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Colts select Phillip Dorsett 29 [Mega Merge]


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When the AFC championship game was over I turned to my friend and said " you know what? The only thing this team is missing is a world-class kick returner."



if you recall, we scored 7 points.  people only like to mention the 45 allowed.

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The team will need a third receiver in the future because Johnson will not be around long, and he helps as a kick returner too. It may not have been a pick the fans like... but it will pay off in the long run. It isn't about blowing smoke up anyone's rear end. You have no clue what other moves they have in mind so R-e-l-a-x.

/This forum is what is horrible, and with that I'm gone forever. 

Then pick up that future insurance in a later round. This is a friggin first round pick here that we just wasted.  With all of the signing of older free agents indicative of this team being in win now mode...now you want to talk to me about the future.   The future is NOW...we are on the cusp and the only thing holding us back is our inability to stop the run and lack of depth at safety.  We could have made a significant move to drastically improve one of those areas but we let it pass.


The Pats who actually know what they are doing pounced on Mack Brown.  That could have been the DT we needed to plug in the middle of our rushing yard riddled defensive line. 


Can you look at your computer screen with a straight face and honestly not understand how some fans could be upset with this draft pick?  It's draft day man... you are going to get emotion on here.  Are you new to this or something?


You don't have to leave but if you decide to then don't let the door knob hit you on the way out. 

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In all seriousness, it's entirely possible that we'll all be very glad to have this guy on our team, in 2015 and for years to come.


But I think the major malfunction occurring on this board is that most of us are checking under our beds for LaGarrete Blount at night. 

Dorsett is very likely to become a great player.  He has the physical tools, he has a great attitude, and he will be working with Andrew Luck.  No knocks against Dorsett.  But when the middle of your defense gets routinely gashed by one team for 200+ rush yards, and you don't take a very good available defensive player that fills a need, it makes me question what the scouts have been watching and how they're ranking players.

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Shouldn't you be doing something more important, Ryan Grigson GM of the Indianapolis Colts?

I wish, I'm just a fan of the blue and white. And this pick as well. This guy is like a young version of Marvin Harrison, that can grow with Andrew Luck. One thing Ryan said he was doing was bringing in play makers and this is one. THE FASTEST WIDE RECEIVER IN THE DRAFT. Check his highlights out on YouTube
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Imagine Julian Edelman and Phillip Dorsett on the field at the same time with Tom Brady.  I'd rather not be facing that on top of whatever they would have coming out of the back field.  I'll take them picking up Malcom Brown or Eddie Goldman any day over having to face that.

Patriots don't pick receivers in the first........for a reason.

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Imagine Julian Edelman and Phillip Dorsett on the field at the same time with Tom Brady.  I'd rather not be facing that on top of whatever they would have coming out of the back field.  I'll take them picking up Malcom Brown or Eddie Goldman any day over having to face that. 


Great point.  Speaking of Edelman, the addition of Dorsett finally gives the Colts a homerun threat at the kickoff/punt returner positions.  The pick just had lots of value - a starting WR with 4.27 speed and a kickoff/punt returner. 


Cribbs almost cost us the Denver game.  He put us in the hole against the Pats.

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Thats what you and many people fail to understand!!! Its BPA not according to need!!! The longer you stick to hoping we're gonna draft according to need, the more you're gonna be upset. Sorry but that's just reality. And there is still 8 picks left and alot if solid defensive players still available. It's not the end.

The defensive talent in the second round at our pick will be much less than at pick 29.
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I actually believe this WR is going to be awesome. Problem is, yeah it's not a glaring need OBVIOUSLY. But, at least we won't hopefully have another Jerry Hughes type of situation on our hands. I remember everyone and myself sadly going nuts on WE GOT THE NEXT FREENEY ZOMG.


Normally I trust the Colts on offense in first rounds.


I think this offense is going to be flat out delicious to watch.

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if you recall, we scored 7 points.  people only like to mention the 45 allowed.


lol exactly.  I don't care how good your defense is.  If it is on the field the entire game, it's going to tire out.


Dorsett = lots of value for one pick.  You get a starting WR with 4.27 speed and a kickoff/punt returner.

