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Brady suspended four games, Pats fined and docked two draft picks (Mega Merge)


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But why not the same ball ?



They decided a while ago that the QB's could make the balls more to their liking. One QB might have very large hands and another small hands , hence they are most efficient with different balls. As long as the balls meet standards , I don't see a reason they need to be all using the same "uniform" ball. There just needs to be a safeguard against teams being able to alter them after they pass the pre game inspection.

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I think everyone would benefit from realizing we ALL ARE BIASED. We all have an opinion shaped by lots and lots of factors. Now....some people are trying to stir the pot...cause issue and basically refuse to be even slightly objective...and others have stated very good points...very informative answers...but that doesn't mean everyone is going to agree. People can still agree on one part and disagree on another. People can agree on the infraction and not the penalty. If we can just try to be respectful of others there is no reason the conversation can't be had and even some disagreement among the items being discussed. This is a subject with many many parts...I doubt even amongst the Colt fans we can all agree on any much less all of the issues going on. That said if your a Patriot fan and your wanting to argue that NO wrong doing was done...I think your just here for an arguement (trolling). If you want to discuss one or two of the pieces I can get that...but to try to wash the whole thing under the rug....thats not going to be met with anything positive and your just here for trouble. I appreciate those that post here...even the ones I disagree with Colt and Pat or Browns or UK : ) fans alike but people have to understand the venue in which they are posting. You can't get all up in arms if someone doesn't take a Brady view of this if it is a Pat fan or if you're a Colts fan and try to treat this investigation like it was the bible and all encompassing and knowing then your going to reach just as extreme conclusions. I think everyone could take a deep breath and just stop feeding the arguing...on both sides. There is still some informative and positive discussion that can be had but people are going to have to take a moderate approach otherwise I'm sure we are just going to end up with a bunch of closed threads or banned individuals. I think agreeing to disagree is not a bad thing! Done it many times on this forum...not hurt my feelings one bit. I appreciate all the varying views and discussion. Its clear the passion everyone has is strong on all sides. We just need to remember the forum rules and realize sometimes we just gotta realize there is two sides and even if we think there shouldn't be...there is and respect that. I'm a proud Colts fan...and I know there are proud Pats fans too but waving that Pat fandom on the Colts board while discussing Patriot violations...probably only going to inflame things.....and those responding to every single said defense and taking note...probably best to leave that bone alone...it ain't worth chasing.

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I actually disagree - it would have been a big deal regardless of organization.  It was flat out knowingly, intentionally, secretively breaking the rules A.K.A. Cheating.  


Cheating of any kind should be dealt with harshly in order engender fear and compliance and so work towards preserving the integrity of the sport.  


However, most other organizations would have been a first time violation and would have had much lesser penalties.

IMO Brady brought all this upon himself and the Patriots. He had his chance to clear all of this up had he cooperated with the investigation. By his arrogance in the first interview his comment was what's the big deal? This is not Isis and no one got killed. When ask if he cheated he never said the words no, I did not cheat. Had he fessed up when this first came out he would have taken a token fine and moved on. If he was really innocent then why not cooperate with the investigation? It is real simple. He had something to hide and didn't want Wells to find out for sure. It don't take a rocket scientist to know where there is smoke, there is fire.

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They decided a while ago that the QB's could make the balls more to their liking. One QB might have very large hands and another small hands , hence they are most efficient with different balls. As long as the balls meet standards , I don't see a reason they need to be all using the same "uniform" ball. There just needs to be a safeguard against teams being able to alter them after they pass the pre game inspection.


Its only been a rule 8 years because Tom Brady & Peyton Manning wanted  , While Peyton Manning would never cheat the other guy surely does why not just make it a level playing field its a stupid rule .

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Its only been a rule 8 years because Tom Brady & Peyton Manning wanted  , While Peyton Manning would never cheat the other guy surely does why not just make it a level playing field its a stupid rule .


It would be a level playing field if an * didn't decide to have a bloke stick a ball with a needle. 

