in the long run.


Yeah, Houston is bad. But now they get to reap the benefits of the bad AFC south. They're 2 games up plus own the tie breaker. And Indy has the following schedule. @ GB, TEN, PIT, @ NYJ, HOU, @ MIN, @ OAK, JAX.


At best they go 4-4. And even if by some chance they go 6-2 (which would involve beating at least two of Green Bay, Pittsburgh, Oakland and Minnesota), that's still 9-7. Houston and/or Tennessee will likely match/beat that, judging by their schedules.

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23 minutes ago, luv_pony_express said:


1) He has a better football brain than just about any living person not named Belichick or Parcells.


2) He always demanded greatness from anybody playing with him...hard to believe he wouldn't demand it from anybody playing for him.


3) If Elway can be a successful GM in this league, why couldn't Manning?


4) He's the kind of guy anybody should lust to merely have hanging around a program.


5) With his Passing Academy, he'll have a very keen eye on who's coming up at the quarterback position.


I'm pretty confident that, if it involves football, Peyton Manning would succeed at most anything he tried.


3) Elway paid some dues before joining the Broncos.  He didn't go right from playing to GM/Vice President.


The rest of your post just seems like fans like things a Peyton Manning fan would say.


If Manning wants to go that path, I wouldn't bet against him, but I wouldn't be handing him the keys with zero experience.

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3 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:

Yeah, Houston is bad. But now they get to reap the benefits of the bad AFC south. They're 2 games up plus own the tie breaker. And Indy has the following schedule. @ GB, TEN, PIT, @ NYJ, HOU, @ MIN, @ OAK, JAX.


At best they go 4-4. And even if by some chance they go 6-2 (which would involve beating at least two of Green Bay, Pittsburgh, Oakland and Minnesota), that's still 9-7. Houston and/or Tennessee will likely match/beat that, judging by their schedules.

No chance they go 4-4 against those teams honestly. Even at best as you said, more like 2-6/3-5 at best I'd guess.


They won't beat any 'name' qb, they can't beat bum or cast off qbs.

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Just now, IinD said:

No chance they go 4-4 against those teams honestly. Even at best as you said, more like 2-6/3-5 at best I'd guess.


They won't beat any 'name' qb, they can't beat bum or cast off qbs.

I had them winning against HOU, TEN, JAX and NYJ (which is a stretch to be honest). And that's at best mind you. Most likely they beat TEN and JAX, lose the rest.

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1 hour ago, thatonefan said:

Ive said it before and I'll say it again, we're a playmaking edge rusher and a legitimate running back away from deep run to the playoffs. We have no one that scares anyone on either sides of the ball not named Andrew Luck. Maybe a new GM as well.

:lol: We need more than 2 players

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1 hour ago, luv_pony_express said:


1) He has a better football brain than just about any living person not named Belichick or Parcells.

More of a reason to make him a coach instead of a GM.  He knows Xs and Os.  We don't know how good he is at evaluating talent, thinking of trades, writing up contracts for free agents, etc.


2) He always demanded greatness from anybody playing with him...hard to believe he wouldn't demand it from anybody playing for him.


3) If Elway can be a successful GM in this league, why couldn't Manning?

Elway had previous experience in the front office with the Colorado Crush before joining the Broncos


4) He's the kind of guy anybody should lust to merely have hanging around a program.

Would you say the same thing for someone like Mike Singletary (18-22 head coaching record)?


5) With his Passing Academy, he'll have a very keen eye on who's coming up at the quarterback position.

Why would this make any difference?  We have Luck for many more years.


I'm pretty confident that, if it involves football, Peyton Manning would succeed at most anything he tried.

I'm not saying Peyton shouldn't be involved.  But it's too early to give him 100% control as GM.  Maybe give him an advisory role or an assistant role or something so he gets more experience in the front office.  Then, if you like what he's doing and think he's doing a good job, consider giving him the GM title in a few years

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1 hour ago, luv_pony_express said:


1) He has a better football brain than just about any living person not named Belichick or Parcells.


