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Give Ray Rice a chance?


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I can't stand Men that hit Women. Domestic violence sucks and who knows when a guilty party is clear from committing domestic violence again. Call me crazy, even though I don't think I am, but I would like for the Colts to bring in Ray Rice to compete for a backup RB position. He could produce a good 1-2 punch ( no pun intended ) in the Colts backfield. If anyone has ever paid their dues I think it is him and he said he would donate his salary to charity. If not now, maybe once the regular season has started. What do you think ?  Nothing to lose. 

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Correct me if I'm wrong. I think Grigson mentioned that they had no interest in Ray Rice, which was last season. This season could be a different story. I would just wait and see how Gore and Turbin go. We don't really even know the depth chart yet.

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He was injured before the incident and I'm sure he's learned his damn lesson from what we all know this was the only occasion he's done something so I can't judge him any further than that incident...but for football references he was a great back and could catch/block with good vision 

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3 minutes ago, Smonroe said:

I'm not being sarcastic - I think if he just came off of a 1200 yd season and had that incident, he would have been back in the league last year.




And if his incident wasn't on video for the public to see..... the NFL policy is 6 game suspension for those convicted -- there are other players who have been guilty of this and back in the NFL game after their suspension with very little media attention (in comparison to Ray Rice).....


The fact that he's been supporting causes to stop domestic violence and that he's outright said he'd donate his paycheck to charities/causes to stop domestic violence, to me, means he is worthy of a second chance in the NFL.  Like you alluded to, though, his play was diminishing prior to the incident..... plus, he's been out of the league for so long and I'm sure he'd have to deal with a lot of hype/pressure/etc. if he came back -- so, even if he got his 2nd chance, I'm not sure he'd pan out.

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The season before this incident broke he didn't do so hot.  


That and the incident was caught on video.  


That's why he's not in the NFL.


And don't underestimate the power of the fact that it was caught on video.  By comparison to Greg Hardy you could call Rice's punch a love tap.  But Greg Hardy wasn't caught on video.  So Ray Rice became the poster boy for Domestic violence.  

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I'm cool with him being given a second chance as long as he's changed his course, which he appears to have mended his ways and repented. The woman he committed the offense against forgave him and is still married to him. Problem is he's been out of the game so long his chances aren't that great.  I think we already have 3 solid running backs so I don't see us entertaining Rice.

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28 minutes ago, FL Colts Fan said:

I can't stand Men that hit Women. Domestic violence sucks and who knows when a guilty party is clear from committing domestic violence again. Call me crazy, even though I don't think I am, but I would like for the Colts to bring in Ray Rice to compete for a backup RB position. He could produce a good 1-2 punch ( no pun intended ) in the Colts backfield. If anyone has ever paid their dues I think it is him and he said he would donate his salary to charity. If not now, maybe once the regular season has started. What do you think ?  Nothing to lose. 


From strictly a football perspective, his production waned in his last season and that was over 2 years ago.  They have better resources on the roster already. 


You say nothing to lose but really not much to gain either.

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47 minutes ago, jskinnz said:


From strictly a football perspective, his production waned in his last season and that was over 2 years ago.  They have better resources on the roster already. 


You say nothing to lose but really not much to gain either.


Actually I think from the appearances prospective it would be a loss.  


Make no mistake even working him out is going to have the sports and non sports media talking about it with constant replays of that video.


Don't underestimate a good old fashioned media driven hate campaign against a particular person and anyone who might willingly associate with that person.  


Goodell could have hung Rice by his neck outside of his office window and the media would condemn Goodell for giving Rice such a quick death.  


No amount of work or repentance is going to appease the media and the public on this.  Simply working him out will lead to media figures telling the entire country that the Colts are ok with men beating up women.  

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43 minutes ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

He said he'd play for free didn't he? I don't agree with what he did by any means but I believe everyone deserves a second chance.  If he's free why not lol




I don't think you can technically play for free in the NFL -- he'd have to at least be on a vet. minimum contract -- what he is saying is that he would donate all of the money from a contract to charities/causes to help promote awareness and prevention of domestic violence.

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1 hour ago, Coffeedrinker said:

I would quit being a fan of the Colts if they signed Ray Rice.  There are a lot of things more important than a game of football and this is one of them.


I understand how you feel, and as a father of two girls I abhor that kind of action.  I also feel that people deserve a second chance and an opportunity to show they've learned and changed their ways.


I'm no fan of Ray Lewis, we all know what he was involved in.  But like him or not, he's done a lot of great things for the community.  Rice seems to be following in that example. 


Ultimately it would be your right to root for whichever team you want.  But I wouldn't fault the Colts for giving him a tryout.  There are plenty of other players that I wouldn't want on our team, because of their off the field actions, but that's another story.

