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Deflategate Central (one thread, merged, moderated)


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One Question...??   Why do you waste your time here?  Serious question.   Not trying to be mean, or rude, I'm just curious.


Because you and I both know, you will NEVER change anyone's mind on this board.   I can only surmise that you enjoy :stir: and arguing.

This is something I will NEVER understand Gramz...

I would be embarrassed if I wasted any significant amount of time on a rival teams message board...

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Huh? The Patriots have the most wins in the NFL since Robert Kraft took over as owner. They also have the most post-season wins at 21, most SB wins at 4 and most SB appearances at 6. They have also been in the AFCCG a record 9 times which includes the last four years straight and are currently the defending SB champions. How is that parity?



Thanks for not answering my question.

Once again.

The NFL provided the lies to Mortensen.


NFL officials on Park Ave seconded the lie.



just wanted to let you 2 know that some of your friends have been looking for you



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I like this judge already,


New York Judge Richard Berman released an order to both sides.
In that order he states, “While this litigation is ongoing, it is appropriate (and helpful) for all counsel and all parties in this case to tone down their rhetoric.”
Kyle also states he would like the two parties to come to an agreement.
“If they have not already done so, the parties and counsel are directed forthwith actively to begin to pursue a mutually acceptable resolution of this case,” he wrote.



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In fairness though I get why the league filed in NY as the PA filed in MN for the same reason - a better outcome. That being said, the judge assigned in NY is liberal from what I have been reading so that favors Brady and the PA. Still, I believe it will ultimately stay in MN. Too much prior history there and the Peterson case.



All moot. It got moved to NY but the NY judge is a liberal who often sides with employers over employees. Brady may have lucked out big time as he was not going to get Doty in MN and the assigned MN judge was conservative.


JT @johntaylor30 26m26 minutes ago

@WillBrinson NY judge is a liberal who's record shows siding with employee more than employer. Without Doty Brady might have lucked out.




Kessler just said "It doesn't matter where the case is. We're very confident in our position."

Not that I would expect him to say anything different. But it's true. They have a good case.


I'm not sure that a magistrate's political tendencies mean much AMF personally. In fairness to all my NE friends on here, I will skim thru Kessler & the Player's Association rebuttal to the Commissioner's decision to uphold Brady's original suspension. I'm no lawyer Yehoodi so thanks for you patience of my impressions on the document after I plow thru it in advance. I do try to be fair or at least ponder the other side's arguments. I'd want somebody to grant my team the same courtesy so I always try & remember that. I read thru the Patriots website rebuttal & I will take an in depth look at what Kessler is saying. Please remember I didn't go to law school so if I misinterpret the law thanks for not crucifying me. I appreciate that. Feel free to correct me on the law if necessary once I do read Kessler's response. I won't be offended Yehoodi since you possess legal expertise that SW1 does not. Thank you. 


Jeffery by all accounts is a top tier attorney. That is true. But that doesn't automatically guarantee a successful outcome for Tom Brady either. Science, the duration of the penalty, & a failure to cooperate. I have no idea which side will win truthfully in the end. I know what I believe, but if Kessler wins, I will give Brady's legal team credit for pulling off a miracle. 

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Right because as Kraft said this was NEVER about doing what was right or fair but appeasing Roger's ego and the other 31 owners ... a complete sham from day one.

You know Kraft was just paying lip service to the fans with those statements right? You notice he didn't address any questions? Did you know there are channels he can take if he truly was mad about the fine when he's supposedly innocent? It does nothing for him to agree with Goodell, but he's gaining plenty by coming out against.

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The Wells Report is flawed, and the science is garbage, as proven by Yale, MIT, and BC, among others.

So yeah, it's garbage.

John Dowd, who was the one who investigated Pete Rose, stated yesterday that the whole Wells Report is garbage.

When he investigated Pete Rose, he had to prove that arose was guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Wells couldn't even get remotely close to that.

How can you say its flawed when you Clearly haven't read a single word of it?

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Lawsuit is gonna happen in NEW YORK.  


NFLPA's attempt to hook this case up with their personal favorite judge is blocked with common sense.


“Brady plays for a team in Massachusetts; the Union is headquartered in Washington, D.C.; the NFL is headquartered in New York; the arbitration proceedings took place in New York; and the award was issued in New York.”

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Riggghhhtttt. List off those institutions .

Exponent has already been exposed.