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Posted · Hidden by SteelCityColt, May 1, 2015 - Shot at mods
Hidden by SteelCityColt, May 1, 2015 - Shot at mods

Dr Guido isn't very good at telling jokes. 


Here's a good one;


A wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver walk into a bar.....



no punchline......sorry

I'd rather have that then a majority of the people on this forum, haha. So have fun on this terribly run forum I have had a good chuckle... and hope that if any of the cruddy mods are paying attention they will ban this account for me. Thank you, and good by forever.

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Thats what you and many people fail to understand!!! Its BPA not according to need!!! The longer you stick to hoping we're gonna draft according to need, the more you're gonna be upset. Sorry but that's just reality. And there is still 8 picks left and alot if solid defensive players still available. It's not the end.

I'm in favour of a balanced approach.  Sometimes, you go BPA.  Sometimes, you go need.  Sometimes, the two come together and you can select Malcolm Brown or Eddie Goldman.  I'm not saying we go solely on need, but when need and talent line up and you take a guy that brings talent, but doesn't fill a need, it makes me question how the scouts are working.  Yes, there are 8 picks left, and yes there is a lot of solid defensive talent available, but the talent of the guys we just passed up on aren't likely to be found at the end of the 2nd round and further beyond that

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When the AFC championship game was over I turned to my friend and said " you know what? The only thing this team is missing is a world-class kick returner."


I said the same thing earlier in the game.


You know, when Cribbs coughed up the pill again (deep in our own territory) and allowed NE to score an easy TD.

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Dr Guido isn't very good at telling jokes.

Here's a good one;

A wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver walk into a bar.....

no punchline......sorry

So it's an anecdote. " You know, no punchline, just a really cute story"

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Not a bad pick considering what the other teams in out division selected. Those who consider this a bad pick need to look at those things. Each team just got better. We needed playmakers like Grigson said. We'll find out other needs in the other rounds don't worry.

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It's amazing how many paid shills are in this thread. Maybe that's all that Irsay has on the payroll because we sure as hell aren't paying the scouting department.

The scouting department is actually 6 monkeys. They hold up pictures of players and see which one the monkeys prefer. Even they wanted Brown, but Grigson vetoed.
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Thanks for the response, I can't buy having a specialty 'set' in lieu of critical every down guys.  I get what you're saying, I think that's reserved for a team with all of it's needs filled.  Four of our last six picks have been back up wide-outs.  I just can square it against needs like ILB, Safety, DT, Edge and OT...all of which were available.  Our offense to defense draft ratio is now 75%-25% in favor of offense, so while we keep stock pilling back ups we lack starters on D....just don't get it.

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Dr Guido isn't very good at telling jokes. 


Here's a good one;


A wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver and a wide receiver walk into a bar.....



no punchline......sorry

...and Ryan Grigson says, let me sign you all up to long term cap killing contracts so we can't afford any decent defensive players...as the mini-Polian laughs gleefully by his side.

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Proof of this?


The problem is you don't have any proof either for what you're saying because you're not sitting in there war room.  Everyone knows Bellichick doesn't keep doing the same things all the time so you can't say for a fact they wouldn't take a wideout.  I do know Dorsett fits very well what the Patriots like to do on offense.  He would be a good value pick for that style they play. 

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Let's take a look at the receivers and tight ends for the 3 other teams in the championship games this past season....not a single receiver or tight end taken in the first round.

I have been saying for a long while that the receiver position is way overrated. When you have a franchise QB you should build up the offensive line and build a strong defense. The rest will take care of itself.

But that's just me

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Thats what you and many people fail to understand!!! Its BPA not according to need!!! The longer you stick to hoping we're gonna draft according to need, the more you're gonna be upset. Sorry but that's just reality. And there is still 8 picks left and alot if solid defensive players still available. It's not the end.



You realize that drafting the 'best player available' is a worn out, and false cliche right? If every team drafted the 'best player available', there would be no such thing as a late round steal or a first round bust. That right there should tell you how much of a crapshoot the draft is. When you consider that half of all first round picks are busts, you'd think more teams would draft based on the need meets BPA crossroad.

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BPA: best player available; the highest ranked player on your board.


