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Postgame reactions (merge)


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I COMPLETELY disagree with how people are complaining on this games coaching.  Pep called a great game.  correct play calls the entire night, with the right personal.  Frankly, Luck gave this game away, with a little help from Harrison. 

Yes, Luck pulled a couple very nice drives in the 4th quarter, but does that take away his 3 picks?.....no.  ALL 3 picks were on him.  2 were in to tight coverage, 1 was horrible throw.

Defensively, we did well overall.  A lot of blitzes called when it was time, and for the most part the running game/Superman's legs didn't kill us.  Yes we gave up yards, but it was an OT game, so expect that.  But allowing under 4 YPC is good, means they were not running at will on us.  

Davis should have never been on Olsen. I think that must have been a miscommunication on the secondaries part.


If Luck continues to throw away games...bench him.  Yes he is a good QB, but he needs time to think about what he has done/is doing.

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In no way shape or form did we deserve to win this game, the defence played well and that's it, the horrible starts due to bad preparation and game planning has gotten to a point that not even Lucks 4th quarter heroics can overcome it, this has been, is and will be the story until we change the coaches, The Luck only lasts so long no pun intended

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Bull. All those crappy throws from Luck and you blame this on Pep just because you don't know of anything else to do.

ummmmmmmm.........I'm gonna go wayyyyyyyyyy out on a limb.......3 step drop. Loads of running. That's what they should be doing. Do you see Luck getting abused. I believe Luck should be doing Kleenex commercials with all the snot that's been knocked out of him.

Pep's job is to work with what he has. Game plan accordingly. Yea we all know Luck can go deep to TY. But it's not there because there ain't enough time. Pep's failure to either see or understand this is so blatantly obvious.

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ummmmmmmm.........I'm gonna go wayyyyyyyyyy out on a limb.......3 step drop. Loads of running. That's what they should be doing. Do you see Luck getting abused. I believe Luck should be doing Kleenex commercials with all the snot that's been knocked out of him.

Pep's job is to work with what he has. Game plan accordingly. Yea we all know Luck can go deep to TY. But it's not there because there ain't enough time. Pep's failure to either see or understand this is so blatantly obvious.

ummmmmmm, really watch the past couple weeks. Most of the time it is Luck's fault he's getting hit.  No O-line n the NFL can protect a QB who holds the ball as long as Luck does.  That's not Pep's fault, when Luck HAS players running underneath and slant routes, but CHOOSES to hold the ball to let longer routes develope, then because of this the shorter routes are done, and then he has nowhere to throw.  I watched 5-6 times last night where Luck had EASY completions to wide open recievers for 5-8 yard gains, but his eyes were down field the whole time.  This is Lucks issue,..completely, and soley.

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ummmmmmm, really watch the past couple weeks. Most of the time it is Luck's fault he's getting hit.  No O-line n the NFL can protect a QB who holds the ball as long as Luck does.  That's not Pep's fault, when Luck HAS players running underneath and slant routes, but CHOOSES to hold the ball to let longer routes develope, then because of this the shorter routes are done, and then he has nowhere to throw.  I watched 5-6 times last night where Luck had EASY completions to wide open recievers for 5-8 yard gains, but his eyes were down field the whole time.  This is Lucks issue,..completely, and soley.

So........simply fix......call plays with no deep routes. Is that so hard to do. Take Andrew out of shotgun. Take away those route options and force him to look underneath the defense. I understand Andrew shoulders some blame. Pep shoulders more, he has the playbook and the play calls. Failure to adjust. What's the saying from a Einstein. To repeatedly preform the same action and expect different results is the very definition of insanity.
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IMO, fire Pep now. Promote Chud and see how he does at OC. Hopefully a fire is lit for the offense under him and we look way better and all is well. If not, clean house. And that means Grigson too, probably. I have my eyes on Gase as our next coach, and try to bring in a very good DC. A good DC makes a huge difference, imagine us with Wade Phillips. If we can get his fellow Bears coach Fangio (I doubt it as it would be a lateral move, but maybe the chance to coach for a team with Luck would draw him away) then we'd instantly have a way upgraded coaching staff. Then either fire Grigs and get someone to come in and fix this thing or make it clear he needs to learn from his mistakes or he's done.

Basically, do what the Falcons did. Clean house, address issues, look way better. Even the Panthers are a good example.

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So........simply fix......call plays with no deep routes. Is that so hard to do. Take Andrew out of shotgun. Take away those route options and force him to look underneath the defense. I understand Andrew shoulders some blame. Pep shoulders more, he has the playbook and the play calls. Failure to adjust. What's the saying from a Einstein. To repeatedly preform the same action and expect different results is the very definition of insanity.

Frankly, i say simpler fix for Pagano,.........................Bench him.  Those deep routes on pass plays are there for Qb's to take a quick look as the play starts,..not develops.   if it is not obviously there, then you're supposed to  go to the underneath routes since those would be at the height of their development by then.


Staring  down a deep route is a flaw in a qb...benching him would make him reconsider his decisions.  