And please, MIT < ColtBlue?


No laughable is discounting a scientific proof just on your say so. Show us MIT's breakdown in full and we can discuss it.

Oh wait that's but what you're here for right?

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But you can't blame him right? He always does it! Just not with his other previous phone, for some reason he didn't destroy it.


Oh wait no, it's because TMZ right? It's perfectly ok to destroy his phone and the evidence because of TMZ! 


Just trying to get a good handle on how the Pats fans excuses work. 

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I just love when a poster contradicts themselves in the same post...




Arod literally did this two years ago and the MLB had less on him. Now he's mashing it for the AL favorites and everyone is loving it.


Then not even a sentence later:


He'll always be a cheater to everyone not from New England


You try to use Arod as a comparison, but for him you actually made the case that a few years after his issue nobody cares about it anymore, but then you fall right back to say that that won't be the case for Brady.

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I can save you all a lot of time and frustration.

No matter how this turns out in the courts, here is the plain truth.

Pats fans: Brady is innocent no matter what anyone says.

The rest of the world: Brady is guilty as charged.

This is the way it has been since the beginning, it's the way it is now and it is the way it will be forever so what is the point of all this circular arguing. It should be obvious to all of you that no one is going to change anyone else's mind so tell me what is the point?

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I can save you all a lot of time and frustration.

No matter how this turns out in the courts, here is the plain truth.

Pats fans: Brady is innocent no matter what anyone says.

The rest of the world: Brady is guilty as charged.

This is the way it has been since the beginning, it's the way it is now and it is the way it will be forever so what is the point of all this circular arguing. It should be obvious to all of you that no one is going to change anyone else's mind so tell me what is the point?


To make really funny memes and laugh at the blind ignorance/arrogance of the Patriots.  


Sorry... I mean no, no point at all...

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You know Kraft was just paying lip service to the fans with those statements right? You notice he didn't address any questions? Did you know there are channels he can take if he truly was mad about the fine when he's supposedly innocent? It does nothing for him to agree with Goodell, but he's gaining plenty by coming out against.

On Mike and Mike, Altallah from the PA was on and he had some interesting comments. He said what Kraft said publicly about the league underscores what the PA has been saying for years about this commish and league. That is pretty significant for the PA to have one of the most influential owners if not the most influential owner in the league saying publicly what they have been saying. It would not surprise me if they try to get Kraft to testify in this suit vs the NFL.

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I can save you all a lot of time and frustration.

No matter how this turns out in the courts, here is the plain truth.

Pats fans: Brady is innocent no matter what anyone says.

The rest of the world: Brady is guilty as charged.

This is the way it has been since the beginning, it's the way it is now and it is the way it will be forever so what is the point of all this circular arguing. It should be obvious to all of you that no one is going to change anyone else's mind so tell me what is the point?





Most Patriots fans do not hold the sentiment of 'Brady is innocent no matter what'...we are upset with the process and how things have gone down. That is very different than the narrative you and many are trying to create about how we are 'blind, ignorant homers'. 


This article sums up our feelings on how it all went down:




As I have said many many times before...this whole thing isn't even about the action itself or what supposed advantage was gained. Nobody seems to even care about that at all...and most understand that it really is so insignificant of a thing that it's amazing what this turned into. Instead, people care about the alleged lying about it. And I'm sorry to say, but you don't get asterisks attached to your accomplishments for lying or not being the swell guy everyone always thought you were. The fans who are the loudest about this whole situation are those who have an agenda...whether that be a bias towards the team or a bias against them. But honestly, any unbiased observer would reach the same conclusions that this article did...and it pretty much sums up Patriots fans' sentiments towards this process from the beginning.

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On Mike and Mike, Altallah from the PA was on and he had some interesting comments. He said what Kraft said publicly about the league underscores what the PA has been saying for years about this commish and league. That is pretty significant for the PA to have one of the most influential owners if not the most influential owner in the league saying publicly what they have been saying. It would not surprise me if they try to get Kraft to testify in this suit vs the NFL.

Kraft is 1 of 32 owners. The other 31 are behind Goodell. Kraft testifying against the league and the other 31 owners is doubtful at best. Not that it would matter.

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Kraft is 1 of 32 owners. The other 31 are behind Goodell. Kraft testifying against the league and the other 31 owners is doubtful at best. Not that it would matter.