I'm not saying Dorsett is a bad player.  He's a very talented player.  What I'm confused by is how they don't take talent + need and instead opt for just talent.  If that's the case, which it must be given the selection, then they either had Dorsett very high, or many of those defensive players very low.  I don't agree with the front office and scouts that Dorsett should be ranked significantly higher than Brown, Goldman, etc.

i think positions like safety are kinda like Rb. You can still get crazy value later in the draft. You don't need 4.3 speed...38 inch vertical....you can make up for athleticism etc with smarts and technique.....on the other hand a how many 4.2 speed wrs that get in and out of breaks and have the hands like this kid....I like him....don't get me wrong I wish there was that elite defensive player there for us when we drafted but it wasn't...so we went out and got the guy that would make us a better team. A playmaker difference maker...hard to go wrong doing that. I can only imagine if we get a Rb in rd 2... I almost hope to see it....can't imagine the chaos lol.
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The problem is you don't have any proof either for what you're saying because you're not sitting in there war room. Everyone knows Bellichick doesn't keep doing the same things all the time so you can't say for a fact they wouldn't take a wideout. I do know Dorsett fits very well what the Patriots like to do on offense. He would be a good value pick for that style they play.

Proof of what? I said they don't pick receivers in the first. Name the last receiver BB selected in the first round. I will wait.
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BPA: best player available; the highest ranked player on your board.


I'm not saying Dorsett is a bad player.  He's a very talented player.  What I'm confused by is how they don't take talent + need and instead opt for just talent.  If that's the case, which it must be given the selection, then they either had Dorsett very high, or many of those defensive players very low.  I don't agree with the front office and scouts that Dorsett should be ranked significantly higher than Brown, Goldman, etc.


This post of yours is not very distinguished either.  


I tried to tell you what BPA means - did you not pay attention?


As to your last line, that is pretty freaking funny.  I don't know of those guys you mention who should be rated higher and neither do you.  But very clearly the Colts had Dorsett rated SIGNIFICANTLY higher than them.  

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I have been saying for a long while that the receiver position is way overrated. When you have a franchise QB you should build up the offensive line and build a strong defense. The rest will take care of itself.

But that's just me


Of the many reasons that the Colts lost to the Pats, one of the main ones was that Indy's WR's could not separate from Patriot DB's.  It was a huge factor.  Luck is great and will be even better in years to come but he needs guys to make plays. 

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The scouting department is actually 6 monkeys. They hold up pictures of players and see which one the monkeys prefer. Even they wanted Brown, but Grigson vetoed.



You might want to check your sources sir, I hear they employ the tried and true method of manatees picking idea balls to submit to our most esteemed GM.



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This reminds me a lot of the year the Colts took Reggie. Everyone said the Colts had to take a cornerback and there were many on the board to pick from. Instead the Colts took Wayne. Flash forward a few years none of the corners panned out and the Colts ended up with a hall of fame WR and maybe the second most important Colt in Indianapolis Colts history. If the Colts weren't completely sold on the defensive guys there and were on this guy I'd rather they over draft WR than force a pick on defense just because it's a need.

At first glance I fully understand why this pick is so head scratching. At a closer glance he's going to be able to help on returns right away. He also gives them more depth at WR for the future when TY's contract is up. Johnson only signed a two year deal and isn't getting any younger. Also, while Moncrief showed a lot of promise last year he also disappeared in a lot of big games too. It also tells me Carter is being viewed as more of a project than a right away answer that some saw him as.

I understand why this pick is going to upset so many right now but I would encourage people to let things playout. Sure in a couple of years we might be going man we could have had Brown in the middle or why did we let Collins slip to the second round or whatever. However, if Johnson is gone and Carter doesn't pan out and this kid does and maybe the defensive guys don't live up to the hype we might be calling his a great pick much like we did with Polian and Reggie.

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This post of yours is not very distinguished either.  


I tried to tell you what BPA means - did you not pay attention?


As to your last line, that is pretty freaking funny.  I don't know of those guys you mention who should be rated higher and neither do you.  But very clearly the Colts had Dorsett rated SIGNIFICANTLY higher than them.  

Obviously.  And I'm saying I disagree with them

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