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Deflategate Central (one thread, merged, moderated)


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Come again?  The New England Patriots are the NFL's second-most valuable team, worth an estimated $2.6 billion, according to Forbes magazine. Kraft is the chairman of the NFL's broadcast committee, arguably the most important in the sport, and he was among the most responsible for Goodell's ascension to commissioner in 2006 and ending the lock out in 2011. IF that does not spell power, I don't know what does. Again, get your popcorn ready. This is back on.


Being wealthy is NOT a license to Lie, Cheat and/or Bully.   There are plenty of wealthy people, with Morals, who still understand right from wrong.

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Now I'm reminded of why I disappeared from the forum about 1 week after the draft. I swear if it were raining soup some people would be in the front yard with a fork.

Yep.  Time to once again walk away from the :nutz:


Gramz out... :hello:

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LOL. Yes they do. He sits on several influential committees for the league and brokers the broadcast deals and his franchise is the second biggest in the entire league. They care very much that he is PO'd.


I had to like this post simply for the spectacular level of delusion. :)



ps. I will be going back to "un-like" it...principles ya know...oh wait...no you don't.  Sorry for any confusion

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Not to most fans of the NFL.

Even if what you wrote were true, it won't adversely affect the NFL in viewership and revenue. The NFL is as popular as ever. On the other hand, Brady is looking worse and worse as he continues to fight this.

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Come again?  The New England Patriots are the NFL's second-most valuable team, worth an estimated $2.6 billion, according to Forbes magazine. Kraft is the chairman of the NFL's broadcast committee, arguably the most important in the sport, and he was among the most responsible for Goodell's ascension to commissioner in 2006 and ending the lock out in 2011. IF that does not spell power, I don't know what does. Again, get your popcorn ready. This is back on.




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I think he dropped out because Goodell and other owners got his ear and said look if you press this it's going to make the league look really bad and don't think the other owners are going to forget who gave them a black eye and oh they aren't very happy with your team for cheating again in the first place. 


They have never really dropped their support of Brady.  Even when Kraft said they were dropping their challenge to the team punishments they said Brady would keep challenging his punishment and was very clear in that point. 

Another possible issue is from the ruling from the Spygate issue. I've heard that there are provisions in there if they find Belicheck to have another similar issue that he could be banned from the league. It's possible that they didn't want the league digging even deeper into the issue because they could lose their head coach if something was to come out he was "generally" aware of the issue as well.

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Come again?  The New England Patriots are the NFL's second-most valuable team, worth an estimated $2.6 billion, according to Forbes magazine. Kraft is the chairman of the NFL's broadcast committee, arguably the most important in the sport, and he was among the most responsible for Goodell's ascension to commissioner in 2006 and ending the lock out in 2011. IF that does not spell power, I don't know what does. Again, get your popcorn ready. This is back on.


What are you SMOKING?!

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I swear....if a conversation between Brady and "amfootball" went down it would be like this....


Brady: I did it...I just didn't want to own up to it. I had the balls deflated it was all on me.

amfootball: The investigation was a total sham just like Yee said. They duped you into you really thinking you did it but you didn't do it.

Brady: Seriously...I really did do it. It really was me

amfootball: Tom...no it's not true. You've been brainwashed...it wasn't you and you didn't do it. I promise you didn't do it.

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Come again?  The New England Patriots are the NFL's second-most valuable team, worth an estimated $2.6 billion, according to Forbes magazine. Kraft is the chairman of the NFL's broadcast committee, arguably the most important in the sport, and he was among the most responsible for Goodell's ascension to commissioner in 2006 and ending the lock out in 2011. IF that does not spell power, I don't know what does. Again, get your popcorn ready. This is back on.



1/32 owners. The NFL would get along just fine without the Patriots. Trust me. No one is bigger than the NFL itself, not even Mr. Billionare Kraft himself. He's so powerful that he bowed down to Goodell's punishment for his franchise after swearing to fight it.



I swear....if a conversation between Brady and "amfootball" went down it would be like this....


Brady: I did it...I just didn't want to own up to it. I had the balls deflated it was all on me.

amfootball: The investigation was a total sham just like Yee said. They duped you into you really thinking you did it but you didn't do it.

Brady: Seriously...I really did do it. It really was me

amfootball: Tom...no it's not true. You've been brainwashed...it wasn't you and you didn't do it. I promise you didn't do it.


I want this as my signature SOOOOO bad.

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LOL. Yes they do. He sits on several influential committees for the league and brokers the broadcast deals and his franchise is the second biggest in the entire league. They care very much that he is PO'd.