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Example?  I never get riled up by league offenses (check my posts on the Browns and Falcons punishments). I could have cared less. The off-field stuff has been different as some of the offense this year have been heinous but what has bothered me more is the league handling of them. And now to have the league come down like this on my team for ball deflation just does not sit well.

It didn't have to sit anyway had Brady come clean one way or another. If he had fessed up he would have taken a token fine and this whole thing would be history. But Brady chose to not cooperate and he, himself is who caused this whole chain of events to happen. If he didn't have anything to hide then why not take the chance to redeem himself when he had the chance? In your mind Brady can do no wrong and I feel sorry for you. You put your whole fandom on a deceitful person who cant stand up like a man and take the punishment he deserves. Brady has done zero to prove his innocence so he is the one who must be blamed for this whole thing. There is nothing wrong with accepting the facts and still be a Patriot fan. No one in this forum has anything personal against you except your inability to see the truth and your tunnel vision.

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" In my opinion, this outcome was pre-determined; there was no fairness in the Wells investigation whatsoever. --Mr. Yee. 


Way to be impartial there Mr. Yee being paid by Mr. Brady to find your own pre-determined conclusion. Your client's complete innocence. LOL! 


Tom, because I like you like you, let me give you some free advice: Tell your attorney to tone down the overzealous rhetoric & just say that Tom will have an opportunity to address these charges during his appeal. The more your attorney speaks the dumber & more guilty you look. Hurry up & set up your own venue to discuss this scandal in your own words Tom because I'm beginning to lose my own patience.


You handle the football daily as part of your profession. You can't tell me that you know about what Mr. Jim McNally did. There is no direct needle in your hand, but don't insult my intelligence Brady. Suddenly some low level equipment guy is invited to the QB room your private office out of the blue to see how he's holding up. Holding up from what exactly? The one & only time he gets invited to that room since you were named the QB in NE. Come on Brady I'm not that stupid. Nobody's that stupid. 

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Oh please. Nothing like taking a list like that and not put them into the context of the posts that I was responding to from other posters. And I have not been able to respond to everyone on everything as I don't have that much time or typing muscle. Not to mention many times I received the same questions over and over ...


As I said, it has been shameful what has been allowed to be said and remain on these boards. There are some great posters up here but the number of off the wall posts has increased dramatically ...

So your post are not off the wall? I remember the old saying when you point a finger at someone there are three pointing right back at you.

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Yes. It appears so. And he should. Too much at stake to let them mar his team like this and not fight it tooth and nail. Any owner in his situation would do the same with a report that was inconclusive and ultimately about ball tampering. Just let that sit in.

No ANY owner wouldn't!!! You have no idea of that. Pats deserve what they got. A lying, cheating franchise that doesn't wanna cooperate wheb their integrity is called under question!!!! They obviously had something to hide, otherwise there shouldn't have been any problem cooperating. And let this set in, your franchises legacy is now TAINTED FOREVER!!!!! There will always be question marks and black cloud above them. The integrity of your team now and over the lat 15 years is under severe question and will continue to be. Not a team I wanna be a fan of, thats all I can say!!!

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Right. I'm sure the NFL was just itching to embarrass one of its biggest superstars and one of its most profitable teams. I don't think the whole thing was that serious, but this conspiracy stuff is nonsense.

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It didn't have to sit anyway had Brady come clean one way or another. If he had fessed up he would have taken a token fine and this whole thing would be history. But Brady chose to not cooperate and he, himself is who caused this whole chain of events to happen. If he didn't have anything to hide then why not take the chance to redeem himself when he had the chance? In your mind Brady can do no wrong and I feel sorry for you. You put your whole fandom on a deceitful person who cant stand up like a man and take the punishment he deserves. Brady has done zero to prove his innocence so he is the one who must be blamed for this whole thing. There is nothing wrong with accepting the facts and still be a Patriot fan. No one in this forum has anything personal against you except your inability to see the truth and your tunnel vision.

Well said....well said!!! Some people dont value integrity and honesty I guess.