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8 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


I understand how you feel, and as a father of two girls I abhor that kind of action.  I also feel that people deserve a second chance and an opportunity to show they've learned and changed their ways.


I'm no fan of Ray Lewis, we all know what he was involved in.  But like him or not, he's done a lot of great things for the community.  Rice seems to be following in that example. 


Ultimately it would be your right to root for whichever team you want.  But I wouldn't fault the Colts for giving him a tryout.  There are plenty of other players that I wouldn't want on our team, because of their off the field actions, but that's another story.

Not everyone deserves a second chance.  People (and teams) have to draw a line somewhere and say, that once a player crosses that line, even if it's their first time, it's over.  Too me, punching out your girlfriend is that line and it doesn't matter what you do after.


Despite what they try to teach in today's society, actions have consequences and sometimes those consequences are permanent.

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36 minutes ago, ColtsFanMikeC said:


I don't think you can technically play for free in the NFL -- he'd have to at least be on a vet. minimum contract -- what he is saying is that he would donate all of the money from a contract to charities/causes to help promote awareness and prevention of domestic violence.

I know what he meant, I was being sarcastic about the playing for free part.  I don't think he'll ever get a second chance to be honest.

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I'm all in for giving guys a second chance, and Ray Rice obviously understands the magnitudes of his crime, but even from a football POV, it's still a no. He hasn't played in a while and according to some of the posters here, he wasn't performing well either. I'm confident that Gore and Turbin can hold the fort, at least for one season. Next off season the team will probably be looking for it's future RB. Plus, signing Rice puts Ferguson lower on the chart, and whilst I don't know if he's all he's hyped to be, we'll never find out if he never plays.

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We actually have some speedsters in our RB corps now, no need to muck that up by bringing in Ray Rice. Now, taking Joey Bosa off of the Chargers' hands via some kind of trade... I'd entertain that idea, even though it's not really feasible, at all. We do need pass rush help though, just sayin.

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3 hours ago, Narcosys said:

I would be open to it.  He did the time, paid for the crime.  No reason to punish him for the rest of his life for a mistake he obviously regrets. 


I agree, but I don't want him. He's an older RB who had 660 yards and a 3.1 YPC the last year he played, and he's been out of the league for two seasons. If we really needed someone halfway through the season, I wouldn't mind working him out, but I'm in no hurry to add him because I don't think he's good anymore.

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9 hours ago, FL Colts Fan said:

I can't stand Men that hit Women. Domestic violence sucks and who knows when a guilty party is clear from committing domestic violence again. Call me crazy, even though I don't think I am, but I would like for the Colts to bring in Ray Rice to compete for a backup RB position. He could produce a good 1-2 punch ( no pun intended ) in the Colts backfield. If anyone has ever paid their dues I think it is him and he said he would donate his salary to charity. If not now, maybe once the regular season has started. What do you think ?  Nothing to lose. 

If he could play someone would give him a shot as Supe said he was declining before he cold cocked his old lady. 

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6 hours ago, NorthernBlue said:

I'm all in for giving guys a second chance, and Ray Rice obviously understands the magnitudes of his crime, but even from a football POV, it's still a no. He hasn't played in a while and according to some of the posters here, he wasn't performing well either. I'm confident that Gore and Turbin can hold the fort, at least for one season. Next off season the team will probably be looking for it's future RB. Plus, signing Rice puts Ferguson lower on the chart, and whilst I don't know if he's all he's hyped to be, we'll never find out if he never plays.

The moment the elevator video of the KO became public, Ray Rice the NFL player died. I'm not trying to be over dramatic, but you cannot come back after such a horrific image. Certain circumstances prohibit people from getting a second chance. How could Grigson, or any boss for that matter, ever explain to his wife, daughter, or mother why he hired this guy

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9 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

The moment the elevator video of the KO became public, Ray Rice the NFL player died. I'm not trying to be over dramatic, but you cannot come back after such a horrific image. Certain circumstances prohibit people from getting a second chance. How could Grigson, or any boss for that matter, ever explain to his wife, daughter, or mother why he hired this guy


I hate this logic.  Because it always boils down a complex situation to the most basic and draws conclusions or infers things that you cannot legitimately link without jumping through intellectual hoops.


Just because he hired him does not mean that he condones it.  Do you condone and support every little thing the person you voted for does? How can you support the colts or explain it to your children that you support a drug addict?


Seriously silly logic.

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2 minutes ago, Narcosys said:


I hate this logic.  Because it always boils down a complex situation to the most basic and draws conclusions or infers things that you cannot legitimately link without jumping through intellectual hoops.