MH had deep routes on his plays as well, when he Qb'd those two weeks, but he was smart enough to glance at them and if it wasn't there, he moved on quickly....


I still say this is Lucks flaw to fix.

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Playcalling is still horrible luck was under center alot against a good front 7 the rain didn't make it no better luck still not throwing the ball away when he needs to and he doesn't run when the lane is open on that 3rd and 4 play towards the end of the 4th quarter he might have been able to run that one in for a TD smh....on to denver which is not looking good at all now

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Frankly, i say simpler fix for Pagano,.........................Bench him.  Those deep routes on pass plays are there for Qb's to take a quick look as the play starts,..not develops.   if it is not obviously there, then you're supposed to  go to the underneath routes since those would be at the height of their development by then.


Staring  down a deep route is a flaw in a qb...benching him would make him reconsider his decisions.  


MH had deep routes on his plays as well, when he Qb'd those two weeks, but he was smart enough to glance at them and if it wasn't there, he moved on quickly....


I still say this is Lucks flaw to fix.

You don't need to send receivers 20-30 yards deep on almost every play. Hitches, comebacks and slants cause the defensive backs to tighten up coverages, making them susceptible to the deep ball. This also forces the linebackers into coverage having to account for the middle of the field on any defensive back trailing their men. That in turn opens up running lanes.

A game plan would be to start setting up a defensive back with several comeback routes to Hilton with Moncreif running hitches. Take all the 5-10 yard outs they give. Sooner or later,the backs will start playing in the receivers hip pocket. That's when you go deep.

Look,your pro Pep. Me, not so much. Safe to say we not agreeing any time soon. Let's just hope when this train wreck is over no one remembers how it started.

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You don't need to send receivers 20-30 yards deep on almost every play. Hitches, comebacks and slants cause the defensive backs to tighten up coverages, making them susceptible to the deep ball. This also forces the linebackers into coverage having to account for the middle of the field on any defensive back trailing their men. That in turn opens up running lanes.

A game plan would be to start setting up a defensive back with several comeback routes to Hilton with Moncreif running hitches. Take all the 5-10 yard outs they give. Sooner or later,the backs will start playing in the receivers hip pocket. That's when you go deep.

Look,your pro Pep. Me, not so much. Safe to say we not agreeing any time soon. Let's just hope when this train wreck is over no one remembers how it started.

oh, you get me wrong. I'm not pro Pep...I was one who was seriously going off about him not calling more run plays, and slant routes and screens.  But this game in particular I thought Pep did a LOT better in his play calling, I just think Luck screwed it up this time.  Which makes me wonder how much was really Luck's fault from the get go.

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Yeah, they get pressed and suck + I think they're bottom of the league in YAC. I excpected much more of this WR core.

Though the QB isn't helping, they certainly aren't world beaters like I thought they were going to be. I would take Edleman and Gronk over the whole Colts WR/TE core easily.

You're kidding yourself if you think they would do any better running our current playbook. They're good players no doubt but coaching is a huge part of their success

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If I was Pep, I would just hand it to Gore on every down until he is stopped short of 5 yards. The guy is running like a beast. Just ride him and then play action like Denver did to GB. Forget the pitch count right now. Just give it to Gore and let him do his thing. Bradshaw looks good too so you could do the combo.

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This is a huge problem for our receivers.

Nobody is getting open which is why Luck has to hold onto the ball.


They're also giving up on their routes too early and not coming back to the ball (ie Fleener INT in OT).


Receivers have to help out Andrew too and he has to be smarter with the football.


Never going to win playing this way.

That interception was in no way Fleeners fault!! He was running his route and the defender was blanketing him the whole way. He had zero chance of even touching that ball. Luck tried to force it like he's did all year. We lost because we kept throwing bombs to receivers when all we needed was screens and slants to get first downs. We had no reason at all to toss up homerun balls that many times. Poor coaching!!!!

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At this point accepting mediocrity is all you can do with the Colts at this time. That is what the Colts are this season. Just because you want something does not make it happen. Not arguing, just stating facts. If you not going to accept it then what?

Do you ever say anything of value?

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They do give up too many big plays a game, but the offense just puts them into so many holes. The D for the most part played a pretty good game. Peps "offense" is a joke.

some of those play calls were atrocious, at one point Pagano went over to Hamilton and asked him what the ___l he was doing. (on the ridiculous Gore run play call)

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Don't worry, Pep and Chuck will make the necessary adjustments.


DWS either stands for "dripping with sarcasm" or "Dancing with the Stars". I watched Dancing with the Stars (the game was far too painful to watch), then went to bed expecting the Colts would lose. Woke up, and ... the Colts lost. I used to love Colts football. Now I'd rather watch paint dry.

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If I was Pep, I would just hand it to Gore on every down until he is stopped short of 5 yards. The guy is running like a beast. Just ride him and then play action like Denver did to GB. Forget the pitch count right now. Just give it to Gore and let him do his thing. Bradshaw looks good too so you could do the combo.

