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Who's your Top 5?


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1. Luck -- ...next

2. Castonzo -- our pass protection would instantly be garbage.

3. Davis -- would no longer have anyone to shut down #1 WRs.  Toler would be picked on all day.

4. Hilton -- "pick your poison" would turn into "cover Andre"

5. Adams -- didn't enter my mind at first, but I have to agree with the other posters ITT.  Geathers could be good eventually, but I sure as hell don't wanna throw him into the fire right away.



Mathis would be next.  Didn't put him in the top 5 because hopefully Cole/Newsome could do a reasonable job in his absence.

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I'm surprised at how many people are saying Mathis. We didn't have him for last season and we were still able to muster up a decent pass rush. Even if he's healthy, I don't think he'll be able to have a huge impact

Our pass rush was not good last year. When we got pressure it was because we blitzed which can leave the secondary exposed. By having Mathis (hopefully healthy and at least half of what he was in 2013) we can generate more pressure without having to constantly blitz.

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I'm surprised at how many people are saying Mathis. We didn't have him for last season and we were still able to muster up a decent pass rush. Even if he's healthy, I don't think he'll be able to have a huge impact

I feel the same way about Mathis but not TY if he goes down we have an aging #1 and a bunch of guys who have done nothing in the NFL almost same impact as losing Adams.

As a franchise we have gotten lucky with guys like Marvin and TY producing early that's not the norm. There would be a lot of pressure on the youngsters and more 2 TE sets. I think it would really limit us offensively.

Luck Davis Castonzo TY Adams

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luck- captain obvious

castonzo - second most important player.  we would have trouble against any half decent defense without him

mathis-  not super obvious, but hes our only guy with any experience at all getting pressure on the leagues best QBs

davis- he could miss a game or two, but going on IR might be too much

??? not sure who to put here, no one else on defense seems indispensable(id feel lucky to get another good season out of adams anyway), and we are pretty deep at offensive skill positions.  mewhort maybe?

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To me this list begins and ends with Luck.  Everyone else by themselves can be replaced and the team can compensate in some fashion.  There is no compensating without Luck.

Explain how the likes of Vontae & Castonzo can be replaced. Shutdown CBs & pro bowl caliber LTs don't grow on trees.

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1. Luck

2. Gore


4. The entire offensive line

5. Trent Cole. Hopefully, money well spent making contributions stopping the run & making opposing QBs feel very uncomfortable. 


Yes, I revere Dwayne Allen, but our defense was our achilles heel which is why I put Cole at #5. I just needed to clear the air. Thank you. 

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1. Luck

2. Castonzo

3. davis

4. Andre

5. Not sure, Ask me after pre season


I've said it before but I think Andre will be the biggest difference maker. We did not have a receiver of his skill set on our team last year who was healthy. If all he catches are < 10 yard passes for first downs and no TDs we can easily win the superbowl because that was the main thing missing in our offense down the stretch.

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I think that we have enough decent receivers that we can deal with one injury with little difficulty. TY, Andre, and Moncrief have proven that they can make plays. Dorsett or Carter will hope to become playmakers as well, and at least one of them should be able to show their worth if they're suddenly thrust into a starting spot. Plus, it's not like we're gonna have to run three or more receiver formations every down. There are plenty of playmakers available in our receiving corps.

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Granting these are healthy to start (and also my necessary 5 to stay healthy), in the pass happy, QB driven NFL, my indispensable 5-








Those 5, that order.


If Mathis isn't (close to)  his old self to start the season, that is a huge setback. 

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Explain how the likes of Vontae & Castonzo can be replaced. Shutdown CBs & pro bowl caliber LTs don't grow on trees.


OK Sparky - here goes...


1) Last year Mathis would have been said to be the 2nd most irreplaceable Colt and they made it all the way to the AFC Championship Game without him.  


2) They can roll coverage to Davis' replacement


3) They can slide protection to whoever the new LT would be.


4) Plus in both instances they have more depth than in previous years


5) Luck goes down and there is no replacing him


The point is they will be contenders largely because of the QB play.  Everyone is replaceable to one extent or another.  Not easily replaced and their losses would be felt.

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