Just because he hired him does not mean that he condones it.  Do you condone and support every little thing the person you voted for does? How can you support the colts or explain it to your children that you support a drug addict?


Seriously silly logic.

It is seriously a sleazy thing to do. Hiring someone that KO's women just to win football games means that you are OK with a man violently punching a woman. This is the perception and this is why Rice in blackballed. Even if the owners or gm's privately don't have a problem with the KO, and want to give Rice another chance, they cannot do so because of this perception. Ray seems like a good dude, and I believe that he is sorry for the KO, but there are certain actions that you cannot recover from. It's the way life goes

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Just now, Pacergeek said:

It is seriously a sleazy thing to do. Hiring someone that KO's women just to win football games means that you are OK with a man violently punching a woman. This is the perception and this is why Rice in blackballed. Even if the owners or gm's privately don't have a problem with the KO, and want to give Rice another chance, they cannot do so because of this perception. Ray seems like a good dude, and I believe that he is sorry for the KO, but there are certain actions that you cannot recover from. It's the way life goes


So is giving money to a drug addict.  Whats your excuse?

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I'd be fine giving Rice an opportunity.       Bring him in for a look.    Kick the tires.    


As has been noticed,  the thing that has kept him out of the league is that his incident was caught on tape.   Absent that,   he would've been given at least a chance to see if he has anything left in the tank.


And to that point,   Rice had a very poor line in front of him.     I'd like to see what he can do with a better line and a better offense and coaches with the Colts.       If his tank is empty,  then he can be cut when we cut to either 75 or 53.


He's lived a clean life since.    He married the woman he punched.    They have a child together.    He's done extensive community service.     He's done all the right things.      


I'm for 2nd chances.      I'm for redemption.     I see very little down side with the chance of some decent upside,  both on and off the field.        If not with the Colts,  I hope Rice gets a shot with another team.......



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35 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

The moment the elevator video of the KO became public, Ray Rice the NFL player died. I'm not trying to be over dramatic, but you cannot come back after such a horrific image. Certain circumstances prohibit people from getting a second chance. How could Grigson, or any boss for that matter, ever explain to his wife, daughter, or mother why he hired this guy

You know what, I kinda agree with this statement. If a player or any person does something that terrible they don't deserve a second chance, HOWEVER if they repent their actions (as in REALLY repent and not just give one of those cookie cutter apology speeches) , I think they deserve a second chance. I guess that's just difference in philosophy between us, which is fine. Perhaps with Rice, he just made the biggest mistake of his life at the absolute worst time possible. Maybe it was just one time. But obviously, as is the case with many domestic abuse stories, it's rarely ever more than once. But a man (or any person for that matter) should be given a chance to right their wrongs.

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This is something I brought up on another RB Thread but I would bring him in just to see what he has. He is willing to give up his salary to play again. I think Domestic Violence is one of the worse things but he has dedicated himself to supporting women going through this. HIs wife has forgiven him as well. Having said that he may not be what he once was but then again he could be?? The combo of he and Gore could be interesting. The time off may have refreshed his body?

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4 minutes ago, Dustin said:

Not going to  pretend to care about his off field stuff, but he was Trent Richardson-tier last time he stepped on the football field. And that was 2 years ago. 

Yeah he probably wouldn't even make the team but I would be for bringing him in just to see what he has considering he said he would give up his salary to play. You never know. The unforgivable crimes IMO are Murder or Rape, child abuse, after that it is debatable regarding that.

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6 hours ago, UKColt13 said:

God no. Declining with a history of domestic violence.


I want a RB in the first 2 rounds of the draft this year though. Give me Dalvin Cook and I'm happy.

I agree on Rice why bother he was on the decline before the punch. 


Cook will ill go in the top 10 barring injury We won't have a shot at him. I think he will be the best RB in this class. We should be able to Chubb Freeman Perine day 2. I would be very happy with Chubb or Freeman 

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On 8/4/2016 at 2:51 PM, FL Colts Fan said:

I can't stand Men that hit Women. Domestic violence sucks and who knows when a guilty party is clear from committing domestic violence again. Call me crazy, even though I don't think I am, but I would like for the Colts to bring in Ray Rice to compete for a backup RB position. He could produce a good 1-2 punch ( no pun intended ) in the Colts backfield. If anyone has ever paid their dues I think it is him and he said he would donate his salary to charity. If not now, maybe once the regular season has started. What do you think ?  Nothing to lose. 

I think the better question is .....why?  Why bring him in?  He wasn't that good in his last year.  .....and running backs are not that difficult to find.  ...plus he's been away from the game for an extended period of time.  .....makes no sense to me. 

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