Probably a long shot but still his comments publicly were scathing and unexpected given he did capitulate in May for the greater good of the league. And remember his NE fanbase is what makes him his money and paramount in his product is the presence of his GOAT QB on the field. I think he will do what it takes to help Brady with his case.

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I just love when a poster contradicts themselves in the same post...


Then not even a sentence later:

You try to use Arod as a comparison, but for him you actually made the case that a few years after his issue nobody cares about it anymore, but then you fall right back to say that that won't be the case for Brady.


I'm a Yankees fan, I love him but I know he's a cheater lol something you guys can't admit with your boy

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Probably a long shot but still his comments publicly were scathing and unexpected given he did capitulate in May for the greater good of the league. And remember his NE fanbase is what makes him his money and paramount in his product is the presence of his GOAT QB on the field. I think he will do what it takes to help Brady with his case.

If the case even gets heard, I doubt Kraft will be involved

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Untrue. The NFL told the Patriots to suspend them.

By the way, another major point: Ted Eells interviewed both guys for the Wells Report.

Both completely denied doing anything wrong .

So tell me, Colts fans: why didn't Wells include that in his whole report? He never mentioned those two, even though he interviewed them.



Just stop it, stop it now!

The reason nobody listen to you nor believes what you say?  You lie.  Flat out lie as I demonstrate below-


You state: "Ted Eells (sic) interviewed both guys for the Wells Report. Both completely denied doing anything wrong ."

                 "So tell me, Colts fans: why didn't Wells include that in his whole report? He never mentioned those two, even though he interviewed them."


Proof of this lie?  document page number 59 of the Well report locate here-



Snippets from that page:


"According to the interview report from an NFL Security interview of McNally on January 21, McNally said that he did not know why he would leave the locker room with the game balls without being accompanied by game officials, and “just decided to leave the locker room at that time to go to the field.” He said.


On February 12, 2015, we (Wells) interviewed McNally on these topics as well. He explained to us that he told the game officials that he was moving the game balls to the sitting room, where..." {paragraphs of items about the Wells/MCNally interview  where they discuss the taking the balls early, the bathroom stop, etc.. snipped}


As far as folks are concerned you lie concerning one thing, you might have lied about everything else too.  Credibility is earned, not demanded.  You've lost yours.


And a sore spot to me is when Wells later learned of the deflator text and this one here-




But the Patriots refused to let Wells interview McNally for a second time, this a main character in the probe.  So not only was Brady uncooperative in the proceedings, so were the Patriots themselves.


This whole thing is out of hand, and been gone over countless thousands of times.  Stop with Well's report references, Exponent, AEI references.  That is all water under the bridge. Concentrate on the new developments and not drive this thread into the Deflategate locked abyss with countless others...

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Most Patriots fans do not hold the sentiment of 'Brady is innocent no matter what'...we are upset with the process and how things have gone down. That is very different than the narrative you and many are trying to create about how we are 'blind, ignorant homers'. 


This article sums up our feelings on how it all went down:




As I have said many many times before...this whole thing isn't even about the action itself or what supposed advantage was gained. Nobody seems to even care about that at all...and most understand that it really is so insignificant of a thing that it's amazing what this turned into. Instead, people care about the alleged lying about it. And I'm sorry to say, but you don't get asterisks attached to your accomplishments for lying or not being the swell guy everyone always thought you were. The fans who are the loudest about this whole situation are those who have an agenda...whether that be a bias towards the team or a bias against them. But honestly, any unbiased observer would reach the same conclusions that this article did...and it pretty much sums up Patriots fans' sentiments towards this process from the beginning.

Sally strikes again! Great read. Could not agree more with her.

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Clearly you didn't read the NFLPA's document.



Clearly you have never read these summaries of decisions handed down from the Supreme Court of the United States circa 2013 -


""The Supreme Court is sending a strong message that courts should not interfere with arbitration agreements and arbitration decisions. The court held in [AT&T Mobility LLCv. Concepcion] and again today in [American Express Co. v. Italian Colors Restaurant] that parties can define for themselves the procedures for an arbitration, and those agreements should be upheld in the face of arguments challenging the fairness of neutral provisions. When combined with the recent [Oxford Health Plans LLC v. Sutter] decision, which upheld an arbitrator's questionable decision, the Court is telling lower courts not to interfere with the arbitration process."