This team for whatever the reason does not like play action passing and it is a shame. I kept asking myself for most of the night when were we ever going to set some of these good runs up with play action. Did not happen very much.

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I put this game on the entire offense and staff.

We went 3 and out too many times. I commend our defense for keeping the game close enough for our offense to come alive. I like how we stuck to the run but I don't like how Andrew was under center a lot. We barely ran the no huddle while Carolina was sticking to it.

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I do.  Luck needs to stop throwing picks and locking in on receivers.  Pep needs to learn what a balanced offense is.

Here's what I noticed last night. Luck did look to other receivers, and the Oline gave him enough time to do it. The problem is, the pattern that his first read was running, took way to much time to develop, leaving Luck little time to make other reads.

Luck stares down the receiver waiting for him to get open, beacause it takes a long time for the WR to reach his spot on the field to where he is supposed to be open. That is the fault of the DESIGN OF THE PLAY. Luck finally had enough time to see that his first read was not going to get open AND look around last night. Normally he would be sacked before he went to another receiver. It struck me just how long he stayed on his first read, because the first read was still running away from him too long before looking back for the ball. That's poor play design, IMO.

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Here's what I noticed last night. Luck did look to other receivers, and the Oline gave him enough time to do it. The problem is, the pattern that his first read was running, took way to much time to develop, leaving Luck little time to make other reads.

Luck stares down the receiver waiting for him to get open, and it takes a long time because the DESIGN OF THE PLAY requires time for the first read to reach the spot on the field where he is supposed to be open. Luck finally had enough time to look around last night, and it struck me just how long he stayed on his first read, because the first read was still running away from him too long before looking back for the ball. That's poor play design, IMO.

and that's on Pep....and not calling any designed rollouts or bootlegs when it's known that the D will be crashing in to stop the run, no misdirection, no plays that will deceive the defense, no play action after the run has been working, long developing plays, plays that have multiple receivers bunched in one area. etc etc


having said that, there were still plenty of times that the underneath routes were there and Luck either missed them on the pass or just didn't look for it......THAT's on Luck.

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and that's on Pep....and not calling any designed rollouts or bootlegs when it's known that the D will be crashing in to stop the run, no misdirection, no plays that will deceive the defense, no play action after the run has been working, long developing plays, plays that have multiple receivers bunched in one area. etc etc


having said that, there were still plenty of times that the underneath routes were there and Luck either missed them on the pass or just didn't look for it......THAT's on Luck.


For example, how many times do we see Brady hit Gronk at the spot the LB just vacated to blitz. Like 2 on 1 basketball. In game time, Pep can't call that, but its something that the QB and the TE should recognize and work on during practice. I have never seen it even attempted in the three years that Luck and Coby have been together. The Colts run the same things over and over, like they never practice hot reads or what to do during obvious blitz situations.

Its not only play calling, offensive coordination is about what you work on during practice. It seems obvious that the Colts fail to practice certain things for blitz situations. It seems like all they know is to max protect to help give Luck time to hit a receiver 15 yards down field.

Luck needs to PRACTICE hitting the check down, over and over.

As was said, his pattern has been this way for three years. By now, an astute coaching staff would have had him practice the check down so much that it would be second nature by now.

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LOL, I just went to bed and shut everything off but cant sleep now, your video = that would be me 20 years ago haha (just joking), great stuff! What movie is that, dude looks Jason Statham.


It's from season 1 in House of Cards. Great show for the first 2 seasons, 3rd was a bit of a let down.



Sound familiar?

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Do you ever say anything of value?

So how much value is in your comment? Your not going to accept in something you have no control over? My question to you was if your not going to accept it what are you going to do about it? There is only a couple things you can do. Accept something you cant control or find another team to be a fan of. I am a fan of the Colts. I accept them how ever things are. Am I happy with things? No. But I am not going to sit around and beat myself up over them not doing well. Just because your a fan does not mean you have to be a fanatic.

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My in depth analysis of last night's game:


Same crap different week.


Colts abandoned the run AGAIN in the 4th Qtr and OT.


Offensive game plan AGAIN was horrible.  Run plays were telegraphed.  Pass plays were vanilla.


Andrew Luck AGAIN played poorly for 3 1/2 quarters.


Offensive playmakers didn't show up to play for 3 1/2 quarters AGAIN.  Very little separation. (TY Hilton, Dwayne Allen, etc. Much of that is Luck's fault for missing throws tho)


Defense played well enough to win the game but the Offense failed to take advantage.


Adam V. is a BEAST and should have won the game for us.


Summation:  This loss is a good example of this teams woes: Poor coaching/ game planning combined with poor player execution. 

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So how much value is in your comment? Your not going to accept in something you have no control over? My question to you was if your not going to accept it what are you going to do about it? There is only a couple things you can do. Accept something you cant control or find another team to be a fan of. I am a fan of the Colts. I accept them how ever things are. Am I happy with things? No. But I am not going to sit around and beat myself up over them not doing well. Just because your a fan does not mean you have to be a fanatic.

You could have just typed 'no'.

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