2) He always demanded greatness from anybody playing with him...hard to believe he wouldn't demand it from anybody playing for him.


3) If Elway can be a successful GM in this league, why couldn't Manning?


4) He's the kind of guy anybody should lust to merely have hanging around a program.


5) With his Passing Academy, he'll have a very keen eye on who's coming up at the quarterback position.


I'm pretty confident that, if it involves football, Peyton Manning would succeed at most anything he tried.

he doesnt want the job

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24 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

Considering the first thing you need to do is fire the coach and GM but the Owner has basically confirmed he's keeping them, you'd need a new owner at this point.


I don't believe anything an owner, GM, coach, player says to the media.

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13 minutes ago, BOTT said:


I don't believe anything an owner, GM, coach, player says to the media.

Yep, it does nothing to throw the employees under the bus...The problems would still be there. We honestly have no idea what conversations are happening behind the closed doors. 

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That interception at the end of the first half killed the game for us...from that point on we just sucked premierly. 


At any rate my thoughts are to still trade for Sheldon Richardson this year he would definitely be a key piece on our defense moving forward and drafting more defense next year along with solidifying some solid sought after free agents.

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1 minute ago, aaron11 said:

elliot is working out for the cowboys.  hes doing more than ramasy would have to help them win games



That's not how the modern NFL works. If all you needs is a RB (like the Cowboys), taking one in the 1st is a decent idea. On the whole though, running backs have such diminished impact on the game in the modern era, as well as having the shortest careers of any position, that you just don't get ROI on investing a 1st in one.


The era of the star running back being meaningful to a successful offense died a decade ago.

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4 hours ago, Shafty138 said:

become a Pats fan......


Well - maybe not.  BUT - how is it those guys NEVER make a mistake that seems to really hurt them.....Always seem to execute to perfection.....Always play smart football.....Etc. Etc. Etc.   


AS much as it seems like shoving a grenade down a very VERY dead horse's throat - it IS COACHING.  


Those guys won NFL games with a THIRD STRING QB - WHO HAD AN INJURY.  Oh - and they also pay their QB a WHOLE bunch of money.  So the garbage about Luck and his contract is nonsense.


They have a plan, they are VERY smart about it, and they hold EVERYONE accountable. NO excuses, NO nonsense - go get the job done we tell you to do, EXACTLY the way we ask you to do it, or we will find someone else.


Polian acted like he was they ONLY one who knew anything about football in those offices - Because HE WAS the only one who knew anything about football in those offices.  Those were the days..

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16 minutes ago, SkyBane said:

That's not how the modern NFL works. If all you needs is a RB (like the Cowboys), taking one in the 1st is a decent idea. On the whole though, running backs have such diminished impact on the game in the modern era, as well as having the shortest careers of any position, that you just don't get ROI on investing a 1st in one.


The era of the star running back being meaningful to a successful offense died a decade ago.


You Bet.  And I would just about extend that to WR's and TE's at this point.  There are so many "talent" guys out there now .. the real difference seems to be Line play.  The perfect concrete example is the Pokes.. Demarco Murray fell off the map without those road graders .. and I'm pretty sure Frank Gore would AVERAGE 100 a game behind THAT line... the holes they open you can drive a Big Rig through.

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10 minutes ago, SkyBane said:

That's not how the modern NFL works. If all you needs is a RB (like the Cowboys), taking one in the 1st is a decent idea. On the whole though, running backs have such diminished impact on the game in the modern era, as well as having the shortest careers of any position, that you just don't get ROI on investing a 1st in one.


The era of the star running back being meaningful to a successful offense died a decade ago.

i have to disagree with that, they needed more than a back for one thing.  a lot of people were saying they needed defense with that pick


analytics are turning teams off from backs, but analytics also dont give absolute answers .  i would not be as quick to draft one now as i would have 20 years ago, but that does not mean its never a good idea.


as for career longevity, that is something to consider, but its not the end all be all stat to worry about.  its not like our recent picks have stayed around until their 30s anyway, and running backs are one of the safest positions to project from college to the pros

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5 hours ago, MTC said:

Irsay selling the team

It seems like he's definitely starting to lose his marbles, just like his father did.  Both fight the same kinds of demons. (Alcohol/drugs).  No offense to either of them as I understand it's a lifelong battle, but Irsay doesn't seem like the man he was even just five years ago.