The whole in house case was League investigation, punishemnt, and an Arbitration appeal.  All legal by the CBA.  Courts aren't to mess with it, according to the Supreme Court.  Should the NFLPA prevail here, I'm fairly sure the NFL will appeal it until it reaches the Supreme Court where they will have to enforce their own precedent.

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Thanks for not answering my question.

Once again.

The NFL provided the lies to Mortensen.


NFL officials on Park Ave seconded the lie.


Thank you for completely ignoring the bigger issue.  The source is irrelevant.  At the end of the day, Brady cheated his accomplishments are tainted.  But until you Pats fans take the blinders off, you'll never see that

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Just stop it, stop it now!

The reason nobody listen to you nor believes what you say? You lie. Flat out lie as I demonstrate below-

You state: "Ted Eells (sic) interviewed both guys for the Wells Report. Both completely denied doing anything wrong ."

"So tell me, Colts fans: why didn't Wells include that in his whole report? He never mentioned those two, even though he interviewed them."

Proof of this lie? document page number 59 of the Well report locate here-


Snippets from that page:

"According to the interview report from an NFL Security interview of McNally on January 21, McNally said that he did not know why he would leave the locker room with the game balls without being accompanied by game officials, and “just decided to leave the locker room at that time to go to the field.” He said.


On February 12, 2015, we (Wells) interviewed McNally on these topics as well. He explained to us that he told the game officials that he was moving the game balls to the sitting room, where..." {paragraphs of items about the Wells/MCNally interview where they discuss the taking the balls early, the bathroom stop, etc.. snipped}

As far as folks are concerned you lie concerning one thing, you might have lied about everything else too. Credibility is earned, not demanded. You've lost yours.

And a sore spot to me is when Wells later learned of the deflator text and this one here-


But the Patriots refused to let Wells interview McNally for a second time, this a main character in the probe. So not only was Brady uncooperative in the proceedings, so were the Patriots themselves.

This whole thing is out of hand, and been gone over countless thousands of times. Stop with Well's report references, Exponent, AEI references. That is all water under the bridge. Concentrate on the new developments and not drive this thread into the Deflategate locked abyss with countless others...

Thank you. I was about to go looking for that excerpt. Just so funny how matter-of-factly some people state false information about things they clearly have never read/looked at

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 30, 2015 - complaining about moderation
Hidden by Nadine, July 30, 2015 - complaining about moderation

You know.....I must ask a question.....

Why on earth on we allowing Pats fans to come on this board and do nothing but argue with Colts fans?  Granted I've particpated in the back and forth as well, but it seems that some posters who shall remain nameless have 10,000+ posts, mostly arguing.........

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Just listened to Sal Palentonio on the Stephen A Smith show. The two teams that should benefit from the suspension the most, the Ravens and the Colts.

Not having Brady for 4 games could ultimately decide home field for the playoffs.

I totally disagree. The culture of cheating in New England tells me it won't stop with video and deflated football's. New England doesn't need Tom Brady to win games, just ask Matt Cassell.

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You know.....I must ask a question.....

Why on earth on we allowing Pats fans to come on this board and do nothing but argue with Colts fans? Granted I've particpated in the back and forth as well, but it seems that some posters who shall remain nameless have 10,000+ posts, mostly arguing.........

I've asked this same question in the past. I think it drives up registration. So, allowing the Pats fans to overtake some threads is actually good for the board, in general.
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You know.....I must ask a question.....

Why on earth on we allowing Pats fans to come on this board and do nothing but argue with Colts fans?  Granted I've particpated in the back and forth as well, but it seems that some posters who shall remain nameless have 10,000+ posts, mostly arguing.........



I've asked this same question in the past. I think it drives up registration. So, allowing the Pats fans to overtake some threads is actually good for the board, in general.


Fans of all teams are welcome on our boards.  If anyone breaks a rule, there are ways we can deal with that.  But fans of all teams are welcome on here

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You still haven't posted any sort of refute.  You claim Yale and MIT have refuted the claims, but can you provide links?

yep...there in the same place as those miles tapes of the Watergate scandal....or the Area 51 files

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Fans of all teams are welcome on our boards.  If anyone breaks a rule, there are ways we can deal with that.  But fans of all teams are welcome on here

I grasp that and agree with it.  


I'm not trying to witch hunt or advocate for the banning or what ever of any one but I must wonder why it seems its 2-3 of the same posters, where if you search their posts content 90% of it is nothing but arguments and why so much of it is allowed?  Just curious

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