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Why the cheap shot then? At least have the decency to PM me. I had no idea you had any issue with my stances on this topic since last week ...

You have known 99% of the Colts fans who have posted in this thread have tons of issues with your "stances" since last week. You call people all sorts of names and go out of your way to ruffle feathers and you are shocked that people don't want to deal with your shenanigans? I told you days ago that if you keep running your mouth to people then eventually they are going to snap back. That's how human interaction works. This thread would be on life support if you didn't keep jabbing at people left and right.

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To anyone who believes that two lowly equipment managers are going to alter the condition of their organizations Star QB's footballs before the AFC Championship game and after the inspection of the League Officials without the knowledge of said Star QB, I have a gold mine in Ecuador that I would like to sell you. I just don’t have the time to work it anymore but it will make you Millions

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You have known 99% of the Colts fans who have posted in this thread have tons of issues with your "stances" since last week. You call people all sorts of names and go out of your way to ruffle feathers and you are shocked that people don't want to deal with your shenanigans? I told you days ago that if you keep running your mouth to people then eventually they are going to snap back. That's how human interaction works. This thread would be on life support if you didn't keep jabbing at people left and right.

Out of likes but yes you hit the nail squarely on the head.

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I actually disagree - it would have been a big deal regardless of organization. It was flat out knowingly, intentionally, secretively breaking the rules A.K.A. Cheating.

Cheating of any kind should be dealt with harshly in order engender fear and compliance and so work towards preserving the integrity of the sport.

However, most other organizations would have been a first time violation and would have had much lesser penalties.

You are right, but maybe it would have gone a little easier on them if they didn't have the prior offenses. By the way, where is the Kraft apology to everyone ?

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I think the list is a fair summary of the views you've expressed across the various topics. Besides for someone who hasn't got much tine you've certainly found it to respond to the posts that don't ask difficult questuons or poke holes in a lot of what you've said.

You're right though the number of off the wall posts has been silly but I'm afraid IMO they've mostly come from you. The way you've represented yourself and your team is a great example of why people don't like the Pats. The sheer hubris the say we cheated but we don't care because we won and you all hate us because we win. Mind boggling levels of arrogance and delusion.

To be clear I'm posting as a poster here, you've been given a lot of time and patience by a lot of people involved on this forum and quite frankly you're abusing it.

Nicely put, SCC.:applause:

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, May 13, 2015 - inflammatory post, and responses
Hidden by Superman, May 13, 2015 - inflammatory post, and responses

No ANY owner wouldn't!!! You have no idea of that. Pats deserve what they got. A lying, cheating franchise that doesn't wanna cooperate wheb their integrity is called under question!!!! They obviously had something to hide, otherwise there shouldn't have been any problem cooperating. And let this set in, your franchises legacy is now TAINTED FOREVER!!!!! There will always be question marks and black cloud above them. The integrity of your team now and over the lat 15 years is under severe question and will continue to be. Not a team I wanna be a fan of, thats all I can say!!!


so lame.   give me 4 titles in 15 years over 1 lousy SB win against friggin rex grossman.  maybe you guys should cheat more often.  lol

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, May 13, 2015 - inflammatory post, and responses
Hidden by Superman, May 13, 2015 - inflammatory post, and responses

so lame.   give me 4 titles in 15 years over 1 lousy SB win against friggin rex grossman.  maybe you guys should cheat more often.  lol

The real SB that year was the AFC title game. Kinda like SEA/SF two years ago on the NFC side.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, May 13, 2015 - inflammatory post, and responses
Hidden by Superman, May 13, 2015 - inflammatory post, and responses

so lame.   give me 4 titles in 15 years over 1 lousy SB win against friggin rex grossman.  maybe you guys should cheat more often.  lol



curious to know what motivates you to post in this forum ?

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The other thing that bothers me is how some reporters are implying that a 4 time SB Champion should somehow be treated more leniently than say a say an NFL QB with no shiny jewelry on his hand. Excuse me? 