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. FO/coaching overhaul

. Hire a GM & HC that actually like each other

. Nail Free Agency

. Nail the draft

. Rinse and repeat the previous 2 the next year as well and you might be on to something.


This is not a 1 offseason problem in my opinion.

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17 hours ago, COLTS449 said:

Its not that hard. Here's why....We have Andrew Luck, 60 million in cap room, probably high draft picks in each round, and a few good pieces here and there such as Hilton, Moncrief, Doyle, Mewhort, Kelly, Haeg, Davis, Anderson, Geathers, etc, etc, etc.... So.....


1) New GM and entire Coaching staff


2) Actually go all in in free agency and land 2-3 superstar caliber players


3) Hit big in the draft


Do everything it takes to get Harbaugh outta Michigan.


Go all in in free agency. Land one of Chandler Jones, Melvin Ingram, or Nick Perry. Sign Stephon Gilmore or the next best CB available. Sign an ILB like Zach Brown.


So we'll have a high pick (top 10) Get the best EDGE rusher available, then get an ILB with some coverage skills, and a RB.


If we do things right we WILL compete next season. No reason we cant.

Untill half the team is injured by the first week of the season, which seems to happen every single season. We constantly have numerous guys getting injured and missing games, and they are starters too. I hate to say it but I can't even really be that happy about signing a big FA or even draft pick because with how things go for us, they are likely headed for an injury. I would really like to know why this is a constant trend for us because it's sooo upsetting.

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15 hours ago, aaron11 said:

elliot is working out for the cowboys.  hes doing more than ramasy would have to help them win games



Replacing someone like Brandon Weeden with Dak Prescott helps too.  Compare Elliot with Todd Gurley.  What's the difference?

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2 hours ago, BOTT said:

Replacing someone like Brandon Weeden with Dak Prescott helps too.  Compare Elliot with Todd Gurley.  What's the difference?

of course its a team game.  gurley would have been a good choice for dallas too but I don't think he was on the board when they picked


the point is that Elliot is doing more to help his team win than jalen ramsay is for the jags


you could put an average back on the cowboys and they would do well.  Elliot is doing better than that though, hes the leagues leading rusher


dax had a bad day passing last night too, but Elliot had almost 130 total yards.  he is doing quite a lot for that team.  he is also a very good blocker and receiver


Elliot was the right pick for the cowboys



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21 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

Firing Grigson and Pagano would be a big step towards a solution

Yep... then finding the right people in their stead would be the second step.


Then hitting on 6-7 draft of our draft picks(yeah, I know that's not happening).

We might actually have some free capspace for free agents. We've been burnt so bad with those, that I can't even get excited for that.


In general, I don't think we can be contenders next year. Best case scenario is fire Grigson and Pagano, get the right coach and GM and hope in 2 years we start resembling a good football team.

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21 hours ago, SaturdayAllDay said:

How does an entire scheme change, essentially making the few defensive players we have wasted picks make us contenders next year? a scheme change takes years to undergo and the few players we have on defense aren't suited for the switch. 


That's not at all true.  The majority of our defensive players would work in a 4-3.


21 hours ago, colts52761 said:

get a defensive head coach that likes the 4-3


There's nothing wrong with the 3-4.  A switch to a 4-3 is not the answer.



21 hours ago, #12. said:

Fire Chuck and Grigson.  Purge this team of as many of Grigson's players as possible. 


That's a start.


Um....no.  Why would we get rid of henry anderson, kendall langford, zach kerr, hassan ridgeway, tj green, vontae davis, ty mcgill, ryan kelly, jack mewhort, ty hilton, donte moncrief, jack doyle?

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