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Supposed Luck response to a Jets fan.


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Stellar reporting.

I highly doubt that happened, but who knows. All I know is we won't let him leave anytime soon.



I don't know if it happened or not, funny if it did though.  You're right Luck is not going anywhere for a long time.

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2 problems here


1. It's from Fox.


2. That doesn't appear to be like Luck and all of his goofy character to have a response like that.


1. Why would the fact that it is from Fox be a problem vs. any other sports site?


2. Do you really believe that Luck is incapable of dropping an F bomb?

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Pats game Luck dropped a huge F bomb when we finally scored. He is capable of cursing the evidence is there. Would he say that to another teams fan... Unless he was drunk and slipped up, I personally doubt it.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, June 14, 2015 - political
Hidden by Nadine, June 14, 2015 - political

2 problems here


1. It's from Fox.


Someone has nibbled at the liberal cheese a bit too much. 


FOX Sports has a respectable reputation, and is somewhat separate from FOX News in general, from all I've heard. 




2. That doesn't appear to be like Luck and all of his goofy character to have a response like that.

IF....if he even said this, I'm sure it was in a joking "Guy humor" kinda way. Don't tell any of the ladies here, but we (men) usually get quite crude when the women folk aren't around. 

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Couple of things.....


First,  Fox is NOT the originator of the story.    The New York Post is.    Fox simply shared the Post story.


Second,  while I think Luck is capable of dropping an ^^^,  especially in a game,  I don't think he'd do it in New York City to a fan who reportedly said he wishes he was the Jets quarterback.


That response does NOT sound like Andrew Luck.    If it's true,  it's the first time since he became a member of the Colts that he said something inappropriate in public and it got reported.


The story does not ring true to me.

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Couple of things.....


First,  Fox is NOT the originator of the story.    The New York Post is.    Fox simply shared the Post story.


Second,  while I think Luck is capable of dropping an ^^^,  especially in a game,  I don't think he'd do it in New York City to a fan who reportedly said he wishes he was the Jets quarterback.


That response does NOT sound like Andrew Luck.    If it's true,  it's the first time since he became a member of the Colts that he said something inappropriate in public and it got reported.


The story does not ring true to me.


I'm sort of in agreement with you.  That sounds like something he'd say to a teammate or someone he knows, not to a random fan.


Now if J-Martin said, I wish you where our QB, I wouldn't doubt that response at all.


But some random guy he never met.  He'd probably just thank him for the compliment or something like that. 

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I'm sort of in agreement with you.  That sounds like something he'd say to a teammate or someone he knows, not to a random fan.


Now if J-Martin said, I wish you where our QB, I wouldn't doubt that response at all.


But some random guy he never met.  He'd probably just thank him for the compliment or something like that. 


If Luck said a mean word to J-Martin it would probably hurt his feelings though.

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Furthermore, There is not likely a single Jets player or coach that will go public with a comment about it but its safe to assume many of them would prefer Luck over Geno Smith at this point (Or any point going forward very likely)

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I agree, it doesn't sound true to me.  But even if it was...so what...he doesn't want to be a Jet's QB.  But i don't think he'd be rude to a fan of another team especially when that fan was basically paying him a compliment.


On a side note, funny comment on that at the bottom was : "Andrew Luck walks into a bar,.....and wins 11 games.".....lol

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Yeah, no way a grown man would use the greatest word ever while sipping on some beer.

It's not the word it's the context he used it in... If it were Manziel I would believe the story but not with Luck.

Then again it would be irrelevant with Manziel because no fan would want him as their QB too begin with.

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2 problems here

1. It's from Fox.

2. That doesn't appear to be like Luck and all of his goofy character to have a response like that.

First and foremost Luck definitely has been know to drop some F bombs, furthermore I've seen Luck borderline stumbling drunk before and it made me realize my perception of the guy is probably no where near what he's really like off the field. I'm not saying his goofiness is a facade, but he eats, drinks, and drops f bombs like the rest of us. And he's got a good sense of humor, if the statement is true, I think it was truthful, but all in good humor.
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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, June 14, 2015 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Nadine, June 14, 2015 - quoting removed post

Someone has nibbled at the liberal cheese a bit too much. 


FOX Sports has a respectable reputation, and is somewhat separate from FOX News in general, from all I've heard. 


IF....if he even said this, I'm sure it was in a joking "Guy humor" kinda way. Don't tell any of the ladies here, but we (men) usually get quite crude when the women folk aren't around. 

I don't see what politics has to do with this ruk. There's a running gag of sorts on the internet (mainly YouTube) that makes fun of Fox news and disrepute's anything they put out. It's a joke on the fact that their slogan is "We report, you decide." I see by the responses I got that my original intention had been missed and taken at face value.

As to the other part of my post, NCF expounded on what I was trying to get across in a better way. I don't doubt that Luck cusses as I've seen him mouth the holy mother of all "bad words" after throwing an interception numerous times. I just don't believe that Luck would be so up front and phrase an answer like that to a fan

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