There are a lot of owners that care about this ruling and backed Goodell's decision. He won't be held hostage by Kraft. Kraft's organization have received the two largest penalties the NFL has ever handed down to an organization. If the NFL was scared well I don't think that would have been the case. If Kraft thought he had a case he would have fought back...but he took his medicine because he knows his organization while having some of the greatest football minds and talent in the NFL also have played on the wrong side of the rules with these two occassions. The reason he took the penalties is so he doesn't LOSE his spot at the head of NFL owners...the Rooney's, Mara's, and Jerry and others are not scared of Robert Kraft. They insisted Roger hold that organization accountable and Tom accountable. I think Robert and Tom are very very good people...but they are on the wrong side on this particular instance. Robert is doing what he believes he has to in the eyes of his fan base....but his actions speak louder than any words....and when it came down to it...his spanking he took he said thank you Mr. Goodell...may I have another. He has known the whole time what will happen to Tom...and while I do agree the punishments are excessive the NFL clearly is trying to send a message to teams and players....No one is bigger than the league...don't lie to us...and don't try to take advantage of the game.

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So DESTROYED HIS PHONE sounds much better for the NFL than upgraded his phone, his broken phone, than he did everything he could, short of giving them the actual phone, which he is under absolutely no obligation to and which, as was said many months ago, would set a horrible precedent for other players going forward.

Goodell has absolutely no shame. Can't wait for the rest of the info from the appeal ... more lies to come I am sure.

How come when he went before Goodell he said that he DESTROYED his old phones.... your boys own words!!! So if he goes into this court case now saying his phone just broke.... he's caught in a lie right there. So which one is it Mr.Brady???? The man can't even get his own story straight. And you really think the court is just gonna take his words and believe Brady haha that's a joke. And Kraft is just babbling at the mouth to stick up for his guy. He's not making things any better for Brady.
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I'm joining with Gramz and a few others - I'm out of here until the next major news comes.  The "true believers" can't be convinced of truth if they touched it with their own hands and saw it with their own eyes.  The rest of us are just passing time until training camp opens (which for my Chargers is tomorrow!!!!!!)  


Can't wait for the first real game and to see how invincible the Patriots are going to be this year without Brady for the first 4 games and losing their ability to "squeeze" the football tightly to hold on to it.  How funny will/would fumble city be?!  

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Come again? The New England Patriots are the NFL's second-most valuable team, worth an estimated $2.6 billion, according to Forbes magazine. Kraft is the chairman of the NFL's broadcast committee, arguably the most important in the sport, and he was among the most responsible for Goodell's ascension to commissioner in 2006 and ending the lock out in 2011. IF that does not spell power, I don't know what does. Again, get your popcorn ready. This is back on.

1 of 32

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I swear....if a conversation between Brady and "amfootball" went down it would be like this....


Brady: I did it...I just didn't want to own up to it. I had the balls deflated it was all on me.

amfootball: The investigation was a total sham just like Yee said. They duped you into you really thinking you did it but you didn't do it.

Brady: Seriously...I really did do it. It really was me

amfootball: Tom...no it's not true. You've been brainwashed...it wasn't you and you didn't do it. I promise you didn't do it.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 

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NFLPA better have an extremely strong case that NFL was totally out of kilter. This is how the Supreme court of the United States feels about judges overturning an Arbitration case ruling-

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5 - 3 Thursday (June 2013) that courts can't overturn a class arbitration waiver simply becauseit would cost plaintiffs more to arbitrate the claim than they could possibly recover. Here, attorneys tell Law360 why this ruling is significant.Alden Atkins, Vinson & Elkins LLP "The Supreme Court is sending a strong message that courts should not interfere with arbitration agreements and arbitration decisions. The court held in [AT&T Mobility LLCv. Concepcion] and again today in [American Express Co. v. Italian Colors Restaurant] that parties can define for themselves the procedures for an arbitration, and those agreements should be upheld in the face of arguments challenging the fairness of neutral provisions. When combined with the recent [Oxford Health Plans LLC v. Sutter] decision, which upheld an arbitrator's questionable decision, the Supreme Court is telling lower courts not to interfere with the arbitration process."

This is a major reason I believe Goodell / NFL will ultimately prevail in their appeal over Judge Doty's decision overturning of Adrian Peterson's punishment by the league.

Harold Henderson was appointed arbiter, and the CBA totally allows for Goodell to do that.

Yep here it is!!! A very big reason as to why Brady is likely to get nowhere with going to court over this. The dude has done himself in... plain and simple by HIS OWN choices!!!

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I'm joining with Gramz and a few others - I'm out of here until the next major news comes.  The "true believers" can't be convinced of truth if they touched it with their own hands and saw it with their own eyes.  The rest of us are just passing time until training camp opens (which for my Chargers is tomorrow!!!!!!)  


Can't wait for the first real game and to see how invincible the Patriots are going to be this year without Brady for the first 4 games and losing their ability to "squeeze" the football tightly to hold on to it.  How funny will/would fumble city be?!  

