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Luck and receivers: 406 yards, 4TDs. Runners: 61 yards, 0 TDs


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Well to be fair, the Colts went down early and pretty much had to rely on the pass attack exclusively after the third drive. Later in the game, they ran a bit better. That one TD drive that stared at our own 6 wouldn't have happened if Gore didn't pick up some key yards on second down to get some breathing room.

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28 minutes ago, SVFD Colts Fan said:

What do you expect when 1 of your 4 healthy cornerbacks goes down and you are on your 4th string safety by the 3rd quarter.



That does not explain the run defense being absolutely gashed. Our guys were out of position, showed no discipline, and could not tackle. None of that has anything to do with injuries to dbs.

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26 minutes ago, krunk said:

I haven't wanted to say it before, but Gore looks old out there. Had some decent runs out there later on but he doesnt have any speed left


Gore is old.

Maybe it wouldn't have been such a bad idea to have picked up a RB in last years or this years draft?

A pass rusher and a coverage LB would have been nice too.

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34 minutes ago, krunk said:

I haven't wanted to say it before, but Gore looks old out there. Had some decent runs out there later on but he doesnt have any speed left

He only had 14 carries today...and he ran for more than 4 YPC...I think he did well. He just didn't get enough carries IMO...we abandoned the running game more or less but like was said before some of that is because of how far we were behind and when you are behind you have to move fast.

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46 minutes ago, krunk said:

I haven't wanted to say it before, but Gore looks old out there. Had some decent runs out there later on but he doesnt have any speed left

He certainly looked slow on the screens.  That's where I like Ferguson though. As a receiving back, I think he shows promise.

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1 hour ago, krunk said:

I haven't wanted to say it before, but Gore looks old out there. Had some decent runs out there later on but he doesnt have any speed left

Yeah, that's what it looks like to me too.

Frank has a big heart and gives 100 percent all the time, but Father Time has caught up with him...and all the other RBs just fill out the RB roster.

The Colts need to draft a big good RB next year to be a real threat and take some of the heat off Andrew....like Edgerrin did for Peyton. And if Grigs does not want to take a RB early then Big Jim will have to tell him how it is.

We really need this, and late rounders just do not work.


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Gonna give the defense a pass this game.  We were out of safeties and Cornerbacks by start of third quarter.  You can't win a game with 3rd/4th stringers.  But the offense is again slow start.  Why does is take Pagano so long to start attacking a defense.  It seems like the colts like do be down then they can start playing.  And even if our defense gets healthy we have a long season.  Grigson I'm not sure how he still has a job. He is in year 5 and all of the salary cap money is spent.  He signs good contracts but man did he ruin this team.  Grigson has set the colts back 3 years or so we need a new GM to rebuild again.  Luck is now 27 I see us getting to the SB when he is 30 if we get a new GM ASAP!

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16 minutes ago, Iancolts said:

Gonna give the defense a pass this game.  We were out of safeties and Cornerbacks by start of third quarter.  You can't win a game with 3rd/4th stringers.  But the offense is again slow start.  Why does is take Pagano so long to start attacking a defense.  It seems like the colts like do be down then they can start playing.  And even if our defense gets healthy we have a long season.  Grigson I'm not sure how he still has a job. He is in year 5 and all of the salary cap money is spent.  He signs good contracts but man did he ruin this team.  Grigson has set the colts back 3 years or so we need a new GM to rebuild again.  Luck is now 27 I see us getting to the SB when he is 30 if we get a new GM ASAP!

Valid points.  To the bolded:  I thought the play calling didn't help.  Not blaming Chud, but Luck at one point was 5 for 6...for 37 yards.  A lot of dink and dunk stuff to start the game.  I think we were feeling out the Olines ability to block Detroit's DL.  Once the Oline showed it could handle Det,  a lot more down filed stuff was called.


5 for 6 for 37 yards was the problem.  Between Gore, Turbin, and Allen, the Colts don't have the players that can get a lot of YAC when getting the ball in space.  Contrast our RBs with Abdullah and Riddick, who are very good.