I might give a man of his caliber [what Brady has accomplished in this league] the benefit of the doubt initially until he refuses to turn over his phone thru his attorney's law firm. That's a H-U-G-E red flag to me.


There are no special rules for HOF QBs & then everybody else. Your lawyer is there to protect you & verify that no sensitive materials outside this investigation.


We can do this the easy way or the hard way  & if you give me [ [NFL investigators]  additional work; we will nail your behind to the wall Mr. Brady. You turn over what the league asks for & be completely forthcoming & the punishment phase will be minimal, but if you act defiant & not comply with us & the league will sting you pretty good. 


I just don't like the idea of preferential treatment. I don't give a crap how many rings you have. You play ball & the whole experience is a gentle one; You play hardball & you will feel like a porcupine took advantage of you. The ball is & always was in Brady's court. He determines how he is treated & right now he's created his own nightmare as I see it. 

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This is just laughable.

"Yee didn't stop there. He also suggested the league was in cahoots with the Indianapolis Colts, who blew the whistle on the Patriots after under-inflated footballs were found in the first half of their AFC Championship Game loss to New England in January."


Okay, Mr. Yee so let me get this straight. The League & the Colts started a clandestine, cloak & dagger operation to discredit the Patriots & Tom Brady for what purpose exactly? Beating INDY 45-7 suggests our plan to humiliate NE & advance to the SB vs the Seahawks was an F on the diabolical execution scale Mr. Yee. Your ludicrous argument would have more credibility if NE actually lost that game sir. 


Funny how Mr. Yee neglected to mention that zebras had no psi issues with Colts balls. So, anytime NE doesn't win a crucial game Roger Goodell & Ryan Grigson are twirling facial hair in a dark room & devising schemes to dismantle the Patriots huh? Are you really that delusional Mr. Yee? Wow. 

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Facts and truth aren't suspended or somehow unattainable just because bias exists.

You just reminded me of something very important, Superman! I thank you for it.

I will leave this thread (it's time) with a quote that has been burned in my mind since I first learned of it many years ago. And in my mind, settles the entire argument :

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

John Adams, 2nd President of the United States

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Except according to Wells : 


In a conference call on Tuesday, Wells was asked about this. He said that nothing came of Grigson's warning because no one believed it.

"No one took the complaint that seriously," he said, via NFL Media's Albert Breer. "The complaint wasn't supported by any evidence."

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/nfl-didnt-take-colts-deflated-football-warning-seriously-2015-5#ixzz3ZyuysUgh



So........OPPOSITE of the truth

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The strangest thing to me is Tom Brady's happy go lucky demeanor. These are some serious allegations leveled against you Tommy. Why aren't you more ticked off? Why are you letting your father & your attorney do the heavy lifting? If someone was accusing me of intentionally disrespecting the integrity of the game that made me a wealthy man & household name across the globe, I'd be screaming from the rooftops "I didn't do this, hook me up to a lie detector right now." The public isn't interested in legal jargon. They want an answer from you own mouth right now darn it. 


It's like working at a bank where money is missing & video cameras confirm you were the only 1 on duty & you locked the vault that night. Are you gonna smile, say I have no idea what happened, & use your lawyer as your primary mouthpiece? Ah no, I'm going to say "I'm a dedicated employee. I have nothing to hide. What do you need from me to clear this matter up? Feel free to search my house without a warrant if you want. I have nothing to run away from or be ashamed of at all." 

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You just reminded me of something very important, Superman! I thank you for it.

I will leave this thread (it's time) with a quote that has been burned in my mind since I first learned of it many years ago. And in my mind, settles the entire argument :

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

John Adams, 2nd President of the United States

Love this.  


I chose to walk away 4 days ago because I was finding myself being sucked into arguments and stooping to levels that didn't make me feel too good about myself.  


It's been a wild week in the NFL, the media, social media and so on.  Emotions seem to be on overload with just about everyone.


But you are correct.  Facts are stubborn things and you can't change facts no matter how much you wish it.

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