I'm out of here as well. Brady will play and just post-pone his suspension. Even if he wins he has already lost. This is a lawyer battle now and has no baring on innocence or guilt. Then NFL couldn't even get their suspensions for child abusers and wife beaters to stand up...I have little faith this one will as well....but it doesn't change how I view those guys and at this point I've made up my mind on Tom as well too. I still think he is one of the greatest qbs I've ever witnessed and for the most part a very classy and good guy. I don't think he has been fully honest here and done nothing to clear his name from this investigation. From his news conferences to destroying evidence to basically lying that he never even knew these guys that did the deflating....I still kinda think that he told them to deflate the balls to the lowest level and they went about it the way they did. I don't think he told them to go around the rules to do it but the way to make sure was to come totally clean and show everything and he wouldn't do that. Perhaps he knew they were doing this after the refs measured them....seems possible with how he wouldn't turn over anything but even if he did this would not be nearly a big deal if he owned up to knowing...likely a fine and everyone moves on. He did choose to go down this path so we are where we are. Just hope we get to see him in week 6....would be a big let down not to face the best player in our conference.

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A * off Kraft is very bad for Roger and the league ... whatever was said or agree too back in May was obviously not upheld in Kraft's estimation and that is not good.

Who CARES???? NOBODY!!!! He can have all the money and power he wants and be as mad as he wants. The NFL WILL move on with OR without him!!! And will still be a very successful organization. Fact is.. his franchise QB is so caught up in his own lies and cover up that Kraft is doing all he can to try and help cover his boy. That's all this is. And the courts won't and don't care one iota about how much money Kraft has or how many positions he holds either nor their importance. Just an FYI. Kraft and all his crud mean NOTHING to the court or this possible case which is highly unlikely anyway.

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I'm out of here as well. Brady will play and just post-pone his suspension. Even if he wins he has already lost. This is a lawyer battle now and has no baring on innocence or guilt. Then NFL couldn't even get their suspensions for child abusers and wife beaters to stand up...I have little faith this one will as well....but it doesn't change how I view those guys and at this point I've made up my mind on Tom as well too. I still think he is one of the greatest qbs I've ever witnessed and for the most part a very classy and good guy. I don't think he has been fully honest here and done nothing to clear his name from this investigation. From his news conferences to destroying evidence to basically lying that he never even knew these guys that did the deflating....I still kinda think that he told them to deflate the balls to the lowest level and they went about it the way they did. I don't think he told them to go around the rules to do it but the way to make sure was to come totally clean and show everything and he wouldn't do that. Perhaps he knew they were doing this after the refs measured them....seems possible with how he wouldn't turn over anything but even if he did this would not be nearly a big deal if he owned up to knowing...likely a fine and everyone moves on. He did choose to go down this path so we are where we are. Just hope we get to see him in week 6....would be a big let down not to face the best player in our conference.

He has to be granted an injunction before he can take the field before week 6

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Can NFL put Brady on Exempt/Commissioner's Permission List until legal process is over (like Adrian Peterson last year)?

"The Exempt List is a special player status available to clubs only in unusual circumstances. The List includes those players who have been declared by the Commissioner to be temporarily exempt from counting within the Active List limit. Only the Commissioner has the authority to place a player on the Exempt List; clubs have no such authority, and no exemption, regardless of circumstances, is automatic. The Commissioner also has the authority to determine in advance whether a player's time on the Exempt List will be finite or will continue until the Commissioner deems the exemption should be lifted and the player returned to the Active List."

Most likely not. The club has to request it, the commissioner grants it. In the description it even states is an option for "clubs."
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Come again? The New England Patriots are the NFL's second-most valuable team, worth an estimated $2.6 billion, according to Forbes magazine. Kraft is the chairman of the NFL's broadcast committee, arguably the most important in the sport, and he was among the most responsible for Goodell's ascension to commissioner in 2006 and ending the lock out in 2011. IF that does not spell power, I don't know what does. Again, get your popcorn ready. This is back on.

I really doubt Goodell gives a rats behind if Kraft is mad.

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I swear....if a conversation between Brady and "amfootball" went down it would be like this....

Brady: I did it...I just didn't want to own up to it. I had the balls deflated it was all on me.

amfootball: The investigation was a total sham just like Yee said. They duped you into you really thinking you did it but you didn't do it.

Brady: Seriously...I really did do it. It really was me

amfootball: Tom...no it's not true. You've been brainwashed...it wasn't you and you didn't do it. I promise you didn't do it.

Probably the best post of the thread so far and oh so true.

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Most likely not. The club has to request it, the commissioner grants it. In the description it even states is an option for "clubs."


While I agree, I am stuck on the part about only the Commissioner has the authority to put someone on that list, wouldn't that mean he could do it without the club asking?

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Another possible issue is from the ruling from the Spygate issue. I've heard that there are provisions in there if they find Belicheck to have another similar issue that he could be banned from the league. It's possible that they didn't want the league digging even deeper into the issue because they could lose their head coach if something was to come out he was "generally" aware of the issue as well.

I think it's very possible Goodell went to Kraft and said look I pretty much made spygate go away and you repay me with this and now you want to fight on it?  Really?  I also think just about everyone feel these two things aren't the only two things the Pats are doing to cheat.  I remember Collinsworth saying he thought the NFL was about to open a can of worms and find some worms so I think it's very possible Goodell pretty much told the Pats they could accept this now and the league would stop digging or if he really wanted to fight it they were going to keep digging and see what they find. 

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