Maybe Ferguson will get more opportunities to make dunk plays more profitable.

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Gore was never a burner, he's been a pounder that wears a defense down and gets most of his yards in the 2nd half.  But when your secondary is 3/4 in stitches,...and the other team has a passing game,...you're not running much,....especially when they get up 21-3.

There was a LOT to like about our offense in this game...(especially Dorsett showing that he really may have been worth the !st round pick).

We had too many guys out there that just didn't have enough time to work with the rest of the team and get 'used' to one another on the defensive side of the ball.  I for one hope Robinson passes concussion protocol, and Greens knee isn't a big deal.   The sooner we get Vonte back, the better.  And either Green or Geathers.

Moore played well, was everywhere.  He needs to be included in more blitzes though IMO.  

O-line did great in protection also...especially the right side.  A.C. messed up 2 times in a row early on.  But Ngata could not get past Good or Kelly.  That is a big upside.

If the O can get in sync from the start of a game,...even with our defensive injury problems, they have shown they could out gun anyone.  35 points normally wins any game.  If they have started like that...50 easy.

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I think we will play better against Denver. Should maybe get Butler and Geathers back. Robinson if he clears concussion protocol. Not sure if TJ plays. Overall the whole group will have another week to get their run fits, communication and tackling down. One of the reporters spoke about Vontae possibly being back but not sure that will happen. Hes been out about a month now so maybe. We may have a better chance against Denver. They dont have the same personnel as Detroit when it comes to using running backs in the passing game. Cromartie can shut down Demarious Thomas and we will deal with the rest. We are very familiar with how we want to play their offense. I dont think Simiean can do what Stafford was able to do.

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I'm tired of this man scheme style off running we aren't strong enough for it  and what happened to all of the "zone concept" running plays that were talked about during TC and preseason I think id there was a cut back lane we'd do fine running but we run it straight up the middle 96% of the time and everyone knows it 

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While I agree the run game wasn't the best, it did enough to keep the defense honest. Other than that, the 406 passing yards and 4 touchdowns easily makes up for what was lacking in the running department. While the defense was horrific, you have to remember that by the end of the game we only had 5 healthy members of the secondary who had to play every single down. Fatigue and inexperience definitely played a part in the final drive by the Lions.

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Gore looked like Gore to start 2015 - about five years older today.  But that's what a year behind this O-line will do to you, especially at his age.


If anyone thinks, though, that Pagano will bench his Miami comrade - "the heart and soul of the team" - they're crazy.  It took two years to bench Richardson, a player who, it was obvious to most, had no business being in this league. 

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9 hours ago, ColtsSouljah said:


That does not explain the run defense being absolutely gashed. Our guys were out of position, showed no discipline, and could not tackle. None of that has anything to do with injuries to dbs.

Well, it kind of does.  Mainly because of the CB situation the safeties had to stay back more instead of coming up to support the run.  Not to mention that a CB like Davis is also excellent at supporting the run.  


I'm not syaing they played well or even average or even below average the D was horrid, but football is a team game it's not like the CBs and safeties are only responsibile for the passing game and Dline and LBers are only responsible for the running game.  When you are weak in one area it affects all the other areas as well... and when you are extremely weak in one area it affects all the other areas even more so.

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23 minutes ago, krunk said:

I'll keep watching but I think Gore is at the point where Edgertin James was before Polian let him go. Can still make a play or two, but no explosion. Even the five to 10 yard runs looked slow yesterday. I hope I'm misjudging this. I really do.

I thought Gore looked ok.  I don't ever remember him being a jump cut type runner, more of a hit the crease and lower the shoulder type and I think he did that.  If the d had him stopped for a 2 yard gain he would move the pile for a 4 yard gain.


The player I think your comment apply to is Mathis... no burst off the snap, no moves once engaged, he made a nice tackle downfield on a RB in the first half but on passing plays all he did